18 research outputs found
A Comparative Study on the Principles of Online Buying and Selling from the Perspectives of Islamic Law and Indonesian Positive Law
The study aims to analyze the comparative perspectives between Islamic Law and Indonesian Positive Law in the practices of online buying and selling (trading). This study uses a juridical and normative approach with a specification of descriptive-analytical research. The data comes from primary law, secondary law, and tertiary law, and the researcher used a qualitative method to analyse the data. The shift and development of offline-based buying and selling (trading) practices to online practices today has required special regulation in the Indonesian Positive Law. The absence of specific rules regarding the practice of online buying and selling indicates that these activities should be subjected to the existing positive Indonesian laws. The principle of freedom of making contracts in the Civil Code (KUH Perdata) provides freedom to make any trade agreements. For the sake of legal certainty in the execution of online buying and selling, the parties must refer to the provisions of the Civil Code, the Information and Electronic Transaction Law (ITE Law), and the Consumer Protection Law (UUPK Law) that are relevant to the trading practice. In addition to these provisions, Islamic Law within the scope of mu’amalah also provides guidelines for the practice of direct buying and selling, but not online buying and selling; however, Islamic law also provides freedom in mu’amalah. The existence of these provisions makes it interesting to conduct a comparative study on the principles of online trading practices from the perspectives of Islamic law and Indonesian positive law. Islamic Law considers it legal to conduct online buying and selling if the terms and conditions of buying and selling are fulfilled, if it provides benefits and negates harm, and if it does not conflict with Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadith, and if it can be designated as al-‘adatu muhakkamah (a custom which is defined as law). According to the Indonesian positive law, in principle, online trading is legal as long as it fulfills the provisions of trading, that is the fulfillment of the terms, elements, principles, rights, and obligations of the parties regulated in the provisions of the Civil Code, Information and Electronic Transaction’s Law, and Consumer Protection Law, along with providing legal assurance and protection for the parties.
Keywords: comparative study, online buying and selling, Islamic law, Indonesian positive la
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tradisi perkawinan pada masyarakat Samin (Sedulur Sikep) sebagai nilai kearifan lokal yang dapat digunakan untuk pembangunan hukum nasional. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif atau penelitian hukum doktrinal. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang terdiri bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tersier. Teknik analisa data menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu dengan mengumpulkan, mengolah, menganalisis, dan mengambil kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Samin (Sedulur Sikep) tidak mengenal adanya perceraian, dikarenakan adat atau tradisi perkawinannya yang merupakan kearifan lokal mereka, tidak mengenal adanya perceraian dan berprinsip pada ajaran “siji lan kanggo selawase”, yang berarti satu pasangan suami isteri dan untuk selamanya (tidak mengenal perceraian). Asas ini sejalan dengan asas dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan, yaitu asas monogami (terbuka) dan kekal, sehingga untuk mengimplementasikan nilai kearifan lokal ini dalam rangka pembangunan hukum nasional dibidang perkawinan, dapat ditambahkan pada alasan perceraian, bahwa harus ada persetujuan kedua belah bihak suami dan isteri untuk bercerai
Sosialisasi Dan Edukasi Pencegahan Covid -19 di Desa Gondosari Kecamatan Gebog Kabupaten Kudus
Program Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat dilaksanakan oleh tim pengabdian Universitas Muria Kudus dilatarbelakangi adanya permasalahan-permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakat di Desa Gondosari Gebog Kudus, yaitu: 1) kurangnya media sosialisasi pencegahan Covid-19; 2) masyarakat kurang tertib dalam mematuhi protokol kesehatan; dan 3) kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat akan Peraturan Bupati Kudus Nomor 41 Tahun 2020 tentang Penerapan Disiplin dan Penegakan Hukum Protokol Kesehatan Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Corona Virus Disease 19 di Kabupaten Kudus. Mendasarkan pada permasalahan tersebut, tim pengabdian memberikan solusi berupa sosialisasi Peraturan Bupati Kudus Nomor 41 Tahun 2020 dan edukasi pencegahan Covid-19. Tahapan pengabdian yang dilakukan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, follow up, simulasi, dan evaluasi. Sosialisasi dan edukasi yang dilakukan antara lain: 1) melakukan sosialisasi pentingnya penerapan protokol kesehatan; 2) melakukan edukasi PHBS; 3) melakukan sosialisasi Peraturan Bupati Kudus Nomor 41 Tahun 2020; 4) membagikan masker kepada masyarakat Desa Gondosari; dan 5) memberikan media edukasi pencegahan Covid-19 berupa poster dan spanduk
The research was done because of the separate law regulating the village, namely Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Desa (Village Law). Provisions in the Village Law requires a paradigm shift toward the village, where to place the village as a subject not related objects rural development within the framework of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. One of the things that is being debated is related to the management of a crooked land. Prior to the enactment of Law No. 6 of 2014 on the village, the village crooked land is an asset which was partly used to provide compensation / income for the village head and the village because of his position. This right is referred to as the origin of the rights inherent for the job. With the Act the village, the village head and village get pengasilan fixed and allowances budgeted in APB village a source of funding is the revenue villages and ADD. Their fixed income and this additional polemical for the continuity of the village administration, because of the Law of the village is considered removing government authority crooked village to work the land as compensation for his position
Implementasi Nilai Filosofis Pancasila Dan Agama Islam Dalam Menangkal Paham Radikalisme Di Indonesia
The research titled "Implementation of Philosophical Value of Pancasila and Islam Religion in Counteracting Radicalism in Indonesia" is motivated by the growing understanding of radicalism in Indonesia in various layers of society, which has the potential to undermine the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This study aims to (1) Analyze the importance of philosophical values ​​in Pancasila and Islam, 2) To know the implementation of the philosophical value of Pancasila and Islam in preventing the idea of ​​radicalism in Indonesia. Approach method used is normative juridical approach method. The results show that it is very important to understand the philosophical values ​​in Pancasila and Islam, because with these values ​​can be a guide in running the life of society, nation and state. Implementation of philosophical value of Pancasila and Islamic religion in serve as a tool or means in counteracting the idea of ​​radicalism in Indonesia
ati regency is one of the regencies that has several areas and landscapes in the form of limestone mountains, covering the South Kendeng Mountains and the North Kendeng Mountains. Such landscape is an area that can be carried out various mining activities, including excavation mining C. Pati Regency Government includes mining mining area in Spatial Plan (RTRW) as regulated in Regional Regulation No 5 Year 2011. For several years the last area of the mining allotment, especially the excavation of C, precisely raises the elements who wildly prioritize personal interests. They conducted excavations in areas that are suitable for their purposes, such as in Gembong, Gunungwungkal, Tayu, Sukolilo, Kayen, Tambakromo, and several other districts.As a result, massive environmental destruction occurred. The mining is not licensed for the excavation of C minerals, so that taxes and levies are not paid and the transport of the excavated products using transport vehicles passing through public facilities, ie, highways that interfere withother road users. The illegal mining of C illegally brings bad impacts, especially for the environment, so that how to solve and handling illegal mining cases of C without permit (Illegal) in South Kendeng Mountain Area and North Kendeng Mountains in Pati Regency is done. The handling of illegal mining of C mining in Kendeng Selatan and Kendeng Utara mountains in Pati Regency is done both penal and non penal.Key Words: Case Handling, Illegal mining C Client, Pati Regenc
The research entitled "Law Aspect in Handling Illegal Mining Case of Mineral C in Pati Regency" is motivated by the increasing illegal mining of mineral C. It causes environmental damage, air pollution, licensing violation and tax. The research focus is limited to: (1) What are the influencing factors of illegal mining of mineral C in Sourthern Kendeng and Northern Kendeng mountains in Pati regency? (2) How to treat illegal mining case of mineral C in illegal areas of Southern Kendeng Mountain Area and Northern Kendeng Mountains in Pati Regency ? It applies sociological juridical approach. The results of the research showed: (1) Factors affecting illegal mining of mineral C in illegal areas of Southern Kendeng Mountain and Northern Kendeng Mountains include legal culture, legal structure and legal substance; (2) The treatment of illegal mining cases in the Southern Kendeng Mountains Area and the Northern Kendeng Mountains are conducted both penal and non penal.
Keywords: Treatment, Mineral C, Illegal, Pati Regenc
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan kursus calon pengantin pada Kantor Urusan Agama di Kabupaten Pati dan relevansi materi kursus calon pengantin terhadap faktor-faktor penyebab perceraian di Kabupaten Pati Metode dalam penulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis, yang artinya penelitian ini dikaji dengan melihat penemuan fakta-fakta di lapangan yang dijadikan dasar oleh penulis sebagai data yang diperoleh dari lapangan sesuai dengan kenyataan yang ada, penulisan ini bersifat deskriptif analitis.Pelaksanaan kursus calon pengantin di Kantor Urusan Agama Kabupaten Pati belum terlaksana sebagaimana mestinya, yaitu waktu penyelenggaraan kursus 3-4 jam, metode pembelajaran tidak ada pengawasan, dan belum ada narasumber dari psikolog. Pengaruh pelaksanaan kebijakan kursus calon pengantin (suscatin) di KUA Kabupaten Pati telah memberikan pengaruh yang positif dalam upaya membentuk keluarga sejahtera dan menekan angka perceraian di wilayah kerja KUA Kabupaten Pati. Tingkat keberhasilan KUA Kabupaten Pati dalam melakukan program suscatin terhadap pengaruhnya dalam menekan angka perceraian telah berhasil, yang dibuktikan dengan rendahnya persentase pengaduan kehendak cerai di KUA Kabupaten Pati sejak tahun 2014 sampai dengan 2018 mengalami penurunan angka perceraian, yaitu dari 344 kasus perceraian pasangan pengantin menjadi 226 kasus perceraian pasangan pengantin di tahun 2018
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat Desa Medini Kecamataan Undaan untuk tidak melaksanakan pernikahan pada bulan Muharram dan pandangan Ulama’ Desa Medini Kecamatan Undaan tentang pernikahan yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Muharram. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan Yuridis Sosiologis. Dalam hal teknik pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Setelah data diperoleh, maka disusun secara sistematis dan selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif, sehingga diperoleh kejelasan mengenai permasalahan yang dibahas dan selanjutnya disusun sebagai penulisan hukum yang bersifat ilmiah.Berdasarkan hasil penilitian, persepsi masyarakat Desa Medini Kecamatan Undaan terhadap perkawinan pada bulan Muharram, karena masih mempercayai mitos, hal ini menyebabkan mereka takut melaksanakan perkawinan pada bulan Muharram. Kayakinan ini mereka dapat dari pendahulu atau sesepuh yang turun-temurun secara terus menerus dan diwariskan kepada generasi setelahnya. Namun, sebagian masyarakat desa Medini Kecamatan Undaan memperbolehkan melaksanakan perkawinan pada bulan Muharram, dikarenakan mereka mengetahui bahwa pernikahan yang syar’i itu tidak mempercayai mitos tersebut. Pandangan Ulama’ Desa Medini Kecamatan Undaan tentang pernikahan pada bulan Muharram adalah pernikahan tersebut dapat dilaksanakan kapan saja termasuk bulan Muharram, karena bulan tersebut termasuk bulan yang di sucikan oleh Allah SWT. Pada dasarnya Agama Islam menganggap semua hari, bulan, dan tahun adalah baik