1,817 research outputs found

    Lascia Ch\u27io Pianga

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    Recitative: [Italian] Armida, dispietata colla forza d’abisso rapimmi al caro Ciel di miei contenti, e qui con duoloeterno viva mi tiene in tormento d’inferno. Signor! Ah! Per pieta, lascia mi piangere. [German] Armida, Mitleidlose! In den Abgrund des Jammers versanken ewig mir des Lebens Freuden, und hier mit ew’gen Qualen halt mich gefesselt die grause Nacht der Holle. O Herr! Ach, hab’ Erbarmen und lass mich weinen. [English] Armida, cruel fortune with a power inhuman withdraw my heart from Heav’n and my contentment And here with grief eternal Living it holds me in torment most infernal O Lord! In pity hear me tears will relieve me. Aria: [Italian] Lascia ch’io piaga la dura sorte e che sospiri la liberta; e che sospiri, e che sospiri, la liberta! Lascia ch’io pianga la dura sorte e che sospiri la liberta. Il duol infranga queste ritorte de miei martiri sol per pieta, Si, de’ miei martiri sol per pieta. [French] Peine cruelle! Douleur mortelle!Mon Coeur t’appelle, O liberte.Par les a laremsE par le larmesCe coeur est brise! Peine cruelle!Douleur mertelle!Mon coeur t’apelle, O liberte!Quand se decahineSur moi la haineTrop inhumaineOh Dieu, brisez me chaine,Brisez me chaine,Dans votre bonte! [German] Laa mich mit Tranen mein Loos beklagen,Ketten zu tragen, welch’ hartes Geschick!Ketten zu tragen,Ketten zu tragen, welch’ hartes Geschick!Lass mit Thranen mein Loos beklagen,Ketten su tragen walch’ hartes Geschick!Ach, nut im Tode fins’ ich Erbarmen,Er giebt mir Armen die Ruh’ zuruck, ja,er giebt mir Armen die Ruh’ zuruck. [English] Here let my tears flow!Let hope my soul know,My heart is longingFor Liberty,My heart is longing,My heart is longingFor Liberty.Here let my tears flowLet hope my soul knowMy heart is longingFor Liberty!Assuage the sorrow to chains belongingO, great tomorrowThat I may be free,O, great tomorrowThat I may be free

    The importance of layout and configuration data for flexibility during commissionning and operation of the LHC machine protection systems

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    Due to the large stored energies in both magnets and particle beams, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) requires a large inventory of machine protection systems, as e.g. powering interlock systems, based on a series of distributed industrial controllers for the protection of the more than 10'000 normal and superconducting magnets. Such systems are required to be at the same time fast, reliable and secure but also flexible and configurable to allow for automated commissioning, remote monitoring and optimization during later operation. Based on the generic hardware architecture of the LHC machine protection systems presented at EPAC 2002 [2] and ICALEPS 2003, the use of configuration data for protection systems in view of the required reliability and safety is discussed. To achieve the very high level of reliability, it is required to use a coherent description of the layout of the accelerator components and of the associated machine protection architecture and their logical interconnections. Mechanisms to guarantee coherency of data and repositories and secure configuration of safety critical systems are presented. This paper focuses on the first system being commissioned, the complex magnet powering system, to become fully operational before first injection of beam into the LHC

    The UFM1 E3 ligase recognizes and releases 60S ribosomes from ER translocons

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    Stalled ribosomes at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are covalently modified with the ubiquitin-like protein UFM1 on the 60S ribosomal subunit protein RPL26 (also known as uL24) 1,2. This modification, which is known as UFMylation, is orchestrated by the UFM1 ribosome E3 ligase (UREL) complex, comprising UFL1, UFBP1 and CDK5RAP3 (ref. 3). However, the catalytic mechanism of UREL and the functional consequences of UFMylation are unclear. Here we present cryo-electron microscopy structures of UREL bound to 60S ribosomes, revealing the basis of its substrate specificity. UREL wraps around the 60S subunit to form a C-shaped clamp architecture that blocks the tRNA-binding sites at one end, and the peptide exit tunnel at the other. A UFL1 loop inserts into and remodels the peptidyl transferase centre. These features of UREL suggest a crucial function for UFMylation in the release and recycling of stalled or terminated ribosomes from the ER membrane. In the absence of functional UREL, 60S–SEC61 translocon complexes accumulate at the ER membrane, demonstrating that UFMylation is necessary for releasing SEC61 from 60S subunits. Notably, this release is facilitated by a functional switch of UREL from a ‘writer’ to a ‘reader’ module that recognizes its product—UFMylated 60S ribosomes. Collectively, we identify a fundamental role for UREL in dissociating 60S subunits from the SEC61 translocon and the basis for UFMylation in regulating protein homeostasis at the ER.</p

    The UFM1 E3 ligase recognizes and releases 60S ribosomes from ER translocons

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    Stalled ribosomes at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are covalently modified with the ubiquitin-like protein UFM1 on the 60S ribosomal subunit protein RPL26 (also known as uL24) 1,2. This modification, which is known as UFMylation, is orchestrated by the UFM1 ribosome E3 ligase (UREL) complex, comprising UFL1, UFBP1 and CDK5RAP3 (ref. 3). However, the catalytic mechanism of UREL and the functional consequences of UFMylation are unclear. Here we present cryo-electron microscopy structures of UREL bound to 60S ribosomes, revealing the basis of its substrate specificity. UREL wraps around the 60S subunit to form a C-shaped clamp architecture that blocks the tRNA-binding sites at one end, and the peptide exit tunnel at the other. A UFL1 loop inserts into and remodels the peptidyl transferase centre. These features of UREL suggest a crucial function for UFMylation in the release and recycling of stalled or terminated ribosomes from the ER membrane. In the absence of functional UREL, 60S–SEC61 translocon complexes accumulate at the ER membrane, demonstrating that UFMylation is necessary for releasing SEC61 from 60S subunits. Notably, this release is facilitated by a functional switch of UREL from a ‘writer’ to a ‘reader’ module that recognizes its product—UFMylated 60S ribosomes. Collectively, we identify a fundamental role for UREL in dissociating 60S subunits from the SEC61 translocon and the basis for UFMylation in regulating protein homeostasis at the ER.</p

    Odour-mediated orientation of beetles is influenced by age, sex and morph

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    The behaviour of insects is dictated by a combination of factors and may vary considerably between individuals, but small insects are often considered en masse and thus these differences can be overlooked. For example, the cowpea bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus F. exists naturally in two adult forms: the active (flight) form for dispersal, and the inactive (flightless), more fecund but shorter-lived form. Given that these morphs show dissimilar biology, it is possible that they differ in odour-mediated orientation and yet studies of this species frequently neglect to distinguish morph type, or are carried out only on the inactive morph. Along with sex and age of individual, adult morph could be an important variable determining the biology of this and similar species, informing studies on evolution, ecology and pest management. We used an olfactometer with motion-tracking to investigate whether the olfactory behaviour and orientation of C. maculatus towards infested and uninfested cowpeas and a plant-derived repellent compound, methyl salicylate, differed between morphs or sexes. We found significant differences between the behaviour of male and female beetles and beetles of different ages, as well as interactive effects of sex, morph and age, in response to both host and repellent odours. This study demonstrates that behavioural experiments on insects should control for sex and age, while also considering differences between adult morphs where present in insect species. This finding has broad implications for fundamental entomological research, particularly when exploring the relationships between physiology, behaviour and evolutionary biology, and the application of crop protection strategies

    Population Genomics Related to Adaptation in Elite Oat Germplasm

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    Six hundred thirty five oat ( L.) lines and 4561 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci were used to evaluate population structure, linkage disequilibrium (LD), and genotype–phenotype association with heading date. The first five principal components (PCs) accounted for 25.3% of genetic variation. Neither the eigenvalues of the first 25 PCs nor the cross-validation errors from = 1 to 20 model-based analyses suggested a structured population. However, the PC and = 2 model-based analyses supported clustering of lines on spring oat vs. southern United States origin, accounting for 16% of genetic variation ( < 0.0001). Single-locus -statistic () in the highest 1% of the distribution suggested linkage groups that may be differentiated between the two population subgroups. Population structure and kinship-corrected LD of = 0.10 was observed at an average pairwise distance of 0.44 cM (0.71 and 2.64 cM within spring and southern oat, respectively). On most linkage groups LD decay was slower within southern lines than within the spring lines. A notable exception was found on linkage group Mrg28, where LD decay was substantially slower in the spring subpopulation. It is speculated that this may be caused by a heterogeneous translocation event on this chromosome. Association with heading date was most consistent across location-years on linkage groups Mrg02, Mrg12, Mrg13, and Mrg24

    What is cost-efficient phenotyping? Optimizing costs for different scenarios

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    Progress in remote sensing and robotic technologies decreases the hardware costs of phenotyping. Here, we first review cost-effective imaging devices and environmental sensors, and present a trade-off between investment and manpower costs. We then discuss the structure of costs in various real-world scenarios. Hand-held low-cost sensors are suitable for quick and infrequent plant diagnostic measurements. In experiments for genetic or agronomic analyses, (i) major costs arise from plant handling and manpower; (ii) the total costs per plant/microplot are similar in robotized platform or field experiments with drones, hand-held or robotized ground vehicles; (iii) the cost of vehicles carrying sensors represents only 5–26% of the total costs. These conclusions depend on the context, in particular for labor cost, the quantitative demand of phenotyping and the number of days available for phenotypic measurements due to climatic constraints. Data analysis represents 10–20% of total cost if pipelines have already been developed. A trade-off exists between the initial high cost of pipeline development and labor cost of manual operations. Overall, depending on the context and objsectives, “cost-effective” phenotyping may involve either low investment (“affordable phenotyping”), or initial high investments in sensors, vehicles and pipelines that result in higher quality and lower operational costs

    SNP Discovery and Chromosome Anchoring Provide the First Physically-Anchored Hexaploid Oat Map and Reveal Synteny with Model Species

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    A physically anchored consensus map is foundational to modern genomics research; however, construction of such a map in oat (Avena sativa L., 2n = 6x = 42) has been hindered by the size and complexity of the genome, the scarcity of robust molecular markers, and the lack of aneuploid stocks. Resources developed in this study include a modified SNP discovery method for complex genomes, a diverse set of oat SNP markers, and a novel chromosome-deficient SNP anchoring strategy. These resources were applied to build the first complete, physically-anchored consensus map of hexaploid oat. Approximately 11,000 high-confidence in silico SNPs were discovered based on nine million inter-varietal sequence reads of genomic and cDNA origin. GoldenGate genotyping of 3,072 SNP assays yielded 1,311 robust markers, of which 985 were mapped in 390 recombinant-inbred lines from six bi-parental mapping populations ranging in size from 49 to 97 progeny. The consensus map included 985 SNPs and 68 previously-published markers, resolving 21 linkage groups with a total map distance of 1,838.8 cM. Consensus linkage groups were assigned to 21 chromosomes using SNP deletion analysis of chromosome-deficient monosomic hybrid stocks. Alignments with sequenced genomes of rice and Brachypodium provide evidence for extensive conservation of genomic regions, and renewed encouragement for orthology-based genomic discovery in this important hexaploid species. These results also provide a framework for high-resolution genetic analysis in oat, and a model for marker development and map construction in other species with complex genomes and limited resources

    VAMP3/Syb and YKT6 are required for the fusion of constitutive secretory carriers with the plasma membrane

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    The cellular machinery required for the fusion of constitutive secretory vesicles with the plasma membrane in metazoans remains poorly defined. To address this problem we have developed a powerful, quantitative assay for measuring secretion and used it in combination with combinatorial gene depletion studies in Drosophila cells. This has allowed us to identify at least three SNARE complexes mediating Golgi to PM transport (STX1, SNAP24/29 and Syb; STX1, SNAP24/29 and YKT6; STX4, SNAP24 and Syb). RNAi mediated depletion of YKT6 and VAMP3 in mammalian cells also blocks constitutive secretion suggesting that YKT6 has an evolutionarily conserved role in this process. The unexpected role of YKT6 in plasma membrane fusion may in part explain why RNAi and gene disruption studies have failed to produce the expected phenotypes in higher eukaryotes