29,857 research outputs found

    Statistical evidence links exceptional 1995 Atlantic hurricane season to record sea warming

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    Tropical cyclones rank above earthquakes as the major geophysical cause of loss of life and property (Bryant, 1991; Houghton, 1994). In the United States alone, the damage bill from mainland landfalling hurricanes over the last 50 years averages $2.0 billion per year (Hebert et al., 1996). Years with high numbers of hurricanes provide new insight on the environmental factors influencing interannual variability; hence the interest in the exceptional 1995 Atlantic season which saw 11 hurricanes and a total of 19 tropical storms, double the 50-year average. While most environmental factors in 1995 were favourable for tropical cyclone development, we show that a factor not fully explored before, the sea surface temperature (SST) was the most significant. For the 10 degrees-20 degrees N, 20 degrees-60 degrees W region where 93% of the anomalous 1995 hurricanes developed, similar to 45 year statistical regressions show that SST is the dominating influence, independent of all known other factors, behind the interannual variance in Atlantic hurricance numbers. With this SST experiencing record warm levels in 1995, 0.66 degrees C above the 1946-1995 mean, these regressions indicate that sea warming explains 61+/-34% of the anomalous hurricane activity in 1995 to 95% confidence

    Renormalization group for the probability distribution of magnetic impurities in a random-field ϕ4\phi^4 model

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    Extending the usual Ginzburg-Landau theory for the random-field Ising model, the possibility of dimensional reduction is reconsidered. A renormalization group for the probability distribution of magnetic impurities is applied. New parameters corresponding to the extra ϕ4\phi^4 coupling constants in the replica Hamiltonian are introduced. Although they do not affect the critical phenomena near the upper critical dimension, they can when dimensions are lowered.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, revte

    Detailed study of B037 based on {\sl HST} images

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    B037 is of interest because it is both the most luminous and the most highly reddened cluster known in M31. Images of deep observations and of highly spatial resolutions with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the {\sl HST} firstly show that this cluster is crossed by a dust lane. Photometric data in the F606W and F814W filters obtained in this paper provide that, colors of (F606WF814W\rm {F606W-F814W}) in the dust lane are redder 0.4\sim 0.4 mags than ones in the other regions of B037. The {\sl HST} images show that, this dust lane seems to be contained in B037, not from the M31 disk or the Milky Way. As we know, the formation of dust requires gas with a rather high metallicity. However, B037 has a low metallicity to be [Fe/H]=1.07±0.20\rm [Fe/H]=-1.07\pm 0.20. So, it seems improbable that the observed dust lane is physically associated with B037. It is clear that the origin of this dust lane is worthy of future study. In addition, based on these images, we present the precise variation of ellipticity and position angle, and of surface brightness profile, and determine the structural parameters of B037 by fitting a single-mass isotropic King model. In the F606W filter, we derive the best-fitting scale radius, r_0=0.56\pm0.02\arcsec~(=2.16\pm0.08~\rm{pc}), a tidal radius, r_t=8.6\pm0.4\arcsec~(=33.1\pm1.5~\rm{pc}), and a concentration index c=log(rt/r0)=1.19±0.02c=\log (r_t/r_0)=1.19\pm0.02. In the F814W filter, we derive r_0=0.56\pm0.01\arcsec~(=2.16\pm0.04~\rm{pc}), r_t=8.9\pm0.3\arcsec~(=34.3\pm1.2~\rm{pc}), and c=log(rt/r0)=1.20±0.01c=\log (r_t/r_0)=1.20\pm0.01. The extinction-corrected central surface brightness is μ0=13.53±0.03 mag arcsec2\mu_0=13.53\pm 0.03~{\rm mag~arcsec^{-2}} in the F606W filter, and 12.85±0.03 mag arcsec212.85\pm 0.03~{\rm mag~arcsec^{-2}} in the F814W filter, respectively.Comment: Accepted for Publication in RAA, 13 pages, 5 figures and 7 table

    From random walk to single-file diffusion

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    We report an experimental study of diffusion in a quasi-one-dimensional (q1D) colloid suspension which behaves like a Tonks gas. The mean squared displacement as a function of time is described well with an ansatz encompassing a time regime that is both shorter and longer than the mean time between collisions. This ansatz asserts that the inverse mean squared displacement is the sum of the inverse mean squared displacement for short time normal diffusion (random walk) and the inverse mean squared displacement for asymptotic single-file diffusion (SFD). The dependence of the single-file 1D mobility on the concentration of the colloids agrees quantitatively with that derived for a hard rod model, which confirms for the first time the validity of the hard rod SFD theory. We also show that a recent SFD theory by Kollmann leads to the hard rod SFD theory for a Tonks gas.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Five-loop \sqrt\epsilon-expansions for random Ising model and marginal spin dimensionality for cubic systems

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    The \sqrt\epsilon-expansions for critical exponents of the weakly-disordered Ising model are calculated up to the five-loop order and found to possess coefficients with irregular signs and values. The estimate n_c = 2.855 for the marginal spin dimensionality of the cubic model is obtained by the Pade-Borel resummation of corresponding five-loop \epsilon-expansion.Comment: 9 pages, TeX, no figure

    Making Neutrinos Massive with an Axion in Supersymmetry

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    The minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) of particle interactions is extended to include three singlet (right-handed) neutrino superfields together with three other singlet superfields. The resulting theory is assumed to be invariant under an anomalous global U(1) (Peccei-Quinn) symmetry with one fundamental mass m2m_2. The soft breaking of supersymmetry at the TeV scale is shown to generate an axion scale faf_a of order m2m_2. Neutrino masses are generated by faf_a according to the usual seesaw mechanism.Comment: 11 pages, substantially revised with important change

    Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency-Like Effect in the Degenerate Triple-Resonant Optical Parametric Amplifier

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    We investigate experimentally the absorptive and dispersive properties of triple-resonant optical parametric amplifier OPA for the degenerate subharmonic field. In the experiment, the subharmonic field is utilized as the probe field and the harmonic wave as the pump field. We demonstrate that EIT-like effect can be simulated in the triple-resonant OPA when the cavity line-width for the harmonic wave is narrower than that for the subharmonic field. However, this phenomenon can not be observed in a double-resonant OPA. The narrow transparency window appears in the reflected field. Especially, in the measured dispersive spectra of triple-resonant OPA, a very steep variation of the dispersive profile of the subharmonic field is observed, which can result in a slow light as that observed in atomic EIT medium.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, appear in Opt. Let

    Age and structure parameters of a remote M31 globular cluster B514 based on HST, 2MASS, GALEX and BATC observations

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    B514 is a remote M31 globular cluster which locating at a projected distance of R_p~55 kpc. Deep observations with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) are used to provide the accurate integrated light and star counts of B514. By coupling analysis of the distribution of the integrated light with star counts, we are able to reliably follow the profile of the cluster out to ~40". Based on the combined profile, we study in detail its surface brightness distribution in F606W and F814W filters, and determine its structural parameters by fitting a single-mass isotropic King model. The results showed that, the surface brightness distribution departs from the best-fit King model for r>10". B514 is quite flatted in the inner region, and has a larger half-light radius than majority of normal globular clusters of the same luminosity. It is interesting that, in the M_V versus log R_h plane, B514 lies nearly on the threshold for ordinary globular clusters as defined by Mackey & van den Bergh. In addition, B514 was observed as part of the Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut (BATC) Multicolor Sky Survey, using 13 intermediate-band filters covering a wavelength range of 3000--8500 \AA. Based on aperture photometry, we obtain its SEDs as defined by the 13 BATC filters. We determine the cluster's age and mass by comparing its SEDs (from 2267 to 20000{\AA}, comprising photometric data in the near-ultraviolet of GALEX, 5 SDSS bands, 13 BATC intermediate-band, and 2MASS near-infrared JHKs} filters) with theoretical stellar population synthesis models, resulting in age of 11.5±3.511.5\pm3.5 Gyr. This age confirms the previous suggestion that B514 is an old GC in M31. B514 has a mass of 0.961.08×106Msun0.96-1.08 \times 10^6 \rm M_sun, and is a medium-mass globular cluster in M31.Comment: Accepted for Publication in AJ, 18 pages, 6 figures and 9 table