1,511 research outputs found

    Assessing the quality of health technology registers for national guidance development.

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    Background: The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence makes use of registers to collect data for technologies that require more evidence to inform future decision-making. This is particularly so for the Interventional Procedures Programme, which since 2003 has produced guidance for procedures that are typically not well established, meaning that named registers are often recommended for future data collection. Methods: We constructed a questionnaire based on quality standards for recommended registers defined by the Interventional Procedures Programme. All guidance from 2003 to 2016 were reviewed to identify recommended registers and compile a list of corresponding registries. We made a maximum of four attempts to contact each registry. Each register was scored on seven quality standards: accessibility, responsiveness, data publication, data coverage, data validity, independent oversight and data protection, with a maximum of 14 points. Results: We obtained responses from 17 out of 24 eligible registries, a response rate of 70.8%. The mean total score was 8.5 (standard deviation 2.9, range 4-14). Overall, the quality of recommended registers was disappointing, with a split between large registries that scored highly across all standards and smaller registries that scored poorly. Conclusions: This the first study to our knowledge to assess the quality of registers recommended by health technology assessment agencies. Only a limited number of registers were mature enough to deliver evidence of sufficiently high quality to inform funding decisions. A standardised quality assessment tool is needed to evaluate registers before their recommendation for observational data gathering by decision-making bodies

    Be a Fulbright Scholar—Lessons and Experiences of AIS Fulbright Scholars

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    To achieve a truly global perspective in information systems (IS) that enhances education and research, IS academics can do more than study and teach global IS topics. We encourage IS academics to engage in an international immersion experience themselves. The article describes experiences of Fulbright Scholars, and argues for the need of more global education for IS academics. These views were presented during a panel session at the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2012. The panelists touched on logistical issues such as grant application, living conditions, working with a host institution’s faculty and students, and receiving support from their home university. Participants shared their experiences in India, Poland, Portugal, the Azores, Mongolia, and Nepal. The article concludes with lessons learned

    Using Social Networking Sites for Communicable Disease Control: Innovative Contact Tracing or Breach of Confidentiality?

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    Social media applications such as Twitter, YouTube and Facebook have attained huge popularity, with more than three billion people and organizations predicted to have a social networking account by 2015. Social media offers a rapid avenue of communication with the public and has potential benefits for communicable disease control and surveillance. However, its application in everyday public health practice raises a number of important issues around confidentiality and autonomy. We report here a case from local level health protection where the friend of an individual with meningococcal septicaemia used a social networking site to notify potential contacts

    The Double Disparity Facing Rural Local Health Departments

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    Residents of rural jurisdictions face significant health challenges, including some of the highest rates of risky health behaviors and worst health outcomes of any group in the country. Rural communities are served by smaller local health departments (LHDs) that are more understaffed and underfunded than their suburban and urban peers. As a result of history and current need, rural LHDs are more likely than their urban peers to be providers of direct health services, leading to relatively lower levels of population-focused activities. This review examines the double disparity faced by rural LHDs and their constituents: pervasively poorer health behaviors and outcomes and a historical lack of investment by local, state, and federal public health entities

    Huntington's disease patients display progressive deficits in hippocampal-dependent cognition during a task of spatial memory.

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    BACKGROUND: Cognitive disturbances occur early in Huntington's disease (HD) and place a significant burden on the lives of patients and family members. Whilst these impairments are typically attributed to deterioration of the frontal-striatal pathways, accumulating evidence suggests that hippocampal dysfunction may also contribute to such impairments. Here, we employ a novel spatial memory task that has previously been shown to elicit impairments in individuals with focal hippocampal lesions, as a means to further investigate the role of hippocampal dysfunction in HD. METHOD: Sixty-four individuals participated in the study, including 32 healthy controls, 11 patients with diagnosed HD and 16 premanifest HD gene carriers. We also included an additional control group of 5 individuals with focal unilateral basal ganglia lesions. Participants undertook a task that measured perception and short-term spatial memory using computer-generated visual scenes. RESULTS: HD patients experienced significant impairments in spatial perception and memory, which strongly correlated with disease burden score (DBS). Premanifest gene carriers performed at a similar level to healthy controls throughout all aspects of the task indicating that the effects seen in the HD patients represent a deterioration in function. Interestingly, basal ganglia lesion patients were not impaired in any aspects of the task. CONCLUSION: There is evidence of significant deficits in hippocampal-dependent spatial cognition in HD that cannot be explained as a function of degeneration to the basal ganglia. The impairments were greatest in individuals with higher DBSs, suggesting that deficits relate to the disease process in HD

    Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group guidance paper 6:Methods for question formulation, searching, and protocol development for qualitative evidence synthesis

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    This paper updates previous Cochrane guidance on question formulation, searching, and protocol development, reflecting recent developments in methods for conducting qualitative evidence syntheses to inform Cochrane intervention reviews. Examples are used to illustrate how decisions about boundaries for a review are formed via an iterative process of constructing lines of inquiry and mapping the available information to ascertain whether evidence exists to answer questions related to effectiveness, implementation, feasibility, appropriateness, economic evidence, and equity. The process of question formulation allows reviewers to situate the topic in relation to how it informs and explains effectiveness, using the criterion of meaningfulness, appropriateness, feasibility, and implementation. Questions related to complex questions and interventions can be structured by drawing on an increasingly wide range of question frameworks. Logic models and theoretical frameworks are useful tools for conceptually mapping the literature to illustrate the complexity of the phenomenon of interest. Furthermore, protocol development may require iterative question formulation and searching. Consequently, the final protocol may function as a guide rather than a prescriptive route map, particularly in qualitative reviews that ask more exploratory and open-ended questions

    Oxygen treatment reduces neurological deficits and demyelination in two animal models of multiple sclerosis

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    AIMS: To explore the importance of tissue hypoxia in causing neurological deficits and demyelination in the inflamed CNS, and the value of inspiratory oxygen treatment, using both active and passive experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). METHODS: Normobaric oxygen treatment was administered to Dark Agouti rats with either active or passive EAE, compared with room air-treated, and naĂŻve, controls. RESULTS: Severe neurological deficits in active EAE were significantly improved after just 1 hour of breathing ~95% oxygen. The improvement was greater and more persistent when oxygen was applied either prophylactically (from immunization for 23 days), or therapeutically from the onset of neurological deficits for 24, 48, or 72 hours. Therapeutic oxygen for 72 hours significantly reduced demyelination and the integrated stress response in oligodendrocytes at the peak of disease, and protected from oligodendrocyte loss, without evidence of increased oxidative damage. T-cell infiltration and cytokine expression in the spinal cord remained similar to that in untreated animals. The severe neurological deficit of animals with passive EAE occurred in conjunction with spinal hypoxia and was significantly reduced by oxygen treatment initiated before their onset. CONCLUSIONS: Severe neurological deficits in both active and passive EAE can be caused by hypoxia and reduced by oxygen treatment. Oxygen treatment also reduces demyelination in active EAE, despite the autoimmune origin of the disease

    Maximising HIV prevention by balancing the opportunities of today with the promises of tomorrow: a modelling study

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    SummaryBackgroundMany ways of preventing HIV infection have been proposed and more are being developed. We sought to construct a strategic approach to HIV prevention that would use limited resources to achieve the greatest possible prevention impact through the use of interventions available today and in the coming years.MethodsWe developed a deterministic compartmental model of heterosexual HIV transmission in South Africa and formed assumptions about the costs and effects of a range of interventions, encompassing the further scale-up of existing interventions (promoting condom use, male circumcision, early antiretroviral therapy [ART] initiation for all [including increased HIV testing and counselling activities], and oral pre-exposure prophylaxis [PrEP]), the introduction of new interventions in the medium term (offering intravaginal rings, long-acting injectable antiretroviral drugs) and long term (vaccine, broadly neutralising antibodies [bNAbs]). We examined how available resources could be allocated across these interventions to achieve maximum impact, and assessed how this would be affected by the failure of the interventions to be developed or scaled up.FindingsIf all interventions are available, the optimum mix would place great emphasis on the following: scale-up of male circumcision and early ART initiation with outreach testing, as these are available immediately and assumed to be low cost and highly efficacious; intravaginal rings targeted to sex workers; and vaccines, as these can achieve a large effect if scaled up even if imperfectly efficacious. The optimum mix would rely less on longer term developments, such as long-acting antiretroviral drugs and bNAbs, unless the costs of these reduced. However, if impossible to scale up existing interventions to the extent assumed, emphasis on oral PrEP, intravaginal rings, and long-acting antiretroviral drugs would increase. The long-term effect on the epidemic is most affected by scale-up of existing interventions and the successful development of a vaccine.InterpretationWith current information, a strategic approach in which limited resources are used to maximise prevention impact would focus on strengthening the scale-up of existing interventions, while pursuing a workable vaccine and developing other approaches that can be used if further scale-up of existing interventions is limited.FundingBill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Pericellular activation of hepatocyte growth factor by the transmembrane serine proteases matriptase and hepsin, but not by the membrane-associated protease uPA

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    HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) is a pleiotropic cytokine homologous to the serine protease zymogen plasminogen that requires canonical proteolytic cleavage to gain functional activity. The activating proteases are key components of its regulation, but controversy surrounds their identity. Using quantitative analysis we found no evidence for activation by uPA (urokinase plasminogen activator), despite reports that this is a principal activator of pro-HGF. This was unaffected by a wide range of experimental conditions, including the use of various molecular forms of both HGF and uPA, and the presence of uPAR (uPA receptor) or heparin. In contrast the catalytic domains of the TTSPs (type-II transmembrane serine proteases) matriptase and hepsin were highly efficient activators (50% activation at 0.1 and 3.4 nM respectively), at least four orders of magnitude more efficient than uPA. PS-SCL (positional-scanning synthetic combinatorial peptide libraries) were used to identify consensus sequences for the TTSPs, which in the case of hepsin corresponded to the pro-HGF activation sequence, demonstrating a high specificity for this reaction. Both TTSPs were also found to be efficient activators at the cell surface. Activation of pro-HGF by PC3 prostate carcinoma cells was abolished by both protease inhibition and matriptase-targeting siRNA (small interfering RNA), and scattering of MDCK (Madin–Darby canine kidney) cells in the presence of pro-HGF was abolished by inhibition of matriptase. Hepsin-transfected HEK (human embryonic kidney)-293 cells also activated pro-HGF. These observations demonstrate that, in contrast with the uPA/uPAR system, the TTSPs matriptase and hepsin are direct pericellular activators of pro-HGF, and that together these proteins may form a pathway contributing to their involvement in pathological situations, including cancer
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