49 research outputs found

    Serum levels of S100B from jugular bulb as a biomarker of poor prognosis in patients with severe acute brain injury

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    Aims/background To evaluate the correlation between protein S100B concentrations measured in the jugular bulb as well as at peripheral level and the prognostic usefulness of this marker. Methods A prospective study of all patients admitted to the intensive care unit with acute brain damage was carried out. Peripheral and jugular bulb blood samples were collected upon admission and every 24 h for three days. The endpoints were brain death diagnosis and the Glasgow Outcome Scale score after 6 months. Results A total of 83 patients were included. Jugular protein S100B levels were greater than systemic levels upon admission and also after 24 and 72 h (mean difference > 0). Jugular protein S100B levels showed acceptable precision in predicting brain death both upon admission [AUC 0.67 (95% CI 0.53?0.80)] and after 48 h [AUC 0.73 (95% CI 0.57?0.89)]. Similar results were obtained regarding the capacity of jugular protein S100B levels upon admission to predict an unfavourable outcome (AUC 0.69 (95% CI 0.56?0.79)). The gradient upon admission (jugular-peripheral levels) showed its capacity to predict the development of brain death [AUC 0.74 (95% CI 0.62?0.86)] and together with the Glasgow Coma Scale constituted the independent factors associated with the development of brain death. Conclusion Regional protein S100B determinations are higher than systemic determinations, thus confirming the cerebral origin of protein S100B. The transcranial protein S100B gradient is correlated to the development of brain death.This study has been supported by grants from the Marqués de Valdecilla Foundation - IFIMAV (API 10/02) and the Spanish Ministry of Science - Carlos III Health Institute (PI080058). The protein S100B electrochemoluminescence assay kits were a generous donation from Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the contents and writing of the paper

    Role of serum S100B and PET-CT in follow-up of patients with cutaneous melanoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increased level of serum S100B can serve as a marker of metastatic spread in patients with cutaneous melanoma (CM). In patients with elevated S100 B and/or clinical signs of disease progression PET-CT scan is a valuable tool for discovering metastases and planning treatment.</p> <p>The aims of this study were to determine whether regular measurements of serum S100B are a useful tool for discovering patients with CM metastases and to evaluate the diagnostic value of PET-CT during the follow-up.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From September 2007 to February 2010, 115 CM patients included in regular follow up at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana were appointed to PET-CT. There were 82 (71.3%) patients with clinical signs of disease progression and 33 (28.7%) asymptomatic patients with two subsequent elevated values of S100B. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value (PPV, NPV) of S100B and PET-CT were calculated using standard procedures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Disease progression was confirmed in 81.7% of patients (in 86.5% of patients with clinical signs of disease progression and in 69.7% of asymptomatic patients with elevated S100B). Sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of S100B was 33.8%, 90.9%, 96.0% and 17.5% in patients with clinical signs of disease progression. In 20.0% of patients increased serum S100B was the only sign of disease progression. Sensitivity and PPV of S100 in this group of patients were 100.0% and 69.7%.</p> <p>With PET-CT disease progression was diagnosed in 84.2% of symptomatic patients and in 72.7% of asymptomatic patients with elevated S100B. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of PET-CT for symptomatic patients was 98.5%, 90.9%, 98.5% and 90.9% and 100%, 90.0%, 95.8% and 100% for asymptomatic patients with elevated S100.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Measurements of serum S100B during regular follow-up of patients with CM are a useful tool for discovering disease progression in asymptomatic patients. The value of its use increases if measurements are followed by extended whole body PET-CT.</p

    Circulating Antinuclear Antibodies in Patients with Pelvic Masses Are Associated with Malignancy and Decreased Survival

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    BACKGROUND: Circulating autoantibodies occur more frequently in cancer patients than in patients without cancer. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We examined sera from patients referred for pelvic mass symptoms to a tertiary university clinic. A total of 127 were diagnosed with epithelial ovarian cancer while 386 had a benign condition. A screen for IgG anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) by indirect immunofluorescence on HEp-2 cells confirmed a highly significant overrepresentation of ANA in the cancer group where 40% had detectable (i.e., a titer ≥160) ANA compared with less than 12% in the benign group. The overrepresentation of ANA in the cancer group persisted (p<0.0001) after matching the age-profile of the benign group with the ovarian cancer group. Only 19 out of 127 patients in the age-matched benign subgroup were positive for ANA corresponding to an 85% specificity at 40% sensitivity of ANA as the only marker for malignancy. No correlation of ANA positivity in either group with specific bands in immunoblots could be demonstrated even though immunoblot positivity was clearly increased in the malignant group (41% vs. 3%). The presence, strength, and type of ANA did not correlate with serum CA-125 values or with staging, and ANA outcome did not contribute with independent diagnostic information. However, survival was significantly shorter in ANA-positive compared with ANA-negative cancer patients and patients with CA-125 below the median CA-125 value in the cancer group had a significantly decreased survival when positive for ANA. ANA status made no difference in the group with CA-125 values above the median. Also, there was a significant correlation between speckled ANA-strength and histological tumor grade. CONCLUSIONS: Circulating antibodies are a promising source for new biomarkers in cancer. Characterization of epitope specificities and measurements of consecutive samples will be important for further elucidating the role of ANA in evaluating ovarian cancer patients

    Molecular Determinants of S100B Oligomer Formation

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    Background: S100B is a dimeric protein that can form tetramers, hexamers and higher order oligomers. These forms have been suggested to play a role in RAGE activation. Methodology/Principal Findings: Oligomerization was found to require a low molecular weight trigger/cofactor and could not be detected for highly pure dimer, irrespective of handling. Imidazol was identified as a substance that can serve this role. Oligomerization is dependent on both the imidazol concentration and pH, with optima around 90 mM imidazol and pH 7, respectively. No oligomerization was observed above pH 8, thus the protonated form of imidazol is the active species in promoting assembly of dimers to higher species. However, disulfide bonds are not involved and the process is independent of redox potential. The process was also found to be independent of whether Ca 2+ is bound to the protein or not. Tetramers that are purified from dimers and imidazol by gel filtration are kinetically stable, but dissociate into dimers upon heating. Dimers do not revert to tetramer and higher oligomer unless imidazol is again added. Both tetramers and hexamers bind the target peptide from p53 with retained stoichiometry of one peptide per S100B monomer, and with high affinity (lgK = 7.360.2 and 7.260.2, respectively in 10 mM BisTris, 5 mM CaCl 2, pH 7.0), which is less than one order of magnitude reduced compared to dimer under the same buffer conditions. Conclusion/Significance: S100B oligomerization requires protonated imidazol as a trigger/cofactor. Oligomers ar

    Identification of a gene signature for discriminating metastatic from primary melanoma using a molecular interaction network approach

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    Understanding the biological factors that are characteristic of metastasis in melanoma remains a key approach to improving treatment. In this study, we seek to identify a gene signature of metastatic melanoma. We configured a new network-based computational pipeline, combined with a machine learning method, to mine publicly available transcriptomic data from melanoma patient samples. Our method is unbiased and scans a genome-wide protein-protein interaction network using a novel formulation for network scoring. Using this, we identify the most influential, differentially expressed nodes in metastatic as compared to primary melanoma. We evaluated the shortlisted genes by a machine learning method to rank them by their discriminatory capacities. From this, we identified a panel of 6 genes, ALDH1A1, HSP90AB1, KIT, KRT16, SPRR3 and TMEM45B whose expression values discriminated metastatic from primary melanoma (87% classification accuracy). In an independent transcriptomic data set derived from 703 primary melanomas, we showed that all six genes were significant in predicting melanoma specific survival (MSS) in a univariate analysis, which was also consistent with AJCC staging. Further, 3 of these genes, HSP90AB1, SPRR3 and KRT16 remained significant predictors of MSS in a joint analysis (HR = 2.3, P = 0.03) although, HSP90AB1 (HR = 1.9, P = 2 × 10−4) alone remained predictive after adjusting for clinical predictors

    Role of the S100B serum biomarker in the treatment of children suffering from mild traumatic brain injury

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    Object. The aim of this study was to provide a systematic update of the current literature regarding the clinical role of the S100B serum biomarker in the initial evaluation of children who have sustained a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods. Searches in MEDLINE were defined with the keywords "mild TBI children S100," "mild TBI pediatric S100," and " children S100 brain injury." From the pool of obtained studies, those that had the inclusion criteria of mild TBI only or mixed types of TBI but including detailed information about groups of children with mild TBI were used. Results. Few studies were identified and fewer included more than 100 cases. The prospective studies showed that the S100B biomarker levels could be influenced by patient age and the time frame between head injury and blood sampling. Moreover, extracranial sources of S100B or additional injuries could influence the measured levels of this biomarker. A normal value of S100B in children with mild TBI could rule out injury-associated abnormalities on CT scans in the majority of reported cases. Conclusions. The vulnerability of S100B serum levels to the influences of patient age, blood sampling time, and extracranial S100B release limits the biomarker's role in the initial evaluation of children with mild TBI. The application of S100B in pediatric mild TBI cases has an elusive role, although it could help in selected cases to avoid unnecessary head CT scans. (DOI: 10.3171/2010.8.FOCUS10185

    Simultaneous Inhibition of Key Growth Pathways in Melanoma Cells and Tumor Regression by a Designed Bidentate Constrained Helical Peptide

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    Protein–protein interactions are part of a large number of signaling networks and potential targets for drug development. However, discovering molecules that can specifically inhibit such interactions is a major challenge. S100B, a calcium-regulated protein, plays a crucial role in the proliferation of melanoma cells through protein– protein interactions. In this article, we report the design and development of a bidentate conformationally constrained peptide against dimeric S100B based on a natural tight-binding peptide, TRTK-12. The helical conformation of the peptide was constrained by the substitution of a-amino isobutyric acid—an amino acid having high helical propensity—in positions which do not interact with S100B. A branched bidentate version of the peptide was bound to S100B tightly with a dissociation constant of 8 nM. When conjugated to a cell-penetrating peptide, it caused growth inhibition and rapid apoptosis in melanoma cells. The molecule exerts antiproliferativeaction through simultaneous inhibition of key growth pathways, including reactivation of wild-type p53 and inhibition of Akt and STAT3 phosphorylation. The apoptosis induced by the bidentate constrained helix is caused by direct migration of p53 to mitochondria. Atmoderate intravenous dose, the peptide completely inhibits melanoma growth in a mouse model without any significant observable toxicity. The specificity was shown by lack of ability of a double mutant peptide to cause tumor regression at the same dose level. The methodology described here for direct protein–protein interaction inhibition may be effective for rapid development of inhibitors against relatively weak protein–protein interactions for de novo drug development. VC 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers (Pept Sci) 102: 344–358, 201

    Fragmenting the S100B-p53 Interaction: Combined Virtual/Biophysical Screening Approaches to Identify Ligands

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    S100B contributes to cell proliferation by binding the C terminus of p53 and inhibiting its tumor suppressor function. The use of multiple computational approaches to screen fragment libraries targeting the human S100B-p53 interaction site is reported. This in silico screening led to the identification of 280 novel prospective ligands. NMR spectroscopic experiments revealed specific binding at the p53 interaction site for a set of these compounds and confirmed their potential for further rational optimization. The X-ray crystal structure determined for one of the binders revealed key intermolecular interactions, thus paving the way for structure-based ligand optimization