404 research outputs found

    Database about gender aspects of EMMA2 human resources

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    This document shows a statistical presentation of the “Database about gender aspects of EMMA22 human resources”. It will lead in a very clear way to the measured results of the gender aspects within EMMA22. Changing the gender role has to start by changing the whole education process in our society. Projects like EMMA2 can only support the gender independent policy but cannot change the gender aspects from the bottom

    Preload Torque Limiting Shaft Coupling

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    A torque limiting spring for a rotating shaft system which acts bidirectionally and is preloaded is examined. The spring is a split circular ring compressed into cavities on facing surfaces of matching shafts. The spring is preloaded by varying the width of a tang in the shaft cavity relative to the split in the spring

    It’s Really About Relationships: Perceptions of Teacher Autonomy and It’s Influence on Instruction

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    There is growing concern over why so many U.S. teachers are leaving the profession before retirement. Researchers studying this phenomenon theorize how future attrition rates will be determined by working conditions that either foster or squelch teachers’ sense of professional autonomy. What is unclear from the literature is an understanding of specific intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting this autonomy development during a critical period in teachers’ careers, years 5-15. This study highlights the specific factors that influence the professional autonomies of nine early childhood elementary public-school teachers’ and how their sense of their professional autonomies interact to affect their instructional choices. Two decision-making frameworks formed the basis for this interpretive qualitative study: self-efficacy and self-determination. Data were collected through three one-on-one interviews of each participant. Teacher Agency, School Ethos, and Policy and Accountability about teachers in the context of self, school and broader realities emerged as themes across their stories. Teachers expressed how collegial relationships and perceived professional value within their buildings most influenced their sense of autonomy and led to effective as well as personally satisfying, self-motivated instructional decision-making. Relationships and professional value must be cultivated for a teacher to feel in control, and therefore motivated to respond in positive and self-fulfilling ways. If the teachers feel valued, they are more likely to remain connected to their work and stay in the field

    Location-based Online Identification of Objects in the Centre of Visual Attention using Eye Tracking

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    Location-based Online Identification of Objects in the Centre of Visual Attention using Eye Tracking

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    A fully automated three-stage procedure for spatio-temporal leaf segmentation with regard to the B-spline-based phenotyping of cucumber plants

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    Plant phenotyping deals with the metrological acquisition of plants in order to investigate the impact of environmental factors and a plant’s genotype on its appearance. Phenotyping methods that are used as standard in crop science are often invasive or even destructive. Due to the increase of automation within geodetic measurement systems and with the development of quasi-continuous measurement techniques, geodetic techniques are perfectly suitable for performing automated and non-invasive phenotyping and, hence, are an alternative to standard phenotyping methods. In this contribution, sequentially acquired point clouds of cucumber plants are used to determine the plants’ phenotypes in terms of their leaf areas. The focus of this contribution is on the spatio-temporal segmentation of the acquired point clouds, which automatically groups and tracks those sub point clouds that describe the same leaf. The application on example data sets reveals a successful segmentation of 93% of the leafs. Afterwards, the segmented leaves are approximated by means of B-spline surfaces, which provide the basis for the subsequent determination of the leaf areas. In order to validate the results, the determined leaf areas are compared to results obtained by means of standard methods used in crop science. The investigations reveal consistency of the results with maximal deviations in the determined leaf areas of up to 5

    The job family model applied to Teixeira Duarte compared to the U.K. : a comparative study

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    This thesis examines the framework “Job Family Model” and its application to the Portuguese company Teixeira Duarte (T.D.). The company started structuring its employees accordingly. The framework is used to manage competencies. T.D. is currently trying to compare their level of competency against competing countries such as the U.K. Furthermore, the company is trying to investigate a communication strategy to announce the findings to its employees. Examining results from a comparative analysis that was constructed from data given by T.D. and data from the platform www.GoConstruct.org, demonstrates the superiority of T.D. The research suggests that T.D. employs workers with a more advanced background. Most of the employee’s skill set is more elaborate, although not more advanced. This entails that although the worker must fulfil a longer list of skill requirements, they don’t necessarily need to be more difficult. However, there are two jobs in which Teixeira Duarte lacks employee qualifications compared to GoConstruct: Electrician and Contract Director. Announcing those findings should flow in two ways. As for communicating the performance of T.D., a posting on their intranet is enough. However, communicating the job roles that need further skill improvement should be dealt with in a delicate and conscious way. Throughout the analysis, there are a few recommendations the company should follow. T.D. could for one individualize each job, T.D. should expand certain requirements on the job roles, also especially the educational and experience requirements are exceptional. Those should not change. Finally, the findings from the analysis should be appropriately communicated.Esta tese examina o quadro "Job Family Model" e a sua aplicação Ă  empresa portuguesa Teixeira Duarte (T.D.). A empresa começou a estruturar os seus empregados em conformidade. O quadro Ă© utilizado para gerir competĂȘncias. T.D. estĂĄ actualmente a tentar comparar o seu nĂ­vel de competĂȘncia com os paĂ­ses concorrentes, como o Reino Unido. O exame dos resultados de uma anĂĄlise comparativa que foi construĂ­da a partir de dados fornecidos pela T.D. e dados da plataforma www.GoConstruct.org, demonstra a superioridade da T.D. Investigação sugere que T.D. emprega trabalhadores com um passado mais avançado. A maior parte do conjunto de competĂȘncias do trabalhador Ă© mais elaborada, embora nĂŁo mais avançada. Isto implica que, embora o trabalhador deva preencher uma lista mais longa de requisitos de competĂȘncias, estas nĂŁo precisam necessariamente de ser mais difĂ­ceis. Contudo, hĂĄ dois empregos em que Teixeira Duarte nĂŁo possui qualificaçÔes de empregado em comparação com a GoConstruct: Electricista e Director de Contrato. Anunciar essas conclusĂ”es deve fluir de duas maneiras. Quanto Ă  comunicação do desempenho da T.D., basta um anĂșncio na sua intranet. No entanto, a comunicação das funçÔes que precisam de ser melhoradas deve ser tratada de uma forma delicada e consciente. Ao longo da anĂĄlise, hĂĄ algumas recomendaçÔes que a empresa deve seguir. A T.D. poderia para uma individualização de cada trabalho, a T.D. deveria expandir certos requisitos sobre as funçÔes, tambĂ©m especialmente os requisitos educacionais e de experiĂȘncia sĂŁo excepcionais. Estes nĂŁo devem mudar. Finalmente, os resultados da anĂĄlise devem ser devidamente comunicados

    Investigation of space-continuous deformation from point clouds of structured surfaces

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    One approach to estimate space-continuous deformation from point clouds is the parameter-based epochal comparison of approximating surfaces. This procedure allows a statistical assessment of the estimated deformations. Typically, holistic geometric models approximate the scanned surfaces. Regarding this, the question arises on how discontinuities of the object’s surface resulting from e.g. single bricks or concrete blocks, influence the parameters of the approximating continuous surfaces and in further consequence the derived deformation. This issue is tackled in the following paper. B-spline surfaces are used to approximate the scanned point clouds. The approximation implies solving a Gauss–Markov-Model, thus allowing accounting for the measurements’ stochastic properties as well as propagating them on the surfaces’ control points. A parametric comparison of two B-spline surfaces can be made on the basis of these estimated control points. This approach is advantageous with regard to the transition of the space-continuous deformation analysis to a point-based task, thus ensuring the applicability of the well-established congruency model. The influence of the structure’s geometry on the surfaces’ control points is investigated using terrestrial laser scans of a clinker facade. Points measured in the joints are eliminated using an own developed segmentation approach. A comparison of the results obtained from segmented as well as from unsegmented laser scans for the B-spline approximation and the subsequent deformation analysis provides information about the structure-related influence. An aqueduct arc is used as measuring object in this study. For the intended comparison, data sets, which contain possible influences due to changes of the mechanical loads, are analysed

    Mixed Valence Europium Nitridosilicate Eu2SiN3

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    The mixed valence europium nitridosilicate Eu2SiN3 has been synthesized at 900°C in welded tantalum ampules starting from europium and silicon diimide Si(NH)2 in a lithium flux. The structure of the black material has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis (Cmca (no. 64), a=542.3(11) pm, b=1061.0(2) pm, c=1162.9(2) pm, Z=8, 767 independent reflections, 37 parameters, R1=0.017, wR2=0.032). Eu2SiN3 is a chain-type silicate comprising one-dimensional infinite nonbranched zweier chains of corner-sharing SiN4 tetrahedra running parallel [100] with a maximum stretching factor fs=1.0. The compound is isostructural with Ca2PN3 and Rb2TiO3, and it represents the first example of a nonbranched chain silicate in the class of nitridosilicates. There are two crystallographically distinct europium sites (at two different Wyckoff positions 8f) being occupied with Eu2+ and Eu3+, respectively. 151Eu Mössbauer spectroscopy of Eu2SiN3 differentiates unequivocally these two europium atoms and confirms their equiatomic multiplicity, showing static mixed valence with a constant ratio of the Eu2+ and Eu3+ signals over the whole temperature range. The Eu2+ site shows magnetic hyperfine field splitting at 4.2 K. Magnetic susceptibility measurements exhibit Curie-Weiss behavior above 24 K with an effective magnetic moment of 7.5 ÎŒB/f.u. and a small contribution of Eu3+, in accordance with Eu2+ and Eu3+ in equiatomic ratio. Ferromagnetic ordering at unusually high temperature is detected at TC=24 K. DFT calculations of Eu2SiN3 reveal a band gap of ∌0.2 eV, which is in agreement with the black color of the compound. Both DFT calculations and lattice energetic calculations (MAPLE) corroborate the assignment of two crystallographically independent Eu sites to Eu2+ and Eu3+
