3,011 research outputs found

    Nuclear-resonant electron scattering

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    We investigate nuclear-resonant electron scattering as occurring in the two-step process of nuclear excitation by electron capture (NEEC) followed by internal conversion. The nuclear excitation and decay are treated by a phenomenological collective model in which nuclear states and transition probabilities are described by experimental parameters. We present capture rates and resonant strengths for a number of heavy ion collision systems considering various scenarios for the resonant electron scattering process. The results show that for certain cases resonant electron scattering can have significantly larger resonance strengths than NEEC followed by the radiative decay of the nucleus. We discuss the impact of our findings on the possible experimental observation of NEEC.Comment: 24 pages, 2 plots, 5 table

    High-quality multi-GeV electron bunches via cyclotron autoresonance

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    Autoresonance laser acceleration of electrons is theoretically investigated using circularly polarized focused Gaussian pulses. Many-particle simulations demonstrate feasibility of creating over 10-GeV electron bunches of ultra-high quality (relative energy spread of order 10^-4), suitable for fundamental high-energy particle physics research. The laser peak intensities and axial magnetic field strengths required are up to about 10^18 W/cm^2 (peak power ~10 PW) and 60 T, respectively. Gains exceeding 100 GeV are shown to be possible when weakly focused pulses from a 200-PW laser facility are used

    Direct High-Power Laser Acceleration of Ions for Medical Applications

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    Theoretical investigations show that linearly and radially polarized multiterawatt and petawatt laser beams, focused to subwavelength waist radii, can directly accelerate protons and carbon nuclei, over micron-size distances, to the energies required for hadron cancer therapy. Ions accelerated by radially polarized lasers have generally a more favorable energy spread than those accelerated by linearly polarized lasers of the same intensity.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Testing standard-model extensions with isotope shifts in few-electron ions

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    When collecting spectroscopic data on at least four isotopes, nonlinearitiesin the King plot are a possible sign of Physics beyond the Standard Model. Inthis work, an improved approach to the search for hypothetical new interactionswith isotope shift spectroscopy of few-electron ions is presented. Very carefulaccount is taken of the small nuclear corrections to the energy levels and thegyromagnetic factors, which cause deviations from King linearity within theStandard Model and are hence a possible source of confounds. In this newapproach, the experimental King nonlinearity is not compared to the vanishingprediction of the Standard Model at the leading order, but to the calculatedfull Standard Model contribution to King nonlinearity. This makes searching forbeyond-the-Standard-Model physics with King linearity analysis possible in avery-high-precision experimental regime, avoiding confounds. The bounds whichcan be set on beyond-the-Standard-Model parameters remain limited by theuncertainties on the small Standard Model nuclear corrections which cause Kingnonlinearity. Direct comparison between theory and experiment on a single pairof isotopes is advocated as a more suitable approach for few-electron ions.<br

    Rigid Body Rate Inference from Attitude Variation

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    In this paper we research the extraction of the angular rate vector from attitude information without differentiation, in particular from quaternion measurements. We show that instead of using a Kalman filter of some kind, it is possible to obtain good rate estimates, suitable for spacecraft attitude control loop damping, using simple feedback loops, thereby eliminating the need for recurrent covariance computation performed when a Kalman filter is used. This considerably simplifies the computations required for rate estimation in gyro-less spacecraft. Some interesting qualities of the Kalman filter gain are explored, proven and utilized. We examine two kinds of feedback loops, one with varying gain that is proportional to the well known Q matrix, which is computed using the measured quaternion, and the other type of feedback loop is one with constant coefficients. The latter type includes two kinds; namely, a proportional feedback loop, and a proportional-integral feedback loop. The various schemes are examined through simulations and their performance is compared. It is shown that all schemes are adequate for extracting the angular velocity at an accuracy suitable for control loop damping

    On the Extraction of Angular Velocity from Attitude Measurements

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    In this paper we research the extraction of the angular rate vector from attitude information without differentiation, in particular from quaternion measurements. We show that instead of using a Kalman filter of some kind, it is possible to obtain good rate estimates, suitable for spacecraft attitude control loop damping, using simple feedback loops, thereby eliminating the need for recurrent covariance computation performed when a Kalman filter is used. This considerably simplifies the computations required for rate estimation in gyro-less spacecraft. Some interesting qualities of the Kalman filter gain are explored, proven and utilized. We examine two kinds of feedback loops, one with varying gain that is proportional to the well known Q matrix, which is computed using the measured quaternion, and the other type of feedback loop is one with constant coefficients. The latter type includes two kinds; namely, a proportional feedback loop, and a proportional-integral feedback loop. The various schemes are examined through simulations and their performance is compared. It is shown that all schemes are adequate for extracting the angular velocity at an accuracy suitable for control loop damping

    A long term spectroscopic and photometric study of the old nova HR Del

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    The Nova HR Del, discovered in 1967, was found to be exceptionally bright in the optical and UV during the whole lifetime of the IUE satellite (ending in 1996) and appears to be still extremely luminous today. The reason for this continuing activity is not clear; continuing weak thermonuclear burning might be involved. HR Del was thus monitored over several years, both in broad band photometry and spectroscopically in the Hα\alpha spectral region. The profile of the Hα\alpha line shows two components: a narrow, central component; and broader wings. The former is most easily understood as being due to an accretion disk, whose geometry might lead to it partly occulting itself. That component shows something like an S wave with an orbital phase dependance, suggesting that it could be due to a spot bright in Hα\alpha. The wide component must come from another region, with a probably non-negligible contribution from the material ejected during the 1967 outburst. Non-orbital variations of the Hα\alpha equivalent width were found both on long and short time scales. Similar variations were found in the photometry, showing a component with a clear dependence on the orbital phase, but no obvious relation with the Hα\alpha variations. The orbital part of the photometric variations can be explained by irradiation of the companion, while the properties of Hα\alpha are explicable by the presence of an accretion disk and a spot bright in Hα\alpha.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Evaluating implicit feedback models using searcher simulations

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    In this article we describe an evaluation of relevance feedback (RF) algorithms using searcher simulations. Since these algorithms select additional terms for query modification based on inferences made from searcher interaction, not on relevance information searchers explicitly provide (as in traditional RF), we refer to them as implicit feedback models. We introduce six different models that base their decisions on the interactions of searchers and use different approaches to rank query modification terms. The aim of this article is to determine which of these models should be used to assist searchers in the systems we develop. To evaluate these models we used searcher simulations that afforded us more control over the experimental conditions than experiments with human subjects and allowed complex interaction to be modeled without the need for costly human experimentation. The simulation-based evaluation methodology measures how well the models learn the distribution of terms across relevant documents (i.e., learn what information is relevant) and how well they improve search effectiveness (i.e., create effective search queries). Our findings show that an implicit feedback model based on Jeffrey's rule of conditioning outperformed other models under investigation

    The influence of rifle carriage on the kinetics of human gait

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    The influence that rifle carriage has on human gait has received little attention in the published literature. Rifle carriage has two main effects, to add load to the anterior of the body and to restrict natural arm swing patterns. Kinetic data were collected from 15 male participants, with 10 trials in each of four experimental conditions. The conditions were: walking without a load (used as a control condition); carrying a lightweight rifle simulator, which restricted arm movements but applied no additional load; wearing a 4.4 kg diving belt, which allowed arms to move freely; carrying a weighted (4.4 kg) replica SA80 rifle. Walking speed was fixed at 1.5 m/s (+5%) and data were sampled at 400 Hz. Results showed that rifle carriage significantly alters the ground reaction forces produced during walking, the most important effects being an increase in the impact peak and mediolateral forces. This study suggests that these effects are due to the increased range of motion of the body’s centre of mass caused by the impeding of natural arm swing patterns. The subsequent effect on the potential development of injuries in rifle carriers is unknown