77 research outputs found


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    Bertanya merupakan persoalan sederhana, walaupun tidak bisa digeneralisasi dalam perspektif pembelajaran bermakna. Bertanya bisa dipandang sebagai sikap perduli, responsif, dan interaktif terhadap materi pelajaran yang disampaikan. Kendala bertanya lebih banyak karena faktor diri siswa. Padahal bertanya dapat membangkitkan minat dan rasa ingin tahu. Jenis pertanyaan yang diajukan berbasis Taksonomi Bloom. Keterampilan bertanya mampu memicu kreativitias karena suatu pertanyaan muncul dari pertarungan kognitif antara konsep yang diterima dengan pengalaman yang pernah dialami, ditambah pengetahuan lama yang dipunyai dan keyakinan personal terhadap konsep tersebut. Kata kunci: bertanya, keterampila


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    Pembelajaran abad 21 mempunyai pola yang berbeda dengan abad sebelumnya. Tantangan ini belum banyak direspon oleh para pendidik, termasuk pembelajaran genetika di program studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jember. Untuk melakukan peningkatan perlu menjaring persepsi mahasiswa. Dari hasil angket didapatkan data bahwa 50% lebih mahasiswa merasa belum mengalami pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada Student Centered Learning (SCL) dan memahami konsep genetika secara mendasar dan mandiri. Diperlukan pendekatan, model, metode, strategi dan taktik belajar variatif untuk memberikan kondisi kelas agar mampu mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan tuntutan zaman.  Kata Kunci: pembelajaran abad 21, persepsi mahasiswa, genetika, SC

    Problem-Based Learning Model with Experimental Task Method Triggers Critical Thinking Skills

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    The ability to think critically is the main ability needed for graduates in the 21st century. In this regard the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the Problem-Based Learning learning model with experimental task methods that can trigger critical thinking skills. This type of research is a quasi-experiment using pre-test and post-test. The population used is the XII grade students of SMA Negeri 4 Jember in the 2018/2019 academic year. The research sample used was selected through purposive random sampling. The analysis used is Covariance Analysis. The results showed that the average difference in the value of critical thinking skills of the experimental class students was higher than the control class, which was 31 for the experimental class and 24 for the control class, with significance results (Sig = 0,000). This is because PBL is a learning model that uses contextual problems so that students actively build knowledge and can accommodate the development of critical thinking skills. In conclusion, the Problem-Based Learning learning model with the experimental assignment method triggers an increase in students' critical thinking skills


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    In the era of globalization, developments in various fields, such as development, economy, communication, education and so on. The progress of a business can be seen from how much profit it gets and the use of information systems in it. In this study, the researcher connects the field of education and the field of accounting. The title of this research is "The Effect of Continuity of Learning, Family Support and Social Environment, on Student Accounting Learning Achievement of the Islamic University of Malang Majoring in Accounting Class of 2017". Data collection in the form of primary data obtained from questionnaires distributed in the form of Google Form. The results showed that Continuity, Family Support and Social Environment had a simultaneous or partial effect on learning achievement. Keywords: learning achievement, learning continuity, family support, social environment, influence

    Water Resource Conservation Based on Local Wisdom of Madurese Ethnic Migrants in Kalibaru Afdeling Banyuwangi, Indonesia

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    Conservation of water resources is very important in the Afdeling area because the water is needed to provide water supply for the plant. The behavior of ethnic Madurese migrants in Kalibaru Afdeling becomes interesting to investigate because it differs from the Banyuwangi indigenous ethnic, Osing. The purpose of this research was to know the habits of the Madurese tribe in the conservation of water resources in the plantation area. This study used a qualitative method with a branched contractile approach, with some informants from three elements such as, residents, community leaders, and village coordinators. The result of this research shows that Sumber Pereng’s inhabitants have some ways to maintain water resource by keeping bamboo and cleaning the area every Rabu Wekasan, while Sumber Limak and Sumber Gueh's inhabitants always change the plants around the water resource, but they do nothing to maintain and conserve it. Water resource conservation is better in Sumber Pereng rather than in Sumber Limak and Sumber Gueh.Konservasi sumber daya air sangat penting di kawasan Afdeling karena air dibutuhkan untuk menyediakan suplai air bagi tanaman. Perilaku pendatang etnis Madura di Afdeling Kalibaru menjadi menarik untuk diteliti karena berbeda dengan etnis asli Banyuwangi, Osing. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebiasaan suku Madura dalam konservasi sumber daya air di kawasan perkebunan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan kontraktil bercabang, dengan beberapa informan dari tiga unsur yaitu warga, tokoh masyarakat, dan koordinator desa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Sumber Pereng memiliki beberapa cara untuk menjaga sumber air dengan memelihara bambu dan membersihkan areal setiap Rabu Wekasan, sedangkan penduduk Sumber Limak dan Sumber Gueh selalu mengganti tanaman di sekitar sumber air, namun tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk memelihara. dan melestarikannya. Konservasi sumber daya air lebih baik di Sumber Pereng daripada di Sumber Limak dan Sumber Gueh


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    This study aims to see and provide different views regarding organizational intelligence on educational leadership, namely the ability to direct organizations to move according to the development direction they want. Regarding how important the organizational intelligence of a leader is in contributing to the organization that their leads. This research uses the literature review method or literature study, with stages (1) objective; 2) inclusion criteria; 3) search strategy; (4) data collection; (5) quality of study; and (6) result synthesis data. This technique is carried out with the aim of disclosing various theories that are relevant to the problems being faced or researched as reference material in the discussion of research results. The results of this study showed that organizational intelligence is able to make a leader encourage his organization to move towards the target that has been set, namely people who have successfully built a clear self-image, because before followers are moved, they would want to recognize who their leader was, does the leader deserve to be a role model?


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    Pembangunan merupakan kunci untuk mencapai kehidupan yang lebih baik. Namun dalam pembangunan, tak jarang menimbulkan masalah-masalah yang apabila tidak ditangani akan menimbulkan ekses negatif. Salah satunya adalah pelacuran. Pelacuran atau prostitusi adalah merupakan suatu perbuatan hukum yang tercela. Perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh seorang laki-laki dan perempuan untuk mencapai kepuasan seksual yang dilakukan tanpa ikatan yang sah dan dilandasi oleh timbal balik berupa materi. Perbuatan ini dimata hukum adalah perbuatan tercela yang tidak sesuai dengan kaidah norma dan kesusilaan yang berkembang di masyarakat, tapi dalam perkembangannya, pelacuran atau prostitusi seakan-akan tumbuh subur tanpa adanya peraturan yang mampu membatasi perilaku menyimpang ini. Selain itu, prostitusi juga dilakukan melalui perantara tekhnologi seperti internet. Hal inilah, yang apabila tidak dilakukan pengaturan yang kompereherensif, dapat menimbulkan perbuatan menyimpang yang lebih besa

    Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Minat Mahasiswa Mengikuti Program Sinergi (S1-S2) Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB

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    This study aims to analyze the interest of undergraduate students in the Synergy Program of the Graduate School of IPB (SPs IPB) based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). This study uses a sampling technique with a non-probability sampling method involving 389 active undergraduate student respondents with several parameters distributed through an online questionnaire. The data was then processed by analysis of the Structural Equation Modeling- Partial Square Least (SEM-PLS) using Smart PLS version 3 with reflective indicator measurements. The results of the research based on the TPB theory showed that all the variables in the TPB, namely the attitude variable, subjective norm and perception of control had a significant effect on increasing respondents' interest in participating in the SPs IPB synergy program. Furthermore, the results of the SEM-PLS analysis show that of the three TPB variables, the subjective norm variable has the highest influence on student interest compared to other variables. The subjective norm variable in this study was formed from several external factors, namely the dimensions of parents, dimensions of lecturers and dimensions of students. Thus, SPs IPB can increase the input of the synergy program participants by optimizing the three TPB variables, especially from the subjective norm variable through the role of parents in the form of providing information, fellow students in the form of delivering word of mouth information and lecturers in the form of providing recommendations. Keywords: intention, sinergy program SPs, sem pls, theory of planned behavio


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    The principal has distinctive characteristics in leading or often referred to as a leadership style in carrying out the wheels of the school organization that he leads. Leadership style is a way for leaders to influence their subordinates to want to work together productively to achieve organizational goals. This conceptual article aims to examine the phenomenon of democratic and visionary leadership in improving the performance of teachers in Elementary School (SD) 1 Colo Kudus. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the combination of democratic and visionary leadership styles is very suitable to be applied at SD 1 Colo Kudus to improve teacher performance. Various innovative ideas from school principals for the improvement and progress of schools, including those for improving teacher performance, are always brought together and discussed in advance with teachers to obtain various responses and input; henceforth the final decision remains in the hands of the principal. Based on the results of this study, a combination of democratic and visionary leadership styles can be an alternative that can be applied to improve teacher performance in other basic education units