60 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Aktivitas Antropogenik Terhadap Kualitas Air, Sedimen Dan Moluska Di Danau Maninjau, Sumatera Barat.

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    Has conducted research with the aim to study the effect of anthropogenic pollution of the environment on the condition of water quality, sediment and molluscs in the waters of Lake Maninjau. Maninjau is one lake located in Agam regency of West Sumatra.Type this lake is techno volcaniclake formed by volcanic activity.The issue of pollution of the lake water is a major issue in the utilization and development of the area of the lake, in any area. Activity of the population around the lake tends to be productive in general automatically generates waste from the production process results. This study was conducted over three (3) times from March-September 2015 in seven (7) locations of river estuaries around D. Maninjau potential influx of contaminants.The results showed the average concentration of TP in water ranging from 0.0245 to 0.2117 mg L-1; TN 0.5085 to 1.2292 mg L-1; O-PO4 from 0.0206 to 0.2241 mg L-1 and NO3 0.0841 to 1.0618 mg L-1. The average metal content in the sediment Fe 1.1733 to 3.5733 mg kg-1; Pb 0.0037 to 11.230 mg kg-1; Cd 0.0050 to 0.0193 mg kg-1; 0.00056 to 0.05914 mg Hg kg-1; and Cr undetectable or below 0.004 mg kg-1. As for the average heavy metals in mollusks Fe 0.04 to 0.948 mg kg-1; Pb 0.002 to 4.17 mg kg-1; Cd 0.013 to 1.032 mg kg-1; Cr 0.040 to 0.098 mg kg-1; and Hg from 0.0004 to 0.1062 mg kg-1. From the analysis of the data obtained showed no allegation has been going on heavy metal pollution in the sediment and molluscs in a river estuary that goes directly into the water body of Lake Maninjau. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of anthropogenic pollution of the environment on the condition of water quality, sediment and molluscs in the waters of Lake Maninja

    Evaluasi Kualitas Air Sungai-sungai Di Kawasan DAS Brantas Hulu Malang Dalam Kaitannya Dengan Tata Guna Lahan Dan Aktivitas Masyarakat Di Sekitarnya

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    Brantas River that is located at Upper Brantas River Basin Area has been polluting that is noted by poluttion that taking place at Karangkates and Sengguruh Reservoir. Development of people and industries around Malang Upper Brantas River Basin Area since 2000, leading to increasing of river water using and pollution, particularly organic pollution. This research evaluated river water quality at Malang Upper Brantas River Basin Area, refered to water quality standard inserted on Governmental Regulation Number 82 / 2001 (PP No. 82 tahun 2001) and observed its relation to land use system and its surrounding people activity. Water quality is observed at 18 station focusing on physical parameters such as temperature, conductivity, suspended solid, and chemical parameters such as pH, DO, BOD, COD, N-nitrate, total nitrogen, orthophosphate and total phosphorous. Furthermore, water quality status is determined by using of pollution index methode, based on Environment Ministerial Regulation Number 115 / 2003 (Kep. Men. LH No. 115 tahun 2003). Evaluation result was related to land use system at Upper Brantas River Basin Area and its surroundings people activity. Evaluation result showed that, water quality has been decreasing at that area compared with the year of 1997-2002, and furthermore almost at all stations the value of COD has exceeded maximum limit threshold. Determination of water quality status also showed that all rivers at Upper Brantas River Basin has been polluted, majority with medium polutted grade. Research the result also showed that river water quality at Malang Upper Brantas River Basin is influenced by land use system and its surroundings people activity, particuarly by industries located along the river basin

    Study of Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Sandfish Sea Cucumber (Holothuria scabra)

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    The overfishing of the sandfish Holothuria scabra is increasing due to its various benefits, thus reducing its population in nature. This study aimed to examine sandfish's length-weight relationship and condition factors on the North Coast of Sumbawa Island, with sampling locations at two stations, Ai Limung (Pungkit Village), and Labu Prajak (Batu Bangka Village). The study was conducted in September-October 2022. A total of 142 specimens were obtained from both stations, 122 samples at Ai Limung station (mean length 9.22±2.12 cm; weight 43.34±25.07 grams). Then 20 samples at the Labu Prajak station (mean length 13.69±3.74 cm; weight 88.70±60.06 grams). Growth patterns of each research station are negative allometric, indicating the body length of the sandfish grows faster than its weight. Condition factor at Ai Limung station Kn=1.03±0.26, Wr=1.03±0.26, K=5.33±1.76, and at the Labu Prajak station Kn=1.05±0.28, Wr=104.88±27.83, K=3.27±1.14. The results showed significant differences in length, weight, and fulton condition factor. The mean body length and weight of sandfish at both stations are smaller than previous study, indicating the earlier sign of overfishing. Meanwhile, the fulton condition factor at Ai Limung station showed a higher value, which indicated the location was better, with abundant food sources and fewer predator

    Analisis Daya Tampung Beban Pencemar Sungai Pesanggrahan (Segmen Kota Depok) Dengan Menggunakan Model Numerik Dan Spasial

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    The objective of the study is to calculate and analyze the pollution load capacity of the specified river segment using combination of the water quality model “QUAL2Kw” and Geographic Information System (SIG). Location of the study is Pesanggrahan river in the Depok City sections. The result of modeling shows that the actual pollutant load discharged to the river section for BOD, COD and TSS are 8.257; 59.930 dan 48.975 kg/days, respectively. Meanwhile the allowable pollutant load or the pollution load capacity of the section of the river for those pollutant parameters are 8.111, 58.20; 49.085 kg/days, respectively. It indicates that the pollution load capacity of the section of the river has been exceeded that needs reduction as much as load of 146 kg/days for BOD, 1,650 kg/days for COD and 110 kg/days for TSS in order to to meet the set water quality standard of the river section. The coefficient of determination (r2) of 0,99 for BOD and COD and 0,998 for TSS indicates that the modelled concentration of BOD, COD and TSS and those concentration of measured results show the strong relationship and the low value difference. In addition, the calibration of modeling results have an error rate of less than 10% indicated by the value of RMSE of 0.065, 0.09, 0.2 for BOD, COD and TSS, respectively. The error value shows that the water quality modeling results can be used for predicting the pollution load capacity or the allowable pollutant load of the river sectio

    Kajian potensi perairan dangkal untuk pengembangan wisata bahari dan dampak pemanfaatannya bagi masyarakat sekitar (studi kasus Pulau Semak Daun sebagai daerah penunjang kegiatan wisata Pulau Pramuka Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu)

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    Abstract. Semakdaun and Pramuka are islands in kepulauan seribu administrated regency of Jakarta province that have typical resources and become tourism destination, by means this research choose semak daun and pramuka to be research place. This research purpose is study potential recourshe in shallow water of Semak Daun island for increasing marine tourism in Pramuka island, and to know impact of increasing marine tourism to economy and social of local people.  This research was conducted on Mei 2013 up to July 2013. The method of this research is descriptive quantitative analysis calculations using percent cover of coral, abundance of reef fish, suitability index of marine tourism, marine tourism area carrying capacity, analysis of Marine Tourism Economic Impact on the community using a multiplier effect . The results obtained from this study are: first, percent cover of coral communities on the Semak daun island categorized from moderate to very good and it ranged between 29.67 % -77.66 %. Second, Semak Daun Island area suitable for diving tourism activities, snorkeling , and beach tourism carrying capacity for diving site is 98 people / day and for snorkling is 242 people / day . Third, Tourists Visitor in Pramuka island has increased which in 2012 reached 36 218 visitors . Fourth, marine tourism activities in Semak Daun island and pramuka Island put up economic impact for society as service user and tourism workers by increasing income the value of Keynesian Local Income Multiplier 1.09, Type I Multiplier Income Ratio is 1.10 and Ratio Income Multiplier, Type II is 1.27.Keywords : Semak Daun island, marine tourism, Pramuka island, carrying capacity, multiplier effect Abstrak. Pulau Semak Daun dan Pulau Pramuka merupakan pulau yang ada di Provinsi Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta tepatnya di Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu  yang memiliki sumberdaya alam yang khas dan menjadi salah satu tujuan wisatawan, oleh karena itu penelitian ini memilih Pulau Semak Daun dan Pulau Pramuka menjadi tempat kajian penelitian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah  mengkaji Potensi Sumberdaya di perairan dangkal Pulau Semak Daun untuk pengembangan kegiatan wisata bahari Pulau Pramuka dan memprediksi dampak pengembangan wisata bahari terhadap kondisi sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat setempat. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2013 – Juli 2013.   Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis perhitungan persen tutupan komunitas karang, kelimpahan ikan karang, indeks kesesuaian wisata bahari, daya dukung kawasan wisata bahari, dan analisis Dampak Ekonomi Wisata Bahari terhadap masyarakat menggunakan multiplier efect. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu persen tutupan komunitas karang di Pulau Semak Daun di kategorikan dari sedang sampai sangat baik yaitu berkisar antara 29,67%-77,66%, kawasan Pulau Semak Daun sesuai untuk aktivitas wisata selam dan snorkling dengan daya dukung kawasan untuk wisata selam 98 orang/hari, snorkling 242 orang/hari, Wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Pulau Pramuka mengalami peningkatan yakni pada tahun 2012 mencapai 36.218 pengunjung; dan kegiatan wisata bahari Pulau Semak Daun dan Pulau Pramuka memberi dampak terhadap peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat sebagai penyedia jasa dan pekerja wisata yaitu bertambahnya pendapatan dengan nilai Keynesian Local Income Multiplier 1,09, Ratio Income Multiplier Tipe I adalah 1,10 dan Ratio Income Multiplier, Tipe II adalah 1,27.Kata Kunci :  Pulau Semak Daun, Wisata Bahari, Pulau Pramuka, daya dukung, Multiplier efect

    Heavy metal content of Pb and Cd in bandik grouper (Cephalopholis boenak) in Banten Bay, Indonesia

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    Banten Bay is a developing area that is used by various activities such as fishing ports, industry and hotels. Many activities in the coastal areas of Serang City and Cilegon Regency have a serious impact on the quality of waters and fishery resources along Banten Bay. This study aims to analyze and determine maximum tolerance limit for bandik grouper (C. boenak) meat and gills which are safe for consumption by adults and children. The study was conducted at six stations, namely Panjang Island and Pamujaan Besar Island during the period of May, June and July 2019. Measurement of heavy metal content on meat and gills carried out using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric (AAS). The content of Pb and Cd in water fluctuates. The metal content of Pb and Cd in the meat and gills of bandik grouper has exceeded the quality standards set by BPOM and FAO/WHO, and is classified as polluted mild to moderate Pb bioconcentration factor values in grouper meat ranged from 6.78-72.00 and Pb bioconcentration in grouper gills 32.86-762.61. The maximum weight of grouper meat that can be tolerated for consumption for adults is 3,5 kg/week and children 1.0 kg/week

    Economic Impact From Plastic Debris On Selayar Island, South Sulawesi

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    Sampah plastik dalam jumlah besar terdeposit di pesisir Pulau Selayar yang berhadapan langsung dengan Laut Jawa selama musim barat. Sampah plastik telah menimbulkan dampak sosial dan ekonomi bagi nelayan di Pulau Selayar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji komposisi, kepadatan dan sebaran dari sampah plastik; dampak terhadap sosial dan ekonomi. Metode transek garis digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menentukan jumlah dan sebaran sampah plastik. Ukuran sampah plastik yang diamati adalah >2,5 cm dikategorikan sebagai sampah makro. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Februari sampai Maret 2016. Dampak sampah plastik menurunkan pendapatan dari pariwisata, industri perikanan, mengganggu operasi penangkapan ikan, memerlukan pembersihan dan perbaikan pada alat langkap. Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk perbaikan dan pembersihan kapal ikan sekitar 192,9 juta rupiah tiap tahun dan perbaikan alat tangkap 156,2 juta rupiah per tahun. Sampah plastik terdiri dari botol plastik, gelas plastik, tali dan jaring ikan, korek gas, keranjang plastik, pelampung, kemasan plastik, sikat gigi dan alat suntik. Rata-rata sampah plastik adalah 9,5 ± 2,7 item/m2 dan berat sekitar 229,2 ± 109,9 g/m2

    Efektivitas Penggunaan Bakteri Untuk Perbaikan Kualitas Air Media Budi Daya Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) Super Intensif

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    Aquaculture activities in coastal area potentially produced wastes which leads water pollution. In order to reduce pollution, the use of several bacteria is very promising. This study was aimed to determine the effectivity of commercial bacterial inocculants to reduce pollution in cultured water. Bacterial inocculant tested in this study was SN®, SB®, and the combination of both inocculants for water quality improvements in white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) super intensive culture media. This study was conducting in two steps, namely (i) preliminary study and (ii) primary study. The preliminary study was aimed to determine the time required to add bacteria based on the total number of bacterial colonies. The result showed that total colonies number of media treated with addition of SN® and SB® were reached maximum within 2 days. The result of primary study showed that the combination of SN® and SB® showed best effect in maintaining water quality of the culture media. This combination are proven reduces ammonia by 96%, nitrite-N by 83%, and COD by 42%


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    Kegiatan pemanfaatan perairan pesisir yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan di Kabupaten Barru adalah budidaya tiram mutiara (Pinctada maxima). Namun, untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal, Pemilihan lokasi melalui kegiatan inventarisasi dan pemetaan potensi sumberdaya lahan merupakan tahapan awal yang penting dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menilai kesesuaian perairan Kabupaten Barru untuk pemanfaatan budidaya tiram mutiara (Pinctada. maxima). Metode yang digunakan analisis karakteristik, analisis kelimpahan plankton SID (Simpson’s index diversity) dan analisis kesesuaian budidaya tiram mutiara melalui pembobotan. Kondisi parameter fisik perairan seperti pasang surut dicirikan oleh pasang surut campuran cenderung harian ganda yaitu siklus pasang surut terjadi 2 kali pasang dan 2 kali surut dalam satu hari. Kecepatan arus perairan berkisar 14 - 69 cm/s. Kontur kedalaman perairan antara 5 - >200 meter dan suhu perairan dalam kategori cukup tinggi pada musim peralihan I pada bulan Mei berkisar 30,1-31,6 0C. Parameter kimia antara lain; salinitas, oksigen terlarut, pH, dan nitrat pada kisaran baku mutu air laut. Kondisi berbeda pada sebaran fosfat pada wilayah muara memiliki tingkat melebihi status baku mutu >0,015 mg/L. Potensi perairan Kabupaten Barru yang sesuai untuk budidaya tiram mutiara (Pinctada maxima) dengan kawasan sangat sesuai seluas 3.201 ha. Kata kunci: Budidaya tiram mutiara, Karakteristik perairan, Kesesuaian, PesisirThe coastal waters utilization that has potential to be developed in Barru regency is the cultivation of pearl oysters (Pinctada maxima). However, to get the maximum results, site selection through inventory activities and mapping of potential of the waters is an important early stage to do. The purpose of this study was to assess the suitability of Barru regency coastal waters for pearl oysters (Pinctada maxima) farming. The method used in the current study were the characteristics analysis, plankton abundance SID analysis (Simpson's index of diversity), and suitability analysis of pearl oyster farming by weighting. Conditions of physical parameters i.e tidal waters was characterized by a mix tidal or semidiurnal tides which has two high tides and two low tides in each tidal day. The waters current ranged from 14 until 69 cm/s. Water depths contour ranged from 5 until >200 meters and the water temperature was relatively high  at the first transitional season (May) which ranged from 30.1 to 31.6 0C. Chemical parameters, such as salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, and nitrate still met the water quality standard of marine waters. However, the posphat concentration in the estuary had exceeded the level of quality standard , i.e >0.015 mg/L. Barru coastal waters that had the potential for pearl oysters (Pinctada maxima) farming with a very appropriate status has an area of 3,201 ha. Keywords: Coastal, Pearl oyster farming, Suitability, Environmenta

    Analisis Keberlanjutan Pembangunan Kota Tepian Pantai (Studi Kasus: Kota Baubau Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara)

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    The complexity of coastal development in Baubau City needs to be anticipated carefully for hindering coastal ecosystems sustainability away from disruptions and threats. Environmental degradation resulted from developments could be disastrous to economic and infrastructure sectors as well as human lives. Therefore, development initiatives are supposed to comply with the principles of sustainable development. Accordingly, sustainability analysis is necessary to figure out the sustainability status of Baubau City development. The purpose of this study is to analyze the sustainability of Baubau City development in accordance with multidimensional measurement of ecological, economic, social, infrastructure and technology, and law and institution. The data used in this study include primary and secondary data obtained through literature studies, expert discussions/stakeholder, interviews, questionnaires, and field surveys. The sustainability analysis applies multidimensional scaling, leverage, Pareto, and Monte Carlo techniques. The results show that Baubau City is quite sustainable in technological infrastructure dimension (74,77), and institutional law dimension (65,87), but less sustainable in ecology dimension (32,90) and economic dimension (41,87), and unsustainable in social dimension (20,61). In addition, there are 35 sensitive attributes affecting the sustainability of Baubau City development
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