1,974 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of different types of graphite electrodes on titanium (Ti - 6A1 - 4V)

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    This thesis presents the EDMing of Titanium (Ti-6A1-4V) using POCO EDM 3 and POCO EDM C3 graphites electrodes with diameter of 10 mm. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the influenced of various parameters involved in EDM on the machining characteristics, namely, material removal rate (MRR), electrode wear ratio (EWR), surface roughness (Ra), recast layer (RL) and heat affected zone (HAZ) after undergone EDMing process and to compare the performance of both electrodes. The Full Factorial Design of Experiment (DOE) approach with two-level was used to formulate the experimental layout, to analyze the effect of each parameter such as pulse on (ON), pulse off (OFF), peak current (IP) and servo voltage (SV) on the machining characteristics EDM . In this investigation, the machining operation for titanium was performed using a Sodick linear motor EDM sinker series AQ55L. Meanwhile, for the measurement equipments; Mitutoyo Surftest SJ-400 was used to measure the surface roughness, and the thickness of recast layer and heat affected zone were examined using the Scanning Electron Microscope XL40. In general, results revealed that pulse on (ON) and peak current (IP) have appeared to be the most significant effect to all responses investigated. In term of performance, POCO C3 gives better material removal rate (MRR) value compare to POCO 3 but in term of electrode wear ratio (EWR) and also surface roughness (SR) POCO 3 gives better result compare to POCO C3. On the Recast layer and HAZ both the good and the worst came from POCO 3. The lowest recast layer achieved was 13.5 fxm and the lowest HAZ achieved was 12.7 Hm. Confirmation tests were also conducted for the optimum conditions for each machining characteristics in order to verify and compare the results from the theoretical prediction using Design Expert software and experimental confirmation tests. Overall, the results from the confirmation tests showed that the percentage of performance was acceptable due to all the results obtained were within the allowable values which was less than 15% of margin error


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    Pakistan is an agricultural country. The increased population leads to increasing demand for food. Unfortunately, crops are infected by different microbes and nutrient deficiency of soil adversely affects the yield of the crop. Furthermore, the use of chemical fertilizers like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium (NPK), Urea, Diammonium phosphate (DAP) and pesticides have environmental consequences. Therefore, so there is need to find alternative renewable and sustainable biofertilizers

    Factors Determining Public Demand for Safe Drinking Water (A Case Study of District Peshawar)

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    Overtime per capita water availability in the world as well as in Pakistan has been declining. Water sources have depleted and become polluted therefore, now water has become a scarce good. Resultantly, the inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene are rooting major environmental degradation and health damages in the country. This study was undertaken to analyze the magnitude of awareness, perception, practices, and demand for safe drinking water. The study further elaborated HHs Willingness to Pay (WTP) for improved water quality and services in district Peshawar of NWFP, Pakistan. Primary data was collected from 315 HHs which consist 2455 HH members from district Peshawar. Schooling, exposure to mass media, HH income and occurrence of diarrhoeal diseases were used to measure the HHs’ response towards the health risks associated with contaminated water. Moreover, to find out public acceptability to government and private sector as service providers, HH’s were asked two separate questions regarding their maximum willingness to pay for an improved water system by either one. Out of the sample HHs, 78.4 percent were willing to accept improved water system provided by government while relatively less HHs (55.6 percent) were WTP in the case of private company as the service provider. It is worth mentioning that according to sample about 76 percent HHs were not using any method for water purification at their homes in district Peshawar. This study empirically proved that the role of awareness besides the income constraint is the key determinants of demand for safe drinking water.

    Rhazes in the Renaissance of Andreas Vesalius

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    Andreas Vesalius' (1514–64) first publication was a Paraphrasis of the ninth book of the Liber ad Almansorem, written by the Arab–Persian physician and alchemist Rhazes (854–925). The role of Rhazes in Vesalius' oeuvre has thus far been much disregarded. The different ways Rhazes recurs reveal an intellectual evolution in Vesalius' work. In the Paraphrasis, Vesalius subjects Rhazes to the authority of Galen in the context of the early sixteenth-century humanist campaign for the substitution of Arab influences by Greek ‘originals’. Over the years Vesalius continues his work on Rhazes, but his approach becomes more internationalistic. Ultimately, Vesalius criticises Galen while expressing sympathy for the Arab author. This may be the more significant as Rhazes could have influenced Vesalius in the act of criticising Galen – critical discussions of Galen were available to Vesalius in Latin translations of Rhazes's Liber Continens. Although Vesalius never refers to the work, it is hardly possible he was unaware of it: similarities in structure, rhetoric and form between the Continens and the De humani corporis fabrica could support this hypothesis

    Multiparadigma Sosiologi Hukum Keluarga Islam

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    This paper elaborate various paradigms in contradictory and relatively ambiguous in sociological of Islamic family law in Indonesia. The discussion will be focused on the paradigm of the sociology of law and developed on the Islamic law also its implication in social aspects. By using an interdisciplinary approach with a normative-juridical study, the aim of this paper is to solve various social problems. This model is very crucial to be carried out immediately. The result show that the paradigms provide several new points of view and very useful in solving various problems in the study of administrative of marriage, inheritance and the age of marriageTulisan ini membahas berbagai paradigma yang terkesan saling bertolak belakang, ambigu dalam diskursus sosiologi hukum keluarga Islam di Indonesia. Pembahasan difokuskan pada paradigma sosiologi hukum terlebih dahulu, kemudian dikembangkan kajiannya pada sosiologi hukum Islam, selanjutnya akan dilihat implikasinya dalam studi hukum keluarga Islam khususnya pada aspek sosialnya. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan interdisipliner bercorak normatif-yuridis maka tujuan tulisan ini sebenarnya ingin menyelesaikan berbagai persoalan sosial di masyarakat, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan hukum keluarga Islam. Pendekatan model ini sangat krusial dan mutlak untuk segera dilakukan terlebih di era pos-moderen seperti saat ini dimana problematika masyarakat juga semakin kompleks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwasanya paradigma-paradigma tersebut bukan bertolak belakang, ambigu akan tetapi menyediakan serta melahirkan beberapa pandangan atau sudut pandang baru dimana perbedaan ini akan sangat berguna dalam menyelesaikan berbagai persoalan umat Islam, khususnya dalam bidang hukum keluarga Islam seperti dalam kajian seputar masalah administrasi pencatatan perkawinan, waris dan batas usia kawin

    Factors Determining Public Demand for Safe Drinking Water (A Case Study of District Peshawar)

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    Overtime per capita water availability in the world as well as in Pakistan has been declining. Water sources have depleted and become polluted therefore, now water has become a scarce good. Resultantly, the inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene are rooting major environmental degradation and health damages in the country. This study was undertaken to analyze the magnitude of awareness, perception, practices, and demand for safe drinking water. The study further elaborated HHs Willingness to Pay (WTP) for improved water quality and services in district Peshawar of NWFP, Pakistan. Primary data was collected from 315 HHs which consist 2455 HH members from district Peshawar. Schooling, exposure to mass media, HH income and occurrence of diarrhoeal diseases were used to measure the HHs response towards the health risks associated with contaminated water. Moreover, to find out public acceptability to government and private sector as service providers, HHs were asked two separate questions regarding their maximum willingness to pay for an improved water system by either one. Out of the sample HHs, 78.4 percent were willing to accept improved water system provided by government while relatively less HHs (55.6 percent) were WTP in the case of private company as the service provider. It is worth mentioning that according to sample about 76 percent HHs were not using any method for water purification at their homes in district Peshawar. This study empirically proved that the role of awareness besides the income constraint is the key determinants of demand for safe drinking water.water supply, environmental degradation, willingness to pay, water demand

    ‘Let the Muslim be my Master in Outward Things’. References to Islam in the Promotion of Religious Tolerance in Christian Europe

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    Islam presents a policy of religious tolerance, rooted in teachings on the universal nature of man, his free relationship to God, and the divine origins of other religions. The prophet Muhammadsa separated his authority as a religious leader from his position as a governor, creating a religiously diverse society from the very start. This contrasted to the Christian world, where men were regarded to be born in original sin, only to be redeemed by Christ through the one true Church. Ever since the Byzantine Empire, Christian rulers had governed by the motto ‘One State, One Law, One Faith’, leading to horrendous persecutions of heretics. Throughout history, persecuted Christians have noticed the contrast to the tolerance within Islam. When, in the 16th century, persecutions in Europe became unbearable, Christian advocates of tolerance referred to the Ottoman Empire as the model to adopt. The example of the empire was offered in debates on tolerance from Hungary to Germany, France, the Netherlands and Great Britain, up until the 18th century, by tolerance advocates such as Sebastian Castellio, Francis Junius, John Locke and Voltaire. The Netherlands became a junction, adopting not only the Ottoman model of religious diversity, but also receiving political and military support from Ottoman sultans.British Academ

    Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Analysis of Film Formation in CO2 Corrosion

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    Corrosion is defined as the deterioration of material, usually metal, by a chemical or electro-chemical reaction with its environment. In oil and gas industry, CO2 corrosion is one of the recognized problems particularly in production, transportation facilities and the material selection process. In the application of carbon steel, it has become a main concern because of its high corrosion rate and the formation of protective iron carbonate (FeCO3) film layers. Current models often over-predict CO2 corrosion rates for wet gas and oil transport systems. One of the main reasons for this is the fact that the formation of corrosion product scales is not properly taken into account

    A family of ratio estimators for population mean in extreme ranked set sampling using two auxiliary variables

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    In this paper we have adopted the Khoshnevisan et al. (2007) family of estimators to extreme ranked set sampling (ERSS) using information on single and two auxiliary variables. Expressions for mean square error (MSE) of proposed estimators are derived to first order of approximation. Monte Carlo simulations and real data sets have been used to illustrate the method. The results indicate that the estimators under ERSS are more efficient as compared to estimators based on simple random sampling (SRS), when the underlying populations are symmetric.Peer Reviewe

    Estimation of finite population distribution function with auxiliary information in a complex survey sampling

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the finite population cumulative distribution function (CDF) in a complex survey sampling, which includes two-stage and three-stage cluster sampling schemes with and without stratification. We propose two new families of CDF estimators using supplementary information on a single auxiliary variable. Explicit mathematical expressions of the biases and mean squared errors of the proposed CDF estimators are developed under the frst order of the approximation. Real datasets are also considered to support the proposed theory