13 research outputs found

    Hodnotenie aminokyselín v mäse a pečeni nutrie (Myocastor coypus Molina) v závislosti od veku

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the amino acid composition of proteins in the dorsal muscle, femoral muscle, and the liver of female nutrias (Myocastor coypus Molina) in relation to age. In this study a total of 50 animals were used. The animals were split into two groups based on their age, i.e. 7 months old and 24 months old. The amino acids were separated and quantitatively determined using an automated analyser. Using a two-way analysis of variance, significant differences (P˂0.05) were determined between the tested parameters, muscle type and age. In this study, statistically significant differences were found in the dorsal muscle in the content of glycine, which was higher in young animals and in the content of aspartic acid, which was higher in older animals. In the case of the femoral muscle, significantly higher content of serine, glycine and arginine were found in the group of 7-month-old animals. In contrast, the group of 24-month-old nutria in the femoral muscle showed a higher content of alanine, valine and phenylalanine. In the liver, significantly higher contents of some amino acids were found only in the group of young, 7 months old nutrias. Higher content was observed for aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, proline and histidine. Additionally, nutria meat, particularly meat from the dorsal muscle, is a rich source of amino acids, especially essential amino acid, glutamic acid and aspartic acid, making it yet another quality source of protein in a balanced human diet.Cieľom tejto práce bolo vyhodnotiť aminokyselinové zloženie bielkovín v chrbtovom svale, stehennom svale a pečeni samíc nutrií vo vzťahu k veku. V tejto štúdii bolo použitých celkom 50 zvierat. Zvieratá boli rozdelené do dvoch skupín podľa veku, 7 mesiacov a 24 mesiacov. Aminokyseliny boli separované a kvantitatívne určené pomocou automatického analyzátora. Použitím dvojfaktorovej analýzy rozptylu boli zistené významné rozdiely (P<0,05) medzi testovanými parametrami, typom svalu a vekom. V tejto štúdii boli zistené štatisticky významné rozdiely v chrbtovom svale v obsahu glycínu, ktorý bol vyšší u mladých zvierat a v obsahu kyseliny asparágovej, ktorý bol vyšší u starších zvierat. V prípade stehenného svalu boli v skupine 7-mesačných zvierat zistené výrazne vyššie hladiny serínu, glycínu a arginínu. Naproti tomu skupina 24-mesačných nutrií v stehennom svale vykazovala vyšší obsah alanínu, valínu a fenylalanínu. V pečeni boli preukázateľne vyššie hodnoty niektorých aminokyselín zistené len v skupine mladých 7-mesačných nutrií. Vyšší obsah bol pozorovaný pri kyseline asparágovej, treoníne, seríne, kyseline glutámovej, prolíne a histidíne. Mäso nutrie, najmä mäso z chrbtového svalu, je navyše bohatým zdrojom aminokyselín, najmä esenciálnych aminokyselín, kyseliny glutámovej a kyseliny asparágovej, čo z neho robí ďalší kvalitný zdroj bielkovín vo vyváženej ľudskej strave

    Bovine beta casein A1 variant as risk factor for human health

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    Milk and dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt, butter and many others are for its rich source of protein and minerals important part of human nutrition. Milk protein is a source of peptides that are bioactive including: antibacterial activity, antihypertensive activity, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory (ACE-I) activity and opioid activity. The term “opioid” refers to chemical substances that have a morphine-like activity in the body. Some of them are known to play an important role in the response to stress and pain, and the control of food intake. The first pharmacological descriptions of milk-derived peptides were ß-casomorphins. Many studies show that ß-casomorphin-7 and other peptides have the possible effects up on the central nervous system, a certain relationship with the child sudden death syndrome, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular disease, insulin - dependent diabetes mellitus (DM-1), auto-immune conditions, autism, schizophrenia and postpartum psychosis

    The morisco question in Cervantes' work

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    This thesis deals with the Morisco question in the work of Miguel de Cervantes. It situates the author in the historical and social context of 16th and the beginning of 17th century when Philip III of Spain had banished the Morisco community from Spanish Kingdom. It studies the influences which had impact on Cervantes' life and could be reflected in this issue. Also, all the mentions of Moors, Moriscos and Arabic culture are analized, all mentions in three pieces of Cervantes' work, the novel The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, the drama Los Tratos de Argel and the pastoral novel Galatea. All the mentions are divided into the chapters according the positive, objective or negative meaning in relation to the Moriscos. The analyses of each chapter create the opinion of Miguel de Cervantes of the Morisco question. The thesis discovers that the impact of coexistence of Christian and Muslim culture in Spain, his life experience and the historical expulsion of Moriscos, are considerably reflected in author's literary work. Keywords Moriscos, Moors, Don Quixote, baroque, Los Tratos de Árgel, La Galatea, nove

    Synthesis of cholesterol conjugates with poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(lysine) block copolymer

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    Pomocí Gabrielovy syntézy byl připraven , -diaminopoly(ethylenglykol). Z něj byly reakcí s N-karboxanhydridem L-(Z)-lysinu připraveny příslušné blokové kopolymery poly(ethylenglykol)-b-poly[?-(benzyloxykarbonyl)-L-lysin]. Aminové skupiny lysinových jednotek byly odchráněny trifluoroctovou kyselinou na blokové kopolymery poly(ethylenglykol)-b-poly(L-lysin). Následně byly reakcí s cholesteryl-chlorformiátem připraveny konjugáty poly(ethylenglykol)-b-poly(L-lysin)-cholesterol. Všechny připravené sloučeniny a meziprodukty byly charakterizovány pomocí 1H NMR spektroskopie, vybrané deriváty byly charakterizovány IČ spektroskopií a byla stanovena elementární analýza., -Diaminopoly(ethylene glycol) was prepared via Gabriel synthesis. The serie of block copolymers - poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly[?-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-L-lysine] - was synthetized by ring-opening polymerization of NCA-(Z)-L-lysine initiated by , -diaminopoly(ethylene glycol). The conjugates of poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(L-lysin)-cholesterol were synthetized after deprotection of amino groups of lysine units by treatment with trifluoroacetic acid. All of the prepared compounds and their intermediates were characterized by means of 1H NMR spectroscopy, selected derivatives by means of IR spectroscopy and the elemental analysis was determined.Ústav organické chemie a technologieStudent prezentoval svoji bakalářskou práci a vyjádřil se k připomínkám v posudku

    The morisco question in Cervantes' work

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    This thesis deals with the Morisco question in the work of Miguel de Cervantes. It situates the author in the historical and social context of 16th and the beginning of 17th century when Philip III of Spain had banished the Morisco community from Spanish Kingdom. It studies the influences which had impact on Cervantes' life and could be reflected in this issue. Also, all the mentions of Moors, Moriscos and Arabic culture are analized, all mentions in three pieces of Cervantes' work, the novel The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, the drama Los Tratos de Argel and the pastoral novel Galatea. All the mentions are divided into the chapters according the positive, objective or negative meaning in relation to the Moriscos. The analyses of each chapter create the opinion of Miguel de Cervantes of the Morisco question. The thesis discovers that the impact of coexistence of Christian and Muslim culture in Spain, his life experience and the historical expulsion of Moriscos, are considerably reflected in author's literary work. Keywords Moriscos, Moors, Don Quixote, baroque, Los Tratos de Árgel, La Galatea, nove

    Factors affecting the Czech public opinion about Muslims

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    HANUSOVÁ, Martina. Factors affecting the Czech public opinion about Muslims. Prague: Charles university of Prague, Protestant Theological Faculty, 2012. Diploma degree thesis. 51 pp. The diploma thesis deals with the nature of Czech public opinion about Muslims and the factors influencing this opinion. Among those factors of this thesis is a historical development of the Czech Republic which never met with a large number of Muslims and Czech society is one of the ethnically homogeneous European countries. Another factor is the uncritical acceptance of information from the media, film production and memoir type of Huntington's Clash of Civilizations. All of this factors of influence are compounded by etnocentric gradient that doesn't avoid the Czech society. The aim is to determine the role played by education Islamic Foundation in Prague in compared with the above factors influencing Czech opinion on this topic. Keywords: Islam, Muslim, ethnocentrism, a clash of civilizations, islamophobia, integration, multiculturalism, dialogue of cultures, interreligious dialogue

    Elementary students´ possible procedures of healthy self- confidence progress

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá možnostmi rozvoje zdravého sebevědomí žáků v podmínkách základní školy. Práce je členěna do dvou částí. Teoretická část je věnována otázkám, proč se zabývat rozvojem sebevědomí, vlivům, které působí na sebevědomí , činnostem posilujícím zdravé sebevědomí a porovnání teorie čerpané z naučné literatury s praxí. V praktické části představuji výzkumné šetření provedené mezi učiteli školy, jakým způsobem rozvíjejí zdravé sebevědomí žáků. Pro výzkumné šetření jsem použila metodu dotazníku a rozhovoru. Z odpovědí vyplynulo, že ne všichni učitelé 1. stupně na sledované škole dostatečně využívají metody a formy práce vedoucí k rozvíjení zdravého sebevědomí žáků. Míra začleňování aktivit je závislá na osobě učitele.Katedra pedagogikyNeobhájenoThis diploma work deals with the possibilities of developing a healthy self-esteem of students in terms of primary school. The work is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with questions why to consider the development of self-esteem, the influences that affect self-esteem, healthy self-strengthening activities and with comparison of theory drawn from scientific literature and practice. In the practical part I present the research survey carried out among school teachers how to develop healthy self-esteem of students. For my research I used the method of questionnaire and interview. The answers showed that not all teachers of the first degree in the monitored school adequately use methods and forms of work leading to the development of healthy self-esteem of students. The rate of integrating activities is dependent on individual teachers

    The morisco question in Cervantes' work

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    This thesis deals with the Morisco question in the work of Miguel de Cervantes. It situates the author in the historical and social context of 16th and the beginning of 17th century when Philip III of Spain had banished the Morisco community from Spanish Kingdom. It studies the influences which had impact on Cervantes' life and could be reflected in this issue. Also, all the mentions of Moors, Moriscos and Arabic culture are analized, all mentions in three pieces of Cervantes' work, the novel The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, the drama Los Tratos de Argel and the pastoral novel Galatea. All the mentions are divided into the chapters according the positive, objective or negative meaning in relation to the Moriscos. The analyses of each chapter create the opinion of Miguel de Cervantes of the Morisco question. The thesis discovers that the impact of coexistence of Christian and Muslim culture in Spain, his life experience and the historical expulsion of Moriscos, are considerably reflected in author's literary work. Keywords Moriscos, Moors, Don Quixote, baroque, Los Tratos de Árgel, La Galatea, nove

    Factors affecting the Czech public opinion about Muslims

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    HANUSOVÁ, Martina. Factors affecting the Czech public opinion about Muslims. Prague: Charles university of Prague, Protestant Theological Faculty, 2012. Diploma degree thesis. 51 pp. The diploma thesis deals with the nature of Czech public opinion about Muslims and the factors influencing this opinion. Among those factors of this thesis is a historical development of the Czech Republic which never met with a large number of Muslims and Czech society is one of the ethnically homogeneous European countries. Another factor is the uncritical acceptance of information from the media, film production and memoir type of Huntington's Clash of Civilizations. All of this factors of influence are compounded by etnocentric gradient that doesn't avoid the Czech society. The aim is to determine the role played by education Islamic Foundation in Prague in compared with the above factors influencing Czech opinion on this topic. Keywords: Islam, Muslim, ethnocentrism, a clash of civilizations, islamophobia, integration, multiculturalism, dialogue of cultures, interreligious dialogue