518 research outputs found

    The Interplay of Personal Selling and Direct Marketing: An Exploratory Study in the Pharmaceutical Industry

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    Beyond dispute, personal selling represents the dominant and most effective promotional element in industrial settings, but its costs are quite substantial. Against this background, sales managers are forced to reexamine alternative approaches for servicing and informing customers in order to justify the productivity of their industrial selling mix. In this context, the complementary use of direct marketing to field selling becomes a primary concern as it allows for confidentiality and personalization of the message in contrast to mass communication while it provides information at a lower cost than does personal selling. However, no study has empirically investigated the interplay of personal selling and various direct marketing instruments with regard to several contextual factors determining the preferred use of direct marketing over personal selling so far. Thus, focusing on business-to-business transactions, this study’s objective is to deepen the understanding of the direct marketing and personal selling interplay. Due to limited empirical insights to this area, an exploratory research design is adapted. Results indicate that the advantageousness of direct marketing in comparison to personal selling is determined by customer-related, internal and external contextual conditions. Further, a well-designed interplay helps to improve selling productivity, brand awareness and customer satisfaction – and thus business unit performance. --

    Hvordan kan personalet jobbe for Ä invitere de yngste barna til samspill og sprÄklig deltakelse under mÄltidet i barnehagen?

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    Jeg skal se nÊrmere pÄ samspill og sprÄklig deltakelse i mÄltidsituasjoner med de yngste barna fordi ut fra egne erfaringer har jeg ofte opplevd at mange mÄltidsituasjoner har som mÄl Ä fÄ i barna mat slik at de blir mette, og barna skal sitte i ro og spise maten sin uten noe sÊrlig tull og tÞys. Barna blir oftere snakket til istedenfor Ä bli snakket med, som for eksempel «spis opp maten din», «ikke rote», «ikke kast maten pÄ gulvet». Hvorfor er man ikke flinkere til Ä utnytte disse unike situasjonene til Ä invitere de yngste barna til samspill og sprÄklig deltakelse Gjennom problemstillingen min Þnsker jeg Ä finne ut hvordan personalet kan jobbe for Ä invitere de yngste barna til samspill og sprÄklig deltakelse under mÄltidet. Problemstillingen er: «Hvordan kan personalet jobbe for Ä invitere de yngste barna til samspill og sprÄklig deltakelse under mÄltidet i barnehagen?» For Ä finne svar pÄ problemstillingen «Hvordan kan personalet jobbe for Ä invitere de yngste barna til samspill og sprÄklig deltakelse under mÄltidet i barnehagen» vil jeg fÞrst presentere og gÄ nÊrmere inn pÄ teori om 1-3 Äringens sprÄkutvikling, personalets relasjon til de yngste barna, den voksne som dialogpartner, hverdagssamtaler i barnehagen og mÄltidet i barnehagen. Deretter vil jeg vise til hvilken metode jeg har brukt og hvorfor jeg har brukt den for Ä belyse oppgavens problemstilling. Til slutt vil jeg presentere mine funn og drÞfte dette i lys av relevant teori.publishedVersio

    Dynamic expression of VDR and 1-­alpha-­hydroxylase in differentiated and re-­differentiated human articular chondrocytes

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    Abstract of a presentation at a conference of the International Cartilage Repair Society.Purpose: The goal was to investigate potential roles played by vitamin D in the regulation of joint cartilage biology. We studied the expression of two central elements of vitamin D metabolism, namely the vitamin D receptor and its converting enzyme 1­α­hydroxylase in human knee cartilage and chondrocytes. Methods and Materials: Expression of receptor and enzyme was determined by immunohistochemistry/immunofluorescence, reversetranscriptase PCR and western blot on differentiated, de­differentiated and re­differentiated chondrocytes. Cartilage was harvested from a macroscopically healthy looking area of the lateral femoral condyle during knee replacement surgery in 4 otherwise healthy patients aged 50­70. Suspension cultures of differentiated chondrocytes were established by short enzymatic digestion of cartilage using Collagenase XI and further incubation in non­adherent vessels. De­differentiated cells were the result of serial expansion of chondrocytes during 4 weeks after isolation in monolayers cultures. Chondrocyte re­differentiation was achieved by propagating cell pellets for 3 weeks in the presence of chondro­inductive morphogens. Results: Both protein and gene expression of vitamin D receptor appear to be very low or undetectable in native cartilage and/or differentiated chondrocytes. In contrast, receptor expression was upregulated in dedifferentiated cells after monolayer expansion, however, this upregulation was lost when cells regained chondrogenic phenotype in 3D pellets. The expression of 1­α­hydroxylase was observed on the superficial layer of chondrocytes in native cartilage, which correlated with weak but detectable outcomes by PCR and western blot on differentiated cultures. Similarly, levels of the enzyme were increased after cell expansion in monolayers and decreased in 3D pellet cultures. Conclusion: Our study uncover a previously unknown regulation of vitamin D receptor between differentiated and redifferentiated phenotypes in cartilage cells. Furthermore, this study is pioneering on investigating the expression of 1­α­hydroxylase in cartilage tissue and chondrocytes. Further work is needed to ascertain if receptor and enzyme expression is regulated in disease conditions or affected by inflammatory environments

    Expression and function of Leukotriene B4 receptors in human articular chondrocytes

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    Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is linked to osteoarthritis (OA) development however the expression of LTB4 receptors in cartilage cells and the physiological effects of LTB4 on cartilage tissue remain unknown. In this study we find that human articular chondrocytes express LTB4 receptors and that these receptors are functional, however, LTB4 does not seem to affect importantly some primary chondrocyte functions

    Professional home care providers' conceptualisations of frailty in the context of home care: A focus group study

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    Background: In Norway, as in many other countries, more people receive health and care services in their homes than before. Home care professionals provide care and support to people with a range of health and care needs. Older home care service users are sometimes referred to as ‘frail’, but the terms ‘frail’ and ‘frailty’ have different meanings in different contexts, and little is known about the meaning ascribed to the terms in the context of home care services. Home care services are crucial for many older persons who have health challenges, and how home care professionals conceptualise frailty might shape clinical encounters. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to explore how home care professionals conceptualised frailty in the context of home care. Methods: We conducted four focus group discussions with 14 home care professionals who worked in municipal home care in northern Norway and analysed the data using thematic analysis. Results: Our analysis resulted in five themes: ‘“Frail” – a term which is too imprecise to be useful’, ‘Frailty as a consequence of ageing’, ‘Frailty as lack of engagement and possibilities for engagement’, ‘Frailty as a contextual phenomenon’ and ‘Frailty as potentially affected by care’. The home care professionals conceptualised frailty as an individual trait but also as resulting from the interplay between individual and environmental factors. Moreover, their conceptualisations of frailty represented a continuum between frailty as related to prevention and management (‘cure’) and frailty as related to ageing as natural decline (‘care’). Conclusion: The home care professionals conceptualised frailty diversely, as moving along a continuum between cure and care. Diverse conceptualisations of frailty might be necessary if nurses are to meet the changing and varying care needs of older persons who live in their own homes and need health and care services

    Sustainable impermeable landfill barriers: The potential of using geological waste and surplus masses

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    This study investigated the potential to reuse excavated cement stabilised clay (CSC) and press filter residual (PFR) as impermeable landfill barriers. First, laboratory experiments including particle size distribution, consistency limits, standard Proctor and permeability tests were carried out on reconstituted samples. Subsequently, a full-scale compaction trial was performed for both materials. Nuclear density tests and results from cylinder samples were compared to evaluate the compaction behaviour. The cylinder samples were utilised to quantify the properties of the compacted soil layers. Multi-sensor core logging (MSCL) and X-ray image techniques were adopted to visualise the homogeneity of the field samples. Results showed that both the CSC and PFR are well-graded and fine-grained soils which can be classified as high plastic silts or high plastic clays. For both materials, hydraulic conductivity values, k, less than 1x10-9 m/s were obtained when compacted in the laboratory to their maximum dry densities according to standard Proctor. The field compacted samples were, however, more permeable (e.g., k = 6.1x10-8 m/s (SD = 9.1x10-8, n = 3) for CSC and k = 1.5x10-9 m/s (SD = 4.3x10-10, n = 3) for PFR at a vertical stress, σv, of 40 kPa). Both materials reached the hydraulic conductivity requirements for barriers for inert waste landfills. For the PFR, an average k < 1x10-9 m/s was obtained at σv = 160 kPa which suggests that PFR might be reused as a bottom liner for ordinary and hazardous waste. The CSC results showed a considerable variability which can be explained by its innate heterogeneity.Sustainable impermeable landfill barriers: The potential of using geological waste and surplus massespublishedVersio

    Sustainable impermeable landfill barriers: The potential of using geological waste and surplus masses

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    This study investigated the potential to reuse excavated cement stabilised clay (CSC) and press filter residual (PFR) as impermeable landfill barriers. First, laboratory experiments including particle size distribution, consistency limits, standard Proctor and permeability tests were carried out on reconstituted samples. Subsequently, a full-scale compaction trial was performed for both materials. Nuclear density tests and results from cylinder samples were compared to evaluate the compaction behaviour. The cylinder samples were utilised to quantify the properties of the compacted soil layers. Multi-sensor core logging (MSCL) and X-ray image techniques were adopted to visualise the homogeneity of the field samples. Results showed that both the CSC and PFR are well-graded and fine-grained soils which can be classified as high plastic silts or high plastic clays. For both materials, hydraulic conductivity values, k, less than 1x10-9 m/s were obtained when compacted in the laboratory to their maximum dry densities according to standard Proctor. The field compacted samples were, however, more permeable (e.g., k = 6.1x10-8 m/s (SD = 9.1x10-8, n = 3) for CSC and k = 1.5x10-9 m/s (SD = 4.3x10-10, n = 3) for PFR at a vertical stress, σv, of 40 kPa). Both materials reached the hydraulic conductivity requirements for barriers for inert waste landfills. For the PFR, an average k < 1x10-9 m/s was obtained at σv = 160 kPa which suggests that PFR might be reused as a bottom liner for ordinary and hazardous waste. The CSC results showed a considerable variability which can be explained by its innate heterogeneity.Sustainable impermeable landfill barriers: The potential of using geological waste and surplus massespublishedVersio

    Is There a Causal Relationship between Physical Activity and Bone Microarchitecture? A Study of Adult Female Twin Pairs

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    The reasons for the association between physical activity (PA) and bone microarchitecture traits are unclear. We examined whether these associations were consistent with causation and/or with shared familial factors using a cross-sectional study of 47 dizygotic and 93 monozygotic female twin pairs aged 31–77 years. Images of the nondominant distal tibia were obtained using high-resolutionperipheral quantitative computed tomography. The bone microarchitecture was assessed using StrAx1.0 software. Based on a self-completed questionnaire, a PA index was calculated as a weighted sum of weekly hours of light (walking, light gardening), moderate (social tennis, golf, hiking), and vigorous activity (competitive active sports) = light + 2 * moderate + 3 * vigorous. We applied Inference about Causation through Examination of FAmiliaL CONfounding (ICE FALCON) to test whether cross-pair cross-trait associations changed after adjustment for within-individual associations. Within-individual distal tibia cortical cross-sectional area (CSA) and cortical thickness were positively associated with PA (regression coefficients [ÎČ] = 0.20 and 0.22), while the porosity of the inner transitional zone was negatively associated with PA (ÎČ = 0.17), all p < 0.05. Trabecular volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) and trabecular thickness were positively associated with PA (ÎČ = 0.13 and 0.14), and medullary CSA was negatively associated with PA (ÎČ = 0.22), all p ≀ 0.01. Cross-pair crosstrait associations of cortical thickness, cortical CSA, and medullary CSA with PA attenuated after adjustment for the within-individual association (p = 0.048, p = 0.062, and p = 0.028 for changes). In conclusion, increasing PA was associated with thicker cortices, larger cortical area, lower porosity of the inner transitional zone, thicker trabeculae, and smaller medullary cavities. The attenuation of cross-pair crosstrait associations after accounting for the within-individual associations was consistent with PA having a causal effect on the improved cortical and trabecular microarchitecture of adult females, in addition to shared familial factors

    Recommendations for dietary level of micro-minerals and vitamin D3 to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr and post-smolt when fed low fish meal diets

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    Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) feeds have changed drastically in their composition from being predominantly marine-based to plant-based. This has altered the dietary supply and availability of micro-nutrients to Atlantic salmon. The impact of graded inclusion levels of a nutrient package (NP) comprising of 25 different micro-nutrients were studied in Atlantic salmon parr in freshwater (Trial 1) and post-smolts in seawater (Trial 2). In brief, the NP was included from 0 to 400%, where 100% corresponded to the recommendation by the National Research Council, 2011. Micro-nutrients, namely Zn, Mn, Se, Cu, Fe, Co, I and vitamin D3 were included in the NP with the objective of (re)evaluating the dietary need to meet the requirement of Atlantic salmon parr and post-smolt, when fed low fish meal, plant ingredient-based diets. Responses in apparent availability coefficient (AAC), whole body and vertebrae mineral concentrations, and retention were analysed. AAC of Cu, Mn, Se and Zn responded in a quadratic fashion with an increase in NP from 0 to 400% in freshwater parr; AAC could not be measured in post-smolt salmon. The whole-body concentration of Zn, Se, Co and I in Atlantic salmon parr were significantly affected by increasing NP inclusion; the same was observed for Zn, Se and Co in post-smolt Atlantic salmon. Vertebrae mineral concentration as the response criterion was non-responsive in parr; whereas, in post-smolt, Co had a linear increase, while Zn and Se showed a non-linear increase upon 0 to 400 NP inclusion. Zinc concentration and activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) in vertebrae indicated increased bone resorption in post-smolt Atlantic salmon; TRAP activity increased linearly with NP inclusion in post-smolt, but not in parr. Significant correlations between Zn and Se were observed in AAC and vertebral concentrations, indicating an interaction in intestinal uptake and vertebral deposition. Overall, Atlantic salmon parr held in freshwater were able to satisfy the requirement for the trace minerals Zn, Mn, Se, Cu, and Fe through supply from 100–150 NP, corresponding to 101–132, 47–63, 0.6–0.8, 12–16 and 150–166 mg kg −1, respectively; for iodine, dietary supply from 150–200 NP, corresponding to 0.7–1.6 mg kg−1, was required. In the seawater, Atlantic salmon post-smolt, in general, required micro-minerals and vitamin D3 levels as supplied through 150–200 NP, corresponding to 140–177, Zn; 61–67, Mn; 0.9–1, Se; 14–16, Cu; and vitamin D3, 0.06–0.09 mg kg −1 to fulfil the requirement, except for Cu which was satisfied at 100–150 NP, equivalent to 13–14 mg kg −1 diet.publishedVersio
