170 research outputs found

    Performance on the RI-48 Cued Recall Test Best Predicts Conversion to Dementia at the 5- and 10-Year Follow-Ups

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    TheRI-48 cued recall test was devised to discriminate between healthy elderly and patients with mild cognitive impairment who are at risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, no long-term follow-up studies have been conducted using this test

    The elusive tau molecular structures: can we translate the recent breakthroughs into new targets for intervention?

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    Insights into tau molecular structures have advanced significantly in recent years. This field has been the subject of recent breakthroughs, including the first cryo-electron microscopy structures of tau filaments from Alzheimer’s and Pick’s disease inclusions, as well as the structure of the repeat regions of tau bound to microtubules. Tau structure covers various species as the tau protein itself takes many forms. We will here address a range of studies that help to define the many facets of tau protein structures and how they translate into pathogenic forms. New results shed light on previous data that need now to be revisited in order to up-date our knowledge of tau molecular structure. Finally, we explore how these data can contribute the important medical aspects of this research - diagnosis and therapeutics

    Unmasking selective path integration deficits inAlzheimer’s disease risk carriers

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) manifests with progressive memory loss and spatial disorientation. Neuropathological studies suggest early AD pathology in the entorhinal cortex (EC) of young adults at genetic risk for AD (APOE4-carriers). Because the EC harbors grid cells, a likely neural substrate of path integration (PI), we examined PI performance in APOE4-carriers during a virtual navigation task. We report a selective impairment in APOE4-carriers specifically when recruitment of compensatory navigational strategies via supportive spatial cues was disabled. A separate fMRI study revealed that PI performance was associated with the strength of entorhinal grid-like representations when no compensatory strategies were available, suggesting grid cell dysfunction as a mechanistic explanation for PI deficits in APOE4-carriers. Furthermore, posterior cingulate/retrosplenial cortex was involved in the recruitment of compensatory navigational strategies via supportive spatial cues. Our results provide evidence for selective PI deficits in AD risk carriers, decades before potential disease onset

    A Pragmatic, Data-Driven Method to Determine Cutoffs for CSF Biomarkers of Alzheimer Disease Based on Validation Against PET Imaging

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    OBJECTIVE: To elaborate a new algorithm to establish a standardized method to define cuff-offs for CSF biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease (AD) by validating the algorithm against CSF classification derived from PET imaging. METHODS: Low and high levels of CSF phosphorylated tau were first identified to establish optimal cut-offs for CSF amyloid-ÎČ peptide (AÎČ) biomarkers. These AÎČ cut-offs were then used to determine cut-offs for CSF tau and phosphorylated tau markers. We compared this algorithm to a reference method, based on tau and amyloid PET imaging status (ADNI study), and then applied the algorithm to 10 large clinical cohorts of patients. RESULTS: A total of 6,922 subjects with CSF biomarkers data were included (mean (SD) age: 70.6 (8.5) years, 51.0% women). In the ADNI study population (n=497), the agreement between classification based on our algorithm and one based on amyloid/tau PET imaging was high with Cohen's kappa coefficient between 0.87 and 0.99. Applying the algorithm to 10 large cohorts of patients (n=6,425), the proportion of persons with AD ranged from 25.9% to 43.5%. DISCUSSION: The proposed novel, pragmatic method to determine CSF biomarkers cut-offs for AD does not require assessment of other biomarkers or assumptions concerning the clinical diagnosis of patients. Use of this standardized algorithm is likely to reduce heterogeneity in AD classification

    Pengaruh Brand Trust dan Brand Equity terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen pada Produk Kosmetik Wardah (Survey Konsumen pada PT. Paragon Technology And Innovation Cabang Pekanbaru)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of brand trust ( X1 ) and brand equity ( X2 ) customer loyalty ( Y ) in cosmetic products Wardah ( consumer survey on PT . Paragon technology and innovation branches pekanbaru ) . The method in this research is quantitatively using SPSS 21 program , where samples were used that consumers using cosmetic products Wardah by respondents as many as 100 people sampling technique is accidental sampling using the formula slovin . The results showed that the test results simultaneously obtained from the F count was 34.888 while the value of F table 3.090 . This means that F count> F table and significant value 0,000 < alpha of 0.05 . This means that brand trust and brand equity simultaneously significant effect on consumer loyalty to cosmetic products Wardah

    Biomarker counseling, disclosure of diagnosis and follow-up in patients with mild cognitive impairment:A European Alzheimer's Disease Consortium survey

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    Objectives: Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is associated with an increased risk of further cognitive decline, partly depending on demographics and biomarker status. The aim of the present study was to survey the clinical practices of physicians in terms of biomarker counseling, management, and follow-up in European expert centers diagnosing patients with MCI. Methods: An online email survey was distributed to physicians affiliated with European Alzheimer's disease Consortium centers (Northern Europe: 10 centers; Eastern and Central Europe: 9 centers; and Southern Europe: 15 centers) with questions on attitudes toward biomarkers and biomarker counseling in MCI and dementia. This included postbiomarker counseling and the process of diagnostic disclosure of MCI, as well as treatment and follow-up in MCI. Results: The response rate for the survey was 80.9% (34 of 42 centers) across 20 countries. A large majority of physicians had access to biomarkers and found them useful. Pre- and postbiomarker counseling varied across centers, as did practices for referral to support groups and advice on preventive strategies. Less than half reported discussing driving and advance care planning with patients with MCI. Conclusions: The variability in clinical practices across centers calls for better biomarker counseling and better training to improve communication skills. Future initiatives should address the importance of communicating preventive strategies and advance planning

    On episodic memory encoding in patients with mild cognitive impairment : a cognitive and imaging approach

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    AD research has progressed considerably over the past twenty years. We have moved from observation of a clinical dementia syndrome and description of pathological brain lesions at autopsy, to more precise characterization of the memory deficits predictive of AD dementia and the ability to confirm the diagnosis of AD using biological and brain imaging markers. In this work, the concept of MCI has emerged to define non-demented patients suffering from memory deficits and at high risk of evolving to AD dementia. The present thesis has addressed several issues related to the cognitive and imaging assessment of MCI patients. In addition to improving diagnostic accuracy, one of our main goals was to understand the mechanisms linking cognitive symptoms to neural damage. We showed that associative encoding was decreased in MCI, and that sensitivity to interference was increased. Anterior hippocampus dysfunction, and more precisely CA3 subfield atrophy, may account for both phenomena. The mechanisms involved could include a pattern separation deficit, although this needs to be confirmed by further studies. Improved cognitive assessment and brain imaging techniques have advanced AD research; but at the same time, these improvements have made AD research and clinical practice more complex. There are now many different ways to approach AD, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, most of them complementary. AD research now requires many different competencies (engineering, computer science, brain imaging, neuroanatomy, neuropathology, neuropsychology, empathy
), reinforcing the need for collaborations among experts from different fields in order to meet the challenges of tomorrow
La recherche sur le diagnostic prĂ©coce de la maladie d’Alzheimer a considĂ©rablement progressĂ© au cours des vingt derniĂšres annĂ©es. Dans les annĂ©es quatre-vingt, nous ne pouvions qu’observer cliniquement un syndrome dĂ©mentiel et dĂ©crire les lĂ©sions cĂ©rĂ©brales typiques de la maladie d’Alzheimer Ă  l’autopsie. De nos jours, certains troubles de la mĂ©moire prĂ©dictifs d’une Ă©volution vers la dĂ©mence Alzheimer ont pu ĂȘtre identifiĂ©s. La prĂ©sence de ces altĂ©rations cognitives spĂ©cifiques couplĂ©e Ă  des marqueurs biologiques et Ă  l’imagerie cĂ©rĂ©brale permet de diagnostiquer la maladie dans son stade prĂ©-dĂ©mentiel, soit jusqu’à dix ans avant l’apparition de la dĂ©mence. Dans ce travail de caractĂ©risation, le concept de patient prĂ©sentant des troubles cognitifs lĂ©gers (« mild cognitive impairment » dans la littĂ©rature anglo-saxonne) a Ă©mergĂ© pour dĂ©finir des patients non dĂ©ments souffrant de dĂ©ficits mnĂ©siques. Ces patients se sont avĂ©rĂ©s Ă  haut risque d’évoluer vers une dĂ©mence d’Alzheimer. Cette thĂšse aborde plusieurs questions liĂ©es Ă  l’évaluation cognitive et Ă  l’imagerie cĂ©rĂ©brale des patients prĂ©sentant des troubles cognitifs lĂ©gers. Outre l’amĂ©lioration de notre capacitĂ© diagnostique, l'un des principaux objectifs de cette thĂšse est de mieux comprendre les mĂ©canismes qui lient symptĂŽmes cognitifs et dommages neuronaux. Nous montrons que l'encodage associatif est diminuĂ© chez les patients souffrant de troubles cognitifs lĂ©gers, et que leur sensibilitĂ© Ă  l’interfĂ©rence est augmentĂ©e. La dysfonction de l’hippocampe antĂ©rieur, et plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment l’atrophie du sous-champ hippocampique CA3, peut rendre compte de ces deux dĂ©ficits cognitifs. Les mĂ©canismes impliquĂ©s pourraient inclure un dĂ©ficit de sĂ©paration de pattern, mĂȘme si cette hypothĂšse nĂ©cessiterait confirmation. L’amĂ©lioration des techniques d'Ă©valuation cognitive et d'imagerie cĂ©rĂ©brale ont permis Ă  la recherche de progresser, mais dans le mĂȘme temps, ces avancĂ©es ont rendus plus complexes la recherche et la pratique clinique. Il existe maintenant de nombreuses maniĂšres diffĂ©rentes d'aborder la maladie d’Alzheimer, chacune prĂ©sentant ses propres forces et faiblesses ; la plupart de ces approches sont nĂ©anmoins complĂ©mentaires. La recherche sur la maladie d’Alzheimer exige aujourd’hui de nombreuses compĂ©tences diffĂ©rentes (en ingĂ©nierie informatique, en imagerie cĂ©rĂ©brale, en neuroanatomie, neuropathologie, neuropsychologie, ainsi qu’une bonne dose d'empathie ...) Ceci renforçe la nĂ©cessitĂ© de collaboration entre experts de champs diffĂ©rents afin de relever les dĂ©fis de demain ...(MED 3) -- UCL, 201

    DĂ©pister et prĂ©venir la maladie d’Alzheimer avant les pertes de mĂ©moire : actualitĂ©s et perspectives

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    La recherche clinique sur les phases prĂ©cliniques de la maladie d’Alzheimer est en pleine expansion. Le dĂ©veloppement rĂ©cent de marqueurs permettant de mesurer in vivo la pathologie Alzheimer a ouvert la voie Ă  (1) une recherche visant Ă  comprendre les liens entre pathologie et dĂ©clin cognitif; (2) la mise en place d’essais cliniques prĂ©ventifs. Outre l’autopsie cĂ©rĂ©brale, nous disposons aujourd’hui d’analyses du liquide cĂ©phalo-rachidien et de radiotraceurs spĂ©cifiques des protĂ©ines tau et amyloĂŻde. La prochaine dĂ©cennie s’annonce riche en dĂ©couvertes avec le raffinement des traceurs tau, des cibles thĂ©rapeutiques et de notre comprĂ©hension des processus biologiques impliquĂ©s dans la maladie

    Utilisation de la TEP-amyloĂŻde pour prĂ©dire l’évolution Ă  long terme des patients non dĂ©ments consultant Ă  la Clinique de la MĂ©moire : intĂ©rĂȘt de la quantification CentiloĂŻde, une Ă©chelle internationale standardisĂ©e

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    L’objective de ce travail est d’établir la valeur de la tomographie par Ă©missions de positons avec traceur de la plaque amyloĂŻde pour prĂ©dire l’évolution Ă  long terme vers la dĂ©mence de patients non dĂ©ments consultant Ă  la Clinique de la MĂ©moire.[Defining a Centiloid Scale threshold predicting long-term progression to dementia in patients attending the Memory Clinic: An [18F]-Flutemetamol amyloid-PET study] The objective of this work is to establish the value of amyloid imaging using positron emission tomography to predict the long-term progression towards dementia of non-demented patients attending Memory Clinics

    Preclinical Alzheimer’s disease: how to predict who will decline next year?

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    This scientific commentary refers to 'Medial temporal tau predicts memory decline in cognitively unimpaired elderly', by Kwan et al
