129 research outputs found

    Supporting Data mining of large databases by visual feedback queries

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    In this paper, we describe a query system that provides visual relevance feedback in querying large databases. Our goal is to support the process of data mining by representing as many data items as possible on the display. By arranging and coloring the data items as pixels according to their relevance for the query, the user gets a visual impression of the resulting data set. Using an interactive query interface, the user may change the query dynamically and receives immediate feedback by the visual representation of the resulting data set. Furthermore, by using multiple windows for different parts of a complex query, the user gets visual feedback for each part of the query and, therefore, may easier understand the overall result. Our system allows to represent the largest amount of data that can be visualized on current display technology, provides valuable feedback in querying the database, and allows the user to find results which, otherwise, would remain hidden in the database

    DatenbankenunterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr das Protein-Protein-Docking: ein effizienter und robuster Feature-Index

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit schlagen wir eine Architektur fĂŒr ein Dockingsystem vor, das zu einem gegebenen Anfrageprotein alle möglichen Dockingpartner und deren zugehörige Konstellationen in einer Proteindatenbank sucht. Die einzelnen Filter- und Bewertungsschritte dieses Dockingsystems sollen durch den Einsatz rĂ€umlicher Zugriffsstrukturen unterstĂŒtzt werden. Hier behandeln wir insbesondere die Verwendung eines effizienten und robusten Feature-Index. Dieser dient dazu, aus dem Raum aller möglichen Konstellationen von Partnerproteinen aus der Datenbank gute KandidatenvorschlĂ€ge zu ermitteln. Dazu werden im Vorfeld die ProteinoberflĂ€chen regionalisiert, in einem k-dimensionalen Raum von Kennzahlen beschrieben und in einer k-dimensionalen rĂ€umlichen Indexstruktur verwaltet. FĂŒr die Docking-Suche wird das Anfrageprotein analog regionalisiert, und zusĂ€tzlich werden seine Kennzahlen komplementiert, so daß zum Komplement Ă€hnliche Regionen als mögliche Docking-Stellen im Index gefunden werden können. In den nachfolgenden Filterschritten des Dockingsystems wird unter anderem das rĂ€umliche Passen genauer ĂŒberprĂŒft


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    In this article we have used the 2D fluid turbulence numerical model, ESEL, to simulate turbulent transport in edge tokamak plasma. Basic plasma parameters from the ASDEX Upgrade and COMPASS tokamaks are used as input for the model, and the output is compared with experimental observations obtained by reciprocating probe measurements from the two machines. Agreements were found in radial profiles of mean plasma potential and temperature, and in a level of density fluctuations. Disagreements, however, were found in the level of plasma potential and temperature fluctuations. This implicates a need for an extension of the ESEL model from 2D to 3D to fully resolve the parallel dynamics, and the coupling from the plasma to the sheath

    Patients with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis exhibit reduced production of Th17-associated cytokines IL-17 and IL-22

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    Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) constitutes a selective inability to clear infection with the yeast Candida, resulting in persistent debilitating inflammation of skin, nails, and mucous membranes. The underlying defect is unknown. Only recently, IL-17-producing T cells have been reported to be involved in clearing Candida infections. In order to characterize T cellular immune response to Candida, we analyzed T-cell cytokine secretion to Candida antigen and mitogenic stimuli in CMC patients, immunocompetent patients suffering from acute Candida infection, and healthy volunteers. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from CMC patients produced significantly lower amounts of IL-17 and IL-22 mRNA and protein when stimulated with Candida albicans or mitogen in vitro compared with that in matched healthy individuals. Additionally, PBMCs from immunocompetent Candida-infected patients secreted more IL-17 and IL-22 than those of both CMC patients and healthy, non-infected controls. Flow cytometry revealed a decreased number of CCR6+ IL-17-producing T cells in CMC patients, whereas the amount of CCR6+/CCR4+ cells was not altered. Levels of differentiating cytokines for human Th17 cells, IL-1ÎČ and IL-6, tended to be higher in CMC patients. The inability to clear C. albicans in CMC patients could be due to a defect in the immune response of IL-17-producing T cells

    Interleukin-6 Gene Expression Changes after a 4-Week Intake of a Multispecies Probiotic in Major Depressive Disorder-Preliminary Results of the PROVIT Study

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a prevalent disease, in which one third of sufferers do not respond to antidepressants. Probiotics have the potential to be well-tolerated and cost-effcient treatment options. However, the molecular pathways of their effects are not fully elucidated yet. Based on previous literature, we assume that probiotics can positively influence inflammatory mechanisms. We aimed at analyzing the effects of probiotics on gene expression of inflammation genes as part of the randomized, placebo-controlled, multispecies probiotics PROVIT study in Graz, Austria. Fasting blood of 61 inpatients with MDD was collected before and after four weeks of probiotic intake or placebo. We analyzed the effects on gene expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), nuclear factor kappa B subunit 1 (NFKB1) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). In IL-6 we found no significant main effects for group (F(1,44) = 1.33, p = ns) nor time (F(1,44) = 0.00, p = ns), but interaction was significant (F(1,44) = 5.67, p < 0.05). The intervention group showed decreasing IL-6 gene expression levels while the placebo group showed increasing gene expression levels of IL-6. Probiotics could be a useful additional treatment in MDD, due to their anti-inflammatory effects. Results of the current study are promising, but further studies are required to investigate the beneficial effects of probiotic interventions in depressed individuals

    Zentrale Befunde zu aktuellen Arbeitsmarktthemen

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    Die Zahlen zur BeschĂ€ftigung und zum Leistungsbezug rechtfertigen es gegenwĂ€rtig nicht, die Zuwanderung aus Bulgarien und RumĂ€nien pauschal als 'Armutszuwanderung' zu qualifizieren. Zur Jahresmitte 2013 waren rund 60 Prozent der Bulgaren und RumĂ€nen im erwerbsfĂ€higen Alter in Deutschland erwerbstĂ€tig. Die Arbeitslosenquote lag bei 7,4 Prozent und der Anteil der SGB-II-LeistungsempfĂ€nger an der bulgarischen und rumĂ€nischen Bevölkerung bei 10 Prozent. Allerdings haben 46 Prozent der Bulgaren und RumĂ€nen, die nach 2007 zugewandert sind, keine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung. In einigen strukturschwachen Kommunen wie Duisburg, Dortmund und Berlin konzentrieren sich die sozialen und ökonomischen Probleme der Bulgaren und RumĂ€nen. Hier sind nicht nur die Arbeitslosen- und LeistungsempfĂ€ngerquoten zum Teil sehr hoch. Vor allem sind hier 60 bis 75 Prozent der Bulgaren und RumĂ€nen weder erwerbstĂ€tig noch im Leistungsbezug. Durch EinfĂŒhrung der vollstĂ€ndigen ArbeitnehmerfreizĂŒgigkeit steigen einerseits die BeschĂ€ftigungsmöglichkeiten im ersten Arbeitsmarkt, andererseits erweitert sich der Kreis der potenziellen Leistungsbezieher. Unter optimistischen Annahmen wird die Zahl der SGB-II-LeistungsempfĂ€nger zum Jahresende 2014 auf 50.000 bis 58.000, unter extrem pessimistischen Annahmen auf 80.000 bis 93.000 Personen steigen. Die Arbeitsmarktpolitik sollte sich vor allem auf die Vermittlung von geringer Qualifizierten fokussieren. Strukturschwache Kommunen, in denen sich die Probleme konzentrieren, könnten mit Mitteln aus dem Bundeshaushalt kompensiert werden. Der Leistungsausschluss von EU-BĂŒrgern, die sich zum Zweck der Arbeitssuche in Deutschland aufhalten, ist ökonomisch sinnvoll und sollte beibehalten werden

    Transverse-Momentum Dependence of the J/psi Nuclear Modification in d+Au Collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV

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    We present measured J/psi production rates in d+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV over a broad range of transverse momentum (p_T=0-14 GeV/c) and rapidity (-2.2<y<2.2). We construct the nuclear-modification factor R_dAu for these kinematics and as a function of collision centrality (related to impact parameter for the R_dAu collision). We find that the modification is largest for collisions with small impact parameters, and observe a suppression (R_dAu<1) for p_T<4 GeV/c at positive rapidities. At negative rapidity we observe a suppression for p_T1) for p_T>2 GeV/c. The observed enhancement at negative rapidity has implications for the observed modification in heavy-ion collisions at high p_T.Comment: 384 authors, 24 pages, 19 figures, 13 tables. Submitted to Phys. Rev. C. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/phenix/WWW/info/data/ppg123_data.htm
