66 research outputs found

    Kiinteistön sisäilman kuitulähteiden kartoitus

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    Työssä selvitetään mineraalivillakuitujen aiheuttamia sisäilmaongelmia Oulun ammattikorkeakoulun liiketalouden yksikössä. Kuitujen epäiltiin olevan peräisin ilmanvaihtolaitteista ja rakennusmateriaaleista. Opinnäytetyössä selvitetään sisäilman mineraalivillakuitujen lähteet sekä se, missä osissa ilmanvaihtolaitteistoa ja rakenteita mineraalivillaa on yleisesti käytetty. Työssä tarkastellaan myös mineraalivillakuitujen aiheuttamia terveyshaittoja. Kartoituksessa etsittiin mahdollisia mineraalivillalähteitä. Ilmastointijärjestelmä ei sisältänyt mineraalivillalähteitä. Ilmastointikoneiden äänenvaimentimet ja päätelaitteiden vaimennukset oli valmistettu polyesterikuidusta. Kaikkien ilmastointikoneiden puhtaus oli hyvä. Tuloilma- ja poistoilmasuodattimet oli vaihdettu säännöllisesti. Pölynkeräysteippinäytteet otettiin yhden ilmastointikoneen vaikutusalueelta. Näytteiden tulokset alittivat tavoitearvot. Opinnäytetyön aikana liiketalouden yksikössä tehdyissä tutkimuksissa ei voi todeta mineraalivillakuitujen aiheuttavan sisäilmaongelmaa. Ilmastointikanavat tulisi puhdistaa säännöllisesti ja ilmastointikoneiden suodattimet tulisi vaihtaa säännöllisesti. Tasopinnat tulisi pitää puhtaana myös vaikeasti päästävissä paikoissa

    Employment status of young otorhinolaryngologists in Finland during a 10-year period

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    We determined the employment status of recently graduated otorhinolaryngologist-head and neck surgeons (ENT doctors) in Finland during the past 10 years. We also investigated the job vacancy rate of the Departments of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Department of ORL-HNS). An electronic questionnaire was sent to all ENT doctors who had graduated during 2007-2017 and to chief physicians of all Departments of ORL-HNS. Chi-square and Fisher's test were used in the analyses. Altogether 129 ENT doctors had graduated and 125 (96.9%) responded. Thirty (24%) physicians had been employed in a position that did not correspond to their ENT doctor training. All 30 chief physicians responded and a total of 306 physicians were working at their departments (215 ENT doctors, 91 residents). However, there were only 241 available positions (197 for ENT doctors, 44 for residents). It was estimated that 65 ENT doctors would retire within 10 years. At the moment there does not seem to be a significant shortage of ENT doctors in Finland. The current national volume of resident intake in the ENT training programme is twofold in comparison with the estimated retirement rate in the public sector.Peer reviewe

    Satisfaction of young ENT surgeons with their work. A Finnish national study

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    The objective was to investigate work satisfaction among recently graduated otorhinolaryngologist - head and neck surgeons - (ENT surgeons). An electronic questionnaire was sent to all ENT surgeons graduated in Finland during a ten-year period. Answers about work satisfaction were analyzed in detail with regards to age, gender, university of specialist training, experience, place of work and further education.Altogether 125/129 (96.9%) responded. The majority (87.8%) of the respondents enjoyed their current main occupation. The older age group (>= 40 vsPeer reviewe

    Opettajan yritysyhteistyöaktiivisuuden ja organisaation tuen merkitys yrittäjyyden opettamisessa

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää 1) miten opettajan oma yritysyhteistyöaktiivisuus ja 2) opettajan kokema organisaation tuki vaikuttavat yrittäjyydessä käytettävien opetusmenetelmien käyttöön. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää, millainen merkitys opettajan aiemmalla yrittäjyystaustalla on. Tutkimuksen aineisto perustuu Opettajan yrittäjyysmittaristo -työkalulla kerättyyn dataan. Opettajan yrittäjyysmittaristo on verkkopohjainen itsearviointijärjestelmä, jonka avulla opettaja voi itsearvioida sekä kehittää toimintaansa yrittäjyyden edistäjänä. Itsearviointityökalu sisältää 72 kysymystä liittyen yrittäjyyden edistämisen eri osa-alueisiin. Dataa on kerätty tietokantaan vuosina 2014-2016. Tulokset osoittavat, että sekä yritysyhteistyöaktiivisuudella että opettajan kokemalla organisationaalisella tuella on vaikutusta siihen, kuinka aktiivisesti ja monipuolisesti opettaja hyödyntää erilaisia opetusmenetelmiä yrittäjyyden opettamisessa. Näistä vielä suurempi merkitys on opettajan omalla yritysyhteistyöaktiivisuudella. Tulokset osoittavat myös, että sekä yritysyhteistyöaktiivisuuden että opettajan kokeman organisaation tuen vaikutus opetusmenetelmien käyttöön on vielä suurempi niiden opettajien kohdalla, joilla itsellään on aiempaa kokemusta omasta yrittäjyydestä. Avainsanat: ammattikorkeakoulu, opettaja, yrittäjyyden edistäminen, yrittäjyys, mittaristo, yritysyhteisty

    Satisfaction of young ENT surgeons with their work. A Finnish national study

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    The objective was to investigate work satisfaction among recently graduated otorhinolaryngologist - head and neck surgeons - (ENT surgeons). An electronic questionnaire was sent to all ENT surgeons graduated in Finland during a ten-year period. Answers about work satisfaction were analyzed in detail with regards to age, gender, university of specialist training, experience, place of work and further education.Altogether 125/129 (96.9%) responded. The majority (87.8%) of the respondents enjoyed their current main occupation. The older age group (>= 40 vs <40 years) was more satisfied (93.7% vs. 81.7%; p=0.042). Consultation opportunities and workplace atmosphere were reported as good by 85.6% and 90.4% of the respondents, respectively. Training opportunities were considered good by 82.4%, albeit by only 60% of the private physicians (p=0.047). Private sector practitioners were also less satisfied with the versatility of their work (p<0.001). Work at a university hospital was considered more strenuous (p<0.001). Over half (54.8%) felt insecure about continuation of their employment status. Most of the recently graduated Finnish ENT surgeons are satisfied with their current occupation, consultation opportunities and workplace atmosphere. However, work at university hospitals in particular was considered often strenuous and over half of the respondents felt insecure about the continuity of their employment

    Light-absorption of dust and elemental carbon in snow in the Indian Himalayas and the Finnish Arctic

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    Light-absorbing impurities (LAIs) deposited in snow have the potential to substantially affect the snow radiation budget, with subsequent implications for snow melt. To more accurately quantify the snow albedo, the contribution from different LAIs needs to be assessed. Here we estimate the main LAI components, elemental carbon (EC) (as a proxy for black carbon) and mineral dust in snow from the Indian Himalayas and paired the results with snow samples from Arctic Finland. The impurities are collected onto quartz filters and are analyzed thermal-optically for EC, as well as with an additional optical measurement to estimate the light-absorption of dust separately on the filters. Laboratory tests were conducted using substrates containing soot and mineral particles, especially prepared to test the experimental setup. Analyzed ambient snow samples show EC concentrations that are in the same range as presented by previous research, for each respective region. In terms of the mass absorption cross section (MAC) our ambient EC surprisingly had about half of the MAC value compared to our laboratory standard EC (chimney soot), suggesting a less light absorptive EC in the snow, which has consequences for the snow albedo reduction caused by EC. In the Himalayan samples, larger contributions by dust (in the range of 50% or greater for the light absorption caused by the LAI) highlighted the importance of dust acting as a light absorber in the snow. Moreover, EC concentrations in the Indian samples, acquired from a 120 cm deep snow pit (possibly covering the last five years of snow fall), suggest an increase in both EC and dust deposition. This work emphasizes the complexity in determining the snow albedo, showing that LAI concentrations alone might not be sufficient, but additional transient effects on the light-absorbing properties of the EC need to be considered and studied in the snow. Equally as imperative is the confirmation of the spatial and temporal representativeness of these data by comparing data from several and deeper pits explored at the same time.Peer reviewe

    Soot-doped natural snow and its albedo — results from field experiments

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    Soot has a pronounced effect on the cryosphere and experiments are still needed to reduce the associated uncertainties. This work presents a series of experiments to address this issue, with soot being deposited onto a natural snow surface after which the albedo changes were monitored. The albedo reduction was the most pronounced for the snow with higher soot content, and it was observed immediately following soot deposition. Compared with a previous laboratory study the effects of soot on the snow were not as prominent in outdoor conditions. During snowmelt, about 50% of the originally deposited soot particles were observed to remain at the snow surface. More detailed experiments are however needed to better explain soot's effect on snow and to better quantify this effect. Our albedo versus soot parameterization agreed relatively well with previously published relationships.Peer reviewe

    The Aromatase Gene CYP19A1: Several Genetic and Functional Lines of Evidence Supporting a Role in Reading, Speech and Language

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    Ammattikorkeakouluopettajan itsearviointi Opettajan yrittäjyysmittariston avulla

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