340 research outputs found

    An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Tumor Volume Delineation

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2023-11-14Masteroppgave for radiograf/bioingeniørRABD395MAMD-HELS

    Monitoring program for pharmaceuticals, illegal substances and contaminants in farmed fish - Annual report for 2020

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    This report summarises the monitoring data collected in 2020 on the status of illegal substances, pharmaceuticals and contaminants in Norwegian farmed fish. In 2020, a total of 13 845 fish were sampled. Samples examined for illegal compounds were collected at all stages of farming and are representative of farmed fish under production. The samples were analysed for substances with anabolic effects or unauthorized substances. No residues of illegal compounds were detected. Samples tested for approved veterinary drugs and contaminants were collected at processing plants and are representative of Norwegian farmed fish ready for human consumption. Residues of the anti-sea-lice agent emamectin were found in one sample, with a concentration below the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL). Other veterinary drugs, like antibiotics or drugs used against internal parasites were not found. No environmental contaminants were found above the EU maximum level.publishedVersio

    Monitoring program for pharmaceuticals, illegal substances, and contaminants in farmed fish - Annual report for 2021

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    This report summarises the monitoring data collected in 2021 on the status of illegal substances, pharmaceuticals and contaminants in Norwegian farmed fish. In 2021, a total of 14135 fish were sampled. Samples examined for illegal compounds were collected at all stages of farming and are representative of farmed fish under production. The samples were analysed for substances with anabolic effects or unauthorized substances. Residues of the dye crystal violet were detected in two samples of salmon. A follow-up investigation conducted by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NSFA) concluded with the cause likely being a contamination of the samples during sample taking. No other residues of illegal compounds were found. Samples tested for approved veterinary drugs and contaminants were collected at processing plants and are representative of Norwegian farmed fish ready for human consumption. Residues of the anti-sealice agents cypermethrin, emamectin and lufenuron were found, with concentrations below the respective Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs). Other veterinary drugs, like antibiotics or drugs used against internal parasites were not found. No environmental contaminants were found above the EU maximum level (ML).Monitoring program for pharmaceuticals, illegal substances, and contaminants in farmed fish - Annual report for 2021publishedVersio

    Transfer entropy computation using the Perron-Frobenius operator

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    We propose a method for computing the transfer entropy between time series using Ulam's approximation of the Perron-Frobenius (transfer) operator associated with the map generating the dynamics. Our method differs from standard transfer entropy estimators in that the invariant measure is estimated not directly from the data points, but from the invariant distribution of the transfer operator approximated from the data points. For sparse time series and low embedding dimension, the transfer operator is approximated using a triangulation of the attractor, whereas for data-rich time series or higher embedding dimension, we use a faster grid approach. We compare the performance of our methods with existing estimators such as the k nearest neighbors method and kernel density estimation method, using coupled instances of well known chaotic systems: coupled logistic maps and a coupled Rössler-Lorenz system. We find that our estimators are robust against moderate levels of noise. For sparse time series with less than 100 observations and low embedding dimension, our triangulation estimator shows improved ability to detect coupling directionality, relative to standard transfer entropy estimators.publishedVersio

    On how the power supply shapes microbial survival

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    Understanding how environmental factors affect microbial survival is an important open problem in microbial ecology. Patterns of microbial community structure have been characterized across a wide range of different environmental settings, but the mechanisms generating these patterns remain poorly understood. Here, we use mathematical modelling to investigate fundamental connections between chemical power supply to a system and patterns of microbial survival. We reveal a complex set of interdependences between power supply and distributions of survival probability across microbial habitats, in a case without interspecific resource competition. We also find that different properties determining power supply, such as substrate fluxes and Gibbs energies of reactions, affect microbial survival in fundamentally different ways. Moreover, we show how simple connections between power supply and growth can give rise to complex patterns of microbial survival across physicochemical gradients, such as pH gradients. Our findings show the importance of taking energy fluxes into account in order to reveal fundamental connections between microbial survival and environmental conditions, and to obtain a better understanding of microbial population dynamics in natural environments.publishedVersio

    Væskebalanse til pasienter i hemodialyse. En kvalitativ studie om sykepleieres erfaring

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    Bakgrunn: Pasienter med endestadium nyresvikt er utsatt for at væske oppsamles i kroppen. Behandling i form av hemodialyse (HD) bidrar til å rense ut avfallsstoffer og fjerne overskuddsvæske. Enkelte ganger lar ikke væsken seg like lett fjerne, og pasienter utsettes dermed for overhydrering. Denne tilstanden utsetter pasienter for uheldige komplikasjoner både på kort og lang sikt. Sykepleiere utfører en viktig oppgave med å hjelpe pasienter til å ivareta sin væskebalanse. Hensikten med denne studien er å undersøke hvilken erfaring sykepleiere har med å ivareta pasienters væskebalanse, ikke minst med hensyn til å forebygge overhydrering. Det var også ønskelig å se nærmere på forholdet mellom standardisering og skjønn. Metode: En kvalitativ metode er benyttet, i form av individuelle intervju med ti sykepleiere fra ulike dialyseavdelinger i Norge, som hadde varierende HD-erfaring. Det ble gjennomført et digitalt intervju med hver informant i perioden oktober – desember 2021. Systematisk tekstkondensering ble benyttet til analysering. Funn: Kunnskap og forståelse om væskebalanse til pasienter i HD er sammensatt og komplisert. Det kan tyde på at sykepleierne fikk lite teoretisk opplæring. Det var ikke vanlig med skriftlige prosedyrer om væskebalanse, men de hadde derimot mange uskrevne regler. Dette bidro til usikkerhet og forvirring for endel, og funn tyder også på at dette kunne hemme prosessen med å bli selvstendighet. Pasientopplæring var vanlig, men det virker som om gjennomføringen var noe tilfeldig og lite systematisk. Pasientmedvirkning ble i noen grad ivaretatt, men ikke alle pasienter deltok. Konklusjon: Sykepleiere trenger avansert kompetanse om væskebalanse. Ved å ta i bruk rammer og prosedyrer om væskebalanse vil dette kunne styrke kvalitet og pasientsikkerhet. Ved økt søkelys på sykepleier-pasient relasjonen kan dette bidra til forbedret pasientetterlevelse og medvirkning

    Monitoring programme for veterinary control on seafood products imported to Norway from third countries - Results from 2022

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    This report summarises results from the ongoing monitoring programme for veterinary border control on seafood products imported to Norway from countries outside the EU and the European Economic Area in 2022. Eight samples of products imported in 2021 but analysed in 2022 are also included. Samples were collected by personnel at the Norwegian Border Inspection Posts (BIP). The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) carried out the analytical work on behalf of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA). We want to thank NFSA for good cooperation during the conduct of this monitoring programme. A risk assessment for different groups of imported products formed the basis for the selection of analytical activities, where current trend of hazards, as reported in The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) notification system and the compositional nature of the products and origin formed an up-to-date basis for the risk assessment.Monitoring programme for veterinary control on seafood products imported to Norway from third countries - Results from 2022publishedVersio

    Changes in Received Pronunciation: Diachronic Case Studies

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    This paper sets out to investigate changes and individual irregularities in the Received Pronunciation of a number of individuals over time and to compare them with the changes noted in contemporary RP in the literature. The aim of the study is to ascertain whether accent change affects individuals during their lifetimes or is only brought about by new generations of speakers accepting different pronunciations as the norm and effectively speaking with a different accent to older generations within their social circle. The variations/changes looked for were: CLOTH transfer, CURE lowering, GOAT allophony, R-sandhi, and T-voicing. The procedure of the study was to identify the presence or absence of these features in the speech of certain individuals in recordings made over a period of at least 35 years. The individuals studied were: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Baroness Thatcher, Sir David Attenborough and David Dimbleby. The results of these comparisons suggest that individual speakers are not greatly affected by changes in pronunciation taking place around them and generally stay with the preferred pronunciation of their youth. There are, however, cases where a general uncertainty amongst speakers of the accent, here found in CURE lowering, does influence the speech of individuals over time