150 research outputs found

    Nuoren fyysisen terveyden arviointi ja terveyteen liittyvÀ riskikÀyttÀytyminen HUS/HYKS Nuorten pÀihdepsykiatrian poliklinikalla

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    Mielenterveyden ongelmat lisÀÀvĂ€t tarttuvien ja ei-tarttuvien tautien riskiĂ€ ja nĂ€in vaikuttavat tahattomasti tai tahallisesti vaurioihin. Mielenterveys on yhteydessĂ€ fyysiseen terveyteen ja pĂ€invastoin. Nuorten kohdalla ei ole juurikaan tutkittu fyysisen terveyden piirteitĂ€ samanaikaisesti ilmenevĂ€n mielenterveys- ja pĂ€ihdehĂ€iriön rinnalla. Nuorilla kausiluonteiset allergiat, ihotaudit ja astma esiintyvĂ€t fyysisistĂ€ sairauksista useimmin samanaikaisesti jonkin mielenterveyden hĂ€iriön kanssa. Ja toisinpĂ€in jokin mielialahĂ€iriö, jokin ahdistuneisuushĂ€iriö ja jokin kĂ€ytöshĂ€iriö esiintyvĂ€t mielenterveydenhĂ€iriöistĂ€ useimmin jonkin fyysisen sairauden kanssa. Mielenterveyden oireita kokevat nuoret mÀÀrittelevĂ€t fyysisen terveytensĂ€ useammin huonoksi kuin oireettomat. KehittĂ€misprojektin tarkoituksena oli lisĂ€tĂ€ tietoa pĂ€ihdepsykiatrian poliklinikalla hoidettavien nuorten fyysisestĂ€ terveydestĂ€ ja siihen liittyvĂ€stĂ€ riskikĂ€yttĂ€ytymisestĂ€ sekĂ€ kehittÀÀ kokonaisvaltaisen hoitotyön osaamista poliklinikalla. KehittĂ€misprojektin tavoitteena oli luoda Nuorten pĂ€ihdepsykiatrian poliklinikalla hoidettavien nuorten fyysisen terveyden ja siihen liittyvĂ€n riskikĂ€yttĂ€ytymisen erityispiirteet huomioiva tietoa antava posteri. KehittĂ€misprojektin tutkimuksellisessa osiossa kĂ€ytetiin sekĂ€ mÀÀrĂ€llisen ettĂ€ laadullisen tutkimusperinteen mukaisia menetelmiĂ€ toisiaan tĂ€ydentĂ€en. Aineisto (n = 27) kerĂ€ttiin lomakehaastattelun avulla potilasasiakirjamerkinnöistĂ€ ja analysoitiin tilastollisin menetelmin sekĂ€ sisĂ€llön analyysia soveltaen. Suurin osa nuorista arvioi fyysisen terveytensĂ€ olevan hyvĂ€ eikĂ€ kukaan nuorista kokenut terveytensĂ€ olevan huono. HaastatteluhetkellĂ€, pĂ€ihdepsykiatrisen tutkimusjakson alussa nuoret eivĂ€t siis liittĂ€neet pĂ€ihteidenkĂ€yttöÀÀn, itsetuhoista kĂ€yttĂ€ytymistĂ€, tappeluihin joutumista, pahoinpitelyyn osallistumista, suojaamattomassa sukupuoliyhteydessĂ€ olemista tai rattijuopumusta tekijöiksi, jotka vaikuttaisivat fyysiseen terveyteen sitĂ€ juurikaan heikentĂ€vĂ€ksi.Mental health problems also increase the risk of communicable and non-communicable diseases and thus contributes to unintentional and intentional injuries. Mental health is connected to physical health and vice versa. However, in the case of adolescents, the discussion of the physical health of persons with the co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders is rare. Adolescents’ seasonal allergies, skin diseases and asthma are the physical diseases that most frequently co-occur with any mental health disorder. And the other way around, an affective disorder, an anxiety disorder or a conduct disorder are mental disorders that are most often in the context of a physical disease. Adolescents who are suffering from mental health symptoms are experiencing a poor physical health more often than adolescents without mental health problems. The aim of the study, conducted as development project, was to increase knowledge of the physical health and health related risk taking behaviour of adolescents in a psychiatric unit for adolescent with substance use problems. The study was performed by using the methods from the qualitative and quantitative research tradition, complementing each other. The data (n = 27) was collected form patient record forms of EuroADAD interviews and background information and analyzed by statistical methods as well as using the content analysis. The purpose of the project was to create a scientific poster that describes the physical health and related risk behavior of the adolescents’ of the clinic. The majority of adolescents rated their physical health to be good and no one experienced their physical health to be poor. Adolescents didn’t combine the substance abuse, non-suicidal self-injury, involvement into physical fights or assault, unprotected sex or driving while intoxicated would affect the to the physical health as debilitating factor

    Pandemiarokotuksilla ei ole yhteyttÀ krooniseen vÀsymysoireyhtymÀÀn

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    Adverse Childhood Experiences and Risk of Binge Drinking and Drunkenness in Middle-Aged Finnish Men

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    Objective. The purpose of this study was to investigate associations between adverse childhood experiences and binge drinking and drunkenness in adulthood using both historical and recalled data from childhood. Methods. Data on childhood adverse experiences were collected from school health records and questionnaires completed in adulthood. Adulthood data were obtained from the baseline examinations of the male participants (n = 2682) in the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study (KIHD) in 1984–1989 from eastern Finland. School health records from the 1930s to 1950s were available for a subsample of KIHD men (n = 952). Results. According to the school health records, men who had adverse childhood experiences had a 1.51-fold (95% CI 1.05 to 2.18) age- and examination-year adjusted odds of binge drinking in adulthood. After adjustment for socioeconomic position in adulthood or behavioural factors in adulthood, the association remained unchanged. Adjustment for socioeconomic position in childhood attenuated these effects. Also the recalled data showed associations with adverse childhood experiences and binge drinking with different beverages. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that childhood adversities are associated with increased risk of binge drinking in adulthood

    Voiko tai pitÀÀkö raskaana olevaa rokottaa?

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    Raskaana olevaa voi ja joskus pitÀÀkin rokottaa. Rokottamisen hyödyt ja haitat on aina punnittava huolellisesti. MitÀ suurempi on tartunnan todennÀköisyys ja sen seurausten vakavuus, sitÀ todennÀköisemmin rokotuksesta on hyötyÀ. Haittojen arviointia vaikeuttaa tiedon vÀhÀisyys, mutta edes elÀvien rokotteiden ei tiedetÀ aiheuttaneen haittaa raskauden kululle tai sikiölle. Kausi-influenssarokotetta suositellaan kaikille raskaana oleville raskauden vaiheesta riippumatta. Rokotus suojaa lasta sekÀ raskauden aikana ettÀ syntymÀn jÀlkeen. KurkkumÀtÀ-jÀykkÀkouristusrokotteen voi antaa raskauden aikana kuten muulloinkin. Muitakin inaktivoituja rokotteita voi antaa raskauden aikana, jos hyötyjen katsotaan ylittÀvÀn mahdolliset haitat. ElÀviÀ mikrobeja sisÀltÀviÀ rokotteita ei varovaisuussyistÀ yleensÀ pidÀ antaa raskauden aikana

    International co-publishing in Finland

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    This study looks at international co-publishing in Finland and the citation counts of publications in different disciplinary groups in 1990–2009. The results presented here are based on the Thomson Reuters Web of Science (WoS) publication and citation database from 1990 to 2009. The share of international co-publishing in all of Finland’s WoS publications increased from 25 per cent to 49 per cent in 1990–2009. In tandem with international co-publishing becoming more common, there has been an increase in the relative share of national cooperation between organisations, whereas the share of publications produced in national, intra-organisational cooperation in all of Finland’s international publications has declined. The trend of co-publishing in Finland can thus be described as an increase in transboundary cooperation – both between countries and between organisations. The share of single-author publications declined in 1990–2009. As an exception to most main scientific disciplines, single authorship remained clearly the most typical form of international authorship in humanities journals in 2006–2009; 70 per cent of these publications were written by a single author. While the relative share of single authorship has decreased, the number of co-authors in a publication has gone up: in 1990–2009, the number of co-authors in national publications increased from three to four, while this number in international co-publications has gone up from five to seven authors. In Finland’s international co-publications, the co-author was most typically affiliated with an organisation in the EU15+ states. The second most typical participants in international publications were co-authors from North America, and third most typical were co-authors from the Nordic countries. No change took place in the order of the three most common country groups within the period of examination. In 1990–2008, international co-publications were on average cited more times than publications produced in national cooperation. The citation counts of the former exceeded the average global level throughout the period. The more authors that were involved in a publication, the more times it was cited on average. The high citation counts of international co-publications are partly explained by the fact that, on average, they involve a higher number of co-authors than national publications. A growing trend in international co-publishing has been cooperation involving researchers from more than one country group in addition to Finland. The more country groups that were involved in a publication, the higher its citation count on average. In the sphere of national cooperation, gauged by the citation counts, inter-organisational cooperation produced science with a higher impact than intra-organisational co-authorship. To summarise, this study indicates that co-publishing of Finnish scientists has diversified: the share of publications produced as a result of international cooperation, involvement of several country groups, and national inter-organisational cooperation in all WoS publications increased, and the more diverse the co-authorship was, the higher the citation count

    Intermediate ions as a strong indicator of new particle formation bursts in a boreal forest

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    Secondary aerosol formation from gas-phase precursors is a frequent phenomenon occurring in a boreal environment. Traditionally, this process is identified visually from observational data on total and ion number size distributions. Here, we introduce a new, objective classification method for the new particle formation events based on measured intermediate-ion concentrations. The intermediate-ion concentration is a suitable indicator of new particle formation, because it is linked to the atmospheric new particle formation. The concentration of intermediate ions is typically very low (below 5 cm(-3)) when there is no new particle formation or precipitation events occurring. In this study, we analysed concentrations of negative intermediate ions at the Station for Measuring Ecosystem Atmosphere Relations (SMEAR II) in Hyytiala, Finland, during the years 2003-2013. We found that the half-hour median concentration of negative intermediate ions in sizes 2-4 nm was > 20 cm(-3) during 77.5% of event days classified by traditional method. The corresponding value was 92.3% in the case of 2-7 nm negative ions. In addition, the intermediate-ion concentration varied seasonally in a similar manner as the number of event days, peaking in the spring. A typical diurnal variation of the intermediate-ion concentration resembled that of the particle concentration during the event days. We developed here a new method for classifying new particle formation events based on intermediate-ion concentrations. The new method is complementary to the traditional event analysis and it can also be used as an automatic way of determining new particle formation events from large data sets.Peer reviewe
