34 research outputs found

    Proposed Rabi-Kondo Correlated State in a Laser-Driven Semiconductor Quantum Dot

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    Spin exchange between a single-electron charged quantum dot and itinerant electrons leads to an emergence of Kondo correlations. When the quantum dot is driven resonantly by weak laser light, the resulting emission spectrum allows for a direct probe of these correlations. In the opposite limit of vanishing exchange interaction and strong laser drive, the quantum dot exhibits coherent oscillations between the single-spin and optically excited states. Here, we show that the interplay between strong exchange and non-perturbative laser coupling leads to the formation of a new nonequilibrium quantum-correlated state, characterized by the emergence of a laser-induced secondary spin screening cloud, and examine the implications for the emission spectrum

    Interaction quench dynamics in the Kondo model in presence of a local magnetic field

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    In this work we investigate the quench dynamics in the Kondo model on the Toulouse line in presence of a local magnetic field. It is shown that this setup can be realized by either applying the local magnetic field directly or by preparing the system in a macroscopically spin-polarized initial state. In the latter case, the magnetic field results from a subtlety in applying the bosonization technique where terms that are usually referred to as finite-size corrections become important in the present non-equilibrium setting. The transient dynamics is studied by analyzing exact analytical results for the local spin dynamics. The time scale for the relaxation of the local dynamical quantities turns out to be exclusively determined by the Kondo scale. In the transient regime, one observes damped oscillations in the local correlation functions with a frequency set by the magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; minor changes, version as publishe

    Sugar utilization patterns and respiro-fermentative metabolism in the baker’s yeast Torulaspora delbrueckii

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    The highly osmo- and cryotolerant yeast species Torulaspora delbrueckii is an important case study among the non-Saccharomyces yeast species. The strain T delbrueckii PYCC 532 1, isolated from traditional corn and rye bread dough in northern Portugal, is considered particularly interesting for the baking industry. This paper reports the sugar utilization patterns of this strain, using media with glucose, maltose and sucrose, alone or in mixtures. Kinetics of growth, biomass and ethanol yields, fermentation and respiration rates, hydrolase activities and sugar uptake rates were used to infer the potential applied relevance of this yeast in comparison to a conventional baker's strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The results showed that both maltase and maltose transport in T delbrueckii were subject to glucose repression and maltose induction, whereas invertase was subject to glucose control but not dependent on sucrose induction. A comparative analysis of specific sugar consumption rates and transport capacities suggests that the transport step limits both glucose and maltose metabolism. Specific rates of CO2 production and O-2 consumption showed a significantly higher contribution of respiration to the overall metabolism in T delbrueckii than in S. cerevisiae. This was reflected in the biomass yields from batch cultures and could represent an asset for the large-scale production of the former species. This work contributes to a better understanding of the physiology of a non-conventional yeast species, with a view to the full exploitation of T delbrueckii by the baking industry.This work was partially funded by Agência de Inovação (AdI) program POCI2010/2.3, project ‘PARFERM’. C. A.-A. and A. P. were supported by PhD fellowships from PRAXIS XXI – BD/21543/99 and BD/13282/ 2003, respectively (Fundação para a Ciência e para a Tecnologia, Portugal).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gravitational Waves and Gamma-Rays from a Binary Neutron Star Merger: GW170817 and GRB 170817A

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    On 2017 August 17, the gravitational-wave event GW170817 was observed by the Advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors, and the gamma-ray burst (GRB) GRB170817A was observed independently by the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor, and the Anti-Coincidence Shield for the Spectrometer for the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory. The probability of the near-simultaneous temporal and spatial observation of GRB 170817A and GW170817 occurring by chance is 5.0 x 10(exp -8). We therefore confirm binary neutron star mergers as a progenitor of short GRBs. The association of GW170817 and GRB 170817A provides new insight into fundamental physics and the origin of short GRBs. We use the observed time delay of (+1.74 +/- 0.05) s between GRB170817A and GW170817 to: (i) constrain the difference between the speed of gravity and the speed of light to be between -3 x 10(exp-16) times the speed of light, (ii) place new bounds on the violation of Lorentz invariance, (iii) present a new test of the equivalence principle by constraining the Shapiro delay between gravitational and electromagnetic radiation. We also use the time delay to constrain the size and bulk Lorentz factor of the region emitting the gamma-rays. GRB170817A is the closest short GRB with a known distance, but is between 2 and 6 orders of magnitude less energetic than other bursts with measured redshift. A new generation of gamma-ray detectors, and subthreshold searches in existing detectors, will be essential to detect similar short bursts at greater distances. Finally, we predict a joint detection rate for the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor and the Advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors of 0.1 - 1.4 per year during the 2018--2019 observing run and 0.3 - 1.7 per year at design sensitivity

    Brownfields to green fields: Realising wider benefits from practical contaminant phytomanagement strategies

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    Iron impurities in gold and silver: Comparison of transport measurements to numerical renormalization group calculations exploiting non-Abelian symmetries

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    11 pages, 6 figures, published versionWe consider iron impurities in the noble metals gold and silver and compare experimental data for the resistivity and decoherence rate to numerical renormalization group results. By exploiting non-Abelian symmetries we show improved numerical data for both quantities as compared to previous calculations [Costi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 056802 (2009)], using the discarded weight as criterion to reliably judge the quality of convergence of the numerical data. In addition we also carry out finite-temperature calculations for the magnetoresistivity of fully screened Kondo models with S = 1/2, 1 and 3/2, and compare the results with available measurements for iron in silver, finding excellent agreement between theory and experiment for the spin-3/2 three-channel Kondo model. This lends additional support to the conclusion of Costi et al. that the latter model provides a good effective description of the Kondo physics of iron impurities in gold and silver

    Verbesserung der Qualitaet von kaltgewalzten Baendern. T. C Vermeidung von Querwellen beim Kaltwalzen und Dressieren von Band. Abschlussbericht

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    SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RA 3271(1378) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekMinisterium fuer Wirtschaft, Mittelstand und Technologie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Duesseldorf (Germany)DEGerman