66 research outputs found

    Wh-clitic-doubling and wh-Cliticisation

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    This article explores a pervasive phenomenon in Berber whereby the extraction of dative arguments (of verbs, nouns and prepositions) gives rise to two occurrences of wh. One is a wh-word located in Spec,C and the other a wh-clitic in the dative form located in C (wh-clitic-doubling). Close examination reveals that the wh-word in Spec,C functions as an operator base-generated in its scope position and the dative wh-clitic in C provides it with a derivational link to the variable in the dative position it binds (whCliticisation). Wh-clitic-doubling and wh-Cliticisation amount to direct evidence for Cliticisation as a derivational interpretive mechanism of Grammar that obviates the need for indexing (Lebeaux 1983, Chomsky 1986, 1995). They also provide evidence for the conclusion in Kayne (1989) that Cliticisation is an instance of Head-Movement, more precisely, feature-based Head-Movement.Este artículo explora un fenómeno generalizado en bereber, en virtud del cual la extracción de argumentos dativos (de verbos, sustantivos y preposiciones) produce dos tipos de palabras qu-, una situada en la posición de especificador del SC, y otra en la posición CL2 (doblado del clítico qu-). Un examen detallado revela que la palabra qu- que se encuentra en la posición de especificador del SC se genera en la base de este sintagma y que la relación entre su variable-operador y la posición del argumento se establece por medio de la cliticización qu- al SC. Esto proporciona sólida evidencia para el estatus de la Cliticización como mecanismo derivacional interpretativo de la Gramática, algo que de manera abstracta han asumido estudios previos, tales como los de Lebeaux (1983) y Chomsky (1986, 1995). Proporciona, asimismo, evidencia de la conclusión presentada por Kayne (1989) de que la Cliticización es un ejemplo de movimiento de núcleo, más precisamente, movimiento de núcleo basado en los rasgos.Este artigo explora um fenómeno do bebere que consiste no facto de a extração de argumentos dativos (de verbos, nomes e preposições) gerar dois constituintes wh-, um localizado em Spec,C e o outro na posição de CL2 (redobro do clítico wh-). Uma análise mais detalhada mostra que o constituinte wh- em Spec,C é gerado na base e a relação do operadorvariável com a posição de argumento é estabelecida através da cliticização de wh- para C. Desta forma, a cliticização é tida como um processo interpretativo derivacional da Gramática, considerado na sua forma abstrata em trabalhos anteriores, como Lebeaux (1983) e Chomsky (1986, 1995). É também sustentada a conclusão de Kayne (1989), segundo o qual a cliticização é um exemplo de Movimento Nuclear, mais precisamente, Movimento

    Copulative Predication in Tarifit Berber

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    This paper investigates the typology of copulative predication in Tarifit Berber. Three main copulas are identified: (1) verbal, (2) nominal and (3) locative. Given that these elements can all be used as predicates, a uniform configuration which accounts for their derivation is proposed. The structure consists of a lower lexical layer occupied by the predicate (VP, NP etc.) and a higher functional projection represented by the Predicate Phrase (PredP). The Pred – head then enters into an agreement relation with the lower head in the complement position, yielding a predicational copula sentence. Since these constructions are all marked for tense/aspect, the derivation is extended further to a TP projection where the relevant feature is valued. In view of the unified syntactic analysis, the difference between various copula predicates is optimally reduced to the categorial status of the basic predicate occupying the lower lexical projection. The paper identifies another copula construction, which correlates with the proxemics-locative. An examination of this configuration from a close range reveals that this particular locative occupies the subject position whereas the Pred – head is only filled with a bare syntactic feature but encodes no phonological information.Prédication copulative en berbère tarifit Cet article explore la typologie de la prédication copulative en berbère tarifit. On identifie 3 copules principales : (1) verbale, (2) nominale et (3) locative. Etant donné que tous ces éléments peuvent être employés comme prédicats, l’article propose une configuration uniforme qui rend compte de leur dérivation. Cette structure consiste en un niveau lexical inférieur occupé par le prédicat (VP, NP etc) et une projection fonctionnelle plus haute représentée par le Predicate Phrase (PredP). La tête Pred entre ensuite dans une relation d’accord avec la tête basse située en position de complément, créant une phrase à copule prédicative. Comme ces constructions sont toutes marquées pour le temps/aspect, la dérivation est étendue à une projection TP, où le trait pertinent est valué. L’analyse syntaxique étant unifiée, la différence entre les divers prédicats copulatifs est réduite de façon optimale au statut catégoriel du prédicat de base occupant la projection lexicale basse. Cet article identifie une autre construction copulative correspondant au locatif proxémique. L’examen précis de cette configuration révèle que ce locatif particulier occupe la position de sujet tandis que la tête Pred est occupée par un trait syntaxique seulement, mais n’encode aucune information phonologique

    Post-Synthetic Anisotropic Wet-Chemical Etching of Colloidal Sodalite ZIF Crystals

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    Controlling the shape of metal-organic framework (MOF) crystals is important for understanding their crystallization and useful for myriad applications. However, despite the many advances in shaping of inorganic nanoparticles, post-synthetic shape control of MOFs and, in general, molecular crystals remains embryonic. Herein, we report using a simple wet-chemistry process at room temperature to control the anisotropic etching of colloidal ZIF-8 and ZIF-67 crystals. Our work enables uniform reshaping of these porous materials into unprecedented morphologies, including cubic and tetrahedral crystals, and even hollow boxes, by an acid-base reaction and subsequent sequestration of leached metal ions. Etching tests on these ZIFs reveal that etching occurs preferentially in the crystallographic directions richer in metal-ligand bonds; that, along these directions, the etching rate tends to be faster on the crystal surfaces of higher dimensionality; and that the etching can be modulated by adjusting the pH of the etchant solution

    Intérêt de la thoracoscopie dans les pleurésies purulentes chez l'enfant . Apropos de 16 cas

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    La thoracoscopie est maintenant proposée en remplacement de la chirurgie dans le traitement des pleurésies purulentes chez l’adulte, mais les études restent limités chez l’enfant .L’objectif est d’effectuer une libération optimale des adhérences pleurales constituées lors d’une pleurésie purulente collectée avec une moindre morbidité. Sur une période de huit ans, 16 enfants âgés de 2 à 14 ans hospitalisés entre 2001 et 2008 aux Urgences Chirurgicales Pédiatriques à l’hôpital d’enfants de Rabat, atteints de pleurésie purulente collectée compliquant une pneumopathie ont bénéficié d’un traitement par thoracoscopie .Tous ont été traités initialement par antibiothérapie et drainage pleural avant la thoracoscopie.L’écographie a permis de confirmer le diagnostic de l’épanchement pleural de suivre son évolution et surtout de mettre en évidence la présence de cloisons au sein de l’épanchement contribuant ainsi à guider le geste de l’opérateur. L’apyrexie a été obtenue de 24 heures à 5 jours après thoracoscopie dans les 16 cas et la durée d’hospitalisation a été de 15 à 21 jours .La radiographie thoracique postopératoire montrait une bonne expansion pulmonaire chez tous les cas. Ceux-ci ont été revues en consultation après leur retour à domicile et ils étaient asymptomatiques avec un recul d’un mois .La radiographie pulmonaire de contrôle était normale chez 10 enfants et ne retrouvait que une fine lame bordante pleurale chez les autres. La thoracoscopie constitue une technique fiable, efficace et bien tolérée dans les pleurésies purulentes y compris le petit enfant, avec un bon résultat esthétique

    Nanostructured Hybrid Silica by 'Liquid Crystal Templating' of ionic precursors

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    Une série de précurseurs contenant des sous-structures organo-ioniques à base d'entités imidazolium, guanidinium, ammonium et zwitterionique ainsi que des précurseurs neutres contenant des sous-structures amido-thiol, amine-thiol et amine a été synthétisée. Ces précurseurs ont été utilisés pour la synthèse de matériaux silices hybrides nanostructurés par voie template. La formation de matériaux nanostructurés a été réalisée par des réactions d'hydrolyse-polycondensation par l'utilisation de différents agents de structuration. Ce travail avait pour but la détermination des principaux facteurs influençant la structuration des matériaux. Ainsi, nous avons préparé une série d'ionosilicates nanostructurés par une nouvelle méthode de structuration qui met en jeu des interactions spécifiques entre des paires d'ions ‘précurseur cationique - surfactant anionique' et ‘précurseur anionique - surfactant cationique'. Cette approche a permis d'accéder aux matériaux originaux de type PMO ionique. Finalement, nous avons utilisé pour la première fois des surfactants de guanidinium comme ‘template' dans la synthèse des silices ioniques nanostructurées de morphologie sphérique. Les matériaux nanostructurés contenant des sous-structures amine, amine-thiol, ammonium et zwitterionique développés au cours de ce travail présentent des surfaces spécifiques élevées et une bonne accessibilité des sites organiques. Ces propriétés font de ces matériaux des systèmes de choix pour des applications en catalyse ou en séparation.A series of precursors containing organo-ionic substructures such as imidazolium, guanidinium, ammonium and zwitterionic entities and several neutral precursors containing thiol-amide, thiol-amine and amino groups were successfully synthesized. These precursors were used for the synthesis of nanostructured silica hybrid materials containing ionic substructures via soft templating approaches. The formation of structured materials was achieved using template directed hydrolysis polycondensation procedures in the presence of various structure directing agents. The goal of this study was the determination of the parameters influencing the structuring of the materials. Thus, we prepared a series of nanostructured ionosilicates using a new method of structuring that is based on specific interactions between ‘cationic precursor - anionic surfactant' and ‘anionic precursor - cationic surfactant' ion pairs. This new strategy allowed the synthesis of ionic 'periodic mesoporous organosilicas'. At the end of this thesis, we used a new ‘guanidinium' type template in the preparation of nanostructured i-silica hybrid materials with a spherical morphology. Nanostructured ionosilicates bearing amine, amino-thiol, ammonium and zwitterionic substructures prepared in this work present high specific surface areas and a high accessibility of the organic functional sites. Due to these features, these materials have large potential in the fields of catalysis and separation

    The construct state in Tarifit Berber

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    This paper investigates the Construct State (CS) in Tarifit Berber. Given that the phenomenon occurs only in certain syntactic environments, this suggests that it has syntactic ramifications and is not the result of purely phonological operations. Its exact nature is argued to be a language-specific property which arises from a syntactic relation between an NP and a higher c-commanding head. Crucial to this relation is the fact the CS triggering head can only be T or P. The paper also investigates the phonological implications of the CS. After the configuration is formed in the Syntax and sent for interpretation by the phonological component, it is suggested that the CS NP and its c-commanding head are spelt out in phonology as one phonological word. On a theoretical level, the paper argues that this typology can be better articulated under a modular approach in the sense of Distributed Morphology whereby the phonological component interprets the syntactic output

    The Morphosyntax of Tharifith Berber

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    Abstract: This dissertation investigates the syntax and also some aspects of the morphology of Tharifith Berber (such as, the inflectional classes of nouns and the Construct State) within the Distributed Morphology framework (Halle & Marantz 1993, et al.). One of its main objectives is to demonstrate how morphology could be brought within the range of syntax. This view becomes apparent when inflectional morphemes which project in the syntax are also used to derive words. Contrary to what has always been reported, that Berber is an unquestionable VSO language, I show that Tharifith has now shifted to a Topic-Initial configurational system. This claim is based on two pieces of evidence: (1) the SVO order is preferred over VSO, (2) when the object is a clitic both the verb and the clitic are required to be in the initial position of the clause. I propose an account arguing that the two alternations instantiate a Topic-fronting phenomenon, which requires the initial position of the clause to be filled with Topic. Of interest to word order is another property displayed by some WH- complex clauses which require Verb-First. A careful analysis of the structure of these clauses reveals that this is an instantiation of V-to-C movement, also known as the verb second phenomenon (V2). While the movement to the initial position in the main clause is argued to be motivated by Topic, I show that V2 is motivated by the feature Focus which needs to be checked in C. Due to the fact that this operation is sensitive to the phonological property of the complementiser, I make the claim that discourse features, at least in Berber, should be generated at PF. Despite the fact that the subject, object and dative clitics are often grouped under the ‘clitic – banner,’ I show that the first set displays the properties of agreement markers on the verb while the other two sets are claimed to be argument XPs. The approach takes an in-depth theoretical approach to the study of clitics. In a framework where syntax operates on purely formal features, and taking on board the view that clitics as arguments have the formal features required by the computation identical to the ones found with lexical NPs, it is argued that any other distinction between the two sets of arguments is made post-syntactically. Argument structure is then claimed to follow from a fairly small number of principles which govern their syntactic system. The study discusses the movement of clitics at length, and argues it to be phonological. Crucial to the analysis is the fact that this movement operation is not only dependent on the phonological property of clitics but is also dependent on the property of functional elements that host them. Evidence is provided which shows that only functional categories that are phonologically dependent can be hosts. I then conclude that cliticisation is in fact an attraction by the host, a process which occurs during the mapping of the syntactic output to phonology. I further argue that this type of PF merger which is claimed to generate the placement of clitics is constrained by an adjacency relation. Additional support to the claim that morphology should be subject to syntactic principles is found with valency. I show that the system, in many respects, treats the structure of verbs and clauses along the same line. Furthermore, the meaning which is traditionally claimed to be inherent to words is shown from the verbal system to follow from the syntactic structure the verbs project

    Guanidinium vs. ammonium surfactants in soft-templating approaches: Nanostructured silica and zwitterionic i-silica from complementary precursor-surfactant ion-pairs

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    International audienceWe investigated the behaviour of guanidinium and ammonium surfactants as structure directing agents in template directed hydrolysis-polycondensation processes. For this purpose, a series of guanidinium surfactants was synthesized from long chain substituted primary amines. In a first series of experiments, we compared nanostructured silicas obtained via template directed hydrolysis-polycondensation reactions of TEOS in the presence of either guanidinium or ammonium based surfactants. We observed that typical MCM-41-type silicas displaying 2D hexagonal architecture were obtained in the presence of ammonium surfactants such as cetyl-trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). In contrast, the use of guanidinium surfactants led to the formation of hollow silica spheres or spherical silica nanoparticles. In a second time, we investigated the use of ammonium and guanidinium surfactants in the formation of periodic mesoporous organosilicas containing ionic groups (i-silica). We studied in particular template directed hydrolysis-polycondensation reactions of zwitterionic ammonium sulfonate and ammonium carboxylate precursors. We observed that both reactions involving the ammonium-sulfonate precursor yielded structured i-silicas. In contrast, hydrolysis-polycondensation reactions of the ammonium carboxylate precursor afforded structured materials only in the presence of the guanidinium surfactant, whereas amorphous materials were obtained in the presence of CTAB. This result reflects specific surfactant-precursor interactions and suggests that the nature of both surfactant and precursor are determinant for the formation of i-silica materials displaying regular architectures on a mesoscopic length scale

    Anionic templating as a versatile method to access nanostructured ionosilicas from amine and ammonium precursors

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    International audienceThe synthesis of new functional ionosilicas via soft templating procedures is reported. Starting from functional amine and ammonium precursors, structured materials with regular architectures on a mesoscopic length scale can be obtained only in the presence of anionic structure directing agents. This 'anionic templating route' appears as a generally applicable method to access a large variety of structured ionosilicas containing cationic groups. However, differences concerning the texture and the morphological stability of the formed materials arise from the constitution of the used silylated precursors. The as-synthesized silica hybrid/surfactant nanocomposites obtained from amine precursors often display high order but only limited morphological stability. The ordered mesostructure of the nanocomposites collapsed during surfactant elimination and low-porous and non-structured ionosilica materials were finally obtained. In contrast, the use of trisilylated quaternary ammonium precursors yielded materials displaying high porosity combined with moderate structural regularity after surfactant elimination. Finally, the formation of ionosilicas with helicoïdal morphologies was observed starting from a chiral (1R,2R)-diaminocyclohexane-precursor. All these results show that the 'anionic templating route' is a versatile strategy allowing accessing structured materials which are not accessible following classical synthetic strategies, i.e. in the presence of cationic or non-ionic structure directing agents
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