47 research outputs found

    Balancing for Protein and Amino Acids: It Isn't Quite as Simple as it Might Seem

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    Comparison of Molly and Karoline models to predict methane production in growing and dairy cattle

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    Review: How the efficiency of utilization of essential amino acids can be applied in dairy cow nutrition

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    How the efficiency of utilization of essential amino acids (EffUEAA) can be applied in dairy cow nutrition is presented in this review. The concept of EffUEAA proposed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM, 2021) is first detailed. It represents the proportion of the metabolisable essential amino acids (mEAA) supply used to support protein secretions and accretions (scurf, metabolic fecal, milk and growth). For these processes, the efficiency of each individual EAA is variable, and considered to vary similarly for all the protein secretions and accretions. The anabolic process of gestation is ascribed to a constant efficiency (33%), whereas the efficiency of endogenous urinary loss (EndoUri) is set at 100%. Therefore, the NASEM model EffUEAA was calculated as the sum of EAA in the true protein of secretions and accretions divided by the available EAA (mEAA − EndoUri − gestation net true protein/0.33). In this paper, the reliability of this mathematical calculation was tested through an example where the experimental efficiency of His was calculated assuming that liver removal represents catabolism. The NASEM model and experimental efficiencies were in the same range and varied in similar manner. Assuming that the NASEM model EffUEAA reflects EAA metabolism in the dairy cow, its different applications were examined. In NASEM, target efficiencies were determined for each EAA: 75, 71, 73, 72, 73, 60, 64, 86 and 74% for His, Ile, Leu, Lys, Met, Phe, Thr, Trp, and Val, respectively. From these, recommendations for mEAA supply can be calculated as: [(secretions + accretions)/(target EffUEAA × 0.01) + EndoUri + gestation/0.33], assuming energy supply is adequate. In addition to NASEM propositions, equations to predict EffUEAA with precision and accuracy are detailed, using the ratio of (mEAA-EndoUri) to digestible energy intake, in a quadratic model that includes days in milk. Moreover, milk true protein yield predictions from predicted EffUEAA or efficiency of utilization of metabolisable protein are better than those from the multivariate equation of NASEM (2021) and superior to those predicted with a fixed efficiency. Finally, either the NASEM model or the predicted EffUEAA can be used to assess the responsiveness of a ration to supplementation with a single EAA. If the EffUEAA of the EAA to supplement is higher than the target EffUEAA, while the EffUEAA of the other EAA are lower than the target value, this suggests a potential improvement in milk true protein yield to supplementation with this EAA

    A model to describe growth patterns of the mammary gland during pregnancy and lactation.

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    Extensive proliferation and death of cells in the mammary gland occur during pregnancy and lactation. In this study, a mechanistic model was developed that yielded a single equation to describe the pattern of mammary growth of mammals throughout pregnancy and lactation. The model contains a single pool, which is the cell population of the mammary gland; one influx, representing cell proliferation; and one efflux, representing cell death. The parameters of the equation lend themselves to direct physiological interpretation. The model fitted data on mammary gland DNA adequately and can be related to current knowledge on factors and inhibitors of mammary gland growth. A unique definition of the parameters of the model can be difficult because of the high degree of variation among animals, an improper number of observations, or timing, as indicated by analyses of simulated data. The model can also be applied to the study of the entire lactation curve. The widely applied gamma equation and the equation that was developed in this study were compared using weekly production data from dairy cows. The new model performed well, particularly when a sharp peak in milk production occurred. The model has the advantage of providing, for the first time, a simple biological description of the lactation curve that can be used to discriminate changes in lactational performance that are associated with experimental treatments