11,948 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari kompetensi profesional guru, motivasi kerja dan disiplin kerja baik secara sendiri-sendiri maupun secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja guru otomotif SMK Negeri se-Kabupaten Sleman. Subyek penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru otomotif di SMK Negeri 2 Depok dan SMK Negeri 1 Seyegan yang berjumlah 28 guru. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian ex-post facto. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan angket model skala Likert untuk variabel Kompetensi Profesional Guru, Motivasi Kerja dan Disiplin Kerja, sedangkan variabel Kinerja Guru menggunakan metode kuesioner, dan dokumentasi dari Kepala Sekolah. Teknik analisis data yang dipakai untuk menguji hipotesis adalah dengan teknik analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari kompetensi profesional guru terhadap kinerja guru otomotif SMK Negeri se-Kabupaten Sleman yang dibuktikan dengan Fhitung Ftabel (17,141 > 4,22); kontribusi disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 39,73%; (4) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari kompetensi profesional guru, motivasi kerja dan disiplin kerja secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja guru otomotif SMK Negeri se-Kabupaten Sleman yang dibuktikan dengan Fhitung > Ftabel (5,832 > 3,01); kontribusi kompetensi profesional guru, motivasi kerja dan disiplin kerja secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 42,16%

    Indian Involvement in Afghanistan: Stepping Stone or Stumbling Block to Regional Hegemony?

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    This paper seeks an explanation for the resilience of the Syrian authoritarian regime under Hafez and Bashar Al-Asad. It will be argued that this resilience is to a relevant extent caused by the fact that the regime’s “material” as well as “ideational” forms of power share a common element, if not an underlying principle. This generates their compatibility and congruency and thus produces a convergence of forces which manifests in the regime’s ability to exceed the mere sum of its individual forms of power. It will be demonstrated that this common principle can be conceptualized as a “tacit pact” between unequal parties, with the weaker party under constant threat of exclusion and/or coercion in the event of noncompliance. It will be argued that inherent in the pact is a high level of ambiguity; this, paradoxically, renders it more effective but at the same time also more instable as a tool of domination.Afghanistan, India, South Asia, regional security, regional hegemony


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    Kedudukan anak angkat dalan hukum Islam tidak di anggap sebagai anak kandung. Hal ini menjadikan anak angkat tidak mempunyai hak mewaris terhadap harta warisan orang tua angkatnya. Akan tetapi dalam hukum Islam membolehkan pemberian berbagai bentuk bantuan atau jaminan hidup oleh orang tua angkat kepada anak angkatnya, salah satunya dengan jalan surat wasiat dibawah tangan. Terkait latar belakang yang telah diuraikan di atas, terdapat permasalahan yang diangkat penulis, yaitu bagaimanakah eksistensi surat wasiat dibawah tangan menurut perspektif hukum Islam dan bagaimanakah perlindungan waris terhadap anak angkat berdasarkan surat wasiat dibawah tangan menurut hukum Islam. Tujuan dari penelitian masalah yang diangkat untuk memperoleh pemahaman eksistensi surat wasiat dibawah tangan dalam perspektif hukum Islam dan untuk memahami perlindungan waris terhadap anak angkat berdasarkan surat wasiat dibawah tangan menurut hukum Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis empiris yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan data primer, yaitu dengan wawancara langsung. Spesifikasi penelitian dalam penelitian hukum ini bersifat analitis kualitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Eksistensi Surat wasiat dalam hukum Islam dapat berupa lisan mau pun tertulis dibawah tangan dengan syarat harus di saksikan oleh dua orang saksi. Wasiat hukumnya wajib dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan Q.S Al Baqarah ayat 108,181,182. Berwasiat kepada anak angkat tidak boleh melebihi sepertiga dari harta peninggalan, agar dapat berlaku adil kepada ahli waris dan tidak merasa dirugikan. Perlindungan waris terhadap anak angkat berdasarkan surat wasiat dibawah tangan yang melebihi sepertiga maka harus diselesaikan dengan cara dikurangi sampai sepertiga atau diminta kesediaan semua ahli waris menyatakan ikhlas atas kelebihan dari sepertiga dan dapat juga diminta penetapan Pengadilan Agama dengan jalan wasiat wajibah, dengan demikian tujuan melindungi kepentingan anak angkat agar terjamin keperluan hidupnya tetap tercapai

    Inside-Out: Perception of Key Finance Professionals about Theory and Practice of Islamic Banking

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    Islamic banking has shown tremendous growth in the first decade of 21st century. By the end of 2008, global volume of assets under Islamic banking reached US$951 billion. In Pakistan, Islamic banking has displayed a tremendous annual average growth of 76% during the last seven years and accounts for 6% of the market share (SBP-2010). However, keeping in view the religious ideologies of the significant majority of Pakistanis, Islamic banking industry has expanded at less than its expected potential. This study documents the perception of key players in finance industry about Islamic banking, to highlight the underlying issues directly responsible for slower-than-potential-expansion of this industry. Findings suggest, although theoretically, that the industry perceives Islamic banking correctly, however professionals do not feel content with its practice

    Fabrication and optimization of N-Cu2O thin film using electrodeposition method for homojunction solar cell

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    Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) is a promising semiconductor that has been getting attention as the alternative material for solar cell application. It is abundant, low cost and non-toxic to the environment. A homojunction Cu2O is said to provide high conversion efficiency for solar cell. However, as Cu2O is a natural p-type semiconductor, it is a challenge to make an n-type Cu2O. In this study, n-Cu2O was prepared by using electrochemical deposition. The structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of the electrodeposited Cu2O were evaluated after optimizing the parameters for Cu2O fabrication. Structural characterization of the deposited thin film was also done via X-Ray Diffractions (XRD) to confirm the existence of Cu2O particles on fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) substrate and to determine the crystalline phases of Cu2O in the sample. The surface morphology of Cu2O thin films were characterized by Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) in order to examine the changes in the surface morphology of the film as the parameter varied. Ultra violet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer was used to study the optical absorption of Cu2O and to determine the band gap of the deposited thin film with further calculation including the thickness values of the thin film measured by surface profiler. The resistivity and sheet resistance of Cu2O thin film were determined via four-point probe measurement test. Lastly, the deposited Cu2O thin film was confirmed as n-type by using the photoelectrochemical cell (PEC) test. The parameters for electrodeposition of Cu2O such as the deposition potential, pH solution, solution temperature, and deposition time were optimized at -0.10 V vs. Ag/AgCl, pH 6.5, 60 °C, and 60 minutes, respectively. The band gap obtained from UV-Vis spectrophotometer was 2.45 eV. The successful fabrication of n-Cu2O will open a new door of Cu2O-based homojunction development for thin film solar cell application

    Yes, we need a central bank

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    The financial system of a country comprises entities engaged in transactions involving financial instruments in money, capital, and foreign exchange markets. This sector has strong linkages with other sectors of the economy like external, fiscal and real sectors. The apex financial institution in every country is its Central Bank and the State Bank of Pakistan functions as our Central Bank. Section 9A. 1. of the State Bank of Pakistan Act 1956 shoulders the function of securing the soundness of the financial system explicitly upon the Central Board of Directors of the Bank. Traditionally, it has been considered ideal to place banking supervision under the umbrella of Central Bank because this function is key to the conduct of monetary policy and financial stability oversight. Financial sector reforms and restructuring process started in the early 1990s. Objectives of reforms were to create a level playing field for financial institutions and markets for instilling competition, strengthening their governance and supervision, and adopting a market-based indirect system of monetary, exchange and credit management for better allocation of financial resources. Reforms covered seven important areas: financial liberalisation, institutional strengthening, domestic debt management, monetary management, banking law, foreign exchange, and capital market.Central bank

    X-efficiency Analysis of Commercial Banks in Pakistan: A Preliminary Investigation

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    The emergence of a fast-paced dynamic environment in the business world in general, and in the financial services sector in particular, has highlighted the significance of competition and efficiency. The need for deregulation has become a touchstone of success in fostering both competition and efficiency especially in the economies, which are exposed to structural reforms. In addition to that, intense competition both among domestic and foreign banks, rapid speed of innovations and introduction of new financial instruments, changing consumer’s demands and desire for product augmentation have changed the way a bank conducts business and services its customers. Larger the degree of competition, it is perceived that the firms would become more efficient. However, when the structure of an industry is product of the government regulations, the degree of competition is impaired markedly implying that the efficiency suffers negatively. Banking industry acts as life-blood of modern trade and commerce acting as a bridge to provide a major source of financial intermediation. Thus, appraisal of its efficiency is vital in context of an efficient and competitive financial system. Study of x-efficiency is believed to be important in particular as Berger, et al. (1993) found that x-inefficiencies account for around 20 percent or more of banking costs. Similarly, recent drive among banks towards downsizing, rightsizing and rationalisation of banking costs also implicates for the assessment of x-efficiency analysis of banks. It becomes vital in Pakistani context as there appears to be no study in literature on efficiency or x-efficiency analysis of banks in Pakistan. “A great deal more work is needed on x-efficiency research in banking. Managerial efficiency, the concept of x-efficiency, appears to be a much more important strategic and policy consideration” [Molyneux, et al. (1960), p. 273]. Given
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