2,272 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dengan Komitmen dan Kepuasan Kerja sebagai Intervening Variabel pada CV. Solusi Offset YOGYAKARTA (Studi Kasus pada Karyawan CV. Solusi Offset YOGYAKARTA)

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    The Study was aimed to describe the influence (1) the influence of quality of work life on the performance of employees CV. Offset Solutions Yogyakarta, (2) the influence of quality of work life on to job satisfaction CV. Offset Solutions Yogyakarta, (3) the influence of quality of work life to organizational commitment CV. Offset Solutions Yogyakarta, (4) the influence of organizational commitment to the performance of employees CV. Offset Solutions Yogyakarta, (5) the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance CV. Offset Solution Yogyakarta. The type of research is exsplanatory research. Its population were 50 employees CV. Offset Solution Yogyakarta. Number of samples were 50 respondents by using saturated sampling technique (census). Methods of data collection were conducted with questionnaire media, while data analysis techniques used simple linear regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The result of the research shows that (1) the quality of working life does not affect the organizational commitment, (2) the quality of work life affect the job satisfaction, (3) the quality of working life has no effect on employee performance, (4) organizational commitment has no effect on employee performance, (5) job satisfaction affect on employee performance. The results of the study were determined by significance level Ī± = 5%. &nbsp

    Estimation Microporosity Value of Fontanebleau Sandstone Using Digital Rock Physics Approach

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    The technology of digital rock physics (DRP) allowed to predict the physical properties in core data sample, for example to predict value of porosity of data sample. This research applied the digital rock physics technique to predict the microporosity in sandstone sample: Fontanebleau Sandstone. The data are digital images from Fontanebleau Sandstone with high resolution scanned from micro tomography CT-Scan processing. The result of image processing shown in 2D and 3D image. From the data, the value of microporosity Fontanebleau Sandstone are beetwen 6% - 7%. This result confirmed by the quartz cemented sample of Fontanebleau Sandstone. The scale and sub-cube give the different value of microporosity which is indicated the scale influence to value of porosity value. So the simplest and best way is to average the all result from sub-cubes

    Relasi Agama Dan Negara Perspektif Pemikiran Islam Dalam Konteks Ke Indonesiaan

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    Artikel ini membahas mengenai relasi agama dan negara pespektif pemikiran Islam dalam konsteks ke Indonesiaan. Fenomena politik yang terjadi di Indonesia dalam berbagai konstestasi politik agama selalu dijadikan sebagai sebuah alat dalam berpolitik. Sehingga seringkali terjadi gesekan baik dalam tataran politik maupun dalam akar rumput. Hal ini merupakan imbas dari kekebasan dalam berdemokrasi yang tidak terukur. Di mana segala cara dan upaya digunakan demi mencapai puncak kekuasaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan komparasi terhadap tiga paradigma pemikiran politik Islam dan pendekatan fenomenologi. Untuk memahami formula bentuk yang relevan dengan nilai-nilai ke Indonesiaan, ada tiga paradigma yang dapat digunakan sebagai pisau analisi yaitu, Sekuler, Formalistik dan Subtantivistik. Dari ketiga paradigma ini akan kita temukan pola yang paling sesuai dengan fenomena relasi agama dan negara yang ada dalam konteks ke Indonesiaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai agama masuk dalam sendi-sendi negara walaupun tidak secara langsung dilebelkan sebagai negara-agama (paham subtantivis)

    Peran Suami Terhadap Istri Yang Menderita Kista Ovarium Di Purwokerto

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan : 1) Secara umum adalah mereduksi sampah daun menjadi bentuk yang bermanfaat berupa briket arang,2) Secara khusus adalah mengetahui kualitas briket antara lain (a). komposisi campuran,(b).Mengetahui kerapatan briket dengan perekat tepung kanji dibandingkan dengan perekat dari daun muda Jambu Mete ,(c).Mengetahui daya rapuh,(d).Mengetahui kemudahan menyala briket,(e).Mengetahui tingkat kebersihan alat,(f).Mengetahui emisi pembakaran,(g).Mengetahui nilai kalor yang dihasilkan. Berdasarkan tujuan penelitian ini adalah pra eksperimen dengan desain Postest Only Design.Populasi penelitian adalah Desa Parang Kabupaten Magetan.Sampel penelitian adalah (t-1)(r-1) 15 , didapat nilai sampel 24 dengan t = 3 dan R = 4.Pengumpulan data berasal dari data sekunder dan data primer yang bersumber dari campuran arang dan perekat 25%;37%;50% serta tekanan kempa 1000 Psi;2000Psi;3000Psi.Data dianalisa dengan alat bantu statistic UNI ANOVA. Sedangkan hasil perhitungan gas CO yang dihasilkan dari pembuatan char dikonsumsi masyarakat berupa briket dengan nilai rendemen char sebesar 0,57 % berat bahan baku kering 0% air dengan proses prirolisis dihasilkan :3192 Lt gas(dalam keadaan STP). Apabila densitas gas CO pada suhu 0oC,1atm = 1,250 gr/lt; dan apabila suhu 250C,1atm=1,145 gr/lt ,gas CO yang dihasilkan sebesar 2,55 s/d 2,78 Kg/ton sampah daun kering. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah : Kadar campuran 37,5% dengan tekanan 2000 Psi baik yang menggunakan perekat kanji maupun daun jambu mete muda sama sama menunjukkan nilai kalor 44xx Kal/gram atau panas yang dihasilkan sekitartar 430 0C. Dampak dari gas efek rumah kaca yang ditimbulkan apabila penduduk parang menggunakan 3 Kg/24 jam briket yang berasal dari sampah daun, untuk gas CO2 sebesar 30089,65694 Kg/th; CH4 sebesar 80,597295 Kg/th; N2O sebesar 1,074630606 Kg/th (char +binder tapioca kadar campuran 37,5 % tekanan 2000 Psi). Sedangkan char +binder daun jambu mete muda kadar campuran 37,5 % tekanan 2000 Psi untuk gas CO2 dihasilkan sebesar 34487,71009 Kg/th; CH4 sebesar 92,377794 Kg/th; N2O sebesar 1,23170393 Kg/th. Kata Kunci : metode pra eksperimen, sampah daun , proses pirolisis, briket, emisi gas efek rumah kaca

    Analisis Tindakan Perawatan Yang Dilakukan Pada Pasien Dengan Phlebitis Di RSUD PROF DR. Margono Soekardjo Purwokerto

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    Intravenous therapy is commonly used to treat patients and it is received through a peripheral cannula by most hospitalized patients. A consequence of intravenous (IV) devices is that risk of nosocomial infection is increased, particularly septicemia. Inflammation, hard vein and thrombophlebitis, and local tenderness are common complication of IV therapy. This can lead to enhanced morbidity and mortality rates. Some treatments to cure phlebitis patients have been done to eradicate phlebitis patients during hospital stay. However, mostly phlebitis treatments have not been standardized as procedure at hospital. Therefore, this study will analyse nurses\u27 treatment when they are performing phlebitis patient care that mostly done at Margono Soekardjo Hospital. The purpose of the study was to analyse nurses\u27 treatment when caring phlebitis patients that mostly were done at medical and surgical ward Margono Soekardjo Hospital of Purwokerto This study utilized survey. Of 38 nurses at Teratai and Asoka wards at Margono Soekardjo Hospital were involved in this study. Respondents were chosen by quaote sampling method. Criteria of respondents were nurses at surgical ward who have graduated from DIII nursing with 1 year experience in clinical setting The study show that nurses tend to elevated phlebitis area to cure phlebitis as the first choice at (26%), furthermore, by warm compress and range of motion of the area of phlebitis have the second and the third rank at (23%) and (18%) respectivel

    Analysis of the Role of Technical Implementing Unit of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Forestry Decentraliztion Implementation

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    The role of Technical Implementing Unit (TIU) is one of prominent issues of decentralization. A study was carried out to identify decentralization issues in South Sulawesi and East Java Provinces as well as to measure stakeholder attitudes towards the existence of TIU. The results showed that the existance of BKSDA, BTN, BPA, BPKH, and Balai Diklat LHK are recognized importantly. Meanwhile, BPHP and BPDASHL are considered to be less important in the region because their functions and authorities can be delegated to the provincial and regent/city governments. Similiar recognition applied to BPTH and Balai Litbang LHK. The emerging issue of decentralization in East Java is the placement of local officials which is inconsistent with their competence, lacking of funding from APBD for forestry developmentt, high demand from public to be enganged in the management of the forest, and overlapping authority. Meanwhile in South Sulawesi the capacity of local forestry agencies are impaired, authority is misused, and consolidation of the region is delayed, ego among vertical instituions ego and poor coordination. Based on the indicator of good forest governance, it is measured that the attitude of stakeholders and organizational capacity in East Java and South Sulawesi is neutral and good respectively

    Pengaruh Video Animasi ā€œMenstruasiā€ Terhadap Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Siswi Sekolah Dasar Dalam Menghadapi Menarche

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    Menarche for women is a sign that someone is entering puberty or adolescence which is marked by changes physically and mentally. Young women who do not have proper preparation about menarche tend to show negative attitudes, such as excessive emotions, fear and confusion.This study aims to determine the effect of menstrual videos on the knowledge and attitudes of elementary school students in dealing with menarche.This type of research is quantitative research Quasi Experimental using design pre and post test design with control group. The population in this study were all students in grades V and VI in SDN Mersi 3 Purwokerto. The sampling technique is simple random sampling on students who have not experienced menarche. The instrument used to assess the level of knowledge and attitudes is a questionnaire. To analyze the effect of animated videos on the knowledge and attitudes of elementary school students in dealing with menarche is using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann-Whitney U.The results showed that there was a significant effect of animation video on the level of knowledge of female students in the treatment and control groups (p=0,000 Ī±=0,050) but there was no significant effect on the attitudes of students in the control group (p=0,000 Ī±=0,055). Based on Mann-Whitney U test showed that treatment group (animation video) is more effective than control group with p=0.000 to increase knowledge and attitude menarche. The conclusion in this study is that there is a significant effect of animation video on the level of knowledge and attitudes of V and VI students in SDN Mersi 3 Purwokerto


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan, peluang, dan potensi industri ml murni pada beberapa kota potensial di jawa timur dengan menggunakan industri ml amway sebagai sampling. Untuk maksud tersebut, salah satu tolok ukur pokok sebagai dasar indikator untuk mengetahui perkembangan industri multi level murni, adalah : melakukan identiftkasi terhadap fluktuasi jumlah perkembangan peringkat level karier distributor secara periodik pada kota-kota potensial sebagai sentra kegiatan pengembangan jaringan kerja (networking). Berdasarkan penelitian ini dengan dukungan metode penyetaraan level dan Anova Eka Arah, beberapa 3 kotal yang potensial konsisten terhadap efektifitas pengaruh sistem pengembangan industri Multi Level Murni, antara lain kota: 1) Surabaya, dengan nilai F = 27,780, dan signifikansi 0,00000; 2) Sidoarjo, dengan nilai F = 8,242~ signifikansi 0,00004~ dan 3) Malang, dengan nilai F =, 8,892~ signifikansi 0,00002 I Secara umum nilai rata-rata F hitung = 44, 912 (Disini F tabel = 2,0412. Jadi : F hitung > F tabel yang menunjukkan pengaruh perlakuan sistem terhadap perkembangan karier Distributor pada semua level yang diuji, masih berfungsi sama efektifnya, walaupun terbatas pada beberapa kota), dan signifikansinya 0,000002 I, Secara umum potensi usaha mandiri sebagai wira usaha dalam sistem usaha industri Multi Level di tiga kota tersebut memberikan peluang lapangan kerja yang sangat besar bagi masyarakat luas. , Kata Kunci : Industri Multi-Level, Perkembangan Karir Distributor, Anova Eka Ara


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    ABSTRAK Ā  Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang mendeskripsikan pemahaman guru fisika terhadap pengertian dan karakteristik instrument assessment HOTS di SMAN se-Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah. Penentuan sampel menggunakan metode teknik Cluster Random Sampling, sehingga subjek penelitian ada enam guru mata pelajaran fisika dari tiga SMAN yang berbeda di Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah. Penelitian menunjukan hasil bahwa tingkat pemahaman guru fisika terhadap pengertian instrument assessment HOTS sudah cukup baik dengan nilai rata-rata 69,09 sehingga berada pada kategori cukup sebesar 33,33% (2 guru). Untuk tingkat pemahaman guru fisika terhadap karakteristik instrument assessment HOTS sudah cukup baik dengan nilai rata-rata 63,0 sehingga berada pada kategori cukup sebesar 16,66% (1 guru). Ā  Kata Kunci : kemampuan guru fisika, Instrument Assessment HOTS, metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatf. Ā  ABSTRAK Ā  This study aims to describe the understanding of physics teachers on the understanding and characteristics of the HOTS assessment instrument in SMAN in Central Bengkulu Regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. In this study, the determination of the sample used the Cluster Random Sampling technique, so that the research subjects consisted of six physics teachers from three different high schools in Central Bengkulu Regency. The results showed that the level of understanding of the physics teacher on the understanding of the HOTS assessment instrument was quite good with an average value of 69.09 so that it was in the sufficient category of 33.33% (2 teachers). For the level of understanding of the physics teacher to the characteristics of the HOTS assessment instrument, it is quite good with an average value of 63.0 so that it is in the sufficient category of 16.66% (1 teacher). Ā  Keywords: physics teacher ability, HOTS assessment instrument, qualitative descriptive research method
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