13 research outputs found


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    Pneumonia merupakan infeksi akut di perenkim paru-paru dan sering mengganggu pertukaran gas, menjadi penyebab angka kematian dan kecacatan yang tinggi di seluruh dunia. Sekitar 80% dari seluruh kasus baru praktek umum berhubungan dengan infeksi saluran napas yang terjadi di masyarakat. Pneumonia adalah proses inflamasi parenkim paru yang terdapat konsolidasi dan terjadi pengisian rongga alveoli oleh eksudat yang dapat disebabkan oleh bakteri, virus, jamur dan benda-benda asing. Hal ini menyebabkan meningkatnya insiden penyakit pneumonia. Tujuan Umum dari Karya Tulis Ilmiah ini adalah melakukan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien pneumonia. Tujuan Khususnya adalah dapat mengetahui penyakit pneumonia, melakukan pengkajian, menentukan diagnosa yang muncul, melakukan intervensi, implementasi dan evaluasi pada pasien. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode tanya jawab langsung dengan pasien dan keluarga dan mengobservasi keadaan langsung pasien. Kesimpulan setelah dilakukan tindakan keperawatan selama 3 X 24 jam didapatkan hasil evaluasi 3 diagnosa teratasi dan intervensi dihentikan

    Public Policy Evaluation on the Implementation of Free Trade Zone (FTZ) Using Enclave Model in Karimun Island

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    Implementation of Public Policies on the Establishment and Development of Free Trade Zones by Enclave Model on Karimun’s Island according to Law No. 36 of 2000 aims to encourage international trade traffic activities that bring foreign exchange to the Country and able to provide great influence and benefits for Indonesia, to be able to open the widest possible employment opportunities, increase tourism and investment, both foreign and domestic, currently are over the age of ten years. Various problems have arisen in policy implementation so far which are closely related to the Policy itself, starting from the Formulation process to its implementation. Referring to these conditions, this research aims to analyze comprehensively how the policy formulation process and effectiveness in the implementation of the Free Trade Zone on Karimun Island as well as the Policy Evaluation as intended in order to formulate a more effective and targeted policy alternative model. This study uses a qualitative research method by evaluating policy implementation using a model developed by George C. Edwards III, that policy implementation is influenced by four variables, namely communication, attitudes, sources, and bureaucratic structures. The research results obtained that two models of application or implementation of the Free Trade Zone status, namely the Comprehensive Model which applied in Batam and the Enclave Model which applied in Bintan and Karimun. Especially the Enclave model which is applied at Karimun still not optimized in its implementation. The implementation of FTZ on Karimun Island for ten years has not been running perfectly and need of improvements in terms of legal regulations and the organizational structure of the implementing institution, namely the Region Concession Body. In terms of performance, the Policy Implementer, BP Kawasan Karimun in recent years has not been able to bring in new investors and the value of imports is only slightly lower than the value of exports so that the increase in foreign exchange from exports is insignificant. Answering this problem, the researcher proposes a Theoretical Model for the Application of the Status of the Free Trade Zone through the Multi Stages Plan where with this model the implementation of the policy will be more effective and right on target Keywords: FTZ, Economic, Karimun, Enclave DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/11-3-05 Publication date: April 30th 202


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    This research is aimed to find out: (1) whether there is any correlation between learning motivation and reading competence; (2) whether there is any correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading competence; and (3) whether there is any correlation between learning motivation and vocabulary mastery simultaneously and reading competence. The research is carried out at SMP Negeri 4 Surakarta. The research is conducted from January – April 2012 in the second grade students, academic year 2011-2012. The data of the research is collected using questionnaire to collect the data of students’ learning motivation and test to collect the data of vocabulary mastery and students’ reading competence. The data are then being analyzed using simple correlation and multiple linear regression. The research findings show that (1) There is significant positive correlation between learning motivation and reading competence (ry1 = 0.735 > r table = 0.206); (2) There is significant positive correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading competence (0.710 > 0.206; (3) There is a significant positive correlation between learning motivation and vocabulary mastery simultaneously and reading competence (F observation 91.931 > F table 3.11). Keywords: Learning Motivation, Vocabulary Mastery, Reading Competenc


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    This research is aimed to find out: (1) whether there is any correlation between learning motivation and reading competence; (2) whether there is any correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading competence; and (3) whether there is any correlation between learning motivation and vocabulary mastery simultaneously and reading competence. The research is carried out at SMP Negeri 4 Surakarta. The research is conducted from January – April 2012 in the second grade students, academic year 2011-2012. The data of the research is collected using questionnaire to collect the data of students’ learning motivation and test to collect the data of vocabulary mastery and students’ reading competence. The data are then being analyzed using simple correlation and multiple linear regression. The research findings show that (1) There is significant positive correlation between learning motivation and reading competence (r y1 = 0.735 > r table = 0.206); (2) There is significant positive correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading competence (0.710 > 0.206; (3) There is a significant positive correlation between learning motivation and vocabulary mastery simultaneously and reading competence (F observation 91.931 > F table 3.11)

    Sistem Deteksi Nomor Telepon dan Rekening Bank Terindikasi Penipuan Berbasis Aplikasi Android dan Web

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    Hampir setiap pengguna ponsel pernah menerima panggilan atau pesan masuk dari nomor telepon yang tidak dikenal. Terkadang, panggilan atau pesan masuk demikian adalah penipuan untuk menjebak pengguna ponsel melakukan transfer uang ke rekening bank. Pengguna ponsel rentan menjadi sasaran tindakan kriminal karena sulit mendeteksi nomor telepon dan rekening bank yang dipakai untuk penipuan. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menghasilkan solusi aplikasi Android agar pengguna dapat berbagi laporan penipuan, menelusuri riwayat laporan nomor telepon dan rekening bank tertentu yang terindikasi dipakai untuk penipuan, serta mendeteksi dan memblokir panggilan masuk yang berisiko dengan tetap menghargai privasi pengguna. Aplikasi Android didukung dengan situs web khusus untuk mengelola informasi yang dibutuhkan. Keseluruhan sistem dikembangkan melalui proses berulang dan bertahap dengan metode Rapid Application Development (RAD) dan beberapa alat pengembangan yaitu: MariaDB, Kotlin, Android Studio, dan Laravel 7. Aplikasi Android dan situs web yang dihasilkan masing-masing telah melewati 37 dan 17 kasus uji dalam pengujian blackbox sehingga telah layak dipakai untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan pengguna dalam menggunakan ponsel karena mampu mendeteksi nomor telepon dan rekening bank yang terindikasi penipuan.Almost every cellphone user has received incoming calls or messages from unknown phone numbers. Sometimes, these are scam calls or messages to trap cellphone users doing money transfers to bank accounts. Mobile phone users are vulnerable to this criminal act because they are hard to detect the phone numbers and bank accounts used for scams. This research aims to produce an Android app solution so that users can share scam reports, browse the report history of specific phone numbers and bank accounts used for scams, and detect and block risky incoming calls while respecting user privacy. The Android app is supported with a dedicated website to manage the required information. The entire system was developed through an iterative and gradual process using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method and several development tools: MariaDB, Kotlin, Android Studio, and Laravel 7. The Android application and website have passed 37 and 17 test cases in black box testing. Systems have been suitable for increasing user convenience in using a mobile phone because they can detect scam-indicated phone numbers and bank accounts


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    The study is aimed to find out the correlation between students’ anxiety, vocabulary mastery, and speaking skill of the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura in the academic year of 2011/ 2012; both partially and simultaneously. The study belongs to a correlational study which uses a questionnaire and a test to collect the data. The population is all of the eleventh grade students while the sample is the students of class XI A3 taken by cluster random sampling technique. The techniques used to analyze the data are simple and multiple regression and correlation by using SPSS 18. The results of the study show that there is a positive correlation between students’ anxiety, vocabulary mastery, and speaking skill, both partially and simultaneously. The positive correlation indicates that students’ anxiety and vocabulary mastery tend to go up together with speaking skill or they tend to go down together with speaking skill. Both students’ anxiety and vocabulary mastery also give contribution to speaking skill


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    Produktivitas merupakan hal peting yang harus diperhatikan dalam sebuah industri manufaktur. Tingkat produktivitas yang rendah dalam suatu perusahaan manufaktur berarti bahwa perusahaan tersebut tidak dapat memaksimalkan sumber daya yang dimiliki. Hambatan yang mempengaruhi tingkat produktivitas salah satunya berasal dari lintasan produksi. Lintasan produksi merupakan bagian yang paling penting dalam suatu industri manufaktur. Salah satu permasalahan yang terjadi pada lintasan produksi yakni ketidak seimbangan lintasan. Permasalahan tersebut dialami oleh section assembling pada salah satu perusahaan otomotif di Indonesia, yakni PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor Plant Tambun I pada perakitan sepeda motor Suzuki GSX-R150. Ketidak seimbangan lintasan yang terjadi pada section assembling disebabkan oleh perbedaan waktu proses yang signifikan antara waktu proses pada tiap stasiun kerja dengan waktu siklus yang diterapkan oleh perusahaan. Perbedaan tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya penumpukan atau kondisi menganggur pada stasiun kerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui lintasan terbaik berdasarkan metode heuristik yang digunakan. Metode yang digunakan yakni Metode Helgeson- Birnie, Metode Moodie Young, Metode Killbridge-Wester Heuristic, dan Metode Largest Candidate Rule (LCR). Untuk menentukan lintasan terbaik dari metode - metode yang digunakan, dapat dilihat dari nilai berdasarkan parameter keseimbangan lintasan. Parameter tersebut berupa nilai efisiensi lintasan, balance delay, dan smoothing index. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang telah dilakukan diperoleh, Metode Helgeson-Birnie memiliki lintasan dengan jumlah stasiun kerja sebanyak 36 stasiun kerja, dengan nilai efisiensi lintasan sebesar 60,49%, balance delay sebesar 39,51%, serta nilai smoothing index yakni 421,73. Hasil perhitungan dengan Metode Moodie Young sama dengan hasil yang didapatkan dari Metode Killbridge-Wester Heuristic yakni 36 stasiun kerja, dengan nilai efisiensi lintasan sebesar 60,49%, balance delay sebesar 39,51%, serta smoothing index sebesar 422,29. Sedangkan, Metode Largest Candidate Rule (LCR) memberikan hasil yang paling baik dibandingkan dengan metode lainnya, dengan jumlah stasiun kerja sebanyak 35 stasiun kerja, nilai efisiensi lintasan sebesar 62,21%, balance delay sebesar 37,79%, dan smoothing index sebesar 438,12. Kata Kunci : Line Balancing, Metode Heuristic, Large Candidate Rule (LCR

    Identifikasi sektor-sektor unggulan Propinsi Riau

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