10 research outputs found

    The Existence of The Reading Community and Its Effect in Improving Human Resources Quality

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    The Reading Community (in Indonesian: Taman Bacaan Masyarakat/TBM) has a role as one of the driving forces in supporting literacy culture in society. The Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation Number 23, 2015 concerns the Cultivation of Character Building and strengthens efforts to establish the culture of literacy. This study took samples of TBM in Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Based on data from the Ministry of Education and Culture 2018, there are currently 56 reading communities in the Bantul Regency. This is around 15% of the total TBM in DIY Province. As a form of out-of-school education, TBM also has a role in improving the quality of human resources. This study considers the relationship between the existence of the community and their role in improving the quality of human resources in the society. This study used descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection is done through observations and interviews. Based on the collected data, it was concluded that the presence of TBM managed by members of the local community had a positive influence, especially for children and adolescents. The existence of TBM increases reading interest among children and boosts the number of teenagers who continue their education to a higher level. Thus, the TBM supports one of the national goals, namely improving the quality of human resources through lifelong learning. Keywords: Reading Community, Human Resources Quality, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakart


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    This research takes novel Canting as the object of analysis. This research used cultural semiotics approach. The research aims to find the Javanese identity symbolized in canting. The results obtained as follows: (1) Javanese identity is represented by the attitude of "nrimo", which means “accept”; (2) canting is a symbol of high culture which is defeated; (3) high culture must negotiate with mass culture in order to survive


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    Penguasaan kosakata menjadi kunci untuk dapat lulus dalam Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) yang penting bagi seorang lulusan bahasa Jepang dalam memperoleh pekerjaan. Masa pandemi Covid-19 yang mengharuskan pembelajaran daring menuntut inovasi dalam strategi belajar siswa. Penelitian ini memaparkan hasil Focus Group Interview (FGI) mengenai pembelajaran kosakata bahasa Jepang di masa Pandemi dengan peserta 9 orang siswa D3 Bahasa Jepang Sekolah Vokasi UGM Angkatan 2018. Peserta yang merupakan generasi Z, walaupun akrab dengan teknologi, ternyata masih mencatat secara manual kosakata yang ingin dipelajari sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Selanjutnya sebagai solusi bagi permasalahan pembelajaran kosakata, ditawarkan aplikasi smartphone berbasis android bernama “Memora” yang digunakan untuk menambah perbendaharaan kosakata secara mandiri. Peserta FGI berpendapat bahwa “Memora” dapat menjadi salah satu strategi belajar kosakata di masa pandemi. Dengan “Memora”, siswa dapat memasukkan kosakata dan gambar yang dapat membantu pemahaman terhadap kata tersebut kapan saja dan di mana saja. Masih terdapat kekurangan seperti bugs pada permainan, dan belum adanya fitur audio sehingga aplikasi ini masih terus dikembangkan

    The Influence of Word of Mouth as A Mediation to Institution Reputation

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    This research aims to: 1.analyse emotion experience that directly affects reputation, 2. Emotion experience influence on reputation mediated by word of mouth. Subjects in this research are consumers of two intitution. The sample uses as many as 85 respondents, data analysis technique uses Structural Equational Model (SEM) with PLS 3.0 Program. The results of this research prove; emotion experience that directly affects reputation; Emotion experience influence on reputation mediated by word of mouth. The novelty of this research is that the word of mouth can increase institution reputation. The findings of this study may contribute to consumer behavior models, at the institution

    Strengthening Character through the Application of Pancasila Values in Science Content Thematic Learning in Elementary Schools

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    This research is a qualitative research whose background is that there are still some students who still do not reflect Pancasila behavior both during learning and outside of learning. This study aims to analyze character strengthening through the application of Pancasila values ​​in thematic learning of science content at SDN 008 Samarinda Ulu. The technique used in this triangulation is triangulation of data sources to test the validity of the data. The results of research that has been carried out by researchers in class IVB SDN 008 Samarinda Ulu is that the teacher has applied Pancasila values ​​in the thematic learning of science content so that it influences student character. Its application is by getting students to pray, say hello, greet. The teacher gives freedom to students to express opinions, respect differences, help others, consult, and be fair when learning takes place which is integrated with strengthening religious, national, independent and mutual cooperation characters. There are no difficulties in strengthening character through the application of Pancasila values ​​in thematic learningThis research is a qualitative research whose background is that there are still some students who still do not reflect Pancasila behavior both during learning and outside of learning. This study aims to analyze character strengthening through the application of Pancasila values ​​in thematic learning of science content at SDN 008 Samarinda Ulu. The technique used in this triangulation is triangulation of data sources to test the validity of the data. The results of research that has been carried out by researchers in class IVB SDN 008 Samarinda Ulu is that the teacher has applied Pancasila values ​​in the thematic learning of science content so that it influences student character. Its application is by getting students to pray, say hello, greet. The teacher gives freedom to students to express opinions, respect differences, help others, consult, and be fair when learning takes place which is integrated with strengthening religious, national, independent and mutual cooperation characters. There are no difficulties in strengthening character through the application of Pancasila values ​​in thematic learnin

    Pemilihan Kata Benda Bahasa Indonesia Berdasarkan Cakupan Suku Kata Menggunakan Genetic Algoritma untuk Dataset Audio Visual

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    Dalam pembentukan model Kecerdasan Buatan yang menggunakan pendekatan Deep Learning, dataset memegang peranan yang sangat penting. Memahami dan memilih kumpulan data yang tepat, sangatlah penting untuk memastikan keberhasilan sebuah model Kecerdasan Buatan. Salah satu topik yang cukup baru adalah mempelajari bagaimana pembentukan suara dari hasil pembacaan gerakan bibir manusia, dengan cakupan variasi bunyi dan bentuk bibir yang diharapkan dapat membantu pembelajaran sistem. Mayoritas dataset audio visual, yang biasa digunakan untuk pembangunan model pembentukan suara ataupun pembacaan gerakan bibir tidak memperhatikan keluasan cakupan variasi bunyi yang ada. AVID, salah satu dari dataset audio visual berbahasa Indonesia, mengadopsi susunan kata dalam dataset GRID, yang mengubah setiap kata penyusunnya dari Bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia. Sedangkan pada Bahasa Indonesia sendiri terdapat banyak ragam bunyi yang dibentuk dari satu atau sederet rangkaian fonem. Penelitian yang dilakukan penulis dengan memanfaatkan Genetic Algorithm untuk mendapatkan susunan kombinasi kata benda guna memperoleh nilai cakupan yang optimal. Dengan cakupan kombinasi suku kata yang lebih baik, maka dapat dihasilkan dataset untuk Deep Learning yang lebih baik lagi. Dalam penelitian ini, kata benda yang diproses, diperoleh dari KBBI edisi 2008, baru kemudian difilter untuk mendapatkan kata benda yang tepat mengandung 3 suku kata, yang bukan nama kota, tokoh maupun lokasi. Dari 39.070 kata benda yang ada, diperoleh 2936 kata benda yang akan digunakan. Ujicoba yang telah dilakukan pada 10.000 hingga 200.000 epoch, diperoleh rata-rata cakupan suku kata 72%-75% dengan batasan 26 variasi kata benda penyusunnya

    An Information and Marketing System for Agrocomplex Sector Based on Reliable Digital Technology as a Supporting Capacity for Food Security in a Force Majeure Event

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    The pandemic situation experienced by the world are currently threatening food security in various regions including Indonesia. In these regions, the flow of traffic in the agricultural and fisheries sectors, from the means of production to the distribution of the harvest, is choked up due to social restrictions in various parts of the region. As a strategic step to reduce the impact on the agricultural sector, it is necessary to accelerate information to support the stability of production and also to distribute production results. Digital media in agriculture are needed to provide education with a variety of contents, such as technical production, marketing, and agricultural finance information. The Faculty of Agriculture of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has supported digital information dissemination through the Desa Apps application. Desa Apps aims to be an application platform that provides agricultural extension and develops digital farmer communities. The information that has been carried out by Desa Apps so far includes agrocomplex sector (agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries) problems related to cultivation methods and obstacles faced in the land such as attack by plant pest and disease. As a digital media, the Desa Apps has educated farmer and aquaculturists. Optimization needs to be done to improve the performance of Desa Apps as a digital media, one of which is the marketing system that this application actually has. This study evaluates whether farmers and aquaculturists under the auspices of the Faculty of Agriculture are interested in being able to get education and at the same time be able to market their product directly to consumers with one application, the Desa Apps. The findings of the study showed that the pandemic period greatly affected the incomes of the assisted target community, and they required media that can help market their product. The decline in turnover due to pandemic conditions reached 70% with an average decrease of 39.2%. The method of selling products has changed from conventional to online sales by 20% of the total respondents. Changes in sales methods occurred due to distribution limitations due to regional and activity restrictions during the pandemic. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the Desa Apps application as a digital media to support food security


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    This research takes novel Canting as the object of analysis. This research used cultural semiotics approach. The research aims to find the Javanese identity symbolized in canting. The results obtained as follows: (1) Javanese identity is represented by the attitude of "nrimo", which means “accept”; (2) canting is a symbol of high culture which is defeated; (3) high culture must negotiate with mass culture in order to survive


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    This final graduating paper is an titled �THE TRANSLATION OF SANMAI NO OFUDA� from collection of tale books Nihon No Mukashi Banashi San Nensei written by Chise Mayuko. Besides, it�s also reviewed its intrinsic elements. Sanmai no Ofuda tells about young Buddhist priest who had been expelled by high priest because he lazed around there and never listened what high priest�s said. But before the young Buddhist leaving the temple, the high priest gave young Buddisht priest three amulets. After leaving from that temple, he went to the mountain and there, he met a mountain witch who has intention of doing evil to him. Because of high priest�s help, finally the young Buddhist priest could be saved and became a good young Buddhist priest. Sanmai No Ofuda story is choosen because it is interesting and contains moral value that could be applied in everyday life so it usefull for people, especially for children. In translating this children story, the writer uses communicative method. This method seeks to maintain the contextual meaning of the sources language in terms of both contens and language, so readers have no difficulty in understanding the translation text. In the process of reviewing the intrinsic elements, the author refers to the theory of translation�s literature defined by Burhan Nurgiyantoro (via Basuni, Purwaji Aji. 2013:13-16)


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    Enjo kosai was a social phenomenon that developed around 1995 in the life ofthe Japanese people, especially in urban areas. Enjo kosai was an act often age girls around 14-19 years dating a grown man to earn some money. The purposes of writing this graduating paper are give a overview of Enjo kosai phenomenon and understanding the factors underlying the Japanese young girl did Enjo kosai. The method used by the author in this final paper is a descriptive method. Data was collected through various sources such as books, papers, journals, articles, magazines, newspapers, and the internet. The factors underlying the emergence of the phenomenon were divided into internal and external factors. First, the Japanese family structure changes that influence the position of the father and mother of the family that became the internal factor. Secondly, the external factors, including the attitude of conformity in groups of young women and the development Terekura Japan (Phone Club) on Japanese teen promiscuity. Teenage girls who did Enjo kosai mostly came from the economically capable. Thus, the economic needs is not the reason for people who did Enjo kosai