11 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh penemuan banyak kasus minyak rambut jenis pomade tanpa izin edar di salon pria kota Surabaya. Minyak rambut jenis pomade tanpa izin edar akan mengancam kesehatan dan keselamatan pemakai karena tidak ada jaminan keamanan, manfaat, dan mutu dari Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk menjawab penegakan hukum yang dilakukan BPOM Surabaya terhadap peredaran minyak rambut jenis pomade tanpa izin edar, kendala-kendala yang dihadapi produsen pomade dalam pengajuan izin edar tersebut. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah yuridis sosiologis sedangkan teknik analisis data berupa deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penegakan hukum yang dilakukan BPOM Surabaya belum berjalan secara optimal. Hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya intensitas dalam pengawasan sehingga masih ditemukan produsen yang menjual minyak rambut jenis pomade tanpa izin edar di salon pria kota Surabaya. Kendala yang dihadapi oleh produsen minyak rambut jenis pomade ini berdasarkan terhadap kurangnya pengawasan dan sosialisasi terhadap para produsen minyak rambut jenis pomade mengenai proses pengajuan izin edar produk. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh pihak BPOM Surabaya adalah pengadaan sarana prasarana yang digunakan untuk melakukan tindakan penyuluhan dan penyelenggaraan pelatihan kepada para produsen minyak rambut jenis pomade serta melakukan kerjasama lintas sektor.   Kata Kunci : Penegakan Hukum, Izin Edar, Pomad

    Developing a Questionnaire on Measuring the Learning Motivation in Reading Quran

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    Learning motivation has been examined for its positive influence on learning outcomes. However, little attention has been addressed to the development of measuring instruments of learning motivation in the context of reading the Quran in Indonesian higher education. This study was designed to develop a Quran learning motivation questionnaire. The Self-Determination Theory (SDT) was applied as a theoretical framework to explore the type dan level of motivation. Participants involved in this study were 420 students. They were divided into subsample one for exploratory factor analysis (N = 200) and subsample two with confirmatory factor analysis (N = 220). The questionnaire was developed with 12 item-three factors using five points Likert scale that can measure the learning motivation in reading Quran. The results of the study show that the level of student motivation is relatively low (M= 3.12), and the intrinsic motivation type (M= 3.99) is more dominant than extrinsic motivation survival (M= 2.99) and approval (M= 2.38) with a p-value of 0.000. In addition, it was found that female students (M= 3.19) had significantly higher motivation than male students (M= 3.04), with a p-value of 0.017

    Integrasi sekolah berbasis peace culture education: program, refleksi, dan implikasi

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    Tulisan ini mencoba menjelaskan program edukasi sekolah berbasis peace education (PE) yang diprakarsai oleh tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat Universitas Negeri Malang dengan mitra majelis Musyawarah Kerja Kepala Sekolah (MKKS) Sub Rayon 33 Wagir Kabupaten Malang. Secara rinci, kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan partisipatif yang bertujuan menanamkan nilai-nilai perdamaian dan semangat hidup berdampingan antar umat beragama, khususnya diantara sekolah yang beragam corak keagamaanya di Kecamatan Wagir. Program edukasi berbasis PE dilaksanakan melalui rangkaian kegiatan seminar, focus group discussion (FGD), hingga pelaksanaan langsung kepada siswa dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Program ini dilakukan dalam dua sesi utama, yakni kegiatan seminar dengan pembahasan tentang moderasi beragama dan FGD dengan fokus pada implementasinya. Dari kegiatan ini, dihasilkan sejumlah poin penting yang dapat dilakukan di sekolah dan kelas yakni membangun atmosfer atau budaya sekolah yang mendukung dengan mengapresiasi budaya yang berbeda, melakukan resolusi konflik, mendorong  partisipasi aktif dan kolaboratif, membangun sikap toleransi, dan membuat nilai-nilai agama menjadi pegangan kepala sekolah, guru, dan siswa dalam menjalankan tugas di sekolah. Tulisan ini mencoba menjelaskan program edukasi sekolah berbasis peace education (PE) yang diprakarsai oleh tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat Universitas Negeri Malang dengan mitra majelis Musyawarah Kerja Kepala Sekolah (MKKS) Sub Rayon 33 Wagir Kabupaten Malang. Secara rinci, kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan partisipatif yang bertujuan menanamkan nilai-nilai perdamaian dan semangat hidup berdampingan antar umat beragama, khususnya di antara sekolah yang beragam corak keagamaanya di Kecamatan Wagir. Program edukasi berbasis PE dilaksanakan melalui rangkaian kegiatan seminar, focus group discussion (FGD), hingga pelaksanaan langsung kepada siswa dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Program ini dilakukan dalam dua sesi utama, yakni kegiatan seminar dengan pembahasan tentang moderasi beragama dan FGD dengan fokus pada implementasinya. Dari kegiatan ini, dihasilkan sejumlah poin penting yang dapat dilakukan di sekolah dan kelas yakni membangun atmosfer atau budaya sekolah yang mendukung dengan mengapresiasi budaya yang berbeda, melakukan resolusi konflik, mendorong partisipasi aktif dan kolaboratif, membangun sikap toleransi, dan membuat nilai-nilai agama menjadi pegangan kepala sekolah, guru, dan siswa dalam menjalankan tugas di sekolah. Implikasi dari kegiatan ini setidaknya memuat dua hal penting yakni menjadikan sekolah sadar atas pentingnya pendidikan budaya damai dan menyadarkan siswa tentang pentingnya sikap toleransi terhadap sesam

    Madrasah diniyah teachers' perceptions on the tajwid recitation program's implementation: A post-training qualitative study

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    Formative assessment is often neglected in learning. This study investigates the perception of madrasah diniyah teachers on the planned implementation of the recitation program as part of a formative evaluation in the form of feedback. Twenty madrasah diniyah teachers were asked to respond to a questionnaire that covered three aspects, namely planning, learning outcomes, and teacher support in the post-training. The findings show that teachers have an open view of the implementation of recitation and believe that it can provide significant benefits for student learning outcomes. This paper provides empirical insight into teacher perceptions and provides suggestions for expanding teacher understanding and competence in utilizing recitation programs as an integral element of recitation learning methods and evaluations

    Indonesian Ulema Council fatwa on religious activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic: an investigation of Muslim attitudes and practices

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    This cross-sectional study was conducted on 1139 Muslims in Indonesia. Attitudes and practices were assessed using a questionnaire developed by researchers referring to the main points of the Indonesian Ulema Council fatwa on religious activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings suggest that most participants held positive attitudes (86.5%) and engaged in practices (76.4%). The regression analysis also indicates that attitudes explained approximately 31.5% of the variance in the practice score and 11.2% in the practice score while controlling for gender, age, residence, and education. The study reveals that understanding the relationship between sociodemographic variables, attitudes, and practices is relevant to implementing government policies related to religious practices during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Students’ perspectives on religious moderation: A qualitative study into religious literacy processes

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    Research exploring how students develop their perspectives on religious moderation through reading and understanding the Qur’an is underexplored. This study aims to investigate students’ religious literacy tenet as a process of constructing meaning about religious moderation from the verses of the Qur’an. The participants involved were three students with an excellent ability to read the Qur’an and who had a great interest in the study of the Qur’an. The data were collected through the process of reading the verses of the Qur’an and its textual and contextual translation. The results of this study indicate that students with high translation amendments (adding, removing and replacing words and phrases) tend to have more ability to interpret the verses of the Qur’an widely as a form of verbalisation of thoughts. Contribution: This study provides clarification on student interactions, the interpretation process and the construction of the meaning of the verses of the Qur’an. Furthermore, the results of this study encourage lecturers to reconstruct the process of learning to read the Qur’an at the university level

    Devising an impactful religious moderation workshop for teachers and principals: The practice of Ice Berg analysis and U theory perspective

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    In the academic setting, teachers and school principals are often faced with the problem of identifying and developing strategies to strengthen the atmosphere of religious moderation. Unfortunately, resources for training and support are scarce. Our study presents the design and assessment of a religious moderation workshop utilizing the problem-based discussion method, supported by Ice Berg and U theory perspective analysis. This two-session workshop aims to bolster religious moderation among school personnel. During the initial session, attendees were presented with strategies to empower religious moderation and state defense. In the subsequent meeting, attendees were encouraged to engage in problem-solving exercises focused on acts and behaviors of intolerance. Not to mention, the educators and administrators have acquired content and pedagogical expertise regarding religious moderation and state defense, which can be applied in classroom and school settings. Additionally, participants expressed a positive belief that the training effectively exemplified the integration of character-building subject matter, religious moderation, state defense, and instructional strategies. As a result, the workshop for teachers and school principals was deemed successful and effective

    Students’ perspectives on religious moderation: A qualitative study into religious literacy processes

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    Research exploring how students develop their perspectives on religious moderation through reading and understanding the Qur’an is underexplored. This study aims to investigate students’ religious literacy tenet as a process of constructing meaning about religious moderation from the verses of the Qur’an. The participants involved were three students with an excellent ability to read the Qur’an and who had a great interest in the study of the Qur’an. The data were collected through the process of reading the verses of the Qur’an and its textual and contextual translation. The results of this study indicate that students with high translation amendments (adding, removing and replacing words and phrases) tend to have more ability to interpret the verses of the Qur’an widely as a form of verbalisation of thoughts. Contribution: This study provides clarification on student interactions, the interpretation process and the construction of the meaning of the verses of the Qur’an. Furthermore, the results of this study encourage lecturers to reconstruct the process of learning to read the Qur’an at the university level

    Experiencing less apprehension and engaging religious communication: The team-based project learning practices

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    This pre-experimental study aims to explore the efficacy of the Team-based Project (TBP) as a pedagogical approach to enhancing the acquisition of religious communication skills. The TBP was incorporated into a religious education module, addressing pivotal religious inclusivity and moderation themes amongst undergraduate cohorts. Participants were 288 students who participated in a TPB program. Our attention is drawn to the students’ deliberations on TPB activities during the preliminary phase and the initiation, groundwork, execution, and culmination of presenting the project via video. Two salient aspects of the educational outcomes emerged. Firstly, the TBP model proved instrumental in fostering elevated religious communication proficiencies amongst students. Secondly, there was a notable decline in communication apprehension attributable to students’ religious discourse. Such outcomes are intrinsically linked to the TBP's foundational elements of collaboration and dialogue. Furthermore, this investigation underscores the advantages and challenges inherent in employing video-based technological platforms as contemporary pedagogical instruments. Within the scope of this research, we delineate the protocols requisite for the TBP's methodologies to evaluate student accomplishments through an array of formative and summative assessments

    Self regulation in Quranic learning

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    Purpose – The emergence of academic anxiety and poor learning outcomes among Indonesian first-year students at higher education institutions emphasized the need to measure the level of self-regulated learning (SRL). This study was part of a larger SRL research project in the area of ​​learning Qur’an recitation, where we attempted to explore further on how students applied SRL. By using a new perspective of SRL as a social process that emphasized interaction, we investigated how the situated environment influenced learning. Method – Quantitative and qualitative approaches were applied. A set of questionnaires generated from the adaptation process was successfully validated through rigorous psychometric testing. A total of 420 first-year students responded to the questionnaire. Then semi-structured observations and interviews were conducted among eight students. Finally, data obtained from observation checklists and interviews were triangulated. Findings – The SRL level for first-year students in learning Qur’an recitation was insufficient, with a score of 3.37 out of 5.00. The highest score on the Meta-Affective dimension was M = 3.64, and the lowest score on the Sociocultural-Interactive dimension was M = 2.98. These results indicated that although anxiety was not a serious problem, yet it was still an obstacle for some students with low SRL to achieve targeted learning goals. Furthermore, these students did not have the awareness to seek help for their learning difficulties. This situation was further aggravated by the lack of assistance from instructors in creating conducive learning environments for students to interact with each other. Significance – The standard deviations on all SRL dimensions identified in this study were high, showing a large gap between students who had high and low SRL. This condition requires instructors to provide significant assistance. We suggest heterogeneous grouping to enable more intensive interactions between students to increase the sociocultural-interactive dimension. We believe that seamless interaction is the most tangible support for promoting SRL