33 research outputs found

    Inflammation driven by tumour-specific Th1 cells protects against B-cell cancer

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    The immune system can both promote and suppress cancer. Chronic inflammation and proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6 are considered to be tumour promoting. In contrast, the exact nature of protective antitumour immunity remains obscure. Here, we quantify locally secreted cytokines during primary immune responses against myeloma and B-cell lymphoma in mice. Strikingly, successful cancer immunosurveillance mediated by tumour-specific CD4+ T cells is consistently associated with elevated local levels of both proinflammatory (IL-1α, IL-1β and IL-6) and T helper 1 (Th1)-associated cytokines (interferon-γ (IFN-γ), IL-2 and IL-12). Cancer eradication is achieved by a collaboration between tumour-specific Th1 cells and tumour-infiltrating, antigen-presenting macrophages. Th1 cells induce secretion of IL-1β and IL-6 by macrophages. Th1-derived IFN-γ is shown to render macrophages directly cytotoxic to cancer cells, and to induce macrophages to secrete the angiostatic chemokines CXCL9/MIG and CXCL10/IP-10. Thus, inflammation, when driven by tumour-specific Th1 cells, may prevent rather than promote cancer

    Kidney biopsy diagnosis in childhood in the Norwegian Kidney Biopsy Registry and the long-term risk of kidney replacement therapy: a 25-year follow-up

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    Background: There is scarce information on biopsy-verified kidney disease in childhood and its progression to chronic kidney disease stage 5 (CKD 5). This study aims to review biopsy findings in children, and to investigate risk of kidney replacement therapy (KRT). Methods: We conducted a retrospective long-term follow-up study of children included in the Norwegian Kidney Biopsy Registry (NKBR) and in the Norwegian Renal Registry (NRR) from 1988 to 2021. Results: In total, 575 children with a median (interquartile range, IQR) age of 10.7 (6.1 to 14.1) years were included, and median follow-up time (IQR) after kidney biopsy was 14.3 (range 8.9 to 21.6) years. The most common biopsy diagnoses were minimal change disease (MCD; n = 92), IgA vasculitis nephritis (IgAVN; n = 76), IgA nephropathy (n = 63), and focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS; n = 47). In total, 118 (20.5%) of the biopsied children reached CKD 5, median (IQR) time to KRT 2.3 years (7 months to 8.4 years). Most frequently, nephronophthisis (NPHP; n = 16), FSGS (n = 30), IgA nephropathy (n = 9), and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN; n = 9) led to KRT. Conclusions: The risk of KRT after a kidney biopsy diagnosis is highly dependent on the diagnosis. None of the children with MCD commenced KRT, while 63.8% with FSGS and 100% with NPHP reached KRT. Combining data from kidney biopsy registries with registries on KRT allows for detailed information concerning the risk for later CKD 5 after biopsy-verified kidney disease in childhood.publishedVersio

    Newborn screening for presymptomatic diagnosis of complement and phagocyte deficiencies

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    The clinical outcomes of primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) are greatly improved by accurate diagnosis early in life. However, it is not common to consider PIDs before the manifestation of severe clinical symptoms. Including PIDs in the nation-wide newborn screening programs will potentially improve survival and provide better disease management and preventive care in PID patients. This calls for the detection of disease biomarkers in blood and the use of dried blood spot samples, which is a part of routine newborn screening programs worldwide. Here, we developed a newborn screening method based on multiplex protein profiling for parallel diagnosis of 22 innate immunodeficiencies affecting the complement system and respiratory burst function in phagocytosis. The proposed method uses a small fraction of eluted blood from dried blood spots and is applicable for population-scale performance. The diagnosis method is validated through a retrospective screening of immunodeficient patient samples. This diagnostic approach can pave the way for an earlier, more comprehensive and accurate diagnosis of complement and phagocytic disorders, which ultimately lead to a healthy and active life for the PID patientsThis work was supported by the Swedish Research Council (VR) and grants provided by the Stockholm County Council (ALF)

    Immune Cell Composition in Human Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the leading cause of cancer-related death in the world. Immunological analysis of the tumor microenvironment (immunoscore) shows great promise for improved prognosis and prediction of response to immunotherapy. However, the exact immune cell composition in NSCLC remains unclear. Here, we used flow cytometry to characterize the immune infiltrate in NSCLC tumors, non-cancerous lung tissue, regional lymph node, and blood. The cellular identity of >95% of all CD45+ immune cells was determined. Thirteen distinct immune cell types were identified in NSCLC tumors. T cells dominated the lung cancer landscape (on average 47% of all CD45+ immune cells). CD4+ T cells were the most abundant T cell population (26%), closely followed by CD8+ T cells (22%). Double negative CD4−CD8− T cells represented a small fraction (1.4%). CD19+ B cells were the second most common immune cell type in NSCLC tumors (16%), and four different B cell sub-populations were identified. Macrophages and natural killer (NK) cells composed 4.7 and 4.5% of the immune cell infiltrate, respectively. Three types of dendritic cells (DCs) were identified (plasmacytoid DCs, CD1c+ DCs, and CD141+ DCs) which together represented 2.1% of all immune cells. Among granulocytes, neutrophils were frequent (8.6%) with a high patient-to-patient variability, while mast cells (1.4%), basophils (0.4%), and eosinophils (0.3%) were less common. Across the cohort of patients, only B cells showed a significantly higher representation in NSCLC tumors compared to the distal lung. In contrast, the percentages of macrophages and NK cells were lower in tumors than in non-cancerous lung tissue. Furthermore, the fraction of macrophages with high HLA-DR expression levels was higher in NSCLC tumors relative to distal lung tissue. To make the method readily accessible, antibody panels and flow cytometry gating strategy used to identify the various immune cells are described in detail. This work should represent a useful resource for the immunomonitoring of patients with NSCLC

    Vad i musiken väcker rörelselusten? : Effekten av rytmiska egenskaper, kön och rörelse till musiken

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    Groove är upplevelsen att musik är rörelseskapande, vilket är det som får människor att stampa i takt till gatumusikanterna. Tidigare forskning visar att det finns inneboende egenskaper i musiken som korrelerar med groove. Förevarande studie hade därför som syfte att undersöka om det finns rytmiska egenskaper i musiken som korrelerar med groove, och hur detta eventuellt påverkas av kön och om man får röra sig till musiken eller inte. Hälften av deltagarna fick instruktioner att röra sig naturligt till musiken, och andra hälften att sitta stilla. Den experimentella studien innefattade 30 kvinnor och 30 män (23–68 år) som lyssnade på 50 musikexempel i tre olika temporegioner och skattade groove. Groove var korrelerat medmängden ljudhändelser mellan taktslagen och graden av upprepade rytmiska mönster i musiken. Kvinnor skattade groove högre än män överlag, och groove upplevdes högre när deltagarna satt stilla till musiken. Resultaten anknyter till frågor om musikens sociala funktioner och deras roll i ett evolutionärt perspektiv, speciellt med avseende på skillnaderna mellan könen, och att kön ofta har en central roll i evolutionära teorier.Groove is the experience that music is movement inducing, which is what gets people to tap their feet while listening to the street musicians. Previous research shows that there are intrinsic properties in the music that correlates with groove. The present study therefore aimed to investigate whether there are rhythmical properties in the music that correlates with groove, and how this eventually is affected by gender and if you move to the music or not. Half of the participants were instructed to move naturally to the music and the other half to sit still. The experimental study included 30 women and 30 men (23–68 years) who listened to 50 musicexamples in three different tempo regions and rated groove. Groove was correlated with the density of sound events between the beats and the degree of repetitive rhythmical patterning in music. Women rated groove higher than men generally, and groove was higher when the participants sat still. The findings relate to questions about the social functions of the music and their role in an evolutionary perspective, especially regarding the differences between sexes, and that sex often has a central role in evolutionary theories

    Vad i musiken väcker rörelselusten? : Effekten av rytmiska egenskaper, kön och rörelse till musiken

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    Groove är upplevelsen att musik är rörelseskapande, vilket är det som får människor att stampa i takt till gatumusikanterna. Tidigare forskning visar att det finns inneboende egenskaper i musiken som korrelerar med groove. Förevarande studie hade därför som syfte att undersöka om det finns rytmiska egenskaper i musiken som korrelerar med groove, och hur detta eventuellt påverkas av kön och om man får röra sig till musiken eller inte. Hälften av deltagarna fick instruktioner att röra sig naturligt till musiken, och andra hälften att sitta stilla. Den experimentella studien innefattade 30 kvinnor och 30 män (23–68 år) som lyssnade på 50 musikexempel i tre olika temporegioner och skattade groove. Groove var korrelerat medmängden ljudhändelser mellan taktslagen och graden av upprepade rytmiska mönster i musiken. Kvinnor skattade groove högre än män överlag, och groove upplevdes högre när deltagarna satt stilla till musiken. Resultaten anknyter till frågor om musikens sociala funktioner och deras roll i ett evolutionärt perspektiv, speciellt med avseende på skillnaderna mellan könen, och att kön ofta har en central roll i evolutionära teorier.Groove is the experience that music is movement inducing, which is what gets people to tap their feet while listening to the street musicians. Previous research shows that there are intrinsic properties in the music that correlates with groove. The present study therefore aimed to investigate whether there are rhythmical properties in the music that correlates with groove, and how this eventually is affected by gender and if you move to the music or not. Half of the participants were instructed to move naturally to the music and the other half to sit still. The experimental study included 30 women and 30 men (23–68 years) who listened to 50 musicexamples in three different tempo regions and rated groove. Groove was correlated with the density of sound events between the beats and the degree of repetitive rhythmical patterning in music. Women rated groove higher than men generally, and groove was higher when the participants sat still. The findings relate to questions about the social functions of the music and their role in an evolutionary perspective, especially regarding the differences between sexes, and that sex often has a central role in evolutionary theories

    Lack of interleukin-33 and its receptor does not prevent calcipotriol-induced atopic dermatitis-like inflammation in mice

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    Current studies addressing the influence of interleukin-33 or its receptor (IL-33R/ST2) on development of atopic dermatitis-like inflammation in mice have reported conflicting results. We compared the response in single- and double-deficient IL-33−/−/ST2−/− C57BL/6J BomTac mice in the well-established calcipotriol-induced model of atopic dermatitis. All genotypes (groups of up to 14 mice) developed atopic dermatitis-like inflammation yet we observed no biologically relevant difference between groups in gross anatomy or ear thickness. Moreover, histological examination of skin revealed no differences in mononuclear leukocyte and granulocyte infiltration nor Th2 cytokine levels (IL-4 and IL-13). Finally, skin CD45+ cells and CD3+ cells were found at similar densities across all groups. Our findings indicate that lack of interleukin-33 and its receptor ST2 does not prevent the development of AD-like skin inflammation

    Neonatal interstitial lung disease in a girl with Jacobsen syndrome: a case report

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    Background We report a case of the neonatal interstitial lung disease pulmonary interstitial glycogenosis in a girl with Jacobsen syndrome. While Jacobsen syndrome is caused by a deletion on the long arm of chromosome 11 and is genetically confirmed, pulmonary interstitial glycogenosis is of unknown etiology and is diagnosed by lung biopsy. Pulmonary interstitial glycogenosis has not previously been described in association with Jacobsen syndrome. Case presentation A term newborn small for gestational age Caucasian girl presented with respiratory distress, pulmonary hypertension, congenital heart defects, immunodeficiency, and thrombocytopenia. She was diagnosed with Jacobsen syndrome, but also had pulmonary interstitial glycogenosis, which contributed to significant morbidity. There was striking clinical improvement after steroid treatment of the pulmonary interstitial glycogenosis. Conclusions Interstitial lung disease should be considered as a differential diagnosis when respiratory distress and hypoxemia in the perinatal period worsens or persists despite standard treatment. Importantly, pulmonary interstitial glycogenosis may be treatable with corticosteroids. Whether there is a genetic link between pulmonary interstitial glycogenosis and Jacobsen syndrome is still unknown

    The Novel Oncolytic Compound LTX-401 Induces Antitumor Immune Responses in Experimental Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    LTX-401 is a novel oncolytic compound designed for the local treatment of solid tumors. In the present study, we have examined the applicability and efficacy of LTX-401 in a rat model JM1 hepatocellular carcinoma, with particular interest in its ability to induce antitumor immunity. LTX-401 induces necrotic cell death followed by the release of immunogenic cell death mediators such as high-mobility group box 1 protein, ATP, and cytochrome c. When injected into subcutaneous and orthotopic JM1 tumors, LTX-401 treatment resulted in a strong antitumoral effect followed by complete tumor regression in the majority of animals. Additionally, LTX-401 could affect the growth of distal tumor deposits simulating metastases, hence indicating immune-mediated abscopal responses. Furthermore, LTX-401 treatment induced tumor-specific immune responses as seen by protection against tumor rechallenge and increased production of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) by splenic cells in response to stimulation with tumor cells. Taken together, our data demonstrate that the oncolytic compound LTX-401 provides local tumor control followed by protective immune responses and may be exploited as a novel immunotherapeutic agent in hepatocellular carcinoma

    Early fulminant BK polyomavirus-associated nephropathy in two kidney transplant patients with low neutralizing antibody titers receiving allografts from the same donor

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    Background - BK Polyomavirus (BKPyV) causes premature graft failure in 1 to 15% of kidney transplant (KT) recipients. High-level BKPyV-viruria and BKPyV-DNAemia precede polyomavirus-associated nephropathy (PyVAN), and guide clinical management decisions. In most cases, BKPyV appears to come from the donor kidney, but data from biopsy-proven PyVAN cases are lacking. Here, we report the early fulminant course of biopsy-proven PyVAN in two male KT recipients in their sixties, receiving kidneys from the same deceased male donor. Case presentations - Both recipients received intravenous basiliximab induction, and maintenance therapy consisting of tacrolimus (trough levels 3–7 ng/mL from time of engraftment), mycophenolate mofetil 750 mg bid, and prednisolone. At 4 weeks post-transplant, renal function was satisfactory with serum creatinine concentrations of 106 and 72 μmol/L in recipient #1 and recipient #2, respectively. Plasma BKPyV-DNAemia was first investigated at 5 and 8 weeks post-transplant being 8.58 × 104 and 1.12 × 106 copies/mL in recipient #1 and recipient #2, respectively. Renal function declined and biopsy-proven PyVAN was diagnosed in both recipients at 12 weeks post-transplant. Mycophenolate mofetil levels were reduced from 750 mg to 250 mg bid while tacrolimus levels were kept below 5 ng/mL. Recipient #2 cleared BKPyV-DNAemia at 5.5 months post-transplant, while recipient #1 had persistent BKPyV-DNAemia of 1.07 × 105 copies/mL at the last follow-up 52 weeks post-transplant. DNA sequencing of viral DNA from early plasma samples revealed apparently identical viruses in both recipients, belonging to genotype Ib-2 with archetype non-coding control region. Retrospective serological work-up, demonstrated that the donor had high BKPyV-IgG-virus-like particle ELISA activity and a high BKPyV-genotype I neutralizing antibody titer, whereas both KT recipients only had low neutralizing antibody titers pre-transplantation. By 20 weeks post-transplant, the neutralizing antibody titer had increased by > 1000-fold in both recipients, but only recipient #2 cleared BKPyV-DNAemia. Conclusions - Low titers of genotype-specific neutralizing antibodies in recipients pre-transplant, may identify patients at high risk for early fulminant donor-derived BKPyV-DNAemia and PyVAN, but development of high neutralizing antibody titers may not be sufficient for clearance