2,306 research outputs found

    Precipitation Variability and Probabilities of Extreme Events in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (Latakia Governorate-Syria as a Case Study)

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    This study aimed at analysis of the general-index change for the mean annual and seasonal precipitation in six stations in Latakia Governorate (Syria). The data of precipitation were collected for 40 consecutive years (1970–2010) in order to figure out the extent of the changes and variability in precipitation rates and the impact of this change on changes in the potential density that might cause extremely high or low precipitation rates according to Gumbel distribution of the extreme precipitation rates. Results revealed a decrease of the annual precipitation rates in all stations, the reduction in precipitation ranged from 46 to 210 mm during the whole period of the study. Spring, however, recorded the highest and statistically significant reduction, which reached 46–210 mm, while winter precipitation increased by 21–82 mm. Spring also has witnessed a decrease of about 3–9% of the total annual precipitation as compared to winter precipitation which increased by 5–8% of the total. The potential density of extremely high winter precipitation rates increased in all stations as indicated from Gumbel distribution in winter, and a greater increase took place in the probabilities of occurrence of the extremely low spring precipitation rates. This shows significant probability of occurrence of drought during spring season. By contrast, probabilities of winter precipitation rates increased more, thus winter is relatively more humid than before and spring is relatively drier than before

    Penerapan Media Film Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Terpadu Kelas VII SMP Negeri 10 Kota Banda Aceh

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    Istilah media berasal dari kata latin yang merupakan bentuk kata medium yang berarti perantara atau pengantar pesan. Media film merupakan media yang dipergunakan untuk memvisualisasikan atau menyalurkan pesan dari sumber ke penerima. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Peningkatan hasil belajar Peserta didik; (2) Kegiatan guru dan Peserta didik; (3) Keterampilan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran dan (4) Respon siswa terhadap penerapan media film. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VII SMPN 10 Banda Aceh yaitu 25 orang. Materi pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini adalah potensi dan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa (1) Persentase ketuntasan individual mengalami peningkatan dari 19 siswa yang tuntas pada siklus I, 22 pada siklus II dan 24 tuntas pada siklus III, persentase ketuntasan klasikal meningkat dari 60% di siklus I, 80% di siklus II dan 90% di siklus III; (2) Kegiatan guru dan peserta didik meningkat dari siklus I hingga siklus III, pada siklus I dari 8 aktivitas 3 aktivitas yang belum tuntas, 2 aktivitas pada siklus II, dan pada siklus ke III semuanya sudah tuntas; (3) Keterampilan guru meningkat dari perolehan skor 2,55 pada siklus I berkategori sedang, skor 2,66 di siklus II berkategori baik dan 3,49 di siklus III dengan berkategori baik; (4) Respon siswa terhadap penerapan media film bisa dikategorikan baik yaitu 96 persen

    Experimental and numerical investigation of hybrid laser arc welding process and the influence of welding sequence on the manufacture of stiffened flat panels

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    La soldadura por arco láser híbrido (HLAW) ha atraído cada vez más atención tanto de la industria como de los laboratorios académicos por su alta eficiencia y calidad de soldadura. El objetivo del presente artículo es desarrollar un método de elementos finitos no lineal para predecir la deflexión inducida por la soldadura y la tensión residual de un panel rígido a escala semiindustrial, utilizando un nuevo modelo de fuente de calor. La nueva fuente de calor híbrida consiste en un modelo matemático de doble elipsoide de Goldak que representa la fuente del arco, combinado con un modelo matemático gaussiano de cono truncado para simular la fuente láser. Para ello, se ha desarrollado un modelo de elementos finitos termoelástico-plástico acoplado tridimensional con ABAQUS utilizando una subrutina numérica adicional de DFLUX escrita en el lenguaje de programación Fortran para simular las distribuciones volumétricas de flujo de calor del proceso HLAW. El método de elementos finitos (FEM) se verifica mediante comparación con mediciones experimentales de muestras de acero naval EH36 de pequeña escala con uniones en T, en configuración a tope en posición de soldadura 2F, soldadas en posición horizontal con penetración total mediante un proceso híbrido de soldadura por arco láser (HLAW). Se observa una buena concordancia entre los resultados numéricos y las mediciones experimentales, lo que confirma que el modelo desarrollado en el presente artículo se puede utilizar eficazmente para predecir el comportamiento de deformación de las estructuras de rigidizadores durante la construcción naval. También se ha estudiado el efecto del cambio de secuencia de soldadura en el panel rígido a escala semiindustrial. Se han investigado cuatro secuencias de soldadura diferentes (SEQ 1,2,3 y 4), para elegir la mejor secuencia de soldadura en cuanto a la magnitud y distribución de las imperfecciones de soldadura (deflexión y tensión residual). Cambiar la secuencia de soldadura tiene un efecto significativo en la distribución y magnitud de la deflexión vertical. Se concluye que la secuencia de soldadura juega un papel importante en la deformación de las estructuras. Un cambio de dirección en la sección media, en combinación con la alternancia de las trayectorias de soldadura entre dos refuerzos consecutivos, conduce a una disminución significativa de la distorsión. El modelo FEM desarrollado ha proporcionado resultados precisos, lo que demuestra que es aplicable para estimar la deformación y la tensión residual inducida por el proceso HLAW en estructuras de construcción naval más grandes. También se puede emplear para optimizar la secuencia de soldadura. La presente contribución forma parte de un proyecto de colaboración entre la Universidad de Cádiz y la Universidad de Alejandría, Egipto, coordinado por el solicitante (J.M. Sánchez Amaya), cuyo principal objetivo es profundizar en el conocimiento y aplicación de las simulaciones FEM a procesos de soldadura. Este proyecto ha sido posible gracias a la financiación, por parte de la Comisión de la Unión Europea, de la beca de programa Erasmus + KA107, que ha permitido cubrir los gastos del viaje de Ahmed Hammad a la UCA. El solicitante (J.M. Sánchez Amaya) ha realizado las siguientes actividades del manuscrito: responsable y coordinador del conjunto de actividades de la colaboración; comparativa y análisis de resultados de las soldaduras HLAW; análisis y discusión de resultados del artículo; y revisión inicial y final del manuscrito

    Prevalence of Giardia intestinalis and Hymenolepis nana in Afghan refugee population of Mianwali district, Pakistan.

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    Background: Present study aimed to investigate prevalence of Giardia intestinalis and Hymenolepis nana in Afghan refugees visiting Central Health Unit (CHU), Kot Chandana (Mianwali, Northern Punjab) during two years period (February 2007 to December 2009).Methods: A total of 687 stool samples were collected from different age groups of both genders. Samples were processed under sterile conditions after gross examination. Microscopic examination was done on same day along with eggs (H. nana), cyst and trophozoites (G. intestinalis) detection after staining.Results: The prevalence of G. intestinalis was significantly higher (x2=59.54, p<0.001) than that of H. nana. Females were found more likely to be infected as compared to males (OR: 1.40, 95% CI=1.03-1.92). Prevalence of both parasites decreased with age and highest prevalence was observed in young individuals belonging to 1-15 years of age group (41.8% and 48.7% respectively for H. nana and G. intestinalis, p<0.001). Abdominal distress (OR: 1.13, 95%CI=0.83-1.53), vomiting (OR: 1.13, 95%CI=1.13-1.81) and rectal prolapse (OR: 4.26, 95%CI=1.38-13.16) were the gastro-intestinal clinical symptoms observed in G. intestinalis. Whereas, bloody diarrhea (OR: 1.56, 95%CI=1.00-2.43) and rectal prolapse (OR: 5.79, 95%CI=1.87-17.91) were associated with H. nana infections.Conclusions: Intestinal parasitic infections are common among Afghan refugees and serious preventive measures should be implemented to promote the safety and healthy lifestyle of these people.Keywords: Giardia intestinalis, Hymenolepis nana, Prevalence, Afghan Refugees, Punjab

    Evaluation the Non-Thermal Plasma Application Activity in AFB1 Detoxification

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    Contamination raw agricultural materials has been a food safety concern for human and animals. A non thermal plasma or cold plasma  is a novel antimicrobial intervention, that can be reduce the level of aflatoxin B1(AFB1) in complete cow's feed samples .AFB1 are carcinogenic compound produce primarily by two certain strain of Aspergillus include A. flavus and A. parasiticus , the  contamination of feed is arise for  animals health. Fifty samples from complete cow's feed were designated into imported 15 samples and local 35 samples , obtained randomly from different region in Baghdad from March 2014 to February 2015. Samples were tested for AFB1 by ELISA and HPLC technique and exposure to application cold plasma protocol to treatment of AFB1 contamination the samples in different time (5, 10 and 15) seconds at 3.5 cm between the plasma source and samples then tested by ELISA and HPLC. There are appears the best time successful in reducing levels of toxin at 10 sec. in local samples 3.12, 0.05 ng / g imported samples 1.21, 6.19 ng / g in HPLC and ELISA. In local and imported samples at 10 sec and that was 15 sec less time periods ability to reduce toxin level in local and imported samples, that indicated the length of exposure to NTP application is not necessary to reduce toxin level. According to the study we observed that the results from ELISA method were more sensitive, accuracy and simplicity when compared with results from HPLC technique. Keyword: Cold plasma, decontamination,AFB1, HPLC, ELISA

    Stereotactic body radiation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma: Practice patterns, dose selection and factors impacting survival

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    Background Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) is an emerging option for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) without consensus regarding optimal dose schemas. This analysis identifies practice patterns and factors that influence dose selection and overall survival, with particular emphasis on dose and tumor size. Materials/Methods Query of the National Cancer Database (NCDB) identified patients with unresectable, nonmetastatic HCC who received SBRT from 2004 to 2013. Biological Effective Dose (BED) was calculated for each patient in order to uniformly analyze different fractionation regimens. Results A total of 456 patients met the inclusion criteria. The median BED was 100 Gy (22.5-208.0), which corresponded to the most common dose fractionation (50 Gy in five fractions). Various factors influenced dose selection including tumor size (P 2 to 4 months, HR 2.192, P < 0.001) were associated with worse survival. Conclusion SBRT use is increasing for HCC, and multiple regimens are clinically employed. Although high BED was associated with improved outcomes, multiple factors contributed to the dose selection with favorable patients receiving higher doses. Continued efforts to enhance radiation planning and delivery may help improve utilization, safety, and efficacy.Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    An integrated approach of building information modelling and life cycle assessment (BIM-LCA) for gas and solar water heating systems

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    Buildings are responsible for the energetic consumption and potential greenhouse gas emissions during their life cycle. Water heating system contribute to a building’s energetic consumption, mainly in residential units, throughout the building’s operational phase. Variability in energy sources, reservation and distribution systems of hot water along with the types of construction materials used in these building systems are key decisions to make in the initial design phases of a building project. Often, the definition of the most appropriate water heating system for a building is made via a technical-economic decision. However, the decision is rarely based on natural resource consumption and environmental impact generation throughout the life-cycle of the heating systems and of buildings as a whole. This study presents an application of a specific environmental management tool, based on an integrated Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA) method for selection of hot water systems, during the early design building phase. The proposed approach is implemented in the pre-operational phase, in order to enable decision makers to appreciate the resulting environmental performance of water heating systems in buildings. The applicability of the framework is tested via a comparative study of solar heating water systems and natural gas heating water systems for a residential multifamily building to be constructed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For the indicators damage to human health and damage to ecosystem, results indicate that the greatest impact on global warming comes from the natural gas heating system, while for solar heating, free particulate matter was the highest negative contribution. The operation phase for the natural gas system was highest for climate change while for solar heating system, it was the fresh water that was impacted the most during the pre-operational phase of the system’s use
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