85 research outputs found

    Action anticipation based on an agent's epistemic state in toddlers and adults

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    Do toddlers and adults engage in spontaneous Theory of Mind (ToM)? Evidence from anticipatory looking (AL) studies suggests that they do. But a growing body of failed replication studies raised questions about the paradigm’s suitability. In this multi-lab collaboration, we test the robustness of spontaneous ToM measures. We examine whether 18- to 27-month-olds’ and adults’ anticipatory looks distinguish between two basic forms of an agent’s epistemic states: knowledge and ignorance. In toddlers [ANTICIPATED n = 520 50% FEMALE] and adults [ANTICIPATED n = 408, 50% FEMALE] from diverse ethnic backgrounds, we found [SUPPORT/NO SUPPORT] for epistemic state-based action anticipation. Future research can probe whether this conclusion extends to more complex kinds of epistemic states, such as true and false beliefs

    Quantifying Sources of Variability in Infancy Research Using the Infant-Directed-Speech Preference

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    Psychological scientists have become increasingly concerned with issues related to methodology and replicability, and infancy researchers in particular face specific challenges related to replicability: For example, high-powered studies are difficult to conduct, testing conditions vary across labs, and different labs have access to different infant populations. Addressing these concerns, we report on a large-scale, multisite study aimed at (a) assessing the overall replicability of a single theoretically important phenomenon and (b) examining methodological, cultural, and developmental moderators. We focus on infants’ preference for infant-directed speech (IDS) over adult-directed speech (ADS). Stimuli of mothers speaking to their infants and to an adult in North American English were created using seminaturalistic laboratory-based audio recordings. Infants’ relative preference for IDS and ADS was assessed across 67 laboratories in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia using the three common methods for measuring infants’ discrimination (head-turn preference, central fixation, and eye tracking). The overall meta-analytic effect size (Cohen’s d) was 0.35, 95% confidence interval = [0.29, 0.42], which was reliably above zero but smaller than the meta-analytic mean computed from previous literature (0.67). The IDS preference was significantly stronger in older children, in those children for whom the stimuli matched their native language and dialect, and in data from labs using the head-turn preference procedure. Together, these findings replicate the IDS preference but suggest that its magnitude is modulated by development, native-language experience, and testing procedure

    L'onomastique au Canada et la Société Canadienne d'Onomastique

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    Hamlin Frank R. L'onomastique au Canada et la Société Canadienne d'Onomastique. In: Nouvelle revue d'onomastique, n°13-14, 1989. Onomastique et révolution : tradition et changement. Nom de rues, noms de lieux, prénoms. pp. 217-219

    Bibliographie sommaire des Ă©tudes de toponymie aux Îles Britanniques

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    Hamlin Frank R. Bibliographie sommaire des Ă©tudes de toponymie aux Îles Britanniques. In: Revue Internationale d'Onomastique, 14e annĂ©e N°4, dĂ©cembre 1962. pp. 299-310

    Les éléments français dans la toponymie anglaise

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    Hamlin Frank R. Les éléments français dans la toponymie anglaise. In: Revue Internationale d'Onomastique, 16e année N°2, juin 1964. pp. 115-129

    John Rydjord, Indian Place-Names. Their Origin, Evolution, and Meanings, Collected in Kansas from the Siouan, Algonquian, Shoshonean, Caddoan, Iroquoian and Other Tongues. Norman University of Oklahoma Press, 1968

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    Hamlin Frank R. John Rydjord, Indian Place-Names. Their Origin, Evolution, and Meanings, Collected in Kansas from the Siouan, Algonquian, Shoshonean, Caddoan, Iroquoian and Other Tongues. Norman University of Oklahoma Press, 1968. In: Revue Internationale d'Onomastique, 22e année N°1, janvier 1970. pp. 75-76

    Les noms de domaines en -anum dans le dĂ©partement de l’HĂ©rault

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    Hamlin Frank R. Les noms de domaines en -anum dans le dĂ©partement de l’HĂ©rault. In: Revue Internationale d'Onomastique, 23e annĂ©e N°4, octobre 1971. pp. 241-256

    Une particularité de l'hydronymie française : la faune aquatique manque à l'appel

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    Hamlin Frank R. Une particularité de l'hydronymie française : la faune aquatique manque à l'appel. In: Nouvelle revue d'onomastique, n°5-6, 1985. La Picardie. pp. 99-101
