37,258 research outputs found

    Electric field induced charge noise in doped silicon: ionization of phosphorus donors

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    We report low frequency charge noise measurement on silicon substrates with different phosphorus doping densities. The measurements are performed with aluminum single electron transistors (SETs) at millikelvin temperatures where the substrates are in the insulating regime. By measuring the SET Coulomb oscillations, we find a gate voltage dependent charge noise on the more heavily doped substrate. This charge noise, which is seen to have a 1/f spectrum, is attributed to the electric field induced tunneling of electrons from their phosphorus donor potentials.Comment: 4 page, 3 figure

    Power Spectrum Correlations Induced by Non-Linear Clustering

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    Gravitational clustering is an intrinsically non-linear process that generates significant non-Gaussian signatures in the density field. We consider how these affect power spectrum determinations from galaxy and weak-lensing surveys. Non-Gaussian effects not only increase the individual error bars compared to the Gaussian case but, most importantly, lead to non-trivial cross-correlations between different band-powers. We calculate the power-spectrum covariance matrix in non-linear perturbation theory (weakly non-linear regime), in the hierarchical model (strongly non-linear regime), and from numerical simulations in real and redshift space. We discuss the impact of these results on parameter estimation from power spectrum measurements and their dependence on the size of the survey and the choice of band-powers. We show that the non-Gaussian terms in the covariance matrix become dominant for scales smaller than the non-linear scale, depending somewhat on power normalization. Furthermore, we find that cross-correlations mostly deteriorate the determination of the amplitude of a rescaled power spectrum, whereas its shape is less affected. In weak lensing surveys the projection tends to reduce the importance of non-Gaussian effects. Even so, for background galaxies at redshift z=1, the non-Gaussian contribution rises significantly around l=1000, and could become comparable to the Gaussian terms depending upon the power spectrum normalization and cosmology. The projection has another interesting effect: the ratio between non-Gaussian and Gaussian contributions saturates and can even decrease at small enough angular scales if the power spectrum of the 3D field falls faster than 1/k^2.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures. Revised version, includes a clearer explanation of why the hierarchical ansatz does not provide a good model of the covariance matrix in the non-linear regime, and new constraints on the amplitudes Ra and Rb for general 4-pt function configurations in the non-linear regim

    An obstruction based approach to the Kochen-Specker theorem

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    In [1] it was shown that the Kochen Specker theorem can be written in terms of the non-existence of global elements of a certain varying set over the partially ordered set of boolean subalgebras of projection operators on some Hilbert space. In this paper, we show how obstructions to the construction of such global elements arise, and how this provides a new way of looking at proofs of the theorem.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    The effect of low-energy ion-implantation on the electrical transport properties of Si-SiO2 MOSFETs

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    Using silicon MOSFETs with thin (5nm) thermally grown SiO2 gate dielectrics, we characterize the density of electrically active traps at low-temperature after 16keV phosphorus ion-implantation through the oxide. We find that, after rapid thermal annealing at 1000oC for 5 seconds, each implanted P ion contributes an additional 0.08 plus/minus 0.03 electrically active traps, whilst no increase in the number of traps is seen for comparable silicon implants. This result shows that the additional traps are ionized P donors, and not damage due to the implantation process. We also find, using the room temperature threshold voltage shift, that the electrical activation of donors at an implant density of 2x10^12 cm^-2 is ~100%.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Metamaterials for light rays: ray optics without wave-optical analog in the ray-optics limit

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    Volumes of sub-wavelength electromagnetic elements can act like homogeneous materials: metamaterials. In analogy, sheets of optical elements such as prisms can act ray-optically like homogeneous sheet materials. In this sense, such sheets can be considered to be metamaterials for light rays (METATOYs). METATOYs realize new and unusual transformations of the directions of transmitted light rays. We study here, in the ray-optics and scalar-wave limits, the wave-optical analog of such transformations, and we show that such an analog does not always exist. Perhaps, this is the reason why many of the ray-optical possibilities offered by METATOYs have never before been considered.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, references update

    Mass inflation in a D dimensional Reissner-Nordstrom black hole: a hierarchy of particle accelerators ?

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    We study the geometry inside the event horizon of perturbed D dimensional Reissner-Nordstrom-(A)dS type black holes showing that, similarly to the four dimensional case, mass inflation also occurs for D>4. First, using the homogeneous approximation, we show that an increase of the number of spatial dimensions contributes to a steeper variation of the metric coefficients with the areal radius and that the phenomenon is insensitive to the cosmological constant in leading order. Then, using the code reported in arXiv:0904.2669 [gr-qc] adapted to D dimensions, we perform fully non-linear numerical simulations. We perturb the black hole with a compact pulse adapting the pulse amplitude such that the relative variation of the black hole mass is the same in all dimensions, and determine how the black hole interior evolves under the perturbation. We qualitatively confirm that the phenomenon is similar to four dimensions as well as the behaviour observed in the homogeneous approximation. We speculate about the formation of black holes inside black holes triggered by mass inflation, and about possible consequences of this scenario.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Measuring the galaxy power spectrum with future redshift surveys

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    Precision measurements of the galaxy power spectrum P(k) require a data analysis pipeline that is both fast enough to be computationally feasible and accurate enough to take full advantage of high-quality data. We present a rigorous discussion of different methods of power spectrum estimation, with emphasis on the traditional Fourier method, the linear (Karhunen-Loeve; KL), and quadratic data compression schemes, showing in what approximations they give the same result. To improve speed, we show how many of the advantages of KL data compression and power spectrum estimation may be achieved with a computationally faster quadratic method. To improve accuracy, we derive analytic expressions for handling the integral constraint, since it is crucial that finite volume effects are accurately corrected for on scales comparable to the depth of the survey. We also show that for the KL and quadratic techniques, multiple constraints can be included via simple matrix operations, thereby rendering the results less sensitive to galactic extinction and mis-estimates of the radial selection function. We present a data analysis pipeline that we argue does justice to the increases in both quality and quantity of data that upcoming redshift surveys will provide. It uses three analysis techniques in conjunction: a traditional Fourier approach on small scales, a pixelized quadratic matrix method on large scales and a pixelized KL eigenmode analysis to probe anisotropic effects such as redshift-space distortions.Comment: Major revisions for clarity. Matches accepted ApJ version. 23 pages, with 2 figs included. Color figure and links at http://www.sns.ias.edu/~max/galpower.html (faster from the US), from http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~max/galpower.html (faster from Europe) or from [email protected]

    Unlimited simultaneous discrimination intervals in regression Technical report no. 90

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    Unlimited simultaneous discrimination intervals in linear regression