1,304 research outputs found

    Users’ Preferences Of Usability Of Urban Parks In Tabriz, Iran

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    Nowadays, urban parks are considered one of the most important and essential parts of urban fabrics. Parks introduce multiple opportunities for users including, active and passive recreation, social communication, and conservation of nature environments. It is important that parks design meets residents’ needs and demands. In many cases, urban parks are designed based on designers’ insights and knowledge, and most of the time the design doesn’t meet the users’ needs; the ultimate result being low, or no, use of urban parks. Urban parks in Tabriz, Iran, experience this problem probably due to wrong speculation of users’ motivation for park use and preferred activities there in. This research aims at understanding users’ motivations behind visiting parks and their preferred activities in urban parks at Tabriz, Iran. A survey study was deemed appropriate for answering the research questions and meeting its objectives. The survey instrument was designed to have both open and close-ended questions about how people go to parks, motives for visiting parks, and their preferred park’s activities. The survey questionnaire was conducted via randomly sampling method among 208 of the parks’ users in Tabriz.Two local parks; El Goli and Big Park, were selected for this study. The results indicate that nature in the park is the most important motive for people to visit the parks in Tabriz. Socialization with family and passive recreation were found to be the most preferred visitor activities. In addition, the participants highlighted that safety of El Goli Park’s environment and maintenance of Big Park need to be improved. This research unfolds user’s insights and opinions about pattern, orientation, and tendencies of park use in Tabriz. It is highly recommended that future research be conducted to explore other segment of society such as teenagers’ motives and preferences for park activities and visitation. It is also essential that the future designs of parks in Tabriz put the findings of this study into practice

    Soft technology implementation in Malaysian manufacturing companies at electrical and electronic industry.

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    Purpose – This research aims to report the findings of survey on soft technology implementation in Malaysian manufacturing companies of electrical and electronic industries.The objective of the survey is to identify the type of single soft technologies implemented, identify the level of performance attained by the implementers, and investigate differences in the level of performance attained with the numbers of single soft technologies implemented.Design/methodology/approach – responses from 64 companies are analyzed and presented.Findings – It is observed that most of Malaysian electrical and electronic companies are implementing TQM and MRP while CAPP is the least.Implementation of soft technology has sparked positive changes in all performance variables listed except reduce number of employees.The study also revealed that there was a not significant difference in the number of single soft technologies implemented in attaining the level of performance.Originality/value – This research report is useful to others implementing soft technology

    Konser salonu'nda yönetim tartışması

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 218-Sabahattin Aliİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Tafsir Atas Poligami Melalui Pendekatan Interdisipliner

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang poligami dalam berbagai perspektif. Konsep poligami yang menjadi perbincangan hangat di setiap waktu, di sini akan dipaparkan dari berbagai sudut pandang, di antaranya adalah secara historis, tafsir, fiqih, sosiologi dan senagainya. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam riset ini adalah menggunakan metode kualitatif kepustakaan (library research). Pendekatan yang dipakai adalah interdisipliner dengan menggunakan berbagai sudut pandang disiplin ilmu. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa poligami jika dilihat dari berbagai sudut pandang akan menghasilkan pemahaman yang luas. Sehingga pembaca akan mengambil sikap secara proporsional dan seimbang dengan melihat situasi, kondisi dan berbagai sudut pandang. Kata kunci: poligami, pendekatan interdispilne


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    HAMI SALISATI, (2012): Korelasi Antara Penguasaan tenses siswa dengan kemampuan mereka didalam menulis paragraph deskripsi di SMAN 1 Kampar Kiri tengah Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tengah Kabupaten Kampar. Menurut gejala gejala dalam penelitian ini, penulis menghadapi masalah masalah yang harus didiskusikan dan dipecahkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan hubungan antara penguasaan tenses dan kemampuan menulis paragraph deskripsi. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas dua SMAN 1 Kampar Kiri Tengah dan objek dari penelitian ini adalah penguasaan tenses dengan kemampuan menulis paragraph deskripsi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 175 siswa dan penulis hanya penhambil 25% sebagai sampel. Dalam dalam pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan tes untuk mengetahui penguasaan tenses siswa dan tes menulis untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa dalam menulis paragraf deskripsi. Penulis menggunakan korelasi pearson product moment. Dari data yang telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan SPSS, dapat dilihat bahwa tidak da korelasi yang signifikan antara penguasaan tenses dan kemampuan menulis paragraf deskripsi. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari: 1. Skor koofisien korelasi adalah 0.203<0.273 pada standar signifikan 5% dan 0.354 pada standar signifikan 1%(see table product moment) itu berarti Ha diterima yang menunjukkan bahwa ada korelasi yang signifikan antara penguasaan tenses dengan kemampuan menulis paragraf deskripsi. 2. Nilai probabilitas sig.(2-tailed) is 0.210>0.05. itu berarti Ha diterima, dengan kata lain ada korelasi yang signifikan antara penguasaan tenses dan kemampuan menulis paragraf deskripsi. 3. Hasil diatas menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada korelasi yang signifikan antara kemampuan penguasaan tenses dan kemampuan menulis paragraf deskripsi siswa. Korelasi antara dua variable tersebut adalah negatif. Berarti nilai tenses tertinggi siswa tidak akan mempengaruhi kemampuan mereka dalam menulis paragraf deskripsi, jadi kemampuan penguasaan tenses siswa tidak ada hubungannya dengan kemampuan menulis paragra deskripsi

    Ye'cuc ve Me'cuc seddi

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 19-İsmail Hami Danişment, Nazan Danişment. Not: Gazetenin "Türkoloji Bahisleri" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır.İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Sustainable Manufacturing Practice And Sustainability Performance Mediated By Innovation Performance

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    Sustainable manufacturing (SM) strategies have drawn attention derived from increasing global concerns on sustainability issues such as the scarcity of natural resources, rapid environmental destruction and unequal balance of social equities. The concept of sustainability has dramatically extended the goals of businesses, traditionally solely focused on operational efficiency and economic returns, to include environmental and social benefits. Embracing the idea of the triple bottom line approach, firm performance is assessed based on three criteria namely economic, environmental and social sustainability. The importance of environmental management and socially responsible practices for enhancing sustainability performance (SP) at a firm level has been widely acknowledged and extensively reported in the extant literature. While some researchers found a positive and significant impact of sustainable manufacturing practice (SMP) on predicting SP, there were some other researchers who failed to prove the significant relationship between these two variables. The inconsistent result of SMP-SP linkage might be due to the reason that the contextual elements of SMP and SP have not been well established. Insufficient statistical evidence to corroborate the significant impact of SMP on SP demonstrates that there may be a more complex relationship between SMP and SP. Since the significant relationship of innovation performance (IP) with SMP and SP has been found in some previous studies, there is a possibility that IP mediate the SMP-SP linkage. The objectives of this study are to identify the level of SMP, SP and IP among Malaysian manufacturing firms, to analyze the direct and indirect effect of SMP on SP, and eventually to propose a validated framework indicating the interrelationships between SMP, SP and IP. Using the theories of stakeholder and resource-based view (RBV) of a firm, integrating with prior research on sustainability, SM and innovation, a theoretical model depicting the interrelationships between SMP, IP and SP has been developed in this study. A series of hypothesized relationships were tested through PLS-SEM approach by using survey data collected from 150 firms. The results reveal that internal SMP has a positive and significant impact on economic sustainability, and both types of SMP (internal SMP and external SMP) have significant impact on environmental and social sustainability. While both types of SMP have mediated effect on social sustainability through organizational innovation, process innovation is the single significant mediator for internal SMP-economic sustainability linkage and both product and process innovations are the significant mediators for external SMP-economic sustainability linkage. The study indicates that the level of implementation of SMP is moderate to considerable extent, and economic benefits are still the dominant factors on embracing SMP compared to the others. The results also demonstrate that Malaysian manufacturers are able to gain better IP, reflecting that increasing innovation capabilities might be of high importance to the firms. While offering significant theoretical contribution by enhancing the SM, innovation and sustainability body of knowledge, the findings of this study are beneficial for industrial practitioners through better understanding of the contextual elements of SMP, IP and SP which would support their continuous improvement