108 research outputs found
Psikologi forensik adalah bagian dari sains forensik (forensic science) yang semakin berperan penting dalam proses penegakan hukum. Namun di Indonesia peran dari ilmu ini belum begitu signifikan. Psikologi forensik berusaha mengungkap bukti-bukti yang berkaitan dengan mengapa seseorang melakukan kejahatan dari perspektif ilmu perilaku. Kontribusi psikologi dalam bidang forensik mencakup area kajian yang luas termasuk membuat kajian tentang profil para pelaku kejahatan, mengungkap dasar-dasar neuropsikologik, genetik, dan proses perkembangan perilaku, saksi mata, deteksi kebohongan, menguji kewarasan mental, kekerasan domestik dll. Dalam penggunaan psikologi forensik terdapat beberapa kontroversi tentang begitu banyaknya mazhab dan syarat yang mengikat (qualifier), dimana keberlakuan fakta-fakta tidak mudah diinterpretasikan secara dikotomis (benar-salah, pasti-tidak pasti). Inilah yang kadang-kadang menyebabkan hasil kerja ahli psikologi forensik sulit diterima oleh hakim. Namun peran dari ilmu ini tidak dapat dibantah semakin penting dalam penegakan keadilan, termasuk di Indonesia. Kata kunci: sains forensik, psikologi forensik, penegakan hukum, kontroversi psikologi forensik Forensic psychology is part of forensic science that plays an increasingly important role in the law enforcement process. Yet, in Indonesia, the role of this science is not yet very significant. Forensic psychology tries to uncover evidence relating to why a person commits a crime from the perspective of behavioral science. Contribution of forensic psychology covers a broad area of studies, including conducting studies on the profiles of the perpetrators of the crime, uncovering the basics neuropsychology, genetics, and behavioral development processes, witnesses, lie detection, testing mental sanity, and domestic violence etc. In the use of forensic psychology there is some controversy about so many notions and binding conditions (qualifier), in which validity of facts is not easily interpreted in a dichotomy (true-false, definitely-not sure). This is what sometimes causes the results of forensic psychologists' work are difficult to accept by the judge. However, the important role of this science in enforcing justice, including in Indonesia, is indisputable. Keywords: forensic science, forensic psychology, law enforcement, forensic psychology controvers
The Gender, Politic Issue, and Political Parties Role Factor on Female Candidate Election
The aim of this study is to know the probability for female candidates for having support from femalevoters than male candidates, the effect of gender role idelogy and level of gender group identity to thesupport for female candidates, and between the four independen varibles, which one that would be thebest predictor for female candidates for 2004 general election. The result shows that there is nodifferences of probability between male and female candidates to be choosen by female voters and thereis no differences also in gender role idelogy and gender group identification for voting the male andfemale candidates. Then, this research also shows that female voters behavior can't be predicted by thosevariables. The suggestion for the next research is to fix the way sampel is being collected, get morefocused on male participants, enhance other variables such as gender stereotype and involving thecognitive process in voting behavior
The aim of this study is to know the probability for female candidates for having support from femalevoters than male candidates, the effect of gender role idelogy and level of gender group identity to thesupport for female candidates, and between the four independen varibles, which one that would be thebest predictor for female candidates for 2004 general election. The result shows that there is nodifferences of probability between male and female candidates to be choosen by female voters and thereis no differences also in gender role idelogy and gender group identification for voting the male andfemale candidates. Then, this research also shows that female voters behavior can’t be predicted by thosevariables. The suggestion for the next research is to fix the way sampel is being collected, get morefocused on male participants, enhance other variables such as gender stereotype and involving thecognitive process in voting behavior.Key words: gender, identificatio
Ingatan Tentang Kematian Menurunkan Kemunafikan Penguasa: Efek Kekuasaan dan Ancaman Kematian terhadap Kemunafikan Moral
Individu memiliki kecenderungan untuk munafik secara moral ketika memiliki kekuasaan. Mereka menilai pelanggaran moral yang dilakukan oleh dirinya lebih ringan dibandingkan orang lain meski berada dalam kondisi yang sama. Namun bagaimana jika individu diancam oleh kematian? Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen, bertujuan untuk melihat lebih lanjut gejala kemunafikan moral pada mereka yang berkuasa. Peneliti menggunakan dua prosedur dalam mengukur kemunafikan moral berupa Skala Pelanggaran Moral (studi 1) dan Dilema Pembagian Tugas (studi 2). Sumber kekuasaan juga dimanipulasi berdasarkan kepribadian (studi 1) dan kedudukan (studi 2). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ancaman kematian dapat membuat tingkat kemunafikan moral pada individu yang berkuasa mengalami penuruna
Extended Intergroup Contact and Outgroup Attitude of Students in Public and Religious Homogeneous Schools: Understanding the Mediating Role of Ingroup Norms, Outgroup Norms, and Intergroup Anxiety
Previous studies had shown the benefits of extended intergroup contact for outgroup attitude, mainly when direct intergroup contact is blocked. However, there have not studies that attempt to directly compare the role of extended contact in outgroup attitude across different contexts. The present study aimed to fill the gap by examining the relationship of extended intergroup contact and outgroup attitude in three different contexts: public schools, moderate Islamic Boarding School, and fundamentalist Islamic Boarding School. These schools differ in the level of group heterogeneity. Possible mechanisms that could explain the relationship were also examined: ingroup norms, outgroup norms, and intergroup anxiety. Two correlational studies were conducted to test the hypotheses—study 1 employed 126 Muslim public high school students employed as participants, study 2 employed 112 participants from a more fundamentalist Islamic Boarding School and 230 participants from a more moderate Islamic Boarding Schools. Across studies, we found evidence that extended intergroup contact indirectly predicted outgroup attitude. However, different social contexts involve different mechanisms. This difference is attributed to direct intergroup contact
Correlation Between Organizational Memory and Innovative Work Behavior
This study aims to determine the relationship between organizational memory and innovative work behavior. The study was conducted on 100 employees from various levels and positions in a company that produce and trade electronic solar equipment. To measure the organizational memory, we used Organizational Memory Scale developed by Dunhamm (2010) with α=0.75. Then, to measure innovative work behavior, we used Innovative Work Behavior Scale from Janssen (2000) with α=0.80. The results show that there is positive and significant correlation between organizational memory and innovative workbehavior (r=0.35; p<0.01). Hierarchical-regression analysis shows that (1) altogether education level, job type and organizational memory influences 19% of variance in innovative behavior; (2) when these variables are analysed together, only education level shows significant impact on innovative behavior. We discuss theoretical and methodological reasons for these results and offer future direction for research
Responses of Religion and Science to the Threats of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: [Respon Agama dan Sains Terhadap Ancaman Pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia]
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented various responses in society. A number of individuals have believed in its existence and conducted health protocols properly, but there are also those who have done the opposite. During a pandemic, belief in science influences actions and responses in society. However, individuals often do not believe in scientific findings, such as the existence of the virus causing the COVID-19 pandemic (SARS-CoV-2). A number of previous studies have often assumed that science is in conflict with religion. But is religion truly the opposite of science? This article aims to look at the role of belief in science in Indonesian society, in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, and is hoped to be read by various parties such as the general public, scientists, to policymakers. Furthermore, this article may help in understanding the position of science and religion under certain conditions, while also being able to examine the differences in responses that occur. In Indonesia, religion and science have not been at odds in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The two each have their respective roles in providing explanations of the problems that have occured. However, there are groups of religious fundamentalists and their perception in viewing science that require attention in further studies.
Pandemi COVID-19 menghadirkan berbagai respon di masyarakat. Beberapa individu percaya akan keberadaannya dan melakukan protokol kesehatan dengan baik, akan tetapi ada pula yang melakukan hal sebaliknya. Pada masa pandemi, keyakinan terhadap sains (belief in science) memberi pengaruh pada tindakan serta tanggapan masyarakat. Akan tetapi, individu kerap tidak percaya dengan temuan ilmiah, seperti halnya tentang keberadaan virus penyebab pandemi COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). Sejumlah studi sebelumnya seringkali menganggap bahwa sains bertentangan dengan agama. Namun, apakah agama adalah faktor yang memang berkebalikan dengan sains? Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran belief in science pada masyarakat Indonesia dalam merespon pandemi COVID-19, dan diharapkan dapat dibaca oleh berbagai kalangan seperti masyarakat awam, ilmuwan, hingga pembuat kebijakan. Selain itu, artikel ini dapat membantu memahami posisi sains dan agama dalam kondisi tertentu, serta mampu menelaah perbedaan respon yang terjadi. Di Indonesia, agama dan sains tidak berseberangan dalam merespon kondisi pandemi COVID-19. Kedua hal tersebut memiliki perannya masing-masing dalam memberikan penjelasan atas permasalahan yang terjadi. Walaupun demikian, terdapat kelompok fundamentalisme agama dan persepsinya atas sains yang patut mendapat perhatian dalam studi selanjutnya
Learning Approach as Predictor of Students' Epistemological Development in the Framework of Self-Authorship Theory
Past studies have found that an individual's epistemological development is predicted from learning that is meaningful to the learner. The current research aims to address whether deep learning style is able to predict students' epistemological ability (self-authorship, which is defined as the internal capacity to construct and evaluate knowledge claims, to comprehend the nature of contextual knowledge, and to have independence in the acquisition of knowledge). The researchers hypothesized that the deeper the learning approaches adopted by students, the higher their self-authorship. Conversely, the more students utilize a surface approach to learning, the lower their self-authorship. A total of 346 students enrolled in a university in Indonesia participated in the study. The results showed support for both hypotheses, and we discussed the role of cognitive dispositions in the development of epistemological ability
Persepsi keadilan sosial dan kepercayaan interpersonal sebagai prediktor kepercayaan politik pada mahasiswa di Indonesia
Penelitian ini menjawab pertanyaan yaitu faktor apa di antara variabel persepsi terhadap keadilan sosial atau variabel kepercayaan interpersonal yang paling memprediksi kepercayaan politik. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah korelasional, dengan subjek penelitian yaitu mahasiswa perguruan tinggi se-Indonesia yang berusia di atas 19 tahun, dengan teknik accidental sampling, dan didapatkan sejumlah 1161 responden. Persepsi keadilan sosial diukur dengan Procedural dan Distributive Justice Scale (Blader & Tyler, 2003), kepercayaan interpersonal diukur dengan Propensity to Trust Scale (Evans & Revelle, 2008), dan kepercayaan politik diukur dengan Citizen Trust in Government Organizations Scale (Grimmelikhuijsen & Knies, 2015). Hasil menunjukan bahwa kepercayaan politik berkorelasi positif secara signifikan dengan persepsi keadilan sosial (r = 0.714, n = 1161, p>0.01, one-tailed) dan kepercayaan interpersonal (r = 0.112, n = 1161, p>0.01, one-tailed). Hasil dari analisis regresi juga menunjukan bahwa persepsi keadilan sosial menjadi prediktor yang lebih kuat (β = 0.711) dibandingkan kepercayaan interpersonal (β = 0.114) terhadap kepercayaan politik
How is the State Perceived as Fair? A Literature Review of Social Identity-Based Procedural Justice in the National Context
Justice is relevant in various domains of life, including the state. The social identity-based procedural justice theories (Group Value Model and Group Engagement Model) emphasize the importance of procedural justice from the authority in signaling the group’s inclusion and respect, thus increasing individuals’ cooperation and compliance. This article aims to critically review published literature using the two models in a national context, of which there were inconsistent findings regarding the role of group identification. Three issues are underlying this inconsistency. First, both models could be applied when national identity was salient, such as legal compliance (to taxation and traffic law). Second, perceived police legitimacy is a better mediator when the national identity was not salient (e. g. cooperation in counter-terrorism and crowd policing). Third, the effect of procedural justice depends on the motivation to secure identity (which is generally higher among minority/marginalized groups). As both models are strongly bound by context, the author suggests controlling police-national identity prototypicality on studies about police procedural justice, attitude toward outgroup and relational identification with the police on studies involving intergroup conflict, and uncertainty about membership status on studies toward minority groups. Hopefully, this article could contribute references and encourage related studies in Indonesia
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