1,997 research outputs found

    The effect of aerated rock filter geometry on the rate of nitrogen removal from facultative pond effluents

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    Rock Filters are an established technology for polishing waste stabilization pond effluents.However, they rapidly become anoxic and consequently do not remove ammonium-nitrogen.Horizontal-flow aerated rock filters (HFARF), developed to permit nitrification and hence ammonium-N removal, were compared with a novel vertical-flow aerated rock filter (VFARF). There were no differences in the removals of BOD5, TSS and TKN, but the VFARF consistently produced effluents with lower ammonium-N concentrations (<0.3 mg N/L) than the HFARF (0.8−1.5 mg N/L)

    Impact of solar shading geometry on building energy use in hot humid climates with special reference to Malaysia

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    External solar shading devices can substantially reduce the cooling load of buildings and large energy savings can be achieved. Hence, intercepting the radiant heat wave before penetrating to the internal environment through envelope openings is the main criterion in designing solar shading. In hot and humid climate, one draw back of using shading devices is the risk to reduce daylight level thus increases in use of artificial lighting. Therefore it is important to understand the magnitude of energy consumption for cooling and lighting when shading devices are adapted in order to analyze optimum shading as energy conservation option in high-rise office buildings. In other words, little is known about the relationship between energy use and external horizontal shading device geometry. In an attempt to elucidate these complex relationships, a simple experiment of an office room is carried out using dynamic computer simulation program eQUEST- 3 (DOE 2.2). The study indicated depth of the external horizontal overhang can be manipulated to obtain an optimum energy use in high-rise buildings. The results showed that correlation between overhang depth and energy is an important aspect compared to correlation between overhang depth with building cooling loads and daylight level, especially in tropical climate conditions

    PEMAKNAAN KARIKATUR PADA COVER MAJALAH TEMPO ENGLISH EDITION (Studi Semiotik Pemaknaan Karikatur Nunun Nurbaetie Pada Cover Majalah Tempo Edisi 21 – 27 Desember 2011)

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    Purpose of this research is to explore about the meaning of Nunun Nurbaetie cartoon to corruption case about “pemilihan Deputi Gubernur senior Bank Indonesia” edition December 21 until 27 2011. The writer is using the following theories, newspaper as a mass communication, cartoon picture as a communication proccess and social critic, semiotic theory and the Triangle of Meaning theory by Charles Sanders Pierce. The writer is using qualitative-descriptive method by using semiotic approach in this research with the Nunun Nurbaetie cartoon as research object at December 21 until 27 2011 edition. Corpus of this research is Nunun nurbaetie cartoon at Tempo magazine, December 21 until 27 2011 edition about the case of coruption “pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia”. Hypothesis in this research is, this cartoon criticize about corruption case “pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior” which is dragging several names of elites government in Indonesia . Keywords : Charles Sanders Peirce’s semiotic theory, Nunun Nurbaetie cartoon, corruption case of “pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia ”

    Fault detection and rectification algorithms in a question-answering system

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    A Malay proverb "jika sesat di hujung jalan, baleklah kepangkal jalan" roughly means "if you get lost at the end of the road, go back to the beginning". In going back to the beginning of the road, we learn our mistakes and hopefully will not repeat the same mistake again. Thus, this work investigates the use of formal logic as a practical tool for reasoning why we could not infer or deduce a correct answer from a question posed to a database. An extension of the Prolog interpreter is written to mechanise a theorem-proving system based on Horn clauses. This extension procedure will form the basis of the question-answering system. Both input into and output from this system is in the form of predicate calculus. This system can answer all four classes of questions as classified by Chang and Lee (1973). [Continues.


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    This study aimed to know the viewpoint of patients at King Abdullah Hospital on the role of nurses in health promotion in general, and also aimed to investigate the effect of gender, age, area of residence, and academic level on the point of view of patients. The study sample consisted of 120 patients 63 males and 57 females at King Abdullah Hospital. Means and standard deviations and t-test were used to analyze the results. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences in the views of the patients on the role of nurses in health promotion in general, also showed a statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α ≥ 0,05) in their views attributed to the age, as there are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α ≥ 0,05) in their views attributed to gender, and results also showed the existence of clear statistically significant differences in the views of the patients on the role of nurses in health promotion due to the Academic level and area of residence variables

    The Spermatozoa Quality of Kampong Chicken Using Various Diluents

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    Kampong chicken has great potential to be developed into superior breed in an effort to support food security and improve farmer welfare. This study aims to determine the effect of adding lactose to free-range chicken semen macroscopically and microscopically. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of the Center for Artificial Insemination at the Food Security and Animal Husbandry Service of North Sumatra Province in October 2020 - January 2021. This study used a Randomized Block Design method with treatment P0 ( Semen control) P1 (Semen with Ringers diluent), P2 (Semen with diluent lactose), P3 (Semen with Ringers diluent + Lactose), macroscopic test and parameters include color, volume, concentration and pH of semen. To determine the quality of spermatozoa can be seen from the motility test, abnormality and viability. The results showed that the use of Ringer + lactose diluent in chicken semen stored for 8 hours at 40C during the study had a very significant effect on spermatozoa motility with values: P0 (52.88% a), P1 (21.64% bc). P2 (31.39% b), P3 (19.57% c) respectively and had no significant effect on abnormalities of spermatozoa with values: P0 (6.59% tn), P1 (6.11% tn), P2 (7, 36% tn), P3 (4.4% tn) respectively. As conclusions that the use of ringers + lactose diluent can work well to defend spermatozoa from damage to cell membranes resulting from the elements contained in ringers and lactose solutions which can be used as an energy source when the semen is cold shock during the storage perio

    Analysis of The Potential development of Beef Cattle in Deli Serdang Regency of North Sumatra

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    Deli Serdang Regency is one of the largest beef cattle producing areas in north Sumatra. Analysis of the potential development of beef cattle in the area needs to be carried out in order to achieve various objectives. This study aims to identify resources, base, non-base and beef cattle capacity and find the right strategy for the development of beef cattle business in Deli Serdang Regency. The method used in this research isstratification method (stratified sampling) in all subdistricts in Deli Serdang regency andpurposive sampling methodin three sub-districts namely STM Hilir, Patumbak, and Hamparan Perak as a method of determining the area. Interviews were conducted to explore information related to beef cattle farms in the area. Data analysis is carried out with Descriptive Analysis, Location Quation (LQ), LivestockDensity, Feed Concentration Index (IKP) Analysis, Waste Analysis, Agricultural and Plantation Waste SupportIng Capacity Index (IDDLP) and Ruminant Livestock Population Increase Capacity Analysis (KPPTR). The results showed that the livestock resources in Deli Serdang Regency have the potential to develop beef cattle farming business. There are 10 sub-districts that are the base area of STM Hulu, Kutalimbaru, Namo Rambe, STM Hilir, Bangun Purba,Galang, Patumbak, Hamparan Perak, Percut Sei Tuan and Pagar Merbau with a capacity of 155,209 ST. The beef cattle development strategy is divided into four regions based on the value of LQ and its KPPTR

    Application of natural fibre composite in the aviation industry: a review

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    The evolution in aviation industry continues to evolve in this current era. The aviation industry is engaged in the research, development and manufacturing of flight vehicles. The critical item such as the propulsion systems, avionics system, operating and maintenance of flight vehicle are rigorously improved year by year. The interior components of aircraft are gaining serious attention in replacing the synthetic fibre with natural fibre composite material. The researchers conducted are mainly for civil, security and transportation. However, the focus on aircraft interior still immature and need further investigation. Therefore, this paper is reviewing the potential of natural fibre in the aviation industry

    Determination of Phosphorus Removal Mechanism in Aerated and Unaerated Steel Slag Filter System as Secondary Treatment System for Textile Industrial Wastewater

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    Phosphorus is the element that promotes growth in plant. However, over loading of phosphorus into surfaces water leads to severe environmental problems known as eutrophication. Improper treatments of phosphorus removal prior discharges from industrial effluent are one of the contributions to eutrophication. Textile effluent is one of the sources of phosphorus loading in surface water with concentration of 1-9 mg/L P. Since attentions are given in removing the color from the effluent, phosphorus are commonly ignored in wastewater treatment system. Thus, the study of phosphorus removal in textile wastewater is conducted using steel slag filter system under aerated (ASSF) and unaerated (USSF) condition. The filter was set up for influent pH range of 5.30-7.00 at primary treated wastewater for textile wastewater under aerated and unaerated condition. Sampling was done twice a week for 12 week and analyzed for Total phosphorus concentration. The Activated Carbon (ACF) filter in the existing treatment system is also sampled to compare the removal efficiency The USSF filter shows better removal than ASSF filter with 46% to 70% of efficiency removal. Meanwhile, the removal efficiency of ASSF is 37% to 66%. The adsorbate formed in ASSF is analyzed using SEM-EDX and the precipitation formed in USSF is analyzed using XRD. This shows that steel slag filter provides promising result in phosphorus removal