245 research outputs found

    Penyuluhan tentang Financial Technology di Desa Kerinjing, Kecamatan Tanjung Raja, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir

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    oai:ojs.jscs.ejournal.unsri.ac.id:article/4Fintech (financial technology) adalah inovasi di bidang jasa keuangan yang sedang tren di indonesia. Fintech memberikan pengaruh kepada masyarakat secara luas dengan memberikan akses terhadap produk keuangan sehingga transaksi menjadi lebih praktis dan efektif. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini untuk memberikan pemahamaan tentang manfaat dana elektronik non tunai dan simpan pinjam financial technology, memberikan pemahamaan tentang terjadinya beberapa kasus penipuan melalui pinjaman financial technology, memberikan pengetahuan tentang beberapa aplikasi dana elektronik non tunai kepada masyarakat. Metode kegiatan penyuluhan dimana terdapat ceramah, tanya-jawab dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan adalah pemberian pemahaman kepada masyarakat atas kemajuan teknologi termasuk teknologi transaksi keuangan sangat membantu masyarakat untuk menggunakannya secara bijak, sehingga kehadiran teknologi ini dapat memberikan manfaat yang besar dan terhindari dari risiko yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian bagi masyarakat

    Quality of YouTube TM videos on dental implants

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    Patients search YouTube for health-care information. To examine what YouTube offers patients seeking information on dental implants, and to evaluate the quality of provided information. A total of 117 videos were analyzed. The most commonly discussed topics were related to procedures involved in dental implantology (76.1%, n=89), and to the indications for dental implants (58.1%, n=78). The mean usefulness score of videos was poor (6.02 ±4.7 [range 0-21]), and misleading content was common (30.1% of videos); mainly in topics related to prognosis and maintenance of dental implants. Most videos (83.1%, n=97) failed to mention the source of information presented in the video or where to find more about dental implants. Information about dental implants on YouTube is limited in quality and quantity. YouTube videos can have a potentially important role in modulating patients? attitude and treatment decision regarding dental implants

    Combined effects of water absorption due to water immersion, soil buried and natural weather on mechanical properties of kenaf fibre unsaturated polyester composites (KFUPC)

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    Kenaf Fibre reinforced composites have been gaining wide use in the variety of applications. The performance of these composites may suffer when the material is exposed to adverse environments for long periods of time. Kenaf fibre unsaturated polyester composites (KFUPC) were subjected to three environmental tests: water immersion, soil buried and natural weather tests, in order to study the effect of water/relative humidity absorption on the mechanical properties of specimens containing 10, 20 and 30% by weight of fibre content. Tensile strength and modulus of the composites were determined. A decrease in tensile properties of the composites was demonstrated, showing a great loss in mechanical properties of the humid samples compared to the dry samples. The percentage of moisture uptake increased as the weight percentage of fibre is increased due to the high cellulose content. The water absorption pattern of these composites was found to follow Fickian behavior

    The bonded macro fiber composite (MFC) and woven kenaf effect analyses on the micro energy harvester performance of kenaf plate using modal testing and Taguchi method

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    The demand on wind energy application will continue to increase as fossil fuel prices keep increasing and the reservoir keeps decreasing. In wind energy, wind turbine application should be properly selected. The material selection for turbine blade fabrication is highlighted as well in recent research. For green material application, the usage of natural fiber reinforced composite, especially kenaf fiber, in the fabrication of wind turbines needs to be given due attention. Woven and unwoven kenaf fiber is employed to fabricate composite plates which replicate the simple turbine blade model. At the same time, Macro Fiber Composite (MFC) is attached to the kenaf plates for micro energy harvester purposes. There are two methods to attach the MFC used in this study which are surface bonded and embedding into the plate. In order to investigate the effects of bonding MFC technique, modal Testing analysis and Taguchi method is employed. It is found out that the damping percentage of both woven and unwoven kenaf plates increase at 100 % and 50 % respectively when bonded with MFC on their surfaces. Bonded technique is suggested as the most influenced factor in micro energy harvesting at the vibration range of 20 to 60 Hz. It summarized that, the kenaf woven type, the distance from structure neutral axis, the stiffness of structure, the excitation vibration and the neutral frequency of a structure are highlighted as the factors influencing the performance of micro energy harvester as well

    Review of kenaf fiber reinforced polymer composites

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    General characteristics of kenaf fibers and mechanical properties of its polymer composites (dependently on the environmental conditions) as well as applications directions of such materials have been presented

    The effects of weathering on mechanical properties of kenaf unsaturated polyester composites (KFUPC).

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    Kenaf Fibre reinforced composites have been gaining wide use in the variety of applications. The performance of these composit es may suffer when the material is exposed to adverse environments for long periods of time. Kenaf fibre unsaturated polyester composites (KFUPC) were subjected to three environmental tests: water immersion, soil buried and natural weather tests, in order to study the effect of water/relative humidity absorption on the mechanical properties of specimens containing 10, 20 and 30% by weight of fibre content. Tensile strength and modulus of the composites were determined. A decrease in tensile properties of the composites was demonstrated, showing a great loss in mechanical properties of the humid samples compared to the dry samples. The percentage of moisture uptake increased as the weight percentage of fibre is increased due to the high cellulose content. The water absorption pattern of these composites was found to follow Fickian behavior

    Water absorption behaviour of kenaf reinforced unsaturated polyester composites and its influence on their mechanical properties

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    Fibre reinforced composites have gained use in a variety of applications. The performances of these composites may suffer when the material is exposed to adverse environments for a long period of time. Kenaf fibre reinforced unsaturated polyester composites were subjected to water immersion tests in order to study the effects of water absorption on the mechanical properties. Composites specimens containing (10%, 20%, and 30%) weight percentages of fibre were prepared. Water absorption tests were conducted by immersing these specimens in a distilled water bath at 25°C for four months. The tensile properties of the specimens immersed in water were evaluated and compared with the dry composite specimens. A decrease in the tensile properties of the composites was demonstrated, indicating a great loss in the mechanical properties of the water-saturated samples compared to the dry samples. The percentage of moisture uptake was also increased as the percentage of the fibre weight increased due to the high cellulose content. The water absorption pattern of these composites was found to follow the Fickian behaviour

    The bonded macro fiber composite (MFC) and woven kenaf effect analyses on the micro energy harvester performance of kenaf plate using modal testing and Taguchi method

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    The demand on wind energy application will continue to increase as fossil fuel prices keep increasing and the reservoir keeps decreasing. In wind energy, wind turbine application should be properly selected. The material selection for turbine blade fabrication is highlighted as well in recent research. For green material application, the usage of natural fiber reinforced composite, especially kenaf fiber, in the fabrication of wind turbines needs to be given due attention. Woven and unwoven kenaf fiber is employed to fabricate composite plates which replicate the simple turbine blade model. At the same time, Macro Fiber Composite (MFC) is attached to the kenaf plates for micro energy harvester purposes. There are two methods to attach the MFC used in this study which are surface bonded and embedding into the plate. In order to investigate the effects of bonding MFC technique, modal Testing analysis and Taguchi method is employed. It is found out that the damping percentage of both woven and unwoven kenaf plates increase at 100 % and 50 % respectively when bonded with MFC on their surfaces. Bonded technique is suggested as the most influenced factor in micro energy harvesting at the vibration range of 20 to 60 Hz. It summarized that, the kenaf woven type, the distance from structure neutral axis, the stiffness of structure, the excitation vibration and the neutral frequency of a structure are highlighted as the factors influencing the performance of micro energy harvester as well

    Investigation of muscle fatigue of the archer’s during endurance shooting

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    Endurance of Drawing-Aim-Release (DAR) during the shooting process in archery will be causing the muscles to fatigue. Besides, the archer's inability to use the right muscles for DAR will lead to a muscle injury as well as dropping the performance. This study aims to monitor the localized muscle fatigue of an archer during the repetitive DAR and its effect to the archer’s performance. Wet electrode sensors were placed on the specific muscles that are heavily involved in DAR such as Muscle Extensor Digitorum (MED) on the archer's bow arm and the Supraspinatus muscle at the shoulder. In order to induce fatigue, the archer has shot 72 arrows continously in 2 rounds of set. The surface electromyography (sEMG) signals of the muscle contraction are recorded during the shooting for the post-processing analysis. Each score of the shooting was also recorded to correlate with the effect of muscle fatigue to the archer’s performance. The finding of this study is that the MED and Supraspinatus begin to fatigue toward the end of each shooting round. The Root Mean Square (RMS) and Median Frequency (MDF) values for both targeted muscles increased significantly during the 6th end compare to the 1st end. It is also found that there is no correlation between muscle fatigue on MED and Supraspinatus to the score obtained by the archer where the F value is lower than F-critical while Draw (1.9339), Aim (1.3754) and Release (0.6515) phases. In conclusion, this experiment benefits archers and coaches to identify which muscles are vigorously used during the DAR process and allows for precaution and prevention procedures

    The dynamics of personal ethics and ethical climate in public relations practitioners’ decision making

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    This study examines the contemporary pragmatic public relations ethics that focuses on decision making to relate public relations practitioners’ ethics with their organizational ethics using Grunig and Hunt (1984) excellence theory. The aim of this study is to identify the association and the strength of the association between public relations practitioners’ ethical evaluation and ethical climate of the organization in decision-making process. This study used a structured questionnaire to measure the three different parameters in ethical evaluation (reasoning, consideration, and judgment) and the ethical climate of the organization simultaneously. The association between them is later identified from the Pearson correlation test. Respondents selected were 100 people who actively practicing public relations around Kota Kinabalu. The study revealed a positive, weak correlation as the indication that the score of ethical evaluation can but not always be used to predict the score of ethical climate. In ethically challenging decision making, one’s personal ethics is barely associated with organization’s ethical climate. Furthermore, the association shows that public relations practitioners are predominantly evaluate the situation and make ethical decision in ethical organization, though dilemmas are tempting and dragging towards unethical decision. In such inconsistency between practitioners and their organization, it is problematic because the interpersonal and organizational aspects in ethical decision making can help the organization to pursue an excellent, ethical public relations practice when addressed strategically