269 research outputs found

    On the Evolution and Systematisation of Qurʾānic Sciences As Exemplified by the Discipline of zallat al-qāriʾ

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    يتتبّع هذا البحث نشأة علم قرآنيّ جديد ومراحل تطوُّره، هو علم زلّة القارئ الذي كان وليدالإشكالات والصعوبات والعثرات التي تعتري المصلّي إمامًا أو مأمومًا أثناء قراءته القرآنالكريم والأذكار المعهودة في الصلاة ووقوعه في الزلل على اختلاف أشكاله وصوره لفظًاومعنًى، ويعرّف بموضوعاته اللغويّة والصوتيّة ومسائله الفقهيّة وقضاياه العقديّة ذات الصلةوالعلاقة بزلّة القارئ، ويبيّّ ما يترتّب على ذلك من تبعاتٍ وآثارٍ، يجب التنبُّه إليهاوالاحتراز منها غَرَضَ حفظِ القرآن وحرمتِهِ والحفاظِ على التناسب الشكليّ والمعنويّ للنصّالقرآنيّ وتواتره لفظًا ومعنًى، أي نظم القرآن الذي هو من وجوه إعجاز القرآن العظيم منجهة، وهَدَفَ المحافظةِ على صحّةِ الصلاة وصلاحها وعدم فسادها أداءً وتأديةً من جهةأخرى .This study traces the emergence and development of a Qurʾānicscience called zallat al-qari (mistakes made by the reciter of theQurʾān). This discipline emerged as a response to the variouschallenges and difficulties that Muslims faced while reciting theQuran and other ritual remembrances and supplications in theprayer, both as Imams and as followers. These issues vary greatlybased on their form and nature, and can relate to both themeaning and the articulation. The study also delves into thelinguistic, phonetic, legal and theological matters that relate tothis science, as well as the impacts that these errors may have.The importance of this science lies in two areas: its pivotal rolein preserving the Quran from distortion in its script and meaning,as well as its role in maintaining the validity of the prayer

    Factors that influence oral presentations of engineering students of Pakistan for workplace environment

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    Oral presentations have acquired significant importance in the world of work especially in the field of engineering. Industry demands a new type of engineer equipped with new competencies and skills to promote business of organizations. Twenty five (25) engineering students from 2 engineering universities of Pakistan participated in this study. Purposive sampling method was used for data collection since participants were selected on specific criteria of only final year engineering students. All presentations were video recorded to capture actual barriers than perceived barriers of engineering students. Data were analyzed qualitatively through oral presentation assessment rubric. This assessment rubric contained four traits such as presentation skill, confidence, nervousness and vocal variety. Three assessors assessed these oral presentations in order to overcome researcher bias. The results of the study indicated that poor presentation skill, poor confidence and nervousness influenced effective oral presentation performance of engineering students. The findings of the study can be used as a guideline to prepare better human capital for workforce which is demand of modern industry to increase its workplace productivity

    The movement of writing in the Qur'ānic sciences during the first three centuries on the example of the science of exegesis and some of the 'ulūm qirā'iyya

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    حين تتطلع فهارس التراث العربي والإسلامي، ابتداء بالفهرست للنديم (ت ۱۳۸۰ / ۹۹۰م) وانتهاء بتاريخ التراث العربي لفؤاد سزكين (ت 1439هـ/ 2018م)، يلاحظ فيها ذكر قليل وحضور يسير للتأليف والمصنفات من القرون الثلاثة الأولى للهجرة في شتى العلوم. هذا يسري أيضاً على العلوم الشرعية بأنواعها؛ ففي تاريخ المصاحف مثلاً لم يكتب البقاء للمصاحف العثمانية ولا حتى للمصحف الإمام. كذلك بواكير الكتب المؤلفة في مرسوم المصاحف التي أعتنت بمدارسة خصائص الرسم العثماني ومباحثة ظواهره؛ وهي في عداد الكتب المفقودة. هذه الحالة لا تختلف عن أحوال العلوم القرائية، مثل علم التجويد وعلم العدد وعلم القراءات وعلم الوقف والابتداء؛ فبواكير تواليفها التي ترجع إلى الربع الأخير من القرن الأول الهجري وما تبعها من سلسلة تواليف كثيفة خلال القرنين الثاني والثالث للهجرة، كما تشهد لذلك فهارس التراث، لم يسلم منها مع بالغ الأسف شيءٌ إلا في النادر. أما علم التفسير، فوضعه أحسن بكثير من أوضاع العلوم القرائية، إذ أوردت الفهارس التراثية مجموعة كبيرة من التفاسير المبكرة التي وصل إلينا بعض منها إما بصورة كاملة وإما بصورة ناقصة. من هنا يحاول هذا البحث أن يستعرض ما ألف في هذه العلوم أثناء هذه الحقبة المتقدمة هدف الوقوف على عمق أزمة التراث المبكر وحجم المفقود منه وكيفية السبيل إلى الإحاطة به بالتعويل على مصادر التراث المتأخر.When one explores the available heritage catalogues, starting with al-Fihrist of an-Nadīm (d. 380/990) and ending with die Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums of Fuat Sezgin (d. 1439/2018), he clearly sees a little mention and a weak presence of Arabic and Islamic heritage in various sciences from the first three centuries of hijra; This, of course, applies to the Islamic theologian sciences of all kinds. Regarding the history of the text of the Qurʾān, neither the ʿuthmānic codices nor the so-called imām codex have survived. Also, the early works written in the orthography of the Qurʾānic text, which deal with its characteristics and phenomena, have not survived to us. This case does not differ from case of the Qurʾānic sci-ences that are concerned with correctness and accuracy of the reading and recitation of the Qurʾān, such as the science of the Qurʾānic readings, the science of the recitation of the Qurʾān, the science of stopping and beginning. Their early works date back to the first century of hijra. In the sec-ond and third centuries, the movement of writing in these fields strengthened, as witnessed by the several catalogues of the heritage, but what was spared is very rare. As for the science of exegesis, its condition is much better than the above-mentioned from the Qurʾānic sciences; the catalogues mention a wide range of early tafsīr works that have survived, partly complete and partly incomplete. Therefore, this contribution attempts to present an updated presentation of what was written in the aforementioned sciences in order to show the depth of the crisis of early heritage and the size of the lost from it on the one hand and how to reset it based on later sources on the other hand

    GIS and Remote Sensing for Mangroves Mapping and Monitoring

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    Malaysia is one of the few South East Asian counties with large tracts of mangroves. They provide ecosystem goods and services to the environment and the surroundings regarding shoreline stabilization, storm protection, water quality maintenance, micro-climate stabilization, recreation, tourism, fishing and supply of various forest products. Despite extensive distribution of the mangroves, threats posed by different land use activities are inevitable. Therefore, knowledge on mangroves distribution and change is importance for effective management and making protection policies. Although remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) has been widely used to characterize and monitor mangroves change over a range of spatial and temporal scales, studies on mangroves change in Malaysia is lacking. Effective mangrove management is vital via acquiring knowledge on forest distribution and changes to establish protection policies. This chapter will elaborate technically how GIS and RS were utilized to identify, map, and monitor changes of mangroves ecosystem in Malaysia. It also highlights how GIS can enhance the current governance and regulations related to forestry in Malaysia

    Critical financial analysis of Islamic bank in the Philippines: case study of Amanah Islamic bank

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    The inspiration to delve into the contemporary status of Islamic banking and finance in the Philippines has led this study to analyze the financial condition of Amanah Islamic Bank (AIB) and recommend improvements in its financial performance. This secondary databased study utilizes library research and content analysis, particularly using the capital, asset, management, earnings, and liquidity parameters. AIB is the rebranded version of Al-Amanah Islamic Investment Bank of the Philippines. At present, AIB has nine branches and is the only authorized bank in the Philippines to offer Islamic banking products and services. Presidential Decree No. 542, which was signed in 1974, directed the AIB to implement an Islamic model of banking and financing, particularly following the "no interest principle" and partnership mechanisms. However, this order was not completely implemented because "conventional banking" dominated the AIB's operation. This study contributes to the continuing effort to convert AIB into a full-fledged Islamic bank and simultaneously contend with the emerging growth of the banking industry. © 2018, Kolej University Islam Sultan Azlan Shah

    Mental Health Professional's knowledge, Attitudes and Practice about Talking Therapies in Clinical Practice in Gaza Strip

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    It is clear that we need to heal emotional wounds, which means that we are looking for a psychological recovery alongside our economic recovery. Talking therapies in this study refers to evidence-based psychological therapies used by Mental health professional's including, Counseling, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Family Therapy, and Group therapy. The current study addresses community mental health professional's knowledge, attitudes and practice about talking therapies in clinical practice in governmental community mental health centers . A total of 118 participants 20 of them were pilot (excluded) and 90 participants completed knowledge, attitudes and practice ( KAP) questionnaire, And 8 participants did not participate because of absences for different conditions. The result of gender distribution show that the male percentages 53.3% while the female percentage is 46.7%. and Age range between 24 and 58 with mean 35 years. The Specialty was divided into five groups, Psychiatrist physician 11.1%, Psychiatric nurse 41.1%, Practical nurse 2.2%, Psychologist 24.4%,and Sociologist 21.2%. Descriptive statistics indicated that that mental health professionals most of participants reflects positive knowledge toward talking therapies with mean 72.9, counseling therapy with mean 86,05, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with mean 67,75, family therapy with mean 72.6, Group psychotherapy with mean 62,2, and motivational interview with mean 64,95,.Their attitudes toward talking therapies were positive with mean 70.45.(Annex 1) Also participants reflects varies response to practice with mean 66.1 to counseling, 53,3 to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , 51,1 to family therapy, 48,3 to group therapy, 61,1 to Motivational Interviewing, 57,60 to talking therapy in general. And 85,6 of participant have sufficient knowledge of communication skills as a basis in the talking therapy process but 72,2 of participant Said they needs training courses in talking therapy to improve knowledge and application into practice ,Also mental health professionals who have postgraduate studies have a higher level of and positive knowledge compared to those who have diploma or bachelor degree with a mean difference 5.161 and P value 0.026, participants who have (6 – 12) years of experience have higher knowledge compared to those who have less years of experience (5 years and less), mean difference was – 7.390 and P value was 0.003.(Annex 1) Correlation analyses indicated that there was no significant relationship between mental health professional's knowledge, attitudes and practice toward talking therapies and sociodemographic characteristics. he study conclude that with minimal education and training we can improve the knowledge and practice about talking therapies among community mental health professionals and also make their attitude positive regarding it

    Mental Health Professional's knowledge, Attitudes and Practice about Talking Therapies in Clinical Practice in Gaza Strip

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    It is clear that we need to heal emotional wounds, which means that we are looking for a psychological recovery alongside our economic recovery. Talking therapies in this study refers to evidence-based psychological therapies used by Mental health professional's including, Counseling, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Family Therapy, and Group therapy. The current study addresses community mental health professional's knowledge, attitudes and practice about talking therapies in clinical practice in governmental community mental health centers . A total of 118 participants 20 of them were pilot (excluded) and 90 participants completed knowledge, attitudes and practice ( KAP) questionnaire, And 8 participants did not participate because of absences for different conditions. The result of gender distribution show that the male percentages 53.3% while the female percentage is 46.7%. and Age range between 24 and 58 with mean 35 years. The Specialty was divided into five groups, Psychiatrist physician 11.1%, Psychiatric nurse 41.1%, Practical nurse 2.2%, Psychologist 24.4%,and Sociologist 21.2%. Descriptive statistics indicated that that mental health professionals most of participants reflects positive knowledge toward talking therapies with mean 72.9, counseling therapy with mean 86,05, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with mean 67,75, family therapy with mean 72.6, Group psychotherapy with mean 62,2, and motivational interview with mean 64,95,.Their attitudes toward talking therapies were positive with mean 70.45.(Annex 1) Also participants reflects varies response to practice with mean 66.1 to counseling, 53,3 to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , 51,1 to family therapy, 48,3 to group therapy, 61,1 to Motivational Interviewing, 57,60 to talking therapy in general. And 85,6 of participant have sufficient knowledge of communication skills as a basis in the talking therapy process but 72,2 of participant Said they needs training courses in talking therapy to improve knowledge and application into practice ,Also mental health professionals who have postgraduate studies have a higher level of and positive knowledge compared to those who have diploma or bachelor degree with a mean difference 5.161 and P value 0.026, participants who have (6 – 12) years of experience have higher knowledge compared to those who have less years of experience (5 years and less), mean difference was – 7.390 and P value was 0.003.(Annex 1) Correlation analyses indicated that there was no significant relationship between mental health professional's knowledge, attitudes and practice toward talking therapies and sociodemographic characteristics. he study conclude that with minimal education and training we can improve the knowledge and practice about talking therapies among community mental health professionals and also make their attitude positive regarding it

    Arabic Text Categorization Using Support vector machine, Naïve Bayes and Neural Network

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    Text classification is a very important area ininformation retrieval. Text classificationtechniques used to classify documents into a setof predefined categories. There are severaltechniques and methods used to classify data andin fact there are many researches talks aboutEnglish text classification. Unfortunately, fewresearches talks about Arabic text classification.This paper talks about three well-knowntechniques used to classify data. These threewell-known techniques are applied on Arabicdata set. A comparative study is made betweenthese three techniques. Also this study used fixednumber of documents for all categories ofdocuments in training and testing phase. Theresult shows that the Support Vector machinegives the best results

    From “protection” and “preservation” to “development” and “right”: A new approach of objective of shariah via waqf muaqqat

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    This paper analyses the main objectives of Shariah and its application in waqf. Having acknowledged the priority of the objectives, this paper seeks to expand the scope of the objective with justification to facilitate the ijtihadi basis in ensuring sustainability of waqf. It is argued that a new dimension of protection and preservation of mal as the objective of Shariah is necessary in relevantisation of waqf locally and globally. This paper adopts a doctrinal analysis based the primary and secondary sources of Shariah and the Malaysian laws. It studies the new dimension of protection and preservation in the perspective of the importance of human development and property rights of waqf practices in Malaysia with special reference to Waqf Muaqqat. The findings show that the employment of ijtihad and fatwa would serve to make waqf stable, flexible and sustainable in developing the legal framework for Waqf Muaqqat in Malaysi