14 research outputs found


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    In the development of local language studies and current issues beyond, much attention of the literacy weights on the language status. Despite of the implications and effects, less attention rests on languages planning at the education unit. This study presents a comprehensive overview of local language (s) planning on the plane of the developing programs by the English Education Program of Artha Wacana Christian University Kupang, West Timor. The current study utilized participant observation and documentation as of data collection approaches. The use of the approaches permits deeper understanding of the target community. The findings indicates that language planning at this education unit promotes a number of concrete programs, such as building local partnerships, realizing national acts through curriculum development, and accessing global access seek for the revitalization of the local languages. More practically, learners with different backgrounds have a wide range of opportunity and tools to document their local languages. All these practices nurture to learners with awareness, motivation, and confidence that their local languages survivedon their academic and non-academic tasks and roles. Several recommendations and implications lies on the study

    Integrated Methods for Improving Housemaids’ Basic English: A Case at the Community Development Program in Kupang, Eastern Indonesia

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    Having qualified migrant workers to work abroad is necessary. Indonesia has been one among the other Asian countries to send most of its migrant laborers working in middle-class jobs in foreign countries. Pre- departure preparation is an important component in the preparation process and plays a key role in performing good personality in services. Despite their personal reasons and expectations for their life changes, most Indonesian migrant workers suffer from several major drawbacks. This study, therefore, gives an account of the integration of alternative methods for basic English teaching for housemaids candidates through a community development program in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. It aims to enable the workers with basic English for intercultural communication in the mainstream job market in target countries with a diversity of language and cultures. To date, various methods have been applied to measure the participants’ basic English ability and the participants are given basic English teaching for three months (March-May 2019). Thirty-five students departure were recruited for this study. To see if the selected methods are integrated for the practicality of basic English teaching, there was a comprehensive observation to find out whether the English teaching and learning run as contextual as possible. The results show that integrating Grammar-Translation Method, Contextual Language Teaching and Total Physical Response gives much to account for contextualizing students with a basic level of English to manage themselves in English for intercultural communication for housemaids tasks in the target countries. Findings of basic English teaching and learning practices are discussed contextually.   Keywords: housemaids, basic English, methods, community developmen


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    Animaker, as one of the digital storytelling tools to write a descriptive text in the learning intervention, is promoted in this pilot study. As a part of a classroom action research, this study is conducted to build the students’ digital storytelling literacy. Firstly, it aims at investigating the students’ challenges of using Animaker as a medium to write a descriptive text. Secondly, it is to describe how the aspects of digital storytelling were promoted by Animaker. A descriptive qualitative method is used to analyze the data gained from a questionnaire and the document of students’ animated videos created by using Animaker. The results found that the process of inserting audio files was the most difficult to do for 80% of the students. Around 20%-40% of them were also challenged by the way of adjusting the duration and the volume of the audio inserted on each page. The use of Animaker also promoted the students’ diverged digital storytelling literacy in 11 aspects; the topic, purpose, creator, audience, organization, narration, multimedia, educational value, mechanics, sources, and originality. Then, it is suggested that the use of Animaker should apply certain strategies to minimize the challenges and to increase the students’ digital storytelling literacy. Finally, the researchers recommend this tool to be used frequently in EFL learning as a tool to reinforce the students’ digital storytelling literacy


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    In the new global evolution of education, the importance of using digital media has become central issue for boosting learning effectiveness; however, less attention was weighted on its impact towards EFL learners’ learning in diversity context. This study seeks for describing learners’ cross-cultural understanding that rapidly evolves impact to learning through videotaped conversations. Sample of consisted of 13 students, taken using purposive sampling technique. The current study utilized the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) developed by Pintrich et al., (1991) to point out learners’ self-regulated learning, and Mackin’s (2006) five culture dimensions to determine their cross-cultural understanding. Having projected the learners to videotape their English conversations the results show that, the process the learners jointly take out of class accounts much for extending their engagement with the content beyond class projects, enhancing their mutual integration into new groups. The projects manipulated them to construct ideas, and more surprisingly challenged them to compete for best performances in every single English conversation. Overall, the results proved that boosting the foreign learners’ learning styles to get themselves away from selfishness, shyness intensively turn into a growth beyond mutual and meaningful interactions, where there is respect for diversity on the plane of cross-cultural understanding. Keywords: Videotaped-Conversation, Cross-Cultural Understanding, Self-Regulated Learnin

    Cohesive Devices used in Students’ Argumentative Essay; A Discourse Analysis

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    The cohesive devices are one of the important aspects of academic writing that has been recognized as a fundamental characteristic of good writing. The aims of this study are to find out the types of cohesive devices used by students and to identify the error of using cohesive devices when composing an argumentative text. This study recruited ten students from the fifth semester of the English language program in the 2021/2022 academic year. The research approach used in this study was descriptive qualitative. This entire data were analyzed by identifying the kind of cohesive devices used and also errors of using the cohesive devices. Based on the documentary results of the student's argumentative essay, it indicated that the students used only three types of cohesive devices as a reference, conjunctions, and substitutions. While there are two types of errors revealed in student essays of using cohesive devices, namely; references and conjunctions. The types of references included personal references, such as; they, them, and it, as well as demonstrative references, such as; that, those, and these. Furthermore, there are errors with additive conjunctions such as the using of and or. The Errors in causal conjunctions, such as; using the conjunctions so and because. The students often used the cohesive devices inefficiently, incorrectly, or excessively. In other words, the sentences are not linked correctly and properly. It seems that students cannot use cohesive devices in writing because they do not understand how to use them properly.

    Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Sikap Mahasiswa terhadap Profesi Akuntansi: Pendekatan Studi Kasus

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    The popularity of the accounting profession in several countries shows concern caused by the declining number of students majoring in accounting which has a direct impact on the supply of accounting graduates for the profession. Therefore, this study aims to find out the factors that influence the attitude of students majoring in accounting towards the accounting profession. This research also explores the interest of students majoring in accounting towards the accounting profession. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data was collected through in-depth interviews. Next, the researcher conducts data analysis starting from processing and preparing the data, carrying out the coding process up to interpreting the data. The results showed that the factors driving students' interest in the accounting profession were educational background, accounting learning experience, lecturer teaching methods, interest in accounting, and students' ability to understand the basic concepts of accounting and the accounting profession. This study also found that students majoring in accounting do not absolutely choose an interest in the accounting profession, but they also have an interest in career choices outside the accounting profession


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    The main purpose of this research is to find out the factors affecting the poor speaking skill of semester four students at the English Department, Faculty of Teachers Training, Artha Wacana Christian University, Kupang. The research was conducted in the Academic Year 2013/2014 to the fourth semester students who had passed the lectures of Speaking One, Speaking Two and Speaking Three. The participants of the research were the students with the low marks ranked from the lowest level where twenty students were taken as the research subjects. The research result shows that there are twelve factors affecting the students’poor speaking skills: psychological factors, poor vocabulary-related factor, peer-related factors, pronunciation related factors, grammar related factor, personality factor, L1 interference related-factor, teacher-related factor, teacher’s poor teaching method, environmental factor, motivation factor, and cross-cultural factor. Those are the main factors that have contributed to the speaking skills

    PKM Peningkatkan Keterampilan Mengajar Bertanya Berbasis HOTS Pada Guru TK Yayasan Pendidikan Kristen

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    The community service program aims to increase religion school kindergarten teachers’ understanding and skills regarding HOTS-based teaching application. The applied method for implementing the program activities comprises counseling, mentoring, practice and evaluation. The results of the implementation of the innovative program with series of activity stages has resulted kindergarten teachers’ behavior change to implement HOTS-based instruction by utilizing children's storybooks with local content. The results of program account much for further underlying reference of related program and/or research. The community service program is benefited for teachers in conditioning HOTS-based learning. It brings about the implication to Yapenkris Meusine through the partnership program for teachers’ capacity building on pedagogical competence in creating student-centered learning. Another implication goes to teachers’ comprehensive knowledge HOTS-based teaching and learning application to raise students critical and creative thinking. The program is limited on the training regarding HOTS-based questioning skills. Further program may focus on HOTS-based assessment.PKM ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan guru yayasan pendidikan Kristen terkait penerapan pembelajaran berbasis HOTS. Metode pelaksanaan mencakup penyuluhan, pendampingan, praktik dan evaluasi. Hasil pelaksanaan PKM Inovatif membuktikan terjadinya perubahan perilaku guru TK untuk menerapkan pembelajaran HOTS dengan memanfaatkan buku-buku cerita anak berbasis muatan lokal. Hasil kegiatan berupa manfaat yang teridentifikasi melalui hasil survey yang dapat dijadikan acuan pengembangan PKM dan/atau penelitian terkait. Kesimpulan terhadap hasil pelaksanaan PKM menunjukan adanya manfaat bagi guru terkait penciptaan pembelajaran berbasis HOTS. PKM ini memberikan implikasi bagi Yapenkris Meusine terkait adanya pola kemitraan untuk meningkatan kompetensi pedagogik guru TK untuk menciptakan pembelajaran berbasis pada siswa. Implikasi lainnya merujuk pada peningkatan pengetahuan guru secara komprehensif tentang penyelenggaraan pembelajaran berbasis HOTS. PKM ini hanya dipusatkan pada peningkatan keterampilan bertanya berbasis HOTS. Program PKM berikutnya dapat difokuskan pada penilaian pembelajaran berbasis HOTS


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    Pantai Liman terletak di Selatan Pulau Semau yang memiliki potensi yang besar untuk menjadi sebuah kawasan wisata. Namun untuk mengembangkan keberhasilan sebagai sebuah kawasan wisata harus didukung oleh berbagai faktor dan komponen pendukung. Salah satu komponen pendukung adalah keterlibatan masyarakat dalam mengembangkan desa wisata. Sedangkan keterbatasan kapasitas pengetahuan dan juga ketrampilan yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat dalam penguasaan bahasa asing khususnya bahasa Inggris menghambat perkembangan kepariwisataan di daerah tersebut. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan metode pelatihan bahasa Inggris. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah ceramah, demonstrasi, diskusi, percakapan, drilling, dan bermain peran. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini adalah hampir sebagian besar peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan ini mengalami peningkatan dalam berbahasa Inggris dimana para peserta sudah bisa berbicara, memberikan respon dan melakukan percakapan singkat diantara mereka dalam bahasa Inggris sederhana dan mereka tidak lagi takut untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris, dan bisa mengucapkan kata-kata dengan pengucapan dan intonasi yang baik terkait topik-topik dalam materi