840 research outputs found

    “Wrapping myself in cotton wool“: Australian women's experience of being diagnosed with vasa praevia

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    © 2014 Javid et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Background: Vasa praevia (VP) is an obstetric condition that is associated with significant perinatal mortality and morbidity. Although the incidence of VP is low, it is one of the few causes of perinatal death that can be potentially prevented through detection and appropriate care. The experience of women diagnosed with or suspected to have VP is largely unknown. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences and impact that a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of VP had on a group of Australian women.Method: A qualitative study using a descriptive exploratory design was conducted and Australian women diagnosed with VP were recruited via online methods in 2012. An inductive approach was undertaken and interviews were analysed using the stages of thematic analysis. Results: Of the 14 women interviewed, 11 were diagnosed with VP during pregnancy with 5 subsequently found not to have VP (non-confirmed diagnosis). Three women were diagnosed during childbirth with one neonatal death. Five major themes were identified: feeling like a ticking time bomb; getting diagnosis right; being taken seriously; coping with inconsistent information; and, just a massive relief when it was all over.Conclusions: This is the first study to describe women's experience of being diagnosed with or suspected to have VP. The findings from this research reveal the dilemmas these women face even if their baby is ultimately born healthy. Their need for clear and consistent information, sensitive care, support and continuity is evident. Clinicians can use these findings in developing information, counselling and models of care for these women

    Overshooting Americanisation. Accent stylisation in pop singing – acoustic properties of the bath and trap vowels in focus

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    The paper addresses the problem of overshoot involved in singing accent stylisation. Selected phonetic features indexed as “American” and “Cockney” are analysed in the singing and speaking styles of a British vocalist, Adele. Overshoot, understood as a greater frequency or an exaggerated quality of a given feature, is characteristic of staged performance (Bell and Gibson 2011; Coupland 2007). PRAAT is used to establish the acoustic properties (F1 and F2) of the BATH and TRAP vowels, as well as the presence or absence of the BATH-TRAP split. The results show that Americanisation regarding the BATH-TRAP split in singing is present and the Americanised vowel tokens are “overshot”, having higher F2 frequency compared with the regular British TRAP vowel

    The synergetic effect from the combination of different adsorption resins in batch and semi-continuous cultivations of S. Cerevisiae cell factories to produce acetylated Taxanes precursors of the anticancer drug Taxol

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    In situ product recovery is an efficient way to intensify bioprocesses as it can perform adsorption of the desired natural products in the cultivation. However, it is common to use only one adsorbent (liquid or solid) to perform the product recovery. For this study, the use of an in situ product recovery method with three combined commercial resins (HP-20, XAD7HP, and HP-2MG) with different chemical properties was performed. A new yeast strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was engineered using CRISPR Cas9 (strain EJ2) to deliver heterologous expression of oxygenated acetylated taxanes that are precursors of the anticancer drug Taxol ® (paclitaxel). Microscale cultivations using a definitive screening design (DSD) were set to get the best resin combinations and concentrations to retrieve high taxane titers. Once the best resin treatment was selected by the DSD, semi-continuous cultivation in high throughput microscale was performed to increase the total taxanes yield up to 783 ± 33 mg/L. The best T5α-yl Acetate yield obtained was up to 95 ± 4 mg/L, the highest titer of this compound ever reported by a heterologous expression. It was also observed that by using a combination of the resins in the cultivation, 8 additional uncharacterized taxanes were found in the gas chromatograms compared to the dodecane overlay method. Lastly, the cell-waste reactive oxygen species concentrations from the yeast were 1.5-fold lower in the resin's treatment compared to the control with no adsorbent aid. The possible future implications of this method could be critical for bioprocess intensification, allowing the transition to a semi-continuous flow bioprocess. Further, this new methodology broadens the use of different organisms for natural product synthesis/discovery benefiting from clear bioprocess intensification advantages

    Determinants of male fitness: disentangling intra- and inter-sexual selection.

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    Both intra- and inter-sexual selection may crucially determine a male's fitness. Their interplay, which has rarely been experimentally investigated, determines a male's optimal reproductive strategy and thus is of fundamental importance to the understanding of a male's behaviour. Here we investigated the relative importance of intra- and inter-sexual selection for male fitness in the common lizard. We investigated which male traits predict a male's access to reproduction allowing for both selective pressures and comparing it with a staged mating experiment excluding all types of intra-sexual selection. We found that qualitatively better males were more likely to reproduce and that sexual selection was two times stronger when allowing for both selective pressures, suggesting that inter- and intra-sexual selection determines male fitness and confirming the existence of multi-factorial sexual selection. Consequently, to optimize fitness, males should trade their investment between the traits, which are important for inter- and intra-sexual selection

    CD80 on Human T Cells Is Associated With FoxP3 Expression and Supports Treg Homeostasis

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    CD80 and CD86 are expressed on antigen presenting cells (APCs) and their role in providing costimulation to T cells is well established. However, it has been shown that these molecules can also be expressed by T cells, but the significance of this observation remains unknown. We have investigated stimuli that control CD80 and CD86 expression on T cells and show that in APC-free conditions around 40% of activated, proliferating CD4+ T cells express either CD80, CD86 or both. Expression of CD80 and CD86 was strongly dependent upon provision of CD28 costimulation as ligands were not expressed following TCR stimulation alone. Furthermore, we observed that CD80+ T cells possessed the hallmarks of induced regulatory T cells (iTreg), expressing Foxp3 and high levels of CTLA-4 whilst proliferating less extensively. In contrast, CD86 was preferentially expressed on INF-γ producing cells, which proliferated more extensively and had characteristics of effector T cells. Finally, we demonstrated that CD80 expressed on T cells inhibits CTLA-4 function and facilitates the growth of iTreg. Together these data establish endogenous expression of CD80 and CD86 by activated T cells is not due to ligand capture by transendocytosis and highlight clear differences in their expression patterns and associated functions

    The optical spectra of 24 μm galaxies in the COSMOS field. I. Spitzer MIPS bright sources in the zCOSMOS-bright 10k catalog

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    We study zCOSMOS-bright optical spectra for 609 Spitzer MIPS 24 μm-selected galaxies with S_(24) μ m > 0.30 mJy and I 10^(11) Lסּ galaxies at 0.6 < z < 0.7 are ~0.6 dex higher than the average ratio of all zCOSMOS galaxies at similar redshifts. Massive star formation and AGNs could simultaneously be present in those galaxies with the highest ionizing fluxes. (5) Roughly 1/3 of the galaxies with metallicity measurements at 0.5 < z < 0.7 lie below the general mass-metallicity relation at the corresponding redshifts. The strengths of the 4000 Å break and the Hδ EW of our galaxies show that secondary bursts of star formation are needed to explain the spectral properties of most IR sources. The LIRG and ULIRG phases occur, on average, between 10^7 and 10^8 yr after the onset of a starburst on top of underlying older stellar populations. These results are valid for galaxies of different IR luminosities at 0.6 < z < 1.0 and seem independent of the mechanisms triggering star formation

    On the Divergence of Perturbation Theory. Steps Towards a Convergent Series

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    The mechanism underlying the divergence of perturbation theory is exposed. This is done through a detailed study of the violation of the hypothesis of the Dominated Convergence Theorem of Lebesgue using familiar techniques of Quantum Field Theory. That theorem governs the validity (or lack of it) of the formal manipulations done to generate the perturbative series in the functional integral formalism. The aspects of the perturbative series that need to be modified to obtain a convergent series are presented. Useful tools for a practical implementation of these modifications are developed. Some resummation methods are analyzed in the light of the above mentioned mechanism.Comment: 42 pages, Latex, 4 figure

    Dissecting Photometric redshift for Active Galactic Nuclei using XMM- and Chandra-COSMOS samples

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    With this paper, we release accurate photometric redshifts for 1692 counterparts to Chandra sources in the central square degree of the COSMOS field. The availability of a large training set of spectroscopic redshifts that extends to faint magnitudes enabled photometric redshifts comparable to the highest quality results presently available for normal galaxies. We demonstrate that morphologically extended, faint X-ray sources without optical variability are more accurately described by a library of normal galaxies (corrected for emission lines) than by AGN-dominated templates, even if these sources have AGN-like X-ray luminosities. Preselecting the library on the bases of the source properties allowed us to reach an accuracy sigma_(Delta z/(1+z_spec)) \sim0.015 with a fraction of outliers of 5.8% for the entire Chandra-COSMOS sample. In addition, we release revised photometric redshifts for the 1735 optical counterparts of the XMM-detected sources over the entire 2 sq. deg.of COSMOS. For 248 sources, our updated photometric redshift differs from the previous release by Delta z>0.2. These changes are predominantly due to the inclusion of newly available deep H-band photometry H_AB=24 mag. We illustrate once again the importance of a spectroscopic training sample and how an assumption about the nature of a source together with the number and the depth of the available bands influence the accuracy of the photometric redshifts determined for AGN. These considerations should be kept in mind when defining the observational strategies of upcoming large surveys targeting AGN, such as eROSITA at X-ray energies and ASKAP/EMU in the radio band.Comment: ApJ, accepted for publication. Data also available at http://www.ipp.mpg.de/~msalv/PHOTOZ_XCOSMO