5,254 research outputs found

    Abnormal connectivity between the default mode and the visual system underlies the manifestation of visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease:A task-based fMRI study

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    Background: The neural substrates of visual hallucinations remain an enigma, due primarily to the difficulties associated with directly interrogating the brain during hallucinatory episodes. Aims: To delineate the functional patterns of brain network activity and connectivity underlying visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease. Methods: In this study, we combined functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a behavioral task capable of eliciting visual misperceptions, a confirmed surrogate for visual hallucinations, in 35 patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. We then applied an independent component analysis to extract time series information for large-scale neuronal networks that have been previously implicated in the pathophysiology of visual hallucinations. These data were subjected to a task-based functional connectivity analysis, thus providing the first objective description of the neural activity and connectivity during visual hallucinations in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Results: Correct performance of the task was associated with increased activity in primary visual regions; however, during visual misperceptions, this same visual network became actively coupled with the default mode network (DMN). Further, the frequency of misperception errors on the task was positively correlated with the strength of connectivity between these two systems, as well as with decreased activity in the dorsal attention network (DAN), and with impaired connectivity between the DAN and the DMNs, and ventral attention networks. Finally, each of the network abnormalities identified in our analysis were significantly correlated with two independent clinical measures of hallucination severity. Conclusions: Together, these results provide evidence that visual hallucinations are due to increased engagement of the DMN with the primary visual system, and emphasize the role of dysfunctional engagement of attentional networks in the pathophysiology of hallucinations

    A Study of the N=2N=2 Kazakov-Migdal Model

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    We study numerically the SU(2) Kazakov-Migdal model of `induced QCD'. In contrast to our earlier work on the subject we have chosen here {\it not} to integrate out the gauge fields but to keep them in the Monte Carlo simulation. This allows us to measure observables associated with the gauge fields and thereby address the problem of the local Z2Z_2 symmetry present in the model. We confirm our previous result that the model has a line of first order phase transitions terminating in a critical point. The adjoint plaquette has a clear discontinuity across the phase transition, whereas the plaquette in the fundamental representation is always zero in accordance with Elitzur's theorem. The density of small Z2Z_2 monopoles shows very little variation and is always large. We also find that the model has extra local U(1) symmetries which do not exist in the case of the standard adjoint theory. As a result, we are able to show that two of the angles parameterizing the gauge field completely decouple from the theory and the continuum limit defined around the critical point can therefore not be `QCD'.Comment: 11 pages, UTHEP-24

    AGN feedback at z~2 and the mutual evolution of active and inactive galaxies

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    The relationships between galaxies of intermediate stellar mass and moderate luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at 1<z<3 are investigated with the Galaxy Mass Assembly ultra-deep Spectroscopic Survey (GMASS) sample complemented with public data in the GOODS-South field. Using X-ray data, hidden AGNs are identified in unsuspected star-forming galaxies with no apparent signs of non-stellar activity. In the color-mass plane, two parallel trends emerge during the ~2 Gyr between the average redshifts z~2.2 and z~1.3: while the red sequence becomes significantly more populated by ellipticals, the majority of AGNs with L(2-10 keV)>10^42.3 erg s^-1 disappear from the blue cloud/green valley where they were hosted predominantly by star-forming systems with disk and irregular morphologies. These results are even clearer when the rest-frame colors are corrected for dust reddening. At z~2.2, the ultraviolet spectra of active galaxies (including two Type 1 AGNs) show possible gas outflows with velocities up to about -500 km s^-1 that are not observed neither in inactive systems at the same redshift, nor at lower redshifts. Such outflows indicate the presence of gas that can move faster than the escape velocities of active galaxies. These results suggest that feedback from moderately luminous AGNs (logL_X~2 by contributing to outflows capable of ejecting part of the interstellar medium and leading to a rapid decrease in the star formation in host galaxies with stellar masses 10<logM<11 M_Sun.Comment: Astrophysical Journal Letters, in press (6 pages, 4 figures

    Convergence of the Optimized Delta Expansion for the Connected Vacuum Amplitude: Zero Dimensions

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    Recent proofs of the convergence of the linear delta expansion in zero and in one dimensions have been limited to the analogue of the vacuum generating functional in field theory. In zero dimensions it was shown that with an appropriate, NN-dependent, choice of an optimizing parameter \l, which is an important feature of the method, the sequence of approximants ZNZ_N tends to ZZ with an error proportional to e−cN{\rm e}^{-cN}. In the present paper we establish the convergence of the linear delta expansion for the connected vacuum function W=ln⁡ZW=\ln Z. We show that with the same choice of \l the corresponding sequence WNW_N tends to WW with an error proportional to e−cN{\rm e}^{-c\sqrt N}. The rate of convergence of the latter sequence is governed by the positions of the zeros of ZNZ_N.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, Imperial/TP/92-93/5

    A finite temperature investigation of dual superconductivity in the modified SO(3) lattice gauge theory

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    We study the SO(3) lattice gauge theory in 3+1 dimensions with the adjoint Wilson action modified by a Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 monopole suppression term and by means of the Pisa disorder operator. We find evidence for a finite temperature deconfinement transition driven by the condensation of U(1) magnetic charges. A finite-size scaling test shows consistency with the critical exponents of the 3D Ising model.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. Layout changed, figures, text and references added. To appear on Physics Letters

    The thallium isotope composition of carbonaceous chondrites - New evidence for live 205Pb in the early solar system

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    The extinct radionuclide 205Pb, which decays to 205Tl with a half-life of 15 Ma, is of considerable cosmochemical interest, as it is the only short-lived isotope that is produced exclusively by s-process nucleosynthesis. Evidence for the existence of 205Pb in the early solar system has only recently been obtained from analyses of IAB iron meteorites, but significant uncertainties remain about the initial 205Pb abundance and Tl isotope composition of the solar system. In an attempt to better constrain these values, a comprehensive 205Pb–205Tl isochron study was carried out on ten carbonaceous chondrites of groups CI, CM, CV, CO and CR. The Pb and Cd isotope compositions of the meteorites were also determined, to correct for terrestrial Pb contamination and eliminate samples that exhibit fractionated Tl isotope compositions from thermal processing.\ud The analyses revealed only limited variation in Δ205Tl, with values of between − 4.0 and + 1.2, but nonetheless the Tl isotope compositions correlate with Pb/Tl ratios. This correlation is unlikely to be due to stable isotope fractionation from terrestrial weathering or early solar system processes, and is most readily explained by in situ decay of 205Pb to 205Tl. Previous 53Mn–53Cr and 107Pd–107Ag studies of bulk carbonaceous chondrites provide evidence that the Pb–Tl isochron records volatile fractionation in the solar nebula at close to 4567 Ma. The isochron thus yields the initial 205Pb abundance and Tl isotope composition of the solar system, with values of 205Pb/204PbSS,0 = (1.0 ± 0.4) × 10− 3 and Δ205TlSS,0 = − 7.6 ± 2.1, respectively. These results confirm the previous Pb–Tl data for IAB iron meteorites, which provided the first clear evidence for the existence of live 205Pb in the early solar system.\ud The initial 205PbSS,0 abundance inferred from carbonaceous chondrites demonstrates that the 205Pb–205Tl decay system is well suited for chronological studies of early solar system processes that produce fractionations in Pb/Tl ratios, including core crystallization and the mobilization of volatiles during thermal processing. The 205PbSS,0 abundance is close to the upper limit of nucleosynthetic production estimates for AGB stars and thus in accord with contributions of such stars to the early solar system budget of freshly synthesized radioisotopes
