42 research outputs found

    Past rainfall patterns in Southeast Asia revealed by microanalysis of δ18O values in human teeth

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    Funding Information: Technical assistance was provided by Kamil Sokolowski and Brian Tse at the Preclinical Imaging Core Facility at the Translational Research Institute, funding support for which came from Therapeutic Innovation Australia, under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy. Histological preparation and SHRIMP analyses were funded by the Australian Academy of Sciences Regional Collaborations Program; Project ‘Tracing Ancient Environments During the Peopling of Southeast Asia’ (BCC 2017/2305974; Co-PIS: TM Smith, IS Williams, HR Buckley, DR Green) and the Australian Research Council (Future Fellowship FT200100390, PI: TM Smith). The excavation of the Pain Haka site was funded by a grant from the Research Institute for Development, UMR Paloc, and by additional funding from the French Embassy in Indonesia and a University of Otago Research Grant. Regarding the Napa material we thank Mr Ermilando Napa; Captain Leopoldo Quindoza of Barangay Tuhian and the Barangay council; the Sitio Buhangin community; and Jeremy Barns and Angel Bautista of the National Museum of the Philippines. With respect to the Con Co Ngua material grant sponsors included the Australian Research Council DP110101097, FT120100299, FT100100527, and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 16H02527. Two living tooth donors and their families are also acknowledged with gratitude for their contributions.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Dating the megalithic culture of Laos: Radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence and U/Pb zircon results

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    The megalithic jar sites of Laos (often referred to as the Plain of Jars) remain one of Southeast Asia’s most mysterious and least understood archaeological cultures. The sites, recently inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage, host hollowed stone jars, up to three metres in height, which appear scattered across the landscape, alone or clustered in groups of up to more than 400. Until now, it has not been possible to estimate when the jars were first placed on the landscape or from where the stone was sourced. Geochronological analysis using the age of detrital zircons demonstrates a likely quarry source for one of the largest megalithic jar sites. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating suggests the jars were positioned at the sites potentially as early as the late second millennium BC. Radiocarbon dating of skeletal remains and charcoal samples places mortuary activity around the jars from the 9-13th century AD, suggesting the sites have maintained ritual significance from the period of their initial placement until historic times

    Craniometrics reveal "two layers" of prehistoric human dispersal in eastern Eurasia

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    This cranio-morphometric study emphasizes a "two-layer model" for eastern Eurasian anatomically modern human (AMH) populations, based on large datasets of 89 population samples including findings directly from ancient archaeological contexts. Results suggest that an initial "first layer" of AMH had related closely to ancestral Andaman, Australian, Papuan, and Jomon groups who likely entered this region via the Southeast Asian landmass, prior to 65–50 kya. A later "second layer" shared strong cranial affinities with Siberians, implying a Northeast Asian source, evidenced by 9 kya in central China and then followed by expansions of descendant groups into Southeast Asia after 4 kya. These two populations shared limited initial exchange, and the second layer grew at a faster rate and in greater numbers, linked with contexts of farming that may have supported increased population densities. Clear dichotomization between the two layers implies a temporally deep divergence of distinct migration routes for AMH through both southern and northern Eurasia

    Climate change, human health, and resilience in the Holocene

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    Climate change is an indisputable threat to human health, especially for societies already confronted with rising social inequality, political and economic uncertainty, and a cascade of concurrent environmental challenges. Archaeological data about past climate and environment provide an important source of evidence about the potential challenges humans face and the long-term outcomes of alternative short-term adaptive strategies. Evidence from well-dated archaeological human skeletons and mummified remains speaks directly to patterns of human health over time through changing circumstances. Here, we describe variation in human epidemiological patterns in the context of past rapid climate change (RCC) events and other periods of past environmental change. Case studies confirm that human communities responded to environmental changes in diverse ways depending on historical, sociocultural, and biological contingencies. Certain factors, such as social inequality and disproportionate access to resources in large, complex societies may influence the probability of major sociopolitical disruptions and reorganizations—commonly known as “collapse.” This survey of Holocene human–environmental relations demonstrates how flexibility, variation, and maintenance of Indigenous knowledge can be mitigating factors in the face of environmental challenges. Although contemporary climate change is more rapid and of greater magnitude than the RCC events and other environmental changes we discuss here, these lessons from the past provide clarity about potential priorities for equitable, sustainable development and the constraints of modernity we must address

    Climate Change, Human Health, and Resilience in the Holocene

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    Climate change is an indisputable threat to human health, especially for societies already confronted with rising social inequality, political and economic uncertainty, and a cascade of concurrent environmental challenges. Archaeological data about past climate and environment provide an important source of evidence about the potential challenges humans face and the long-term outcomes of alternative short-term adaptive strategies. Evidence from well-dated archaeological human skeletons and mummified remains speaks directly to patterns of human health over time through changing circumstances. Here, we describe variation in human epidemiological patterns in the context of past rapid climate change (RCC) events and other periods of past environmental change. Case studies confirm that human communities responded to environmental changes in diverse ways depending on historical, sociocultural, and biological contingencies. Certain factors, such as social inequality and disproportionate access to resources in large, complex societies may influence the probability of major sociopolitical disruptions and reorganizations—commonly known as “collapse.” This survey of Holocene human–environmental relations demonstrates how flexibility, variation, and maintenance of Indigenous knowledge can be mitigating factors in the face of environmental challenges. Although contemporary climate change is more rapid and of greater magnitude than the RCC events and other environmental changes we discuss here, these lessons from the past provide clarity about potential priorities for equitable, sustainable development and the constraints of modernity we must address

    The Steady State Great Ape? Long Term Isotopic Records Reveal the Effects of Season, Social Rank and Reproductive Status on Bonobo Feeding Behavior

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    Dietary ecology of extant great apes is known to respond to environmental conditions such as climate and food availability, but also to vary depending on social status and life history characteristics. Bonobos (Pan paniscus) live under comparatively steady ecological conditions in the evergreen rainforests of the Congo Basin. Bonobos are an ideal species for investigating influences of sociodemographic and physiological factors, such as female reproductive status, on diet. We investigate the long term dietary pattern in wild but fully habituated bonobos by stable isotope analysis in hair and integrating a variety of long-term sociodemographic information obtained through observations. We analyzed carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in 432 hair sections obtained from 101 non-invasively collected hair samples. These samples represented the dietary behavior of 23 adult bonobos from 2008 through 2010. By including isotope and crude protein data from plants we could establish an isotope baseline and interpret the results of several general linear mixed models using the predictors climate, sex, social rank, reproductive state of females, adult age and age of infants. We found that low canopy foliage is a useful isotopic tracer for tropical rainforest settings, and consumption of terrestrial herbs best explains the temporal isotope patterns we found in carbon isotope values of bonobo hair. Only the diet of male bonobos was affected by social rank, with lower nitrogen isotope values in low-ranking young males. Female isotope values mainly differed between different stages of reproduction (cycling, pregnancy, lactation). These isotopic differences appear to be related to changes in dietary preference during pregnancy (high protein diet) and lactation (high energy diet), which allow to compensate for different nutritional needs during maternal investment

    The Bioarchaeological Investigation of Childhood and Social Age: Problems and Prospects

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    Osteoimmunology: The effect of autoimmunity on fracture healing and skeletal analysis

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    Understanding factors that affect bone response to trauma is integral to forensic skeletal analysis. It is essential in forensic anthropology to identify if impaired fracture healing impacts assessment of post-traumatic time intervals and whether a correction factor is required. This paper presents a synthetic review of the intersection of the literature on the immune system, bone biology, and osteoimmunological research to present a novel model of interactions that may affect fracture healing under autoimmune conditions. Results suggest that autoimmunity likely impacts fracture healing, the pathogenesis however, is under researched, but likely multifactorial. With autoimmune diseases being relatively common, significant clinical history should be incorporated when assessing skeletal remains. Future research includes the true natural healing rate of bone; effect of autoimmunity on this rate; variation of healing with different autoimmune diseases; and if necessary, development of a correction factor on the natural healing rate to account for impairment in autoimmunity

    Child Bioarchaeology: Perspectives on the Past 10 Years

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    This article aims to provide an overview of some of the more important developments in the bioarchaeology of childhood over the past decade. Analysis of publication trends in the major osteoarchaeology and physical anthropology journals demonstrated a rise in research papers dealing with skeletal remains of children, with dietary and palaeopathological studies especially predominant. Innovations in these areas are discussed in more detail, together with some important developments in theoretical frameworks for using skeletal evidence to situate children in past societies. Among these latter is the life course approach, in which childhood is considered within the context of the trajectory of the entire life course. The integration of studies of child skeletal remains with those of adults helps to provide a more complete picture of communities in the past