777 research outputs found

    Measuring Cross-Cultural Supernatural Beliefs with Self- and Peer-Reports

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    Despite claims about the universality of religious belief, whether religiosity scales have the same meaning when administered inter-subjectively-or translated and applied cross-culturally-is currently unknown. Using the recent "Supernatural Belief Scale" (SBS), we present a primer on how to verify the strong assumptions of measurement invariance required in research on religion. A comparison of two independent samples, Croatians and New Zealanders, showed that, despite a sophisticated psychometric model, measurement invariance could be demonstrated for the SBS except for two noninvariant intercepts. We present a new approach for inspecting measurement invariance across self- and peer-reports as two dependent samples. Although supernatural beliefs may be hard to observe in others, the measurement model was fully invariant for Croatians and their nominated peers. The results not only establish, for the first time, a valid measure of religious supernatural belief across two groups of different language and culture, but also demonstrate a general invariance test for distinguishable dyad members nested within the same targets. More effort needs to be made to design and validate cross-culturally applicable measures of religiosity

    Three-Dimensional Propagation of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in Solar Coronal Arcades

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    We numerically investigate the excitation and temporal evolution of oscillations in a two-dimensional coronal arcade by including the three-dimensional propagation of perturbations. The time evolution of impulsively generated perturbations is studied by solving the linear, ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in the zero-beta approximation. As we neglect gas pressure the slow mode is absent and therefore only coupled MHD fast and Alfven modes remain. Two types of numerical experiments are performed. First, the resonant wave energy transfer between a fast normal mode of the system and local Alfven waves is analyzed. It is seen how, because of resonant coupling, the fast wave with global character transfers its energy to Alfvenic oscillations localized around a particular magnetic surface within the arcade, thus producing the damping of the initial fast MHD mode. Second, the time evolution of a localized impulsive excitation, trying to mimic a nearby coronal disturbance, is considered. In this case, the generated fast wavefront leaves its energy on several magnetic surfaces within the arcade. The system is therefore able to trap energy in the form of Alfvenic oscillations, even in the absence of a density enhancement such as that of a coronal loop. These local oscillations are subsequently phase-mixed to smaller spatial scales. The amount of wave energy trapped by the system via wave energy conversion strongly depends on the wavelength of perturbations in the perpendicular direction, but is almost independent from the ratio of the magnetic to density scale heights.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    Etnografía en la “Ecoferia la Tierra Sabe”: un estudio de subjetividades emergentes

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados parciales e interrogantes surgidos en una investigación realizada en el marco de una Beca de Experiencia Laboral de la FCNyM llevada a cabo durante el corriente año. El objetivo principal es analizar y describir las prácticas que tienen lugar en el espacio público del Jardín Botánico del Parque Saavedra de La Plata, focalizando en los discursos y representaciones en torno a los estilos de vida y hábitos de consumo de los actores presentes en el espacio. En los últimos años la ciudad de La Plata es escenario de la conformación de un circuito “alternativo” (Magnani, 2014), caracterizado por la emergencia y proliferación de espacios de producción, distribución y consumo en donde participan diversos actores con propuestas culturales, educativas y comerciales que promueven formas de gestionar la alimentación y la salud y maneras de organizarse que buscan escapar de las prácticas y discursos hegemónicos. Dentro de este circuito podemos trazar una red de espacios que incluyen centros culturales, emprendimientos productivos autogestivos, centros o institutos de terapias alternativas, entre otros. En las páginas siguientes narraré la historia del surgimiento del mercado alternativo en el Jardín Botánico, dando cuenta de los diversos actores y discursos que jugaron en la configuración del mismo tal como existe en la actualidad. El relato nos permitirá observar cómo el espacio emerge, en primer lugar, a partir de un posicionamiento en relación a lo público, al consumo y a la búsqueda de un estilo de vida más saludable. Mostraremos cómo a partir de estos posicionamientos comunes llegan a confluir en él una gran cantidad de propuestas, a la par que se da cierta fragmentación respecto del modo de establecer y resignificar los vínculos con el Estado.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    A theoretical simulation of the resonant Raman spectroscopy of the H2O⋯Cl2 and H2O⋯Br2 halogen-bonded complexes

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    The resonant Raman spectra of the H2O⋯Cl2 and H2O⋯Br2 halogen-bonded complexes have been studied in the framework of a 2-dimensional model previously used in the simulation of their UV-visible absorption spectra using time-dependent techniques. In addition to the vibrational progression along the dihalogen mode, a progression is observed along the intermolecular mode and its combination with the intramolecular one. The relative intensity of the inter to intramolecular vibrational progressions is about 15% for H2O⋯Cl2 and 33% for H2O⋯Br2. These results make resonant Raman spectra a potential tool for detecting the presence of halogen bonded complexes in condensed phase media such as clathrates and ice.Fil: Franklin Mergarejo, Ricardo. Université Paris Sud; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. InSTEC; Cuba. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rubayo Soneira, Jesús. InSTEC; CubaFil: Halberstadt, Nadine. Université Paris Sud; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Janda, Kenneth C.. University of California at Irvine; Estados UnidosFil: Apkarian, V. Ara. University of California at Irvine; Estados Unido

    Kerst op de Zuidas

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    ArI2(X)→Ar+I2(B) photodissociation: Comparison between linear and T-shaped isomers dynamics

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    An attempt was made to compute the spectra and product state distributions on semiempirical and ab initio electronic potential energy surfaces for both linear and T-shaped ArI2(X) isomers. It was shown that whereas the T-shaped isomer dynamics is dominated by resonances, dissociation of the linear isomer involves competition between a fast direct process and slower vibrational predissociation of near-linear resonances.This work has been supported by DGICYT @Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC), Spain, under Grant No. PB95- 0071, INTAS under Grant No. 97-31573 and the SpanishFrench PICASSO project No. HF1999-0132. One of authors (A.A.B) also thanks MEC for sabbatical fellowship.Peer Reviewe

    Antropología y envejecimiento: aproximaciones teóricas y ejemplos etnográficos

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    La ponencia se propone realizar algunas consideraciones sobre la aproximación antropológica al estudio de los procesos de envejecimiento. La misma comprenderá el estudio de un conjunto de textos seleccionados y analizados en los últimos años en el marco de los contenidos del curso de Etnografía II, asignatura obligatoria para todos los estudiantes que cursan la Carrera de Antropología de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (UNLP). Partiendo de la consideración de que las cuestiones vinculadas al género y la edad se instalan como preocupación disciplinar en la segunda parte del siglo XX, nos proponemos rescatar los principales aportes que las fuentes etnográficas nos ofrecen, especialmente sobre los procesos de envejecimiento y la variabilidad de experiencias del envejecer. Rescataremos el valor del criterio etario como un principio de organización presente en distintas sociedades, sobre la base del cual las mismas establecen un parámetro para ubicar a los individuos más o menos contemporáneos en el marco de sus relaciones con el resto de conjunto social. En tal sentido, destacaremos el valor central del concepto de edad social para entender diversas estrategias culturales asignadas al colectivo “viejos”. Finalmente, señalaremos el modo en que el estudio de los procesos de envejecimiento en las sociedades etnográficas puede contribuir a la reflexión acerca del fenómeno en las sociedades modernas. Basados en la variabilidad intra e intercultural que nos ofrece la aproximación antropológica, reflexionaremos sobre los aportes que el trabajo disciplinar e interdisciplinar puede proporcionar para una mejor comprensión del problema del envejecimiento y las políticas adecuadas para el tránsito por esta última etapa del trayecto vital.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Toxic effects of indocyanine green, infracyanine green, and trypan blue on the human retinal pigmented epithelium

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    Background: Indocyanine green, infracyanine green, and trypan blue are frequently used as aids to visualize structures removed during vitreoretinal surgery. But they may have toxic effects on the retina. We therefore compared the acute and chronic toxicities of these stains on cultured human retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells using clinically relevant concentrations and an identical experimental setup for each agent. Methods: Monolayers of RPE cells were incubated with various concentrations of indocyanine green, infracyanine green (each at 0.005%, 0.05%, and 0.5%) or trypan blue (0.05%, 0.06%, 0.1%, 0.15%, and 0.5%) for 5min (acute exposure) or 6 days (chronic exposure). Using the propidium iodide assay, acute cytotoxicity was monitored at 15-min intervals for up to 3h. Chronic cytotoxicity was assessed by monitoring cell calcein esterase activity, cell proliferation, and cell morphology (viability) after 6 days of exposure. Results: Indocyanine and infracyanine green induced acute and chronic toxicities at a concentration above 0.05%. Trypan blue evoked no acute toxicity, but it was chronically cytotoxic at all tested concentrations. Conclusions: Despite thorough rinsing after application, significant amounts of the not sufficiently water soluble indocyanine and infracyanine green are retained after surgery by the eye. Trypan blue, being more water-soluble than ICG, is probably retained to the least degree. This circumstance is fortunate given that trypan blue exhibits a chronic cytotoxicity comparable to ICG at all clinically relevant concentrations. During vitrectomy, surgeons should aim to expose retinal tissue to only low concentrations of these stains and for as short a period as possibl