823 research outputs found

    Testing the Gamma-Ray Burst Pulse Start Conjecture

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    We test the hypothesis that prompt gamma-ray burst pulse emission starts simultaneously at all energies (the Pulse Start Conjecture). Our analysis, using a sample of BATSE bursts observed with four channel, 64-ms data and performed using a pulse fit model, generally supports this hypothesis for the Long GRB class, although a few discrepant pulses belong to bursts observed during times characterized by low signal-to-noise, hidden pulses, and/or significant pulse overlap. The typical uncertainty in making this statement is < 0.4 s for pulses in Long GRBs (and < 0.2 s for 40% of the pulses) and perhaps < 0.1 s for pulses in Short GRBs. When considered along with the Epk decline found in GRB pulse evolution, this result implies that energy is injected at the beginning of each and every GRB pulse, and the subsequent spectral evolution, including the pulse peak intensity, represents radiated energy losses from this initial injection.Comment: 34 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Extension of an Exponential Light Curve GRB Pulse Model Across Energy Bands

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    A simple mathematical model of GRB pulses in time, suggested in Norris et al. (2005), is extended across energy. For a class of isolated pulses, two of those parameters appear effectively independent of energy. Specifically, statistical fits indicate that pulse amplitude AA and pulse width τ\tau are energy dependent, while pulse start time and pulse shape are effectively energy independent. These results bolster the Pulse Start and Pulse Scale conjectures of Nemiroff (2000) and add a new Pulse Shape conjecture which states that a class of pulses all have the same shape. The simple resulting pulse counts model is P(t,E)=A(E) exp(t/τ(E)τ(E)/t)P(t,E) = A(E) \ {\rm exp} (-t/\tau(E) - \tau(E)/t), where tt is the time since the start of the pulse. This pulse model is found to be an acceptable statistical fit to many of the fluent separable BATSE pulses listed in Norris et al. (2005). Even without theoretical interpretation, this cross-energy extension may be immediately useful for fitting prompt emission from GRB pulses across energy channels with a minimal number of free parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    Unification of Pulses in Long and Short Gamma-Ray Bursts: Evidence from Pulse Properties and their Correlations

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    We demonstrate that distinguishable gamma-ray burst pulses exhibit similar behaviors as evidenced by correlations among the observable pulse properties of duration, peak luminosity, fluence, spectral hardness, energy-dependent lag, and asymmetry. Long and Short burst pulses exhibit these behaviors, suggesting that a similar process is responsible for producing all GRB pulses. That these properties correlate in the observer's frame indicates that intrinsic correlations are strong enough to not be diluted into insignificance by the dispersion in distances and redshift. We show how all correlated pulse characteristics can be explained by hard-to-soft pulse evolution, and we demonstrate that "intensity tracking" pulses not having these properties are not single pulses; they instead appear to be composed of two or more overlapping hard-to-soft pulses. In order to better understand pulse characteristics, we recognize that hard-to-soft evolution provides a more accurate definition of a pulse than its intensity variation. This realization, coupled with the observation that pulses begin near-simultaneously across a wide range of energies, leads us to conclude that the observed pulse emission represents the energy decay resulting from an initial injection, and that one simple and as yet unspecified physical mechanism is likely to be responsible for all gamma-ray burst pulses regardless of the environment in which they form and, if GRBs originate from different progenitors, then of the progenitors that supply them with energy.Comment: 35 pages including 11 figures and 4 tables, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    BATSE software for the analysis of the gamma ray burst spatial distribution

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    The Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on the Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO) is designed to study astronomical gamma ray sources and to provide better positional, spectral, and time resolution about these objects than has previously been possible from one experiment. The procedure to be used in the analysis of the gamma ray burst spatial distribution is presented. Data is input from BATSE via the Gamma Ray Burst Catalog (listing individual burst positions, flux values, and associated errors) and the Sky Sensitivity Map (which summarizes observational selection effects in table format). A FORTRAN program generates Monte Carlo burst catalogs, which are models to be compared to the actual distribution. The Monte Carlo models are then filtered through the Sky Sensitivity Map so that they suffer from the same selection effects as the actual catalog data. Additionally, each burst position is converted into a probability distribution to mimic BATSE positional sensitivity. The Burst Catalog, Monte Carlo burst catalog, and Sky Sensitivity Map are then passed onto an IDL program that compares the catalogs for statistical significance. The Sky Sensitivity Map is used to estimate how often each sky area is observed above the minimum flux level in question. Each burst found in this sky area is then weighted according to the frequency with which this sky area is observed. The catalogs are then compared via tests of homogeneity (based on their radial distributions) and isotropy (based upon their angular distributions). The results of the statistical comparisons along with graphs and charts of the summaries, are output from the IDL program for study

    Monte Carlo models and analysis of galactic disk gamma-ray burst distributions

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    Gamma-ray bursts are transient astronomical phenomena which have no quiescent counterparts in any region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Although temporal and spectral properties indicate that these events are likely energetic, their unknown spatial distribution complicates astrophysical interpretation. Monte Carlo samples of gamma-ray burst sources are created which belong to Galactic disk populations. Spatial analysis techniques are used to compare these samples to the observed distribution. From this, both quantitative and qualitative conclusions are drawn concerning allowed luminosity and spatial distributions of the actual sample. Although the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) experiment on Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO) will significantly improve knowledge of the gamma-ray burst source spatial characteristics within only a few months of launch, the analysis techniques described herein will not be superceded. Rather, they may be used with BATSE results to obtain detailed information about both the luminosity and spatial distributions of the sources

    The Two-Point Angular Correlation Function and BATSE Sky Exposure

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    The Two-Point Angular Correlation Function is a standard analysis tool used to study angular anisotropies. Since BATSE's sky exposure (the angular sampling of gamma-ray bursts) is anisotropic, the TPACF should at some point identify anisotropies in BATSE burst catalogs due to sky exposure. The effects of BATSE sky exposure are thus explored here for BATSE 3B and 4B catalogs. Sky-exposure effects are found to be small.Comment: 5 pages, 1 postscript figure. To appear in the Fourth Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposiu

    Possible structure in the GRB sky distribution at redshift two

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    Context. Research over the past three decades has revolutionized cosmology while supporting the standard cosmological model. However, the cosmological principle of Universal homogeneity and isotropy has always been in question, since structures as large as the survey size have always been found each time the survey size has increased. Until 2013, the largest known structure in our Universe was the Sloan Great Wall, which is more than 400 Mpc long located approximately one billion light years away. Aims. Gamma-ray bursts are the most energetic explosions in the Universe. As they are associated with the stellar endpoints of massive stars and are found in and near distant galaxies, they are viable indicators of the dense part of the Universe containing normal matter. The spatial distribution of gamma-ray bursts can thus help expose the large scale structure of the Universe. Methods. As of July 2012, 283 GRB redshifts have been measured. Subdividing this sample into nine radial parts, each containing 31 GRBs, indicates that the GRB sample having 1.6 < z < 2.1 differs significantly from the others in that 14 of the 31 GRBs are concentrated in roughly 1/8 of the sky. A two-dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, a nearest-neighbour test, and a Bootstrap Point-Radius Method explore the significance of this clustering. Results. All tests used indicate that there is a statistically significant clustering of the GRB sample at 1.6 < z < 2.1. Furthermore, this angular excess cannot be entirely attributed to known selection biases, making its existence due to chance unlikely. Conclusions. This huge structure lies ten times farther away than the Sloan Great Wall, at a distance of approximately ten billion light years. The size of the structure defined by these GRBs is about 2000-3000 Mpc, or more than six times the size of the Sloan Great Wall.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    GRB Spectral Hardness and Afterglow Properties

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    A possible relationship between the presence of a radio afterglow and gamma-ray burst spectral hardness is discussed. The correlation is marginally significant; the spectral hardness of the bursts with radio afterglows apparently results from a combination of the break energy Ebreak and the high-energy spectral index beta. If valid, this relationship would indicate that the afterglow does carry information pertaining to the GRB central engine.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, presented at the 5th Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposiu

    Correlation between the isotropic energy and the peak energy at zero fluence for the individual pulses of GRBs: towards an universal physical correlation for the prompt emission

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    We find a strong correlation between the peak energy at zero fluence (Epeak,0\rm E_{peak,0}) and the isotropic energy (Eγ,iso\rm E_{\gamma,iso}) of the 22 pulses of 9 Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB) detected by the Fermi satellite. The correlation holds for the individual pulses of each GRB, which shows the reality of the correlation. The derived correlation (Spearman correlation coefficient, rr, is 0.96) is much stronger compared to the correlations using Epeak\rm E_{peak} (in place of Epeak,0\rm E_{peak,0}) determined from the time-integrated spectrum (rr = 0.8), or the time-resolved spectrum not accounting for broad pulse structures (rr = 0.37), or the pulse-wise spectrum (rr = 0.89). Though the improvement in the Epeak\rm E_{peak} - Eγ,iso\rm E_{\gamma,iso} relation (the Amati relation) for a pulse-wise analysis is known earlier, this is the first time a parameter derived from a joint spectral and timing fit to the data is shown to improve the correlation. We suggest that Epeak,0\rm E_{peak,0}, rather than Epeak\rm E_{peak}, is intrinsic to a GRB pulse and a natural choice as the parameter in the pulse-wise correlation studies.Comment: 6 pages, 2 tables, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Ap