264 research outputs found

    Tietokirja huumeiden kulttuurihistoriasta

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    Onko matala kynnyskin liian korkea kaikkein huono-osaisimmille huumeiden käyttäjille?

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    Kirja-arvostelu: Kynnyskysymyksiä : huono-osaisimmat huumeiden käyttäjät ja matalan kynnyksen palvelumalli / Sinikka Törmä. Sosiaalikehitys, 2009

    Päihdepalvelut muutoksen kourissa

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    Kirja-arvostelu: Päihdepalvelut jakautuneessa hyvinvointivaltiossa / Olavi Kaukonen. Helsinki, 2000

    Etnografi osastolla

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    Kirja-arvostelu: Valta ja merkitysten tuottaminen korvaushoidossa : etnografinen tutkimus huumehoitolaitoksesta / Antti Weckroth. Helsinki, 2006

    Nokkosesta saadaan kuitua tekstiileihin

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    Nokkosen kuitu on eräs ihmiskunnan varhaisimpia luonnontekstiilimateriaaleja, josta on valmistettu kauan erikoistekstiilejä käsityönä. MTT:ssä kehitettiin vuosina 1997- 2001 teollista tuotantoprosessia, jonka avulla nokkosesta saadaan lankaa.vokEKO/Karila, PA

    The perceived risk of illicit drug use and views on drug policy in the general population

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.This article analyzes the riskiness attached to illicit drug use by means of a social representations framework. The implications of these social representations are further studied through their associations with views on drug policy: restrictive control and harm reduction measures. The data for the study is from a Finnish Drug Survey (N = 3229). Latent class analysis (LCA) and multinomial logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Four representational profiles of perceived risk were identified: high-risk (70% of respondents), cannabis OK (15%), experimenting OK (10%), and low-risk (2%). All illicit drug use was considered as a moderate or high risk in the high-risk profile. Cannabis was considered less risky than other substances in the cannabis OK profile and experimenting was a less risky way of use in the experimenting OK profile. Most people in the low-risk profile considered the risks related to illicit drug use as nonexistent or minor. These representational profiles were also connected to opinions on drug policy: those who saw the most risks with use tended to support restrictive control measures, while those who considered illicit drug use to be less risky were more accepting toward harm reduction measures.Peer reviewe

    Drug decriminalization policy : Literature review : models, implementation and outcomes

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    The report aims to identify legal frameworks, models, and implementation practices of the decriminalization policies and to assess their empirical results. Statistics show that the prevalence of drug use has increased for decades all around the world despite all the strict measures taken. Decriminalization policy has emerged as a response to unbalanced prohibitionist drug policy, which creates not only social injustices at the individual level but also public health problems and high social costs at the macro level. On the other hand, decriminalization is a complex framework and is generally used as an umbrella term representing contemporary strategy. Governments have tailored this framework according to their priorities and expectations. The report categorizes models, implementations, and outcomes to evaluate results. Besides, by providing overall results from three European countries, we aim to assess the impact of the contextual factors and variation of the results. We hope the report will contribute to the discussion of developing better policy models managing drug problems.Non peer reviewe

    Tsekin kansallista historiaa luomassa

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