142 research outputs found


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    Dalam menunjang kemampuan berbahasa khususnya bahasa Jepang, kosakta memiliki peran penting di dalam hal tersebut. Pada umumnya pembelajaran bahasa Jepang pada SMA masih berfokus dengan pembelajaran dasar-dasar bahasa jepang dan huruf kana, sehingga jumlah kosakata yang dikuasai sangatlah sedikit mengingat sedikitnya kosakata yang bisa diajarkan pada siswa. Sedangkan target pendidikan bahasa Jepang untuk SMA sendiri setidaknya menuntut siswa untuk bisa menguasai kosakata dasar bahasa Jepang. Maka dari itu, Penulis melaksanakan penelitian menguji penerapan media visual matriks dalam pembelajaran kosakata dasar bahasa Jepang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui bagaimana penerapan matriks dalam pembelajaran kosakata dasar bahasa Jepang level yang akan diimplementasikan di tingkat SMA. 2) Mengetahui hasil dari implementasi media visual matriks di tingkat SMA. 3) Mengetahui bagaimana respon siswa terhadap penerapan media visual matriks di tingkat SMA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Kuantitatif eksperimental murni dengan rancangan post-test only control design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMA Sumatra 40 Bandung dengan pastisipan siswa kelas XI IPA 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan XI IPA 2 sebagai kelas kontrol yang masing-masing berjumlah 20 orang. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes dan angket. Dari hasil analisis data, didapatkan nilai rata-rata dari kelas eksperimen dan kontrol pada pertemuan pertama adalah 65.2 dan 45.7, pada pertemuan kedua adalah 77.5 dan 40.6, pada pertemuan ketiga adalah 83.15 dan 48.75, pada pertemuan terakhir adalah 86.95 dan 53.55. Dari hasil nilai rata-rata seluruh diperoleh nilai t hitung lebih besar dari nilai t tabel maka Hk diterima yang berarti terdapat perbedaan nilai yang cukup signifikan, yang mana menunjukan bahwa penerapan media visual matriks sudah bagus. Serta berdasarkan hasil data dari angket yang telah disebarkan di siswa kelas eksperimen mayoritas berpendapat bahwa media visual matriks memberikan sajian materi yang baik dan para siswa mampu menemukan koskata baru dengan lebih mudah dan cepat.;---Vocabulary take a huge role in supporting our ability on learning foreign language. By knowing a large amount of vocabulary, it’ll help us to comunicate using the langage that we learn. These things must be considered in Japanese learns at high school level educations. But still, the materials and media still insufficient for learns. By knowing that, writer decided to applicate a visualization of matrix as a media in this research to examine students ability in learning new vocabulary by this media. The purposes of this research is 1) To know how the implementation of matrixvisualization at high school level educations. 2) To know results of the implemetation by score. 3) To know participants respond and suggestions from this implementation of matrix. This research using quantitative pure experimental method with post test only control design, also writer use test and questionnaire as instruments. Population of participants are 11th grade of sciene 1 class of Sumatra 40 high school with 20 person as participants in experiment class and 11th grade of science 2 class of Sumatra 40 high school with 20 person as participants in control class. Result of research has been distributed to average scores of first until last meeting which is showing that the average scores of experiment class is higher than control class. The following scores of both classes are 65.2 and 45.7, 77.5 and 40.6, 83.15 and 48.75, 86.95 and 53.55. From those result, writer obtaned result that the values of to are higher than the values of t which is mean this implementation of matrix visualiation counted as succes. The result of questionnaire that given to experiment class showed that the implementation of matrix visualization is good and giving them an interesting study experience, also most of them able to find and learn a lot of new vocabulary


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    ABSTRACT Fietra Imam Hakim. Correlation Between self-regulated learning (SRL) with achievement academic on student SMK N 10 Jakarta. Skripsi, Jakarta: Concentration of Office Administration Study Program of Economics Education, Department Economics Administration, Faculty of Economic, State University of Jakarta, 2012. The purpose of this research is to detect correlation between self-regulated learning (SRL) with achievement academic on student SMK N 10 Jakarta. The research is done during for three months since October until December 2012. The method of research is survey method with correlation approach. The population research was all of employees with total 260 student, and 149 employees for sampling and used proportional random sampling. Instrument that used to get variable data X (Self-Regulated Learning) measured by questionnaire using Likert Scale. For Variable Y Achivement Academic) was also . The analysis test by finding regression equation, that is Y= -40,06 + 0,431X, while analysis rules test that is test normalitas while analysis rules test that is test normalitas regression estimation error Y on X with test liliefors got L hitung 0,065 <Ltabel 0,073, matters this means sample comes from population normal distribution. Significancy test and regression linearity by using analysis table varians (anava) got regression similarity F hitung (40.62) >F (3,92)that declare regression very mean with regression linearity test that produce F tabel hitung (0,67) <F (1,63)that show that regression model that used linear. Correlation coefficient hypothesis test is done with formula product moment produce rxyas big as 0,465. Determination coefficient test produces KD as big as 21,65%. So can be taken conclusion found which are negative connection and significant between selfregulated learning (SRL) and achievement academic

    Hubungan Pola Koping Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Siswa Kelas XII Yang Akan Mengahadapi Ujian Nasional Di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta

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    ABSTRACT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COPING SYSTEM AND ANXIETY LEVEL OF CLASS XII STUDENTS WHO WILL FACE NATIONAL EXAM AT SMA Background: National exam for most students is often perceived as a stressor that can cause anxiety. Anxiety is a signal warning of the danger and allows a person to take action to address the threat. To overcome these threats, the students use coping system to solve problems, cope with changes and threatening situation both cognitivy and behavioraly. Objective: To determine the relationship coping system and anxiety level class XII students who will face national exam at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. Methods: This study used observational analytic with cross sectional approach. Total observasional population were 226 students, and the number of sample were 58 respondents who met the inclusion criteria, by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection was done by filling the biodata of respondents, JCS questionnaire, and TMAS questionnaire. Data were analyzed by Rank Spearman test. Result: From the analysis of the data showed r -0.322 It Means that is more adaptive coping system score decreasingly anxious, and conversely the more maladaptive coping system score, the more anxious by the strength correlation is weak. P value 0,014 that means there is a significant correlation between coping system and anxiety level of class XII students who will face national exam at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. Conclusion: there is a relationship between coping system and anxiety level of class XII students who will face national exam at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. Keywords : National Exam, Coping System, Anxiety Level Medical Faculty of Muhammadiyah Surakarta University 1 Student of medical faculty Muhammadiyah Surakarta University 2 Lecture of medical faculty Muhammadiyah Surakarta Universit


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    Sekolah Tahfidz Balita Zahrawain Kleco Surakarta merupakan lembaga pendidikan pra sekolah yang berada di Kleco Surakarta yang bercirikan dan bernafaskan mencetak para penghafal Al-Qur’an sejak dini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pembelajaran menghafal Al-Qur’an di Sekolah Tahfidz Balita Zahrawain Indonesia Kleco Surakarta. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan metode, sedangkan untuk teknik analisis data menggunakan model interaktif dengan langkah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran menghafal Al-Qur’an Balita Zahrawain Indonesia Kleco Surakarta pada masa New Normal dilaksanakan setiap hari senin, selasa, kamis dan jum’at. Kegiatan pembelajaran dilaksanakan dari pukul 08.30- 11.00 WIB. Dalam proses menghafal Al-Qur’an di STB Zahrawain Kleco ada 3 tahap yaitu: pembukaan, inti/materi, dan penutup. Metode yang digunakan dalam menghafal Al-Qur’an adalah metode Zahrawain berbasis audio visual yang terdiri dari talqin (menambah hafalan) dan muroja’ah (menambah hafalan). Metode Zahrawain mempunyai beberapa keunggulan, yaitu metode yang menekankan pada kefasihan bacaan dengan adanya video contoh bacaan yang benar, serta proses talqin yang pendek dengan penggalan bacaan setiap 2-3 kata, kata yang terulang sebanyak 3x sehingga mudah diikuti oleh anak usia balita hingga dewasa sekalipun. Hasil menghafal Al-Qur’an dengan menggunakan metode Zahrawain yaitu balita mampu menghafal 10 Juz dari Al-Qur’an. Pada Sekolah Tahfidz Balita Zahrawain Balita Kleco balita mampu menghafal 3 juz dari Al-Qur’an, yaitu Juz 30, Juz 29 dan Juz 1. Evaluasi yang digunakan yaitu ujian lisan pada tengah semester dan akhir semester. Faktor pendukung yang mempengaruhi yaitu peran orang tua dalam memonitoring hafalan santri balita, motivasi siswa dan pemberian reward atau penghargaan. Sedangkan faktor penghambat yang mempengaruhi pembelajaran menghafal Al-Qur’an adalah kondisi suasana hati (mood) peserta didik balita dan disiplin waktu

    “Pergeseran Budaya Siber & Visual di Sektor Pariwisata Indonesia” Respon Kementerian Pariwisata Menghadapi era Tourism 4.0 Melalui Peran Komunitas Milenial & Pengembangan Destinasi Digital

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    Munculnya era tourism 4.0, merupakan dampak dari revolusi industri 4.0 di sektor pariwisata. Era ini ditandai dengan adanya kemudahan akses atas informasi melalui media digital. Era tourism 4.0 juga menjadi penyebab munculnya fenomena pergeseran budaya siber dan visual pada wisatawan Indonesia, khususnya generasi milenial. Merespon hal tersebut, Kemenpar selaku leading sector pariwisata Indonesia, mengeluarkan dua kebijakan aplikatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjadikan kebijakan tersebut sebagai lesson learned bagaimana Kemenpar beradaptasi untuk menyesuaikan dan menjangkau wisatawan milenial. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian ini menjelaskan pentingnya kebijakan Kemenpar dalam menggagas GENPI sebagai komunitas milenial yang mempromosikan parwisata Indonesia dan kebijakan untuk mengembangkan destinasi wisata berkonsep “kekinian” melalui pendekatan digital

    Komersialisasi Menara Masjid Sebagai Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Perspektif Fikih Berbasis Maslahah

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    In the implimentation of these research activities, then an intensive and deep we dig into the data that is primary an secondary literature of several yellow book, considering that this study are typologically prescriptive explanatory, the purpose of this study was to describe the breadth and depth of the object of our research purpose, of this we do after analyzing of data we obtained, in wich the implementation we used the method of content analysis, that is a pttern of oure text assessment of various literature related and associated with the object of this study, to then take the yarn conclusions as answer to same problems we formulated earliner. the views of jurisprudence space to the commercialization of minarets as telecommunications towes is included of a lease contract, which party takmir as mu'jir, the telecommunications company as musta'jir and towers being rented is musta'jar and ton contract lika this an be fine. Because although there are opinions that do not allow either makruh or haram, all of them groundless if it would cause distress of mafsadat, and there is no need. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; As for now, a lot of management or commercialize takmir mosque to tower in order to prosper, empower and increase operational funds the moeques and to optimize the function of one part of the mosque building. And all these takmir efforts are froms of an effort to create the benefit of the mosque

    KELUARGA BERENCANA PERSPEKTif FIQIH EMPAT MAZHAB: Studi Analisis Tentang Tahdid Al-Nasl dan Tandzim Al-Nasl

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    Suggested have children is one of the main motivations in the process of marriage, for she is the successor relay struggle both parents in their life in the world and the Hereafter later. This is also confirmed by religion in the maqashid al-shari'ah (the main purpose of the Shari'ah), where one of the maqashid is hifz al-Nasl (keep offspring). In Indonesia, there is one program known as Family Planning. Action to tahdid and tandzim al-Nasl are applied with regard to three aspects, namely the purpose, objective aspects and aspects of the way or method. Then, based on the agreement of the scholars, either by using `practice coitus interruptus, drugs or other means. And based on the principles that need to be considered in the concept tahdid and tandzim al-Nasl, where the principles were the basis for the permissibility do tahdid and tandzim al-Nasl, in accordance with the limits set by the scholars'

    Tafakkur Spiritual dalam Perspektif Al Quran dengan Metode Tafsir Tematik

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    This study focuses on the exploration of spiritual contemplation (tafakkur) in the Quran using the thematic interpretation method. Tafakkur, or deep spiritual reflection, is an essential aspect in understanding the teachings of the Quran. The aim of this research is to identify and analyze spiritual themes within the Quran and elucidate how tafakkur is employed to comprehend these meanings. The thematic interpretation method is utilized to categorize and investigate verses related to the spiritual dimension. The results of this study are expected to provide new insights into the spiritual richness within the Quran

    Implementasi Pengawasan Dan Pemberian Sanksi Terhadap Perusahaan Atas Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu

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    This study aims to examine juridically the implementation of supervision and sanctions against companies for the implementation of PKWT based on the labor copyright law. The method used in this research is the normative juridical method. The result of this writing is the need for evaluation, supervision and improvement of the PKWT arrangement in the Job Creation Law. Supervision of companies that employ PKWT workers / laborers exceeding the maximum period stipulated results in an increase in labor cases, especially on PKWT. Suggestions from this research are the need to evaluate the performance of the Manpower Office on the maximum period of non-permanent contracts applied by companies, improvements to specific provisions regarding the rights and obligations of the Manpower Supervisory Service and legal sanctions for companies that do not comply with the provisions of the Job Creation Law. It is hoped that this can provide protection and a balanced legal umbrella, especially for PKWT workers / laborers in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Job Creation Law and workers / laborers can get the rights and obligations they should get. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji implementasi pengawasan dan pemberian sanksi terhadap perusahaan atas pelaksanaan PKWT berdasarkan UU Cipta Kerja. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode yuridis normatif. Hasil dari penulisan ini yaitu diperlukannya evaluasi, pengawasan dan perbaikan terhadap pengaturan PKWT pada UU Cipta Kerja. Pengawasan terhadap perusahaan yang mempekerjakan pekerja/buruh PKWT melebihi jangka waktu maksimal yang ditetapkan mengakibatkan meningkatnya kasus ketenagakerjaan terutama pada PKWT. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah diperlukannya evaluasi kinerja dinas ketenagakerjaan terhadap jangka waktu maksimal PKWT yang diterapkan oleh perusahaan, perbaikan terhadap ketentuan spesifik mengenai hak dan kewajiban dari dinas pengawas ketenagakerjaan dan sanksi hukum bagi perusahaan yang tidak mematuhi ketentuan UU Cipta Kerja. Hal tersebut diharapkan bisa memberikan perlindungan serta payung hukum yang seimbang khusunya kepada para pekerja/buruh PKWT sesuai dengan ketentuan UU Cipta Kerja yang berlaku dan para pekerja/buruh bisa mendapatkan hak dan kewajiban yang semestinya mereka dapatkan
