82 research outputs found

    Penyebarluasan Buku, Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan, Dan Dakwah Dalam Proses Peradaban Islam Klasik

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    Buku, dalam konteks sejarah dan peradaban Islam bukan hanya koleksi tulisan dan referensi bagi disiplin keilmuan tertentu, tetapi juga perkembangan kebudayaan kreatif dan dakwah global yang memiliki obyek dan sasaran sangat luas. Awalnya, penulisan buku adalah kreatifitas individu, namun setelah berkembang, ia menyebar-luas melalui berbagai jaringan dan media, pusat pendidikan dan keilmuan. Daulah Islam sejak masa berdirinya, seperti Daulah Bani Umayyah I di Shiria, Daulah Bani Umayyah II di Cordova, Andalusia, Spanyol, Daulah Abbasiyah di Baghdad dan Daulah Fatimiyah di Cairo, masing-masing memiliki kontribusi dan peranan yang cukup signifikan dalam penyebar-luasan buku sebagai media dakwah dan proses peradaban. Para khalifah dari masing-masing daulah tersebut, tidak hanya menjadikan distribusi buku dan ilmu pengetahuan sebagai politik pencitraan, tetapi memiliki jangkauan yang lebih jauh lagi, yaitu pencapaian kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban Islam. Secara spesifik mereka memiliki misi dakwah tertentu berdasarkan ideologi kekhalifahannya dan pandangan dunianya. Oleh karena itu, penyebar-luasan buku masa awal Islam memiliki kaitan yang kompleks, antara ilmu pengetahuan, komunitas pelbagai elemen masyarakat kreatif, kekuasaan, dan jaringan kebudayaan global tanpa sekat-sekat keilmuan Timur-Barat.Dalam artikel ini akan dikaji kaitan keagamaan Islam, sebagai akar historis penulisan buku, dengan perkembangan penyebar-luasan buku oleh tiga daulah awal Islam yang memiliki peran sentral dalam membangun peradaban Islam melalui keilmuan dan peradaban buku. Ketiga daulah itu meliputi Daulah Bani Umayyah di Timur (Damaskus, Shiria) dan Barat (Andalusia, Spanyol), Daulah Abbasiyah (Baghdad, Iraq) dan Daulah Fatimiyah (Mesir, Afrika Utara). Kajian ini tidak akan dilakukan berdasarkan kronologis kesejarahan, tetapi lebih pada pembangunan jaringan keilmuan, hubungan-hubungan Timur-Barat tanpa sekat-sekat keagamaan dan politik, dan kebudayaan yang menghasilkan karya (buku) secara masisive dan peradaban tertinggi sepanjang sejarah Islam

    RekonstRuksi HistoRiogRafi Islamisasi Dan Penggalian Nilai-nilai AjaRan Sunan Kalijaga

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    This article examines the Islamization and the Islamic values, in the context of the spread of Islam through the case of Sunan Kalijaga. In relation to the Islamization by Sunan Kalijaga, the author considers it is necessary to reconstruct his Islamization, not only within the scope of Java, but also related to regional and even International connections. The word “regional” in this context is the archipelago as the “scope” of Islamization through the maritime route in 15th and 16th century. The International connection is the relationships and networks that occurred during these centuries. To elaborate this material, I use the context and diffusion of culture as a theoretical framework. Theories related to the “context” related to the socio-economic and political conditions in the archipelago in these centuries. The cultural diffusion theory used to explain the Islamization of West Java and Central Java, the major places where Sunan Kalijaga spread Islam. The approach applied in this research is biography, history, and socio-cultural. The results show that although the major spot of Sunan Kalijaga\u27s Islamization was in Java land, the center of the Islamization process actually located in Aceh through the kingdom of Samudera Pasai and the Islamic kingdom of Aceh Darussalam. In addition, the process of dissemination of Islam conducted by Sunan Kalijaga has produced “the vernacularized Islam” in the archipelago, more specifically in Java, which is characterized by convergence, assimilation, acculturation and syncretism between Islam and local culture

    The Effectiveness of Using SISKOHAT (Integrated Hajj Information and Computerization System) in the Hajj Pilgrim Candidates’ Portion Number Delegation Service at the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Bengkulu Province

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using SISKOHAT (Integrated Hajj Informationand Computerized System) in the hajj pilgrim candidates’ portion number delegation service. Tofind out the obstacles faced in SISKOHAT, portion delegation, and evaluate the service systemprovided by the umrah and hajj organizer, registration and hajj documents section, to Hajjpilgrims candidates. SISKOHAT is a work support tool in organizing the pilgrimage by utilizinginformation technology in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. The results of this study indicated thatSISKOHAT at the Head of Hajj Registration and Documents for the Implementation of HajjUmrah at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion Province Bengkulu had been effective inthe service of delegating portion numbers to pilgrim candidates


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    Research for tanning fish skin nile (Oreochromis sp.) on bleaching treatment has been done. Concentration of peroxide as bleaching agent variated in 2, 4, and 6% (v/w) and non bleaching process as a control. As a nile Leather product research characterized trough physic parameter, chemical and organoleptic analysis. Result of nile leather product the optimal amount of peroxide was 4% which resulted in tensile strength of 205 kg/cm2, elongation of 84,67%, sewing strength of 117,29%, and rigid temperature of 84oC. Chemical properties for the 4% peroxide were 14.99% of water content, 1.65% of chrome content, 2.25% of ash content, and 12.90% of lipid content. Sensory analysis shows that nile leather in the same variable (4% peroxide) has smooth surface that most panelist valuated and it has scale tissue unique motif, shinning surface, elastic, soft, and meatless. The colour of scale tissue was a soft dark, but the most of panelist choose nile fi sh leather with 6% peroxide bleaching treatment

    Pengaruh Penerapan E-Filing terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak (Studi Kasus pada Anggota Koperasi LKMS Ukhuwah Bintang Ihsani Kota Bengkulu)

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    The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of the implementation of e-filing on taxpayer compliance with members of the Bintang Ihsani LKMS Cooperative Bengkulu The research approach is a quantitative approach where researchers go directly to the field The type of data u.sed is pri.mary data  by filling out the questionnaire given. The res.ults showed that the sig va.lue of 0.022 < 0.05 means that the iplementation of e-filling on tax compliance has an effect

    Kiai and Islamic Moderation (A Study of Kiai's Roles in Building Islamic Moderation and their Effects on The Integrity of The Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila in Tasikmalaya 1945-1950)

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    This article elaborates the significant roles of two kiai in Tasikmalaya during the Physical Revolution in 1945-1950 to build Islamic moderation and their influences on the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila as State Philosophy of this republic. The two kiai were Kiai Abdullah Mubarok, also known as Abah Sepuh, the leader of the Suryalaya Islamic Boarding School and Kiai Rukhiyat, the leader of the Cipasung Islamic Boarding School. They responded to two extreme socio-political movements threatening the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila as the State Philosophy. First, the Military Aggression by the Dutch and their allies to recolonize Indonesia after the Proclamation of Indonesia’s Independence in 1945-1948. Second, the DI/TII socio-political movement led by Kartosuwirjo, proclaiming the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII) on August 7, 1949 in Tasikmalaya. In terms of the responses to the two movements, both kiai rejected and opposed them for they preferred to maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia and uphold Pancasila as the State Philosophy of the Republic of Indonesia. The rejection of these two kiai is a manifestation of Islamic moderation. In fact, kiai in Tasikmalaya had a significant role in building Islamic moderation and defending the Republic of Indonesia from being recolonized by the Dutch in Indonesia and the integrity of Pancasila from being undermined by DI/TII. Second, the fact that kiai had significant roles and influences has positioned the kiai in Tasikmalaya not only as a leader of Islamic boarding school and a central figure in a society, but also as a leader in national movement who was directly involved in national struggle during the physical revolution


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    Buku, dalam konteks sejarah dan peradaban Islam bukan hanya koleksi tulisan dan referensi bagi disiplin keilmuan tertentu, tetapi juga perkembangan kebudayaan kreatif dan dakwah global yang memiliki obyek dan sasaran sangat luas. Awalnya, penulisan buku adalah kreatifitas individu, namun setelah berkembang, ia menyebar-luas melalui berbagai jaringan dan media, pusat pendidikan dan keilmuan. Daulah Islam sejak masa berdirinya, seperti Daulah Bani Umayyah I di Shiria, Daulah Bani Umayyah II di Cordova, Andalusia, Spanyol, Daulah Abbasiyah di Baghdad dan Daulah Fatimiyah di Cairo, masing-masing memiliki kontribusi dan peranan yang cukup signifikan dalam penyebar-luasan buku sebagai media dakwah dan proses peradaban. Para khalifah dari masing-masing daulah tersebut, tidak hanya menjadikan distribusi buku dan ilmu pengetahuan sebagai politik pencitraan, tetapi memiliki jangkauan yang lebih jauh lagi, yaitu pencapaian kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban Islam. Secara spesifik mereka memiliki misi dakwah tertentu berdasarkan ideologi kekhalifahannya dan  pandangan dunianya. Oleh karena itu, penyebar-luasan buku masa awal Islam memiliki kaitan yang kompleks, antara ilmu pengetahuan, komunitas pelbagai elemen masyarakat kreatif, kekuasaan, dan jaringan kebudayaan global tanpa  sekat-sekat keilmuan Timur-Barat.Dalam artikel ini akan dikaji kaitan keagamaan Islam, sebagai akar historis penulisan buku, dengan perkembangan penyebar-luasan buku oleh tiga daulah awal Islam yang memiliki peran sentral dalam membangun peradaban Islam melalui keilmuan dan peradaban buku. Ketiga daulah itu meliputi Daulah Bani Umayyah di Timur (Damaskus, Shiria) dan Barat (Andalusia, Spanyol), Daulah Abbasiyah (Baghdad, Iraq) dan Daulah Fatimiyah (Mesir, Afrika Utara). Kajian ini tidak akan dilakukan berdasarkan kronologis kesejarahan, tetapi lebih pada pembangunan jaringan keilmuan, hubungan-hubungan Timur-Barat tanpa sekat-sekat keagamaan dan politik, dan kebudayaan yang menghasilkan karya (buku) secara masisive dan peradaban tertinggi sepanjang sejarah Islam

    Against Christianization: Socio-Religious Movements in Magelang after the Java War

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    This paper explores the aftermath of the Java War on the socio-religious climate in Magelang. The rate of Christianization in that landscape accelerated following the war between the colonial regime and local residents. The discussion reconsiders the strategies of two leading figures of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah in stemming Christianization in the 19th-century Magelang. The Christian missionary agenda in Magelang was accomplished by eliciting the community’s sympathy. The missionaries built public hospitals and churches for local residents and hence held the congress of Catholic political associations and De Gereformeerde zending in Midden-Java in Magelang. The Dutch government also issued various policies to suppress Islamic movements. This paper finds that Dalhar Abdurrahman and Ahmad Dahlan responded to the missionary agenda in Magelang with non-confrontational strategies. Dalhar divided the socio-religious landscape of Magelang into two regions, the South and the North, based on the situation of Christian development. Dalhar also build a pesantren in Watucongkol and initiated the foundation of the Magelang Branch of NU to coordinate Muslim reformists. Dahlan halted Christianization by establishing a modern educational institution called Kweekschool Islam in an effort to compete with Dutch schools in Magelang. Dahlan also frequently engaged in dialogues and debates with the Christian missionaries

    Implementasi Manajemen Risiko berdasarkan PBI No. 13/23/PBI/2011 Studi: Produk Ijarah Multijasa pada PT. BPRS ADAM kota Bengkulu

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how the application of  risk management in Ijarah Multijasa products at PT. BPRS ADAM. The research method used is a qualitative method with data collection techniques through interviews with 8 respondents and direct observation to PT BPRS Adam. Then the data is described, analyzed  and discussed to answer the problems posed. From the results of this study it was found that the application of risk management based on PBI No. 13/23 / PBI / 2011 on Ijarah Multijasa products at PT. BPRS Adam is in lin

    The Effectiveness of Using SISKOHAT (Integrated Hajj Information and Computerization System) in the Hajj Pilgrim Candidates’ Portion Number Delegation Service at the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Bengkulu Province

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using SISKOHAT (Integrated Hajj Informationand Computerized System) in the hajj pilgrim candidates’ portion number delegation service. Tofind out the obstacles faced in SISKOHAT, portion delegation, and evaluate the service systemprovided by the umrah and hajj organizer, registration and hajj documents section, to Hajjpilgrims candidates. SISKOHAT is a work support tool in organizing the pilgrimage by utilizinginformation technology in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. The results of this study indicated thatSISKOHAT at the Head of Hajj Registration and Documents for the Implementation of HajjUmrah at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion Province Bengkulu had been effective inthe service of delegating portion numbers to pilgrim candidates