102 research outputs found

    The sectoral composition of global trade

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    This thesis is an extension of recent research into the relationships between non-homothetic preferences and patterns of trade. The analysis focuses on the observed shift in consumption towards income-elastic services and, relative to agricultural goods, income-elastic manufactures associated with rising per capita incomes. In turn, the conjecture that we should witness a shift in global production and consequently a shift in trade away from primaries towards manufactured goods as the global economy develops is explored. This hypothesized change in the sectoral composition of global trade implies a change in individual country trade patterns. Specifically, the notion that a country’s exports must respond to a changing global market may help to clarify one of the principle causes of the shift towards manufacturing production among most small, trading economies

    Creation of database of heterogenous systems FT – IR spectra

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    Cílem bakalářské práce bylo vytvoření FT – IR databáze anorganických vzorků heterogenní povahy. Obsah teoretické části zahrnuje úvod do oblasti infračerveného záření a zobrazuje v ucelené formě teoretické podklady pro měření. Experimentální část se skládá ze dvou oblastí. První oblast se zabývá měřením IR spekter vybraných vzorků. Měřené vzorky jsou většinou na bázi oxidu křemičitého. Druhá oblast experimentální části studuje vliv zvolené metody měření na výsledek měření. Experiment zkoumá dvě metody měření IR spekter, a to měření pomocí KBr tablet a měření pomocí ATR nástavce. Obě metody byly měřeny ve střední infračervené oblasti a v daleké infračervené oblasti.The aim of this thesis was to create a FT – IR database of heterogenous inorganic samples. The contents of the theoretical part include an introduction to infrared radiation and display the theoretical basis for measurement in a concise form. The experimental part consists of two areas. The first area focuses on the measurement of IR spectra of chosen samples. The measured samples are mostly based on silicon dioxide. The second area of the experimental part studies the influence of the selected method of measurement on the results of the measurement. The experiment examines two methods of measurement of the IR spectra, one being carried out with the use of KBr tablets and the other using the ATR accesory. Both of these methods were measured in the middle infrared and far infrared region.

    Proposal of Technology Machining Commutators of Electrical Rotating Machines

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    Import 26/06/2013Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem technologie obráběním drážek komutátorů elektrických točivých strojů. Byla realizována ve společnosti JCEE s.r.o. V úvodní části práce jsou uvedeny základní informace o komutátorech. Dále je popsán návrh a konstrukce stroje. Hlavní část se zaměřuje na návrh vhodné technologie obrábění drážek, vývoj tvarové kotoučové frézy a její ověření v praxi. V technicko-ekonomickém zhodnocení je uvedeno porovnání dosažených výsledků a výpočet návratnosti investice.This Master Thesis describes proposal of technology machining commutators of electrical rotating machines that was carried out at JCEE Ltd. The opening part provides basic information on commutators that is followed by the description of the design and machine construction. The main part focuses on the design of appropriate technology machining grooves, molding cutters development and its verification in practice. In the technical-economic evaluation is stated the comparison of the achieved results and a return investment calculation.346 - Katedra obrábění a montáževýborn

    Possibilities of elimination of residual ammonia content from technological water in power plants

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    Tato diplomová práce si klade za cíl prozkoumat možnosti eliminace nebo separace amonných podílů z technologických vod elektráren, ve kterých je zavedena sekundární metoda denitrifikace spalin (SCR, SNCR). Potřeba eliminace amonných podílů vznikla po přijetí emisních limitů, které byly od ledna 2015 zpřísněny. Na zařízeních jež by nevyhověly novým limitům, byly instalovány denitrifikační technologie. Teoretická část diplomové práce se zabývá popisem spalovacích procesů, jak fluidním, tak i vysokoteplotním spalováním tuhých paliv, mechanismy vzniku emisí a možnostmi jejich snižování. Na závěr teoretické části je diskutován obsah amoniakálního dusíku ve vodách používaných v elektrárenských a teplárenských provozech k dopravě, nebo z nichž se separují tuhé produkty některých procesů např. odsíření. Dále jsou diskutovány některé možnosti odstraňování amonných solí z technologických vod. Experimentální část se zabývá jednak nalezením vhodné metody stanovení amoniakálního dusíku, ale také možnostmi jeho eliminace převedením na nerozpustnou sloučeninu. V neposlední řadě se práce zabývá hodnocením ekologičnosti navržených řešení. A tím i jejich reálnými možnostmi uplatnění v praxi.This master thesis aims to study the possibilities of eliminating, or separation of ammonium shares from technological water of plants, where is introduced a secondary method of flue gas denitrification (SCR, SNCR). The need for elimination of ammonium shares arose after introduction of emission cap, which have been tightened since January 2015. The denitrification technologies were installed on devices that did not comply with the new limits. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the description of combustion processes, as a fluid, and high temperature combustion of solid fuels, mechanisms of emissions and their reduction options. At the conclusion of the theoretical part is discussed the contents of the ammoniacal nitrogen in waters used in electricity and heating facilities to transport, or from which are separated by solid products of some processes such as desulphurization. There are also discussed some options for removal of ammonium salts from technological waters. Experimental part deals with finding appropriate method of determination of ammoniacal nitrogen, and the possibilities of its elimination by conversion to insoluble compound. Last but not least, the work deals with the evaluation of the sustainability of the proposed solutions. And as well as the real possibilities of their application in practice.


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    Superfi cijalni bakterijski folikulitis predstavlja najčešću piodermiju pasa, i unajvećem broju slučajeva uzrokovan je gram-pozitivnom vrstom Staphylococcuspseudintermedius. Terapija ovog oboljenja obično obuhvata kombinaciju topikalne(antibakterijski šampon) i sistemske antibiotske terapije. Izbor antibiotika zavisiod mnogo faktora, pre svega da li se infekcija javlja prvi put ili je rekurentna, kaoi od toga da li je fokalna ili generalizovana, površinska ili duboka. Najbolji je izborantibiotika prema antibiogramu, ali kod nekomplikovanih superfi cijalnih infekcijamožemo empirijski odabrati antibiotik. U našoj zemlji u skorije vreme nije rađenastudija vezana za ispitivanje najčeščih uzročnika superfi cijalnih bakterijskih folikulitisapasa, kao i njihove osetljivosti na određene antibiotike. U izvedenom ispitivanju,kod 87% pasa piodermiju su izazvali sojevi Staphylococcus pseudintermediuskoji nisu pripadali kategoriji MRS, u 9% su izolovani sojevi meticilin-rezistentnihStaphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) i u 4% slučajeva (jedan soj) meticilin-rezistentanStaphylococcus haemolyticus (MRSH). Svi sojevi (100%) Staphylococcuspseudintermedius koji nisu pripadali kategoriji MRSP bili su osetljivi na amoksicilinsa klavulanskom kiselinom, a 90% sojeva je bilo osetljivo na cefaleksin. Kod 80%ispitivanih sojeva, dokazana je osetljivost na gentamicin, 75% pokazalo je osetljivostna ciprofl oksacin i enrofl oksacin. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, prvi izbor u terapijinekomplikovanih bakterijskih folikulitisa predstavljaju amoksicilin sa klavulanskomkiselinom i cefaleksin, koji su kod nas prisutni u vidu tableta i registrovani su zaveterinarsku upotrebu

    Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD), Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease: Associations with Fructose Metabolism and Gut Microbiota

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an increasingly common condition associated with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Since systemic metabolic dysfunction underlies NAFLD, the current nomenclature has been revised, and the term metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) has been proposed. The new definition emphasizes the bidirectional relationships and increases awareness in looking for fatty liver disease among patients with T2DM and CVD or its risk factors, as well as looking for these diseases among patients with NAFLD. The most recommended treatment method of NAFLD is lifestyle changes, including dietary fructose limitation, although other treatment methods of NAFLD have recently emerged and are being studied. Given the focus on the liver–gut axis targeting, bacteria may also be a future aim of NAFLD treatment given the microbiome signatures discriminating healthy individuals from those with NAFLD. In this review article, we will provide an overview of the associations of fructose consumption, gut microbiota, diabetes, and CVD in patients with NAFLD

    The Effect of Biochar Application on Soil Properties and Growth of the Model Plant Zea Mays

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    The classic way of land cultivation means the use of inorganic fertilizers that are salts that dissolve rapidly in a short time and improve soil fertility. This process negatively affects soil salinity and the life of microorganisms. The use of biochar as a soil conditioner is a promising solution. The aim of the work is to enrich the properties of less fertile soils and to enhance the growth of the model plant Zea mays (corn) by biochar application. We used four different soil types commonly spread in the Czech Republic – regosol, chernozem, cambisol and fluvisol representing a broad range of organic matter content. Also, we applied two different EBC (The European Biochar Certificate) certified biochars for use in agriculture. Corn seeds were germinated and cultivated for 3 months in repeated plant life cycles. Soils and biochar samples were characterized before and after cultivation by TGA, EA, BET, SEM, extraction of organic matter. The effect of biochar application was observed continuously through the measurement of plant height, the number of leaves and cobs. After the finalization of cultivation experiments, the dry mass of individual plants was measured, and root image analysis of every plant was performed. Fluvisol and cambisol have much higher organic matter content than regosol and chernozem. The application of biochar had the most significant impact on regosol regardless of the application dose; these results are in good agreement with the root image analysis. Furthermore, plants in soils treated with biochar had more corn cobs. The analysis on biochar samples showed the continual leaching of both organic and inorganic molecules from biochar to surrounding soil, which is crucial for its possible use as a soil conditioner and confirms the long-timescale positive effect on soil properties

    Beta Blockers and Melanoma

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    Understanding the mechanisms of cancer immune-tolerance is one of the most important challenges. Several studies have demonstrated the potential anticarcinogenic effects of beta-blockers, in patients with prostate cancer, breast cancer, and melanoma. At the other side variety of dermatoses may be caused or aggravated by β-blockers-psoriasis, lichen planus-like drug eruptions (LDE), acrocyanosis, alopecia etc.   Beta-blockers have been shown to improve the prognosis of melanoma patients significantly. Propranolol inhibits melanoma by downregulating the tumour angiogenesis but also tumour cell proliferation, invasiveness and local immune suppression. Studies showed that only β3-but, not β2-adrenoceptors, were up-regulated under hypoxia in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and selectively expressed in immune cell sub-populations including Treg, MDSC, and NK. They increased NK and CD8 number and cytotoxicity. Catecholamines may retard melanoma progression and that β-blockers may have unrecognised potential as a therapeutic intervention for melanoma, in the prevention of the growth of melanoma in all stages and as adjuvant therapy with other targeted and immune therapies for melanoma