22 research outputs found


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    Backgrounds: The maternal mortality rate (MMR) and the infant and under-five mortality rate (IMR and AKABA) are indicators that show the welfare and health of the people in a country. Objective: This study aims to conduct a study related to the description of the management of women's organizations in preventing maternal and child deaths. Method: The method used is descriptive qualitative, with informants being women's organizations with maternal and child health programs. Result: Women's organizations play a role in reducing maternal and child mortality by conducting active counseling, active assistance, educating the community and carrying out activities that support maternal and child health. Conclusion: The involvement of women's organizations in the planning and implementation of programs to reduce maternal and child mortality needs continuous efforts and assistance so that the programs run effectively and there is an increase in the knowledge and understanding of mass organizations related to gender and women's health and maternal and child health.Backgrounds: Angka kematian ibu (AKI) dan angka kematian bayi dan balita (AKB dan AKABA) adalah salah satu indikator yang menunjukkan kesejahteraan  dan kesehatan masyarakat di suatu negara. Objective: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian terkait gambaran manajemen orgranisasi perempuan dalam pencegahan kematian ibu dan anak. Method: Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif , dengan informan adalah organisasi perempuan dengan program kesehatan ibu dan anak. Result: Organisasi perempuan berperan dalam penurunan kematian ibu dan anak dengan melakukan penyuluhan aktif, pendampingan aktif, edukasi kepada masyarakat serta melakukan kegiatan – kegiatan yang mendukung Kesehatan ibu dan anak. Conclusion: Keterlibatan ormas perempuan dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan program penurunan kematian ibu dan anak perlu dilakukan upaya berkesinambungan dan pendampingan sehingga program yang berjalan dapat efektif dan terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan serta pemahaman ormas terkait gender dan Kesehatan  perempuan serta Kesehatan ibu dan anak

    The Role of Parents on Children Related to Cleanliness in Facing Covid-19 in Islamic Education Psychology

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    Parents are the determinants of children’s health at home. Their role is crucial particularly during the current Covic-19 pandemic in which the virus is getting very out of control. Due to the high number of cases of the spread of Covid-19, parents have to double their children’s hygiene considering that children are susceptible to the virus. However, the role of parents is not simply to remind people to keep their distance, wash their hands, and wear mask; parents also have an important obligation, apart form complying with health protocols, to carry out their obligations as a Muslim to obey Allah’s commands. The purpose of this study is to interpret the role of parents towards children regarding cleanliness in dealing with Covid-19 in the psychology of Islamic education. This is a qualitative research using a qualitativedescriptive approach. The data were collected through observation, documentation and interview. Meanwhile, the data analysis was done by means of Miles, Huberman and Saldana with the stages of data collection, data condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Thus, the role of parents is crucial to seek the cleanliness of children. However, it must still be balanced with the morals of children who must also be given religious knowledge, and more time given for children as stress is not merely felt by adults, but children can also feel it but with a different implementation. Keywords: Education; Islam; Islamic Educatio

    Islamic Education Laboratory in Blended Learning Perspective

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    Abstract. This study aims to develop a discourse related to the position of the Islamic Education laboratory. The development of the Islamic Education laboratory was carried out to adapt to the development of the era. Blended learning becomes a relevant era and perspective to become the basis for developing Islamic Education laboratories. Based on the discourse analysis, it is concluded that Islamic education laboratory can be designed by combining conventional media and digital platforms, Islamic education laboratory are equipped with various learning resources that are multi-perspective and multi-disciplinary, and Islamic education laboratory can be integrated by optimizing various sources and learning media in the Muslim community or community. Keywords: Islamic Education; Laboratory; Blended learnin

    Apport de l'IRM dans la maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob: à propos d'un cas

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    La maladie de Creutzfeld-Jacob (MCJ) est une affection très rare et fatale qui atteint le système nerveux central. Elle est caractérisée par une détérioration mentale aboutissant à une démence progressive, une symptomatologie pyramidale et extra-pyramidale ainsi que des myolclonies. Un diagnostic précoce est essentiel pour prévenir la transmission interhumaine. Nous rapportons le cas d'un patient âgé de 62 ans chez qui le diagnostic de MCJ sporadique a été retenu, en se basant sur le tableau clinique fait de syndrome démentiel avec myoclonies précédées de troubles du comportement, des hallucinations et de dépression, et sur les données de l'IRM encéphalique qui a montré des hyper signaux au niveau du striatum et au niveau cortical en séquences pondérées Flair et diffusion

    Evaluating The Frequency of The Published Study Designs in The Field of Safety Promotion And Injury Prevention During The Last Three Decades (1985-2015)

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    Background: Study design is classified generally into two categories: observational and Interventional. The aim of this study is to determine the frequency of the published study designs in the fields of safety promotion and injury prevention regarding to the continents during the last three decades. nbsp METHODS:nbsp In this review article, all published papers in Pubmed from 1984 to 2015 in the field of safety promotion and injury prevention were studied.We used the following keywords for our search: quotRoad trafficquot,quotburningquot,quotdrowningquot,quotfallquotandquotviolencequot.The total number of articles in this field were 115 manuscripts. Results: We showed that the most published papers in this field, were conducted in America. About 67% of all studies and 78% of all intervention studies have been conducted in the continent of America and Europe. Asia shared 9% of intervention studies and Iran shared 3.6% of the studies which have been conducted in this area. Conclusion: Considering the current situation in developed compared to developing countries, if one of the goals of the national health system to be health promotion in the society, the current status in terms of study design that are running, cannot results in safety in this field

    Intestinal Colonization Rate of Candida albicans among Low Birth Weight Neonates after Using Oral Synbiotic Supplementation: A Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial

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    Background: The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of synbiotics on the intestinal colonization rate of Candida albicans in low birth weight neonates (i.e., under 2,500 g), which is one of the most important events for necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).Methods: During one year, 106 preterm neonates with a birth weight of less than 2,500 g, admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of Imam Reza Hospital, affiliated to Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran, were randomly selected and investigated in two groups of case and control. In the case group, 5 drops of synbiotics (under the trade name of Pedilact in which 5 drops are equivalent to 2.5×108 CFU), containing three probiotics of Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and Lactobacillus reuteri, as well as the prebiotic of fructooligosaccharide, were administered. On the other hand, 5 drops of distilled water were used for the control group. In the present single-blind study, the subjects were divided into two groups using a random number table. The stool cultures were obtained on the 1st and 10th days of admission. Then, the two groups were compared in terms of the amount of positive stool culture for Candida albicans, time of feeding initiation and full nutrition, duration of hospitalization, and time of discharge.Results: The incidence rate of positive stool culture for Candida albicans was 6.6%. A significant relationship was observed between gestational age and positive culture (P=0.009). However, there was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of the duration of hospitalization, time of feeding initiation and full feeding, good physical examination results, and wellbeing. In addition, the relationship between positive culture and birth weight was statistically significant (P=0.045) since the rates of positive culture were 57.1% and 42.9% in cases with the birth weight of ≤ 1,500 and > 1,500 g, respectively.Conclusion: Based on the results, synbiotic use showed no significant relationship with enteral positive cultures for Candida albicans, time of enteral feeding initiation and full feeding, and hospitalization duration

    Platform on Online Learning for Students with Mental Retardation

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    This study discusses the use of platforms in online learning for students with special needs. Students with special needs have participated in online learning in the last 2 years following government policies regarding the implementation of learning during the pandemic. The learning process certainly has its own challenges because of the different conditions of the students. Various adjustments that must be made are constrained by existing limitations. The rapid development of various learning platforms does not seem to have much contribution in the implementation of learning for students with special needs. This research was conducted in several schools in Java which represent the research topic. Data were collected through interviews with 3 groups of informants consisting of teachers, parents, and students. The data is supported by the results of observations and documentation of the implementation of online learning which is followed by students with special needs. The results show that in general there are 3 platforms used in online learning for students with special needs. The platforms used are Whatsapp„ Google Workspace, and Youtube. the three platforms are used in the process of delivering material, storing and categorizing learning documents, and used in the learning evaluation process. The selection of the platform was based on several considerations, namely: it is familiar to students, easy to use, and does not require a large quota. Keywords: Platform; Online Learning; Student with Special Need