35 research outputs found

    Perakitan dan pengembangan varietas unggul baru padi .......

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    Rendaman air merupakan salah satu faktor pembatas utama peningkatan produksi padi di lahan rawan banjir. Perubahan iklim global yang menyebabkan meningkatnya frekuensi banjir di berbagai wilayah dapat mengancam stabilitas produksi beras nasional. Salah satu strategi adaptasi untuk mengurangi dampak tersebut adalah dengan menanam varietas toleran rendaman air. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, Badan Litbang Pertanian bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Penelitian Padi Internasional (IRRI) di Filipina mengembangkan varietas unggul padi yang toleran terhadap rendaman penuh. Dua varietas unggul baru padi berhasil dilepas, yaitu Inpara 4 dan Inpara 5 yang mampu tumbuh dan berproduksi dengan baik meskipun terendam air penuh sampai dua minggu pada fase vegetatif. Kedua varietas tersebut dirakit dengan metode silang-balik dengan bantuan penanda molekuler terhadap tetua berulang yang merupakan varietas padi yang sangat populer. Inpara 4 memiliki latar belakang genetik varietas Swarna yang populer di Asia Selatan dan Inpara 5 memiliki latar belakang genetik varietas IR64 yang populer di Asia Tenggara, termasuk Indonesia. Rata-rata hasil gabah kedua varietas di daerah rawan banjir masing-masing adalah 4,69 dan 4,45 t/ha. Varietas Inpara 4 memiliki tekstur nasi pera, sedangkan Inpara 5 bertekstur pulen. Keduanya potensial untuk dikembangkan di daerah yang rawan terhadap rendaman akibat banjir, seperti lahan rawa lebak dangkal, lahan sawah bonorowo, dan lahan sawah di pesisir pantai

    Seleksi Varietas Partisipatif Terhadap Galur-Galur Elit Padi Gogo di Lahan Petani

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    Salah satu indikator keberhasilan program pemuliaan adalah diadopsinya varietas unggul oleh petani. Meskipun pemulia memiliki kemampuan untuk memilih varietas-varietas terbaik, selera petani terhadap varietas unggul dapat berbeda dan sangat beragam antar daerah. Program seleksi varietas partisipatif (participatory varietal selection=PVS) dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi seleksi yang dilakukan pemulia dengan melibatkan petani sebagai pengguna akhir produk pemuliaan dalam proses seleksi. Dua kegiatan seleksi varietas partisipatif dilakukan pada musim hujan 2012-2013 di dua sentra padi gogo yakni Cianjur (Jawa Barat) dan Kebumen (Jawa Tengah). Sepuluh galur harapan padi gogo dan empat varietas unggul pembanding digunakan dalam kegiatan PVS. Masing-masing galur atau varietas ditanam oleh seorang petani kooperator dengan luas tanam 2000 m2 sampai 2500 m2. Budidaya padi dilakukan oleh petani berdasarkan paket rekomendasi dari peneliti. Seleksi dilakukan pada saat menjelang panen dengan melibatkan sebanyak 20 sampai 22 orang petani di masing-masing lokasi. Hasil PVS menunjukkan keragaman preferensi petani di dalam dan antar daerah. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan adanya kesesuaian antar nilai preferensi varietas hasil seleksi petani dengan nilai penerimaan fenotipe oleh pemulia. Namun demikian tidak semua genotipe dengan nilai preferensi yang tinggi menghasilkan gabah yang tinggi, mengindikasikan bahwa komponen hasil bukan satu-satunya penentu preferensi petani dalam mengadopsi varietas unggul. Dampak dari pelaksanaan PVS terhadap adopsi varietas unggul, peningkatan keragaman genetik di lapang dan sarana penyebaran benih informal didiskusikan dalam tulisan ini


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    Development of rice varieties for tidal swamp areas is emphasized on the improvement of rice yield potential in specific environment. However, grain yield is a complex trait and highly dependent on the other agronomic characters; while information related to the relationship between agronomic characters and grain yield in the breeding program particularly for tidal swamp areas is very limited. The objective of this study was to investigate relationship between agronomic characters and grain yield of rice as a basis for selection of high yielding rice varieties for tidal swamp areas. Agronomic characters and grain yield of nine advanced rice breeding lines and two rice varieties were evaluated in a series of experiments in tidal swamp areas, Karang Agung Ulu Village, Banyuasin, South Sumatra, for four cropping seasons in dry season (DS) 2005, wet season (WS) 2005/2006, DS 2006, and DS 2007. Result from path analysis revealed that the following characters had positive direct effect on grain yield, i.e. number of productive tillers per hill (p = 0.356), number of filled grains per panicle (p = 0.544), and spikelet fertility (p = 0.215). Plant height had negative direct effect (p = -0.332) on grain yield, while maturity, number of spikelets per panicle, and 1000-grain weight showed negligible effect on rice grain yield. Present study suggests that indirect selection of high yielding tidal swamp rice can be done by selecting breeding lines which have many product tive tillers, dense filled grains, and high spikelet fertility

    Uji Daya Hasil dan Pendugaan Parameter Genetik Karakter Agronomi Genotipe Padi Gogo (Oryza sativa L.)

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    Padi (Oryza sativa L.) adalah komoditas penting dan menempati urutan pertama sebagai makanan pokok di Indonesia. Budidaya padi gogo dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif budidaya padi pada lahan dengan ketersediaan air rendah, dan strategi untuk meningkatkan produksi padi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi daya hasil karakter agronomi galur-galur harapan tanaman padi gogo. Penelitian dilakukan bulan Oktober 2018 – Maret 2019 di Bogor. Sebanyak 12 galur padi gogo hasil perakitan BBPADI dan 2 varietas pembanding Luhur 1 dan Luhur 2 diuji menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan empat ulangan. Pengamatan dilakukan pada karakter kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakter tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan produktif, umur berbunga, umur panen, panjang malai, jumlah gabah isi, jumlah gabah hampa, persentase gabah isi, dan komponen hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat keragaman yang nyata antar genotip yang diuji. Semua genotip padi gogo yang diuji memiliki daya hasil setara dengan varietas Luhur 1 dan Luhur 2 kecuali galur B15514D-KR-05 memiliki hasil rendah. Galur potensial yang dapat meningkatkan daya hasil yaitu B14168E-MR-19 dan B15507D-KR-19 sedangkan galur potensial untuk dijadikan dalam persilangan untuk memperbaiki karakter agronomi yaitu galur B15391D-KR-18, B15392D-KR-12, B15401D-KR-20, dan B15401D-KR-40 memiliki kriteria berumur genjah, tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan produktif dan panjang malai yang lebih tinggi dan setara dengan varietas pembanding

    Towards Developing Salinity Tolerant Rice Adaptable for Coastal Regions in Indonesia

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    Lowland rice areas along the coastal regions are a major contributor for rice production in Indonesia. Sustainability of rice production in those areas is challenged by the increase of soil salinity as the result of sea water inundation. The problem is exacerbated by the increase of sea water level as the impact of global climate change. High concentration of salt ion in the soil could significantly reduce rice growth and yield. Development of salinity tolerant rice varieties is therefore important to maintain sustainability of rice production in the coastal regions. Breeding programs to improve salinity tolerance of Indonesian rice has been established in Indonesian Centre for Rice Research. Through intensive salt tolerant screening program genetic variations in salinity tolerance have been identified within rice germplasm allowing the improvement of salinity tolerant of existing rice varieties. Different genetic resources have been used for salinity tolerant improvement including landraces, improved varieties and introduction lines. A number of promising salt tolerant rice breeding lines have been developed and showed adaptability to salt affected areas in the lowland coastal areas. Two new salt tolerant rice varieties have been released recently which are adaptable to salt affected areas. This paper will describe the progress in the breeding programs to develop salt tolerant rice for lowland rice areas in the coastal regions. Strategy to accelerate the improvement of the salinity tolerant of Indonesian rice varieties in the future will be also discussed.Keywords: rice, breeding, salinity tolerance, coastal regions

    Correlation Analysis of Agronomic Characters and Grain Yield of Rice for Tidal Swamp Areas

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    Development of rice varieties for tidal swamp areas is emphasized on the improvement of rice yield potential in specific environment. However, grain yield is a complex trait and highly dependent on the other agronomic characters; while information related to the relationship between agronomic characters and grain yield in the breeding program particularly for tidal swamp areas is very limited. The objective of this study was to investigate relationship between agronomic characters and grain yield of rice as a basis for selection of high yielding rice varieties for tidal swamp areas. Agronomic characters and grain yield of nine advanced rice breeding lines and two rice varieties were evaluated in a series of experiments in tidal swamp areas, Karang Agung Ulu Village, Banyuasin, South Sumatra, for four cropping seasons in dry season (DS) 2005, wet season (WS) 2005/2006, DS 2006, and DS 2007. Result from path analysis revealed that the following characters had positive direct effect on grain yield, i.e. number of productive tillers per hill (p = 0.356), number of filled grains per panicle (p = 0.544), and spikelet fertility (p = 0.215). Plant height had negative direct effect (p = -0.332) on grain yield, while maturity, number of spikelets per panicle, and 1000-grain weight showed negligible effect on rice grain yield. Present study suggests that indirect selection of high yielding tidal swamp rice can be done by selecting breeding lines which have many product tive tillers, dense filled grains, and high spikelet fertility


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    [VARIABILITY STUDIES OF UPLAND RICE LINES ON AN ACIDIC SOIL]. Suscessful upland rice breeding program to produce productive and adaptive to acid soil is dependent upon the extent of genetic variability of the breeding materials. Objectives of this study were to estimate the genetic variability, phenotypic and genotypic coeficient of variations, heritability, genetic advance, and correlation of five traits observed from dari 298 upland rice lines and five checks varieties. A field field experiment arranged in an augmented design was conducted at the Tamanbogo Experimental Station in Lampung 1 MT 2019.. The results of the analysis of variance showed that there was diversity among lines, resulting in differences in appearance on plant height, number of productive tillers, and yields. High heritability, genetic advancement, and high correlation on the number of productive tiller indicate that this character is a selection criteria so that selection can be done in an effort to improve these character

    Daya Hasil Galur-Galur Elit Padi di Lahan Sawah Rawan Salin di Cilamaya Wetan Karawang

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    Nafisah et al, 2017. Grain Yield of Rice Elite Lines Under Saline Prone Condition in Cilamaya Wetan, Karawang Subdistrict West Java. JLSO 6(1):21-32.Utilization of high yielding rice varieties tolerant to salinity is one way to maintain yield sustainability in salt affected rice area. As many as 30 elit lines and 4 varieties checks were tested in saline prone area in Muara Baru, Cilamaya Wetan sub district, Karawang, West Java. The trial was arranged in Randomized Block Design with three replications. Twenty eight old seedlings were planted in 3x4 m2 plot size with 25 cm x 25 cm planting space. Analysis variance showed two elit lines (1131-Ski-4 dan IR86385-50-2-1-B-SKI-2) yielded 5.48 dan 5.64 t/ha, respectively. These yield were significant higher than those of two popular checks planted by local farmers, i.e.  Mekongga and Sintanur which yielded about 4,44 t/ha. Beside 11 lines  had yield 0,5 t/ha higher than that of popular check variety.  Correlation analysis showed grain yield highly positive correlated with productive tiller number and filled grain number, while thousand grain weight highly positive correlated with plant height. Screening for salinity tolerance in seedling stage done in screen house showed that both 1131-Ski-4 dan BP14082-2b-2-5-TRT-35-2-SKI-1 consistently tolerant under salinized Yoshida solution at 12 dSm-1. These two lines are very potential for further tested in saline prone area. Â

    Evaluasi Daya Pemulih Kesuburan Padi Lokal dari Kelompok Tropical Japonica

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    Twenty seven land races of tropical japonica rice were test-crossed with a 'WA' type cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) line IR58025A to evaluate their fertility restoration ability.  Based on pollen fertility and spikelet fertility of their F1 hybrids, genotypes are classified into maintainer or restorer.  The result showed frequency of maintainers among genotypes was higher than restorers.  Four genotypes, i.e., Ase Lapan, Ase Mandi, Hawara Bunar and Lampung Kuning were designated as maintainers.  These maintainers possess a number of desirable traits such as pest resistance and abiotic stresses tolerance; thus they will be useful for improving parental lines of hybrid rice.     Key words: Land race, test cross, fertility restoratio