22 research outputs found


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    Introducing high yield varieties to farmers by demonstration plots is one of efforts to accelerate the adoption of these varieties. The objective of study was to determine the preferences of farmers on the characteristics of rice high yield varieties on medium freshwater swampland. The study was carried out on farmer's land at Hamayung village, Daha Utara subdistrict, Hulu Sungai Selatan regency in 2017. There were 20 selected farmers as samples by simple random sampling. Collected data were farmer characteristics and rice morphology that obtained by interviews with farmers using questionnaires and farmer observations on plant growth of 10 rice high yield varieties in the field before harvesting. The obtained data were tabulated, grouped and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that (1) the most preferred performance of plants was plant age, panicle length, plant type, grain shape and plant height and (2) Mekongga, Inpari 30, Inpara 6, Inpari 9, Inpari 17, Ciherang and Inpara 8 were the preferred variety (from the most preferred order) varieties based on their agromorphology

    Biochar-Materials for Remediation on Swamplands: Mechanisms and Effectiveness

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    Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to synthesize all research results qualitatively to explore the potential of biochar as a remediation agent in swamps, including its mechanism, and effectiveness. The soil in swampland is characterized by the presence of pyrite (FeS2) which results in high acidity (soil pH <3.5). The reduction process in swamps produces high amounts of ferrous iron (Fe2+) which is then released into the environment. The mechanism of iron (Fe) poisoning is indicated by the inhibition of nutrient uptake because the roots are covered with iron. This disturbes the root function as a nutrient absorber. Recent research shows that biochar could be used as an approach to reduce soil pollution in swamps through metal immobilization processes. This review paper uses a qualitative method with meta-aggregation approach based on the Francis-Baldesari method (2006). Principally, the soil remediation mechanism using biochar does not remove metals but accumulate them into hydroxide or carbonate deposits with the help of existing microorganisms. Provision of rice husk Biochar can increase the pH value reaching ≥5.0 and grain yield by 20% in intensively cultivated tidal swamps. Increasing the pH value of the soil will supports the formation of Fe hydroxide deposits which are accumulated on rice roots. Abstrak. Tujuan penulisan paper ini adalah mensintesis seluruh hasil penelitian secara kualitatif untuk menggali potensi biochar sebagai bahan remediasi pada lahan rawa meliputi mekanisme, dan efektivitasnya. Tanah di lahan ini dicirikan oleh keberadaan pirit (FeS2) yang menghasilkan keasaman tinggi (pH tanah <3,5). Proses reduksi di lahan rawa menghasilkan besi ferro (Fe2+) dalam jumlah tinggi dan dilepaskan ke lingkungan. Mekanisme keracunan besi (Fe) ditunjukkan dengan terhambatnya serapan hara karena perakaran diselimuti oleh besi sehingga fungsi akar sebagai penyerap unsur hara terganggu. Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan biochar sebagai salah satu pendekatan untuk mengurangi pencemaran tanah di lahan rawa melalui proses immobilisasi logam. Paper review ini menggunakan metode kualitatif berdasarkan metode Francis-Baldesari (2006) dengan pendekatan metaagregasi (meta-aggregation). Mekanisme remediasi tanah menggunakan biochar prinsipnya tidak menghilangkan logam tetapi mengakumulasinya menjadi endapan hidroksida maupun karbonat dengan bantuan mikroorganisme yang ada. Pemberian Biochar sekam padi dapat meningkatkan nilai pH mencapai ≥5,0 dan hasil gabah sebesar 20% di lahan rawa pasang surut yang intensif dibudidayakan. Peningkatan nilai pH tanah mendukung pembentukan endapan hidroksida Fe yang diendapkan pada akar padi

    Karakteristik Kimia Lahan Gambut Dangkal dan Potensinya untuk Pertanaman Cabai dan Tomat

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    Experiment was conducted on shallow peat with depth (50 - 75 cm) and C/D flooding type at Purwodadi village, Maliku District, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan in wet season 2003. Ten samples were taken from areal of 2 ha for studying characteristics of shallow peat. Nutrient absorption of crops and soil nutrient after harvesting were also analyzed. This experiment used split plot design with three replications. As a main plot was input application (M1) : manure (5.000 kg/ha), lime (2.000 kg/ha), urea (150 kg/ha), SP36 (312.5 kg/ha) and KCl (200 kg/ha) for tomato and SP36 (187.5 kg/ha) and KCl (125 kg/ha) for red pepper and without application (M0). Five varities of red pepper (Tombak 1, Tanjung 1, Tanjung 2, Prabu and Hot Chilli) and, five varities of tomato (Oval, Ratna, Mirah, Berlian and Permata) were as subplots. The results showed that soil chemical characteristics were : peat depth 50 - 75 cm, phyrite depth 75 - 100 cm, soil pH 3.5 - 4.0, C-organic content 12 - 24 %; range of nutrient availability : N (0.4 - 0.6 %), P (30 - 50 ppm P), K (0.1 - 0.3 me/100 g), Ca (1 - 6 me/100 g), Mg (0 - 1 me/100 g), Fe (20 - 120 ppm Fe) and Al (1 - 7 me/100 g). Availability of nutrients N, P, K, Ca, and Mg was low, and it could be increased by application of some inputs such as manure, lime, urea, SP36 and KCl. Low nutrient availability and crop absorption especially K, Ca, and Mg was a main factor that retarded crop growth. Red pepper and tomato yields ranged 0.59 - 4.02 and 4.77 - 10.99 t/ha for control treatments and 3.44 - 7.72 and 14.85 - 35.98 t/ha with input application

    Karakteristik Kimia Lahan Gambut Dangkal dan Potensinya untuk Pertanaman Cabai dan Tomat

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    Experiment was conducted on shallow peat with depth (50 - 75 cm) and C/D flooding type at Purwodadi village, Maliku District, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan in wet season 2003.  Ten samples were taken from areal of 2 ha for studying characteristics of shallow peat.  Nutrient absorption of crops and soil nutrient after harvesting  were also analyzed.  This experiment used split plot design with three replications.  As a main plot was input application (M1) : manure (5.000 kg/ha), lime (2.000 kg/ha), urea (150 kg/ha), SP36 (312.5 kg/ha) and KCl (200 kg/ha) for tomato and SP36 (187.5 kg/ha) and KCl (125 kg/ha) for red pepper and without application (M0). Five varities of red pepper (Tombak 1, Tanjung 1, Tanjung 2, Prabu and Hot Chilli) and, five varities of tomato (Oval, Ratna, Mirah, Berlian and Permata) were as subplots. The results showed that soil chemical characteristics were : peat depth 50 - 75 cm, phyrite depth 75 - 100 cm, soil pH 3.5 - 4.0, C-organic content 12 - 24 %; range of nutrient availability : N (0.4 - 0.6 %), P (30 - 50 ppm P), K (0.1 - 0.3 me/100 g), Ca (1 - 6 me/100 g), Mg (0 - 1 me/100 g), Fe (20 - 120 ppm Fe) and Al (1 - 7 me/100 g).  Availability of nutrients N, P, K, Ca, and Mg was low, and it could be increased by application of some inputs such as manure, lime, urea, SP36 and KCl.  Low nutrient availability and crop absorption especially K, Ca, and Mg was a main factor that retarded crop growth.  Red  pepper and tomato yields ranged 0.59 - 4.02 and 4.77 - 10.99 t/ha for control treatments and 3.44 - 7.72 and 14.85 - 35.98 t/ha with input application.   Key words : amelioration, yield potency, red pepper, tomato, shallow pea

    Root-induced Changes in the Rhizosphere of Extreme High Yield Tropical Rice: 2. Soil Solution Chemical Properties

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    Our previous studies showed that the extreme high yield tropical rice (Padi Panjang) produced 3-8 t ha-1 without fertilizers. We also found that the rice yield did not correlate with some soil properties. We thought that it may be due to ability of root in affecting soil properties in the root zone. Therefore, we studied the extent of rice root in affecting the chemical properties of soil solution surrounding the root zone. A homemade rhizobox (14x10x12 cm) was used in this experiment. The rhizobox was vertically segmented 2 cm interval using nylon cloth that could be penetrated neither root nor mycorrhiza, but, soil solution was freely passing the cloth. Three soils of different origins (Kuin, Bunipah and Guntung Papuyu) were used. The segment in the center was sown with 20 seeds of either Padi Panjang or IR64 rice varieties. After emerging, 10 seedlings were maintained for 5 weeks. At 4 weeks after sowing, some chemical properties of the soil solution were determined. These were ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe2+) concentrations and pH, electric conductivity (EC) and oxidation reduction potential (ORP). In general, the plant root changed solution chemical properties both in- and outside the soil rhizosphere. The patterns of changes were affected by the properties of soil origins. The release of exudates and change in ORP may have been responsible for the changes soil solution chemical properties.Keywords: Ammonium, electrical conductivity, iron, nitrate, oxidation reduction potential, pH, phosphorus [How to Cite: Purnomo E, D Choiron, R Yulia, H Halim, Krisdianto, A Hairani and M Osaki. 2012. Adding Organic Matter Enhanced the Effectiveness of Silicate Rock Fertilizer for Food Crops Grown on Nutritionally Root-induced Changes in the Rhizosphere of Extreme High Yield Tropical Rice: 2. Soil Solution Chemical Properties. J Trop Soils, 17 (3): 67-74. doi: 10.5400/jts.2012.17.3.189][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2012.17.3.189

    Root-induced Changes in the Rhizosphere of Extreme High Yield Tropical Rice: 1. Soil Chemical Properties

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    Root-induced Changes in the Rhizosphere of Extreme High Yield Tropical Rice: 1. Soil Chemical Properties     (E Purnomo,  M Turjaman, A Hairani, A Mursyid, D Choiron, R Yulia and M Osaki): Padi Panjang cultivar is one of many local rice cultivars found in South Kalimantan that yields 8 Mg ha-1 without fertilizer after last transplanting. The mechanisms involved in sustaining nutrient supply to sustain the extreme high yield are of interest. The following work aims to investigate the changes of soil chemical properties in rizhosphere of Padi Panjang cultivar. The Padi Panjang cultivar was grown in a rhizobox filled with soils from 3 different villages in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan Province, namely, Kuin, Bunipah and Guntung Papuyu. The rice plant was grown for 5 weeks. At the end of the growing period, soil chemical properties such as pH, aluminum (Al), phosphorus (P), potassium (K+), ammonium (NH4+), and nitrate (NO3-) were measured. The results showed that Padi Panjang cultivar had the capability to change the soil chemical properties in the rhizophere. The impact was more extent compared with IR64 cultivar. The changes were depended on soil character, especially, soil texture. The soil from Guntung Papuyu was the least affected by root. It was observed that Padi Panjang cultivar acidified more than IR64. A depletion zone of K+ and NH4+ was found in the rhizosphere of both Padi Panjang and IR64 cultivars. The depletion zone of these ions could reach as far as 3 cm from the rhizosphere. For P, the depletion zone only occurred in the rhizosphere soil of IR64 cultivar. However, for Padi Panjang cultivar, the depletion zone of P did not exist. The Padi Panjang cultivar was able to maintain P concentration the same as or higher than control soil without plant. This is the first report showing that Padi Panjang cultivar can be considered as efficient lowland rice cultivar in absorbing not only P but also K in a P- and K-deficient-soil

    Yield Gap in Cayenne Pepper Production in South Kalimantan

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    Swampy land is potential land for the development of cayenne pepper. However, there is a yield gap between swamp and dry land plants. The gap in the yield of cayenne pepper plants between dry and dry land is caused by the acidity of the soil in the swamp land which results in low cayenne pepper productio

    Effect of biochar application on mineral and microbial properties of soils growing different plant species

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    Biochar is widely used as a soil amendment to increase crop yields. However, the details of its impact on soil properties have not been fully understood. A pot experiment was conducted using soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Toyoharuka) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench cv. Hybrid Sorgo) under four soil treatment combinations (cattle farmyard manure with or without biochar and rapeseed cake with or without biochar) to elucidate the mechanisms of its beneficial effects on plant growth in terms of the microbial community structure and mineral availability in soils with different types of organic manure application. The application of biochar significantly increased the growth of both species, particularly sorghum with rapeseed cake application by 1.48 times higher than that without biochar. Microbial activity in soil was also enhanced by biochar application in both species with rapeseed cake application, particularly in sorghum. Principal component analysis using Biolog EcoPlate (TM) data indicated that biochar application changed the microbial community structure in soil, particularly sorghum-grown soil. The changes in microbial community structure in sorghum were considered to be at least partly affected by changes in soil pH due to interaction between plant and biochar under organic manure application. Biochar application had little effect on the profile of ammonium-acetate-extractable mineral elements in soil including calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium and sulfur with both types of manure application under soybean. Under sorghum, however, biochar with rapeseed cake manure application altered the profile. This alteration is attributable to an increase in the extractable concentration of certain metals in the soil including aluminum, cadmium and zinc, possibly caused by enhanced organic matter decomposition producing metal-chelating organic compounds. These different changes in the soil properties by biochar application may be directly or indirectly related to the different growth responses of different plant species to biochar application under organic manure application