956 research outputs found

    Economic data sources for enterprise’s information and analytical support systems

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    Систематизовано джерела інформації для аналітиків підприємства, які збирають дані для їх подальшого опрацювання та аналізу інформаційною системою з метою підвищення ефективності управлінських рішень. Вибрано й проаналізовано сім основних джерел. Інтернет-джерела визначено найперспективнішими й доступними для малих і середніх підприємств. Розглянуто ряд програмного забезпечення (наприклад Teleport, Offline Explorer, WebCopier як інструменти для завантаження та збереження веб-сайтів, Avalanche, як засіб автоматичного збору інтернет-даних), а також апаратного забезпечення для цих цілей. Крім цього, показано, що метод text-mining є ефективним інструментом для видобування знань із загальних відомостей конкурентного характеру. За допомогою цього інструменту можна шукати й опрацювати інформацію в Інтернеті автоматично, дозволяючи аналітикам значно підвищити ефективність і суттєво знизити витрати на цей вид робіт. Також розкрито особливості, переваги та недоліки купівлі готових до використання інформаційних продуктів, що значно спрощує процедуру отримання нових знань про середовище підприємства, але, як правило, є дорогою і може мати ряд недоліків, таких, як можливість отримання неякісної інформації. Зроблено висновок, що вибір джерел керівництвом повинен бути зроблений, виходячи із потреб та можливостей компанії. В якості подальших шляхів дослідження в даному напрямку автор назвав сучасні комплекси програмного забезпечення для збору, систематизації й зберігання інформації про конкурентне середовище, яка необхідна для відділів, що приймають управлінські рішення.The article systematizes information sources for enterprises analysts, who receive the data for further processing and analysis with information system to improve management decisions. In this paper seven main sources are selected and analyzed. Internet sources are found to be the most promising and available for small and medium enterprises. The author has also conducted the research of the most affordable software (such as Teleport, Offline Explorer, WebCopier as tools for site-saving, Avalanche as an automatic internet information-mining tool) and also hardware for these purposes. In addition to this, the author revealed that Text-mining method is a highly effective tool for knowledge extraction with competitive nature of the data sets. With this tool it is possible to search and process information on the Internet automatically, allowing for analysts to significantly improve efficiency and reduce costs for this type of work. The features, advantages and disadvantages of purchasing of ready-made information products are also shown. Purchase of ready-to-use information products now greatly simplifies the procedure for obtaining new knowledge about the environment, but is usually expensive and can have a number of shortcomings like a lack of information quality. The author concludes that the choice of sources by management has to be done carefully, basing on the needs and capabilities of the company. As a further way of study in this direction the author can name modern software tool packages for gathering, systematization and storage of competitive information for enterprises decision making units

    Pemanfaatan Wondershare Quiz Creator Dalam Tes Berbasis Komputer

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    Designing test items manually done by the teachers of SMA Harapan I Medan isn’t effective and effeciency. It is proved by the teachers who collected answering  test late.  It is happened because a teacher in the certain field makes test items with various types in a short time. Beside an uneffective and unefficient time, it is seen many papers’ distribution not only for test items with various types but also students’ answering which is prepared by the school and there is students’ amnipulating in doing examination. In solving this problems in the school and developing technology, the school comitee wants to change test system manually to be computerized. It means that the students do  using computer (computer based test) by using  wondershare quiz creator application. Wondershare Quiz Creator is an aplication which is used in making online test (electronic test) by upload test in a website and the users are able to do test in web by using computer connected by the interne

    Strategi Pendidik Mengatasi Kendala Mengembangkan Bahasa Anak Masa New Normal di Taman Kanak-Kanak Ath-Thaharah

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    Pada masa new normal seperti sekarang ini proses pembelajaran di sekolah berbeda dari biasanya, dimana terdapat  perubahan dalam sistem kegiatan pembelajaran yang menyebabkan adanya kendala atau hambatan selama proses pembelajaran. Kendala atau hambatan yang terjadi dapat disebabkan berbagai hal dari segi orangtua, anak bahkan guru. Untuk itu pelaksanaan strategi yang tepat dalam mengatasi kendala yang terjadi saat mengembangkan aspek bahasa anak di masa new normal ini sangatlah penting, agar bahasa anak tetap berkembang dengan baik walaupun kegiatan pembelajaran dibatasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui strategi apa saja yang dapat dikembangkan oleh pendidik untuk mengatasi kendala dalam mengembangkan aspek bahasa anak pada masa new normal di Taman Kanak-kanak/ Raudhatul Athfal Ath Thaharah Lubuk Sikaping. Jenis penelitian ini ialah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi yang dapat dikembangkan guru untuk mengatasi kendala dalam mengembangkan aspek bahasa anak di Taman Kanak-kanak/ Raudhatul Athfal Ath Thaharah Lubuk Sikaping. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2021. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan seperti observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Serta teknik analisis data penelitian ini yakni : reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Sedangkan teknik keabsahan data yang dipakai berupa teknik triangulasi Hasil dari penelitian ini secara umum pada masa new normal strategi yang dapat dilakukan guru untuk mengembangan bahasa anak ialah dengan menggunakan metode bercerita, bernyanyi, Tanya jawab, dimana metode bercerita bernyanyi dan lainnya dapat dilakukan di awal kegiatan, karena mengingat waktu pembelajaran yang dipersingkat

    Distinguishing f(R) theories from general relativity by gravitational lensing effect

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    The post-Newtonian formulation of a general class of f(R) theories is set up to 3rd order approximation. It turns out that the information of a specific form of f(R) gravity is encoded in the Yukawa potential, which is contained in the perturbative expansion of the metric components. Although the Yukawa potential is canceled in the 2nd order expression of the effective refraction index of light, detailed analysis shows that the difference of the lensing effect between the f(R) gravity and general relativity does appear at the 3rd order when f(0)/f(0)\sqrt{f''(0)/f'(0)} is larger than the distance d0d_0 to the gravitational source. However, the difference between these two kinds of theories will disappear in the axially symmetric spacetime region. Therefore only in very rare case the f(R) theories are distinguishable from general relativity by gravitational lensing effect at the 3rd order post-Newtonian approximation.Comment: 14 page

    Relationship Between Information Technology Benefits, Attitude and Effectiveness on Employers Needs on Accounting Information System Programs (AIS): A Case From Hatyai Songkhla Province, Thailand

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    This study was conducted to explore the relationship of employer needs accounting information system programs (AIS) and company behavior among the company in Hatyai Songkhla Province, Thailand. Company’s behavior and employer needs AIS programs were treated as independent and dependent variables respectively. Company’s behavior measured with respect to IT benefits, Attitudes and AIS effectiveness. Employer needs AIS programs were measured with the perception of the quality of information by users. A total of 203 respondents from the population of 24 companies participated in this study. Data was collected through the distribution of questionnaire, which was designed to measure the companies behavior with a statement on a five liker scale point, ranging from one (strongly disagree) to five (Strongly agree). Three hypotheses were tested for this study. Data was analyzed using the SPSS software to obtain the frequencies, means, medium, standard, deviation and correlations between variables. The results show that three independent have positive relationship with employer needs AIS Programs


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    Bayi prematur bayi yang lahir sebelum usia gestasi ≤ 37 minggu. Penyebab tersering terjadinya kematian bayi prematur adalah gangguan pada sistem pernafasan respirasi distress syndrome (RDS). Upaya untuk mencegahan terjadinya komplikasi prematur seperti sindrom distres pernafasan, retinopati prematuritas dan untuk mengurangi lama nya hari rawatan pada bayi prematur terutama dalam mempertahankan fungsi fisiologis, salah satu upaya tersebut diantaranya dengan terapi musik lullaby. Terapi musik lullaby musik yang irama konstan dan stabil, melodi tenang tidak mengejutkan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan stabilitas fisiologis pada bayi prematur, Musik di berikan selama 2 hari selama 30 menit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi musik terhadap frekuensi pernafasan, frekuensi denyut jantung dan sarurasi oksigen pada bayi prematur. Jenis penelitian ini quasi experiment dengan pretest – posttest non equivalent control gruop. Teknik pengambilan sampel secara consecutive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 20 subjek bayi prematur. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan adanya perbedaan rerata frekeunsi pernafasan, frekuensi denyut jantung dan saturasi oksigen sebelum dan sesudah pemberian terapi musik ( p value < 0,05 ). Di harapkan perawat dapat mengaplikasikan terapi musik lullaby salah satu cara untuk membuat bayi tenang, nyaman serta dapat menurunkan frekuensi pernafasan, frekuensi denyut jantung dan serta meningkatkan sarurasi oksigen

    AMiBA, XMM, and Cluster Surveys

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    The Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy (AMiBA) is an interferometric array of 19 dishes co-mounted on a steerable platform and operating at 95GHz. One of the main scientific aims of AMiBA is to conduct cluster surveys using the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. Here we explore the potential of AMiBA as a tailor-made SZ instrument for the study of cluster physics and cosmology via cluster surveys out to the epoch of cluster formation. In particular, we explore the potential of combining AMiBA cluster surveys with the XMM-LSS (Large Scale Structure) survey.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, to appear in ASP conference series: "AMiBA 2001: High-z Clusters, Missing Baryons, and CMB polarization