37 research outputs found

    Drivers and barriers for Green supply chain management in public organizations

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the driving forces and barriers which may exist at the implementation of green supply chain management (GSCM) within public organizations. Suggestions that may increase or reduce driving forces and barriers to public activities will also be provided, where such is found. The background of the study is that the public sector is such a major customer for many companies / providers, which makes the sector able to highly affect its suppliers. This essay is based on literature studies. The results showed that GSCM is a relatively unexplored area, especially applied on the public sector. Because of this, scientific assumptions have been made, with the help of general GSCM models which has been applied to public organizations. The conclusion is that the driving forces that can be applied to public organizations in particular, are the organization's desire to reduce costs, desire to reinforce / gain legitimacy, pressure from society, regulations and pressure from investors. The barriers that can be linked to public sector organizations are the risk of reduced legitimacy, lack of environmental information, knowledge and training, and regulations.Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att analysera vilka drivkrafter och barriÀrer som kan finnas vid implementering av "green supply chain management" (GSCM) inom offentliga organisationer. Förslag kommer Àven att ges pÄ ÄtgÀrder som kan öka eller minska drivkrafter samt barriÀrer för publika verksamheter, i de fall dÄ sÄdana pÄtrÀffas. Bakgrunden till studien Àr att den offentliga sektorn Àr en sÄ pass stor kund för mÄnga företag/och leverantörer, vilket gör att sektorn i mycket stor utstrÀckning kan pÄverka leverantörerna. Uppsatsen Àr baserad pÄ litteraturstudier och de resultat som erhÄllits visar pÄ att omrÄdet GSCM Àr relativt outforskat, speciellt applicerat pÄ den offentliga sektorn. I och med det har vetenskapliga antaganden istÀllet gjorts utifrÄn generella GSCM-modeller, vilka har applicerats pÄ offentliga organisationer. Slutsatsen Àr att de drivkrafter som kan tillÀmpas pÄ offentliga organisationer framför allt Àr organisationens önskan att reducera kostnader, önskan att stÀrka/vinna legitimitet, tryck frÄn samhÀllet, regleringar samt tryck frÄn investerare. De barriÀrer som kan kopplas till offentliga organisationer Àr risk för minskad legitimitet, bristande miljöinformation, kunskap och utbildning samt regleringar

    Ex vivo detection of lipopolysaccharide immunopositivity in Rushton bodies

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    Aim. Our aim was to investigate how bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is immunoexpressed in periapical lesions. By surprise we detected Rushton bodies (RBs) whose origin has been debatable to be positive for LPS. Methodology. Samples of radicular cysts (N=70) were stained in order to identify variations in LPS immunoexpression indicating bacterial background. For immunostaining, we used an anti-LPS antibody from Escherichia coli, and for visualization Horse Radish Peroxidase labeled polymer as the secondary antibody. Results. RBs showed positivity for LPS in radicular cysts. After collection of radicular cyst samples (70 in total), we noted that all RBs (N=25) histologically detected in tissue samples were positive for LPS. Furthermore, calcification in the cyst capsule showed immunopositivity. Conclusion. We demonstrate for the first time that LPS is present in RBs, indicating that host response to bacteria might be the initial cause of the formation of these hyaline bodies in the cyst epithelium and cyst capsule calcifications

    Matrix Metalloproteinase 8 Expression in a Tumour Predicts a Favourable Prognosis in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a significant cause of cancer-related death globally, and, despite improvements in diagnostics and treatment, survival remains poor. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are enzymes involved in stroma remodelling in inflammation and cancer. MMP-8 plays a varied prognostic role in cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. We examined the prognostic value of MMP-8 immunoexpression in tumour tissue and the amount of MMP-8-positive polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) in PDAC and their association with immune responses using C-reactive protein (CRP) as a marker of systemic inflammation. Tumour samples from 141 PDAC patients undergoing surgery in 2002–2011 at the Department of Surgery, Helsinki University Hospital were stained immunohistochemically, for which we evaluated MMP-8 expression in cancer cells and the amount of MMP-8-positive PMNs. We assessed survival using the Kaplan–Meier analysis while uni- and multivariable analyses relied on the Cox proportional hazards model. A negative MMP-8 stain and elevated CRP level predicted a poor prognosis (hazard ratio [HR] = 6.95; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.69–17.93; p < 0.001) compared to a positive stain and low CRP level

    Matrix Metalloproteinase 8 Expression in a Tumour Predicts a Favourable Prognosis in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a significant cause of cancer-related death globally, and, despite improvements in diagnostics and treatment, survival remains poor. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are enzymes involved in stroma remodelling in inflammation and cancer. MMP-8 plays a varied prognostic role in cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. We examined the prognostic value of MMP-8 immunoexpression in tumour tissue and the amount of MMP-8-positive polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) in PDAC and their association with immune responses using C-reactive protein (CRP) as a marker of systemic inflammation. Tumour samples from 141 PDAC patients undergoing surgery in 2002-2011 at the Department of Surgery, Helsinki University Hospital were stained immunohistochemically, for which we evaluated MMP-8 expression in cancer cells and the amount of MMP-8-positive PMNs. We assessed survival using the Kaplan-Meier analysis while uni- and multivariable analyses relied on the Cox proportional hazards model. A negative MMP-8 stain and elevated CRP level predicted a poor prognosis (hazard ratio [HR] = 6.95; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.69-17.93; p p = 0.001). MMP-8 expression in the tumour served as an independent positive prognostic factor (HR = 0.33; 95% CI 0.16-0.68; p = 0.003). Tumour MMP-8 expression and a low CRP level may predict a favourable outcome in PDAC with similar results for MMP-8-positive PMNs and low CRP levels. Tumoural MMP-8 expression represents an independent positive prognostic factor in PDAC

    HÄllbara textilier : En jÀmförelse mellan viskos och polyester

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    I detta kandidatexamensarbete inom hĂ„llbar energiteknik görs en jĂ€mförelse av de tvĂ„ textilierna polyester och viskos. EnergianvĂ€ndning, kemikalieomsĂ€ttning och kostnad analyseras och resultatet jĂ€mförs sedan med hjĂ€lp av en SWOT-analys.Polyester Ă€r den vanligaste syntetfibern och Ă€r ett material som anvĂ€nds i mĂ„nga av vĂ„ra klĂ€der. Fibern som Ă€r vĂ€ldigt stark och elastisk, utvinns ur petroleum. Petroleum Ă€r en fossil olja som inte Ă€r förnybar och bryts ner vĂ€ldigt lĂ„ngsamt i naturen. Stora mĂ€ngder av jordens oljeresurser förbrukas vid tillverkning av polyester och mĂ„nga kemikalier som skadar miljön slĂ€pps ut.Viskos Ă€r ett regenatfiber. UtgĂ„ngsmaterialet för att tillverka viskos Ă€r ett rĂ„material med sĂ„ högt innehĂ„ll av cellulosa som möjligt. Cellulosan genomgĂ„r mĂ„nga steg innan den övergĂ„r till en gulaktig lösning som kallas viskos. För att spinna denna viskos genomgĂ„s ytterligare ett antal processer innan garnet Ă€r fĂ€rdigt. Under en tillverkningsprocess för viskos tillsĂ€tts mĂ„nga olika kemikalier och en stor mĂ€ngd vatten anvĂ€nds.I resultatdelen presenteras de bĂ„da textilernas fördelar, nackdelar, möjligheter och hot i en SWOT-analys. UtifrĂ„n denna analys kan textilierna jĂ€mföras pĂ„ ett tydligt sĂ€tt.Sett till energikonsumtionen krĂ€ver polyestertillverkning mer energi Ă€n en tillverkningsprocess för viskos. Andelen utslĂ€pp av skadliga kemikalier Ă€r högre för viskos, pĂ„ grund av att hela tillverkningsprocessen krĂ€ver mĂ„nga tillsĂ€ttningar av kemikalier av olika slag. Dessa kemikalieutslĂ€pp kan minskas om slutna system anvĂ€nds, men dessvĂ€rre varierar anvĂ€ndandet av dessa slutna system vĂ€rlden över. Sett till marknadspriset har polyestertrĂ„d ett förhĂ„llandevis lĂ„gt pris jĂ€mfört med viskos. Även polyesterfiber Ă€r billigare Ă€n viskosfiber.In this degree project within sustainable energy engineering a comparison is made between two textiles, polyester and viscose. Energy use, chemical revenue and cost is analysed and the result is then compared using a SWOT analysis.Polyester is the most common synthetic fibre and a material that is widely used in clothes. The fibre, which is very strong, is extracted from petroleum. Petroleum is a fossil oil, which isn't renewable and breaks down very slowly in nature. Big amounts of the earth's oil resources are consumed by manufacturing of polyester and a lot of environmentally damaging chemicals is released in the process.Viscose is a semi-synthetic fibre. The starting material to produce viscose is a raw material with as high cellulose content as possible. The cellulose undergoes many steps before it merges to a yellowish solution called viscose. To spin this, the viscose undergoes further processes before the yarn is complete. During a manufacturing process for viscose a lot of different chemicals is added and a big amount of water is used.In the result, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for both the textiles are presented in a SWOT analysis. From this analysis the textiles can be compared in a clear way.In regard of energy use manufacturing of polyester demands more energy than the manufacturing of viscose. The amount of damaging chemicals is higher for viscose, due to the fact that chemicals are needed during the whole manufacturing process. This chemical revenue can be reduced if a closed system is used, but unfortunately the use of these vary depending on where in the world the fabric is located. In regard of the market-price, yarn made of polyester has a relatively low price compared to viscose. Also fibre made of polyester has a lower price than viscose

    HÄllbara textilier : En jÀmförelse mellan viskos och polyester

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    I detta kandidatexamensarbete inom hĂ„llbar energiteknik görs en jĂ€mförelse av de tvĂ„ textilierna polyester och viskos. EnergianvĂ€ndning, kemikalieomsĂ€ttning och kostnad analyseras och resultatet jĂ€mförs sedan med hjĂ€lp av en SWOT-analys.Polyester Ă€r den vanligaste syntetfibern och Ă€r ett material som anvĂ€nds i mĂ„nga av vĂ„ra klĂ€der. Fibern som Ă€r vĂ€ldigt stark och elastisk, utvinns ur petroleum. Petroleum Ă€r en fossil olja som inte Ă€r förnybar och bryts ner vĂ€ldigt lĂ„ngsamt i naturen. Stora mĂ€ngder av jordens oljeresurser förbrukas vid tillverkning av polyester och mĂ„nga kemikalier som skadar miljön slĂ€pps ut.Viskos Ă€r ett regenatfiber. UtgĂ„ngsmaterialet för att tillverka viskos Ă€r ett rĂ„material med sĂ„ högt innehĂ„ll av cellulosa som möjligt. Cellulosan genomgĂ„r mĂ„nga steg innan den övergĂ„r till en gulaktig lösning som kallas viskos. För att spinna denna viskos genomgĂ„s ytterligare ett antal processer innan garnet Ă€r fĂ€rdigt. Under en tillverkningsprocess för viskos tillsĂ€tts mĂ„nga olika kemikalier och en stor mĂ€ngd vatten anvĂ€nds.I resultatdelen presenteras de bĂ„da textilernas fördelar, nackdelar, möjligheter och hot i en SWOT-analys. UtifrĂ„n denna analys kan textilierna jĂ€mföras pĂ„ ett tydligt sĂ€tt.Sett till energikonsumtionen krĂ€ver polyestertillverkning mer energi Ă€n en tillverkningsprocess för viskos. Andelen utslĂ€pp av skadliga kemikalier Ă€r högre för viskos, pĂ„ grund av att hela tillverkningsprocessen krĂ€ver mĂ„nga tillsĂ€ttningar av kemikalier av olika slag. Dessa kemikalieutslĂ€pp kan minskas om slutna system anvĂ€nds, men dessvĂ€rre varierar anvĂ€ndandet av dessa slutna system vĂ€rlden över. Sett till marknadspriset har polyestertrĂ„d ett förhĂ„llandevis lĂ„gt pris jĂ€mfört med viskos. Även polyesterfiber Ă€r billigare Ă€n viskosfiber.In this degree project within sustainable energy engineering a comparison is made between two textiles, polyester and viscose. Energy use, chemical revenue and cost is analysed and the result is then compared using a SWOT analysis.Polyester is the most common synthetic fibre and a material that is widely used in clothes. The fibre, which is very strong, is extracted from petroleum. Petroleum is a fossil oil, which isn't renewable and breaks down very slowly in nature. Big amounts of the earth's oil resources are consumed by manufacturing of polyester and a lot of environmentally damaging chemicals is released in the process.Viscose is a semi-synthetic fibre. The starting material to produce viscose is a raw material with as high cellulose content as possible. The cellulose undergoes many steps before it merges to a yellowish solution called viscose. To spin this, the viscose undergoes further processes before the yarn is complete. During a manufacturing process for viscose a lot of different chemicals is added and a big amount of water is used.In the result, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for both the textiles are presented in a SWOT analysis. From this analysis the textiles can be compared in a clear way.In regard of energy use manufacturing of polyester demands more energy than the manufacturing of viscose. The amount of damaging chemicals is higher for viscose, due to the fact that chemicals are needed during the whole manufacturing process. This chemical revenue can be reduced if a closed system is used, but unfortunately the use of these vary depending on where in the world the fabric is located. In regard of the market-price, yarn made of polyester has a relatively low price compared to viscose. Also fibre made of polyester has a lower price than viscose