229 research outputs found

    Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Methods for Prediction of Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis Percent Dry Weight

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    Reliable fish condition estimates are valued by fisheries ecologists and managers. Fish condition is used as an indicator of ecosystem health or to assess the population status for a species of interest. In aquaculture, proximate composition estimates are often wanted because of their relationship to fillet quality. Past researchers have used bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to provide nonlethal mass based estimates of proximate composition for fish. Percent dry weight (PDW) of a fish is highly correlated to proximate composition values and energy density, therefore reliable predictions of PDW would eliminate the need for costly and laboratory analyses lethal to the fish. Past researchers have had limited success predicting percent based estimates of proximate composition using BIA, indicating that improvements in the method are needed. Therefore, objectives were to determine if electrode location influences BIA models, develop methods for small fish, develop temperature corrections for BIA measures, and field validate laboratory derived BIA models. To determine electrode location influence and develop small fish methods, 270 brook trout (50-300 mm TL) had BIA measurements taken at seven different electrode locations. Temperature corrections were developed by sampling 270 fish at three different temperatures (5, 12.5, and 20ºC). Field validation of BIA models was accomplished by sampling brook trout monthly at nine Appalachian Mountain headwater stream sites for an entire year. For adult brook trout, one set of measurements should be taken by placing the electrodes along the dorsal midline of the fish and a second set should be taken at the dorsal to ventral pre dorsal fin location (DTV). For age-0 fish the DTV location should be used in combination with a second set taken at the dorsal total length location. Temperature correction equations were successfully developed and improved model performance. Field validation demonstrated that BIA can provide reliable estimates of mean percent dry weight or energy density but estimates for individual fish were unreliable. The BIA model predictions were able to demonstrate that large changes in adult Appalachian brook trout body condition occurred. These changes were likely related to energy depletion from reproduction and changes in terrestrial invertebrate consumption


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    PT.Bonli Cipta Sejahtera merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak pada industri kue kering di Indonesia. Saat ini PT.Bonli Cipta Sejahtera sedang mencari strategi baru yang dapat memaksimalkan pendapatan ditengah persaingan industri makanan dan minuman yang terus mengalami pertumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran model bisnis dari PT.Bonli Cipta Sejahtera jika ditinjau dari aspek-aspek pada Business Model Canvas dan mengetahui strategi bisnis yang sesuai dan disarankan untuk diterapkan kepada PT.Bonli Cipta Sejahtera. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kombinasi karena menggabungkan antara metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gambaran model bisnis PT.Bonli Cipta Sejahtera saat ini sudah cukup baik jika ditinjau dari aspek-aspek Business Model Canvas. Saran bagi PT.Bonli Cipta Sejahtera agar menambah media online dan offline untuk lebih menjangkau pelanggan, yang kedua menjaga hubungan baik dengan pelanggan melalui IT, yang ketiga menambah varian jenis kue agar pelanggan tidak bosan, yang keempat memberikan promo-promo khusus kepada pelanggannya, yang kelima membuat delivery service agar memudahkan pelanggan melakukan pembelian dan saran yang terakhir membuat anak perusahaan agar menambah pendapatan perusahaan


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    Observations on return to estrus from anestrus postpartum beef cows were used as the basis for a simulation study to develop a method to determine numbers of locations and animals per treatment per location to achieve a specified power of test. Estimates of among location and total variance were obtained by REML from the data set and then used to generate simulated data for the binomial trait. Each combination of several pre-determined factors was replicated 1000 times. Pre-determined factors were number of locations, number of animals per treatment per location, desired detectable difference due to treatment, alpha-probability level and ratio of among location to total variance. Two methods were used to test for treatment differences. In Method 1, simulated data were analyzed using a mixed model with the variance components used for the simulation based on estimates from the postpartum cow data. For Method 2, variance components were re-estimated from each replicate of the simulated data and used in the mixed model equations. The number of significant differences due to treatment was counted for the 1000 replicates. The fraction of replicates with significant differences is an empirical estimate of the power of the test. The comparison of power of test between the two methods indicates Method 2 may be preferable for empirical estimation of power of test

    La performance dans le management de projets : Contribution à l’étude des facteurs clés de succès du management de projets évènementiels dans la ville d’Agadir, Maroc

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    RésuméL’objet de cet article est de montrer, sur la base d’une étude quantitativeréalisée dans le secteur évènementieldans la ville d’Agadir (Maroc), Que laperformance dans le management de projets est essentiellement une question de comportements des acteurs de projets, mais aussi de l’emploi des outils et des techniques. Autrement dit, l’atteinte de la performance nécessite la prise encompte des facteurs reliés aux valeurs, des facteurs reliés à l’organisation, desfacteurs technologiques et des facteurs humains.Mots-clés : la performance dans le management de projets, les facteurs desuccès du management de projets, les facteurs de succès du management deprojets évènementiels.AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to show, based on a quantitative study in theevents sector in the city of Agadir (Morocco) that project managementperformance is essentially a question of behavior, but also the use of tools andtechniques. In other words, the achievement of the performance requiresconsideration of factors related to values, factors related to organizational,technological factors and human factors.Keywords: project management performance, project management successfactors, project management success factors for events


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    The demand for reliable identification systems has grown recently. Using the mean frequency, median frequency, band power, and Welch power spectral density (PSD) of ECG data, we proposed a novel biometric approach in this study. ECG signals are more secure than other traditional biometric modalities because they are impossible to forge and duplicate. Three different support vector machine classifiers—linear SVM, quadratic SVM, and cubic SVM—are employed for the classification. The MIT-BIH arrhythmia database is used to evaluate the suggested method's precision. For the linear SVM, quadratic SVM, and cubic SVM, respectively, test accuracy of 93.6%, 96.4%, and 97.0% was obtained


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    The demand for reliable identification systems has grown recently. Using the mean frequency, median frequency, band power, and Welch power spectral density (PSD) of ECG data, we proposed a novel biometric approach in this study. ECG signals are more secure than other traditional biometric modalities because they are impossible to forge and duplicate. Three different support vector machine classifiers—linear SVM, quadratic SVM, and cubic SVM—are employed for the classification. The MIT-BIH arrhythmia database is used to evaluate the suggested method's precision. For the linear SVM, quadratic SVM, and cubic SVM, respectively, test accuracy of 93.6%, 96.4%, and 97.0% was obtained

    Fixed-time artificial insemination in beef cattle

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    which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Background: The study was designed to test the effect of fixed-time artificial insemination (fixed-AI) after the slightly modified Ovsynch protocol on the pregnancy rate in beef cattle in Finnish field conditions. The modification was aimed to optimize the number of offsprings per AI dose. Methods: Ninety Charolais cows and heifers were entered into the program an average of 1.8 times. Thus, 164 animal cases were included. Animals were administered 10-12 μg of buserelin. Seven days later animals without a corpus luteum (CL) were rejected (20.7%) while the remaining 130 cases with a CL were administered prostaglandin F2α, followed 48 h later with a second injection of buserelin (8-10 μg). Fixed-AI was performed 16-20 hours after the last injection. Results: The pregnancy rate was 51.5 % (67/130). The pregnancy rate after a short interval (50-70 d) from calving to entering the program was significantly higher than that after a long interval (>70 d). Conclusion: This protocol seems to give acceptable pregnancy results in beef herds and its effect on saving labour is notable

    Quantifying the role of woody debris in providing bioenergetically favorable habitat for juvenile salmon

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    The habitat complexity of a riverine ecosystem influences the bioenergetics of drift feeding fish. We coupled hydrodynamic and bioenergetic models to assess the influence of habitat complexity generated by large woody debris (LWD) on the growth potential of juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in a river that lacked large wood. Simulations indicated how LWD diversified the flow field, creating pronounced velocity gradients, which enhanced fish feeding and resting activities at the sub-meter scale. Fluid drag created by individual wood structures increased under higher wood loading amounts, leading to a 5-19% reduction in the reach-averaged velocity. The reach-scale growth potential was asymptotically related to wood loading, suggesting that the river became saturated with LWD and additional loading would produce minimal benefit for the configurations we simulated. In the scenario we analyzed for illustration, LWD additions could quadruple the potential growth area available before that limit was reached for the configurations selected for demonstration. Wood depletion in the world's rivers has been documented extensively, leading to widespread attempts by river managers to reverse this trend by adding wood to simplified aquatic habitats. However, systematic prediction of the effects of wood on fish growth has not been previously accomplished. We offer a quantitative approach for assessing the influence of wood on habitat potential for fish growth at the microhabitat and reach-scales. © 2014 Elsevier B.V